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at home - team plays in their own stadium

qualify for something - be good enough to enter a competition. Претендувати на,
кваліфікуватися в, брати участь в
knockout competition - at each stage the winner continues but the loser is no longer in it.
runner-up - the person or team that comes second in a competition. Людина\команда, яка
зайняла 2-ге місце
the rest - the remaining people or things. Інші
eliminate somebody from something - the team or person has been beaten and can no longer
take part in competition. Відсторонювати, ліквідувати
draw - the act of deciding something by pulling names out of a bag. Жереб
round - a stage in a competition
get through - reach the next stage in a competition. Пройти через
neutral - not belonging to either team which is playing. Нейтральний
to play away - to play in the opposing team's stadium. Грати на виїзді
venue - play where an organised event happens. Місце події
victory - success in a game, war
last chance - last opportunity
an outside chance - a small possibility. Малесенький шанс
big chance - large opportunity
form - the way in which somebody is performing. Форма, стиль
league - a set of teams who play each other over a season to find the best team
a (good/bad) run - a period of performing well or badly. Хороший\поганий хід\партія\забіг
unbeaten - not having lost. Непереможний
promotion - the action of moving a team up to a higher league. Просування, перехід в вищу
let somebody down - fail to give somebody the help and support they need. Підвести когось
under pressure - in a stressful situation, often because somebody is forcing you to do
something in a certain way. Під тиском
go to pieces - become very nervous or upset and unable to perform. Розвалюватися від
пережиття, нервів.
dominate - (sport) play better and be in control of the game. Домінувати, панувати
on the verge of - near to the moment of doing or achieving something. На межі, за крок від
give something away - lose a game, point, goal through a bad mistake. Упустити щось,
Unit 77
On merit - according to how good somebody is, and for no other reason. По заслугах
On balance - after considering all the facts (all things considered). В підсумку
On the contrary - used for emphasizing that something is true even though it's the opposite of
what has been suggested. Навпаки
On reflection - after thinking carefully. Обдумавши
By choice - as a thing you have chosen. За вибором
Without fail 1= always, 2= when you tell somebody to do something without fail, you're
telling them they must do it. Неодмінно, обов’язково
At short notice - with very little warning (also at a moment's notice). За першою вимогою,
першим соповіщенням
At once - immediately, right away, straightaway. Відразу, негайно
In exchange - if you give somebody something in exchange for something, you give them
something and they give you something of a similar value or type. В обмін
In passing - if you say something in passing, you say it while you are talking about something
else. Попутно, мимохідь
At the very least - as an absolute minimum. Принаймні
Out of touch (with something) - no longer having recent knowledge or information about
something (opposite: in touch), out of luck, out of sight. Поза зв’язком
In honour of somebody/something - in order to show respect and admiration for somebody or
something. В чиюсь честь
Giant - (of a company) very large and successful)
On hold - delayed until a later time or date. Призупинений, в режимі очікування
In memory of somebody/something - in honour of, and to remind people of, somebody who
has died. В чиюсь пам’ять
In possession of something - having or holding something. Володіти чимось
By means of something - with the help or something. За допомогою чогось
In office - in a position of authority, especially in government, in power, in danger, in trouble.
У владі, на посту
Out of respect for somebody - because of consideration and respect felt for somebody. З
поваги до когось
Bereaved - if somebody is bereaved, a close friend or relative has recently died. Загиблий
Under - can mean 'in the process of something'; under investigation, under discussion, under
construction, under attack. Під

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