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Assignment : 3

Topic : Overcoming Internal and External Stress: Strategies for

Personal Well-being

Program: BBA
Class: BBA 2 afternoon
Submitted by: M Rizwan
Submitted to: Col Munir Ahmad Awan (R)

Stress is a common experience in both our personal and professional

lives. It can originate from internal factors such as self-imposed
pressure, negative self-talk, or perfectionism, as well as external
factors like work demands, relationship issues, or financial challenges.

I. Understanding Internal Stress:

1. Recognizing Internal Stressors:

a. Identifying self-imposed pressure and unrealistic expectations.

b. Becoming aware of negative self-talk and self-criticism.

2. Practicing Self-Compassion:

a. Cultivating self-acceptance and understanding.

b. Challenging negative self-perceptions and embracing self-care.

II. Managing External Stress:

1. Prioritizing and Time Management:

a. Setting realistic goals and expectations.

b. Breaking tasks into manageable chunks and setting deadlines.

c. Delegating responsibilities and learning to say “no” when necessary.

2. Building Supportive Relationships:

a. Seeking social support from friends, family, or colleagues.

b. Engaging in open communication and expressing emotions.

3. Adopting Stress-Reduction Techniques:

a. Regular Physical Exercise:

- Engaging in aerobic exercises, yoga, or meditation.

- Utilizing stress-reducing apps or guided meditation resources.

b. Practicing Relaxation Techniques:

- Deep breathing exercises and progressive muscle relaxation.

- Engaging in hobbies, such as reading, painting, or listening to music.

c. Prioritizing Restful Sleep:

- Establishing a consistent sleep routine.

- Creating a comfortable sleep environment and avoiding electronic

devices before bed.

III. Creating Work-Life Balance:

1. Setting Boundaries:

a. Defining clear boundaries between work and personal life.

b. Allocating specific time for personal activities and relaxation.

c. Avoiding overcommitment and time-consuming distractions.

2. Engaging in Self-Care Activities:

a. Engaging in activities that promote relaxation and self-


b. Taking breaks during the workday to rest and recharge.

c. Nurturing personal interests and hobbies outside of work.


Overcoming internal and external stress is a continuous process that

requires self-awareness, proactive measures, and a commitment to
personal well-being. By implementing the strategies mentioned in this
assignment, individuals can cultivate resilience, improve their ability
to manage stress, and achieve a healthier work-life balance.

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