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Celebrity - a famous person, personality. Знаменитість

deserve sth - it is right that you should have it. Заслуговувати чогось.
survey - An investigation of the opinions or experience of a group of people, based on a series
of questions. Опитування.
Privacy -the state of being alone and not watched or disturbed by others. конфіденційність
Coverage - the reporting of news in the press. Репортаж
in the public eye - well known to many people through TV or the press. В центрі уваги преси,
на виду у громадськості.
findings - information learned as the result of research. Відкриття.
intrusion (into sth) - a thing that comes into sb's life in a negative way. Вторгнення, втручання.
tabloid - a newspaper that gives emphasis to stories about famous people. Таблоїд, бульварна
single (sth/sb) out - to choose sb/sth from a group for special attention. Виділяти
pry into sth - try to find information about people's private lives. Лізти, встрявати в щось
allegedly - another person says to have done it, even though this had not been proved. Нібито,
за голослівним твердженням.
rehab - the process of helping to cure sb with drug or alcohol addiction. Реабілітація.
rock sb/sth - shock or cause upset to sb/sth. Похитнути щось
scandal - a situation in which important people behave in a dishonest or immoral way that shocks
newlyweds - a man and a woman who have not been married to each other for very long.
on the rocks - in difficulties and likely to fail. На межі розриву, на мілі.
rumour - a story or piece of information that may or may not be true. Чутка
custody - the legal right to look after a child (have custody of a child). Опіка.
dump sb- end a romantic relationship with sb. Кинути, залишити когось
give birth to - produce a baby or young animal. Народити
fellow - used to describe sb who is in the same situation as you. Супутник, товариш.
rally (round to sb/sth) - come together to help or support sb/sth. Гуртуватися, збиратися.

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