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Projects 2 – EEWPR2A Semester 1 2023 Assignment 1


ASSIGNMENT 1: Arduino Blinking LED
Aim: To make an LED continuously blink as an introduction to Arduino adapting the circuit to
work with the Arduino Mega 2560 Rev3.


• Illustrate the block diagram of the project using Drawio.

• Design the circuit schematic using Fritzing.

• Utilize the Arduino IDE to develop the code.

• Employ Simul-IDE to simulate the circuit with the code.

• Illustrate the wiring diagram using Fritzing.

• Construct the project on a breadboard.

• Transfer the code to the hardware.

• Evaluate the project build.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this assignment, students will be able to:

• Understand and depict an Arduino project's basic structure through block diagram

• Develop a structured, properly annotated Arduino sketch, signifying programming


• Design and simulate circuits using Fritzing and Simul-IDE, demonstrating electronic
design abilities.

• Exhibit skill in using the Arduino IDE for code development and compilation.

• Gain practical experience in assembling an electronic project, highlighting hands-on

technical abilities.

• Exhibit problem-solving skills in transferring code to an Arduino board and addressing

potential issues.

• Showcase project management and documentation skills by preparing a comprehensive

and timely report.

• Demonstrate creativity and innovation in the design and implementation of the project.

Projects 2 – EEWPR2A Semester 1 2023 Assignment 1
Assessment Criteria:

To successfully complete your Arduino project assignment, please follow the guidelines below,
which are derived from the assessment rubric. These will help ensure that your work meets the
required criteria and is well-organized, comprehensive, and easily understood by the examiner.

• Assignment submission: Ensure that your assignment is submitted on time. Check that
all elements are present, including your report, block diagram, circuit schematic, Arduino
sketch, code, circuit simulation, wiring diagram, and project build. Make sure that all
files are named correctly and are not corrupted.

• Block Diagram: Incorporate a clear, well-organized, and easy-to-understand block

diagram in your report. Ensure it accurately represents the structure and components of
your project.

• Circuit Schematic: Design an accurate circuit schematic incorporating proper component

names and accurate component values.

• Arduino Sketch: Develop a well-structured and properly commented Arduino sketch.

Ensure that your variables, definitions, and libraries are defined and named correctly.
Employ loops, functions, and decision statements appropriately, and make sure your
code compiles without errors.

• Code: Aim for innovation and originality in your project. Show creativity in your design,
implementation, and problem-solving approach.

• Circuit simulation: Design an accurate circuit and load the appropriate firmware binary
file (.hex) to the Arduino Mega. Ensure that your simulation operates as expected and
represents the intended functionality of your project.

• Wiring Diagram: Your wiring diagram should be accurate and clear. It should detail all
connections in your circuit, correctly showing how your components are wired to the
Arduino Mega 2560. It should include the external LED connected to a digital pin between

• Project Build: Your project build should be a physical representation of your wiring
diagram. All components should be correctly placed and connected on the breadboard.
Your student card must be visible in the picture of the project build.

• Summary: Provide a clear, concise and logical summary of the project.

• Project Management: Upload/Submit all required files to the assignment repository in

the appropriate formats (Fritzing, Arduino sketch, firmware binary file, simulation circuit,
and report in PDF). Ensure that all files are named correctly and are not corrupted.

• Practical demonstration: Reconstruct the project in the laboratory utilizing the files
submitted for the assignment. Demonstrate the project for the lecturer.

Projects 2 – EEWPR2A Semester 1 2023 Assignment 1
Assignment Instructions:

1. Refer to the information found at the following link:

2. Write up the report following the objectives starting with the aim. Save the report as a
PDF file.

3. Adapt and modify the circuit as needed to work with the Arduino Mega 2560 Rev.

4. Instead of using the built-in LED, connect an external LED to any digital pin between D0-

5. The LED blink rate should be 0,5s – 1s between blinks (The blinking should be visible).

6. Summary of what was done and achieved, including problems encountered and how it
was solved.

7. Your student card must be included in the Project build picture.

8. Upload/Attach all required files (Refer to Assessment Criteria).

9. Ensure to Submit the assignment (Drafts won’t be marked).

Practical Demonstration:

1. A practical demonstration of the assignment project will be done in the laboratory.

2. The project build must be disassembled before coming into the laboratory.

3. Erase the code currently on your Arduino Mega by uploading a null sketch.

4. Make sure to bring all the required equipment and components needed to reconstruct
the project.

5. You must utilise the files you uploaded to your assignment on Blackboard to reconstruct
the project.

6. Present and demonstrate your project to the lecturer for grading.

7. The maximum time to reconstruct the project is 45 minutes.

NAMING OF FILES: [Student number]_[Assignment#]_[Element].file name extension

EXAMPLE: 207948574_Assignment1_BlockDiagram.drawio

EXAMPLE: 207948574_Assignment1_Report.pdf

Elements: BlockDiagram, Fritzing, Sketch, Firmware, Simulation


Each student must do individual work as this assignment is graded.

No dishonesty or cheating allowed.

Any work even closely resembling any other student’s or published work will be handed over to
the examination committee for adjudication.

Refer to the Study Guide for additional information.


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