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Families nowadays have changed a lot, the nature of family changed too.

It is
debatable if families nowadays are as close as they used to be. Families are still
playing a huge role in society, but some factors suggest that they cannot be as
tight as they used to be.
The increased mobility of family members today compared to earlier generations
is one of the main factors. Families used to live close with each other, but now it
is not soo. For job and studying purposes or other reasons, people nowadays
frequently move far away from their family, which makes family relationships less
Individualism is another factor. People now put their personal goals over family
ones. Because of those changes, family values and traditions are becoming less
significant, which makes it harder for family members to feel close to one
Modern technology has also made an impact on families. While technology has
made it simpler to communicate, it has also reduced the amount of time that
family members spend together with each other. People start to communicate
through social media or messagers, which leads to a deficit of face-to-face
In conclusion, families are still playing significant role in our society, but there are
factors suggesting they may no longer be as close as they once were. Some of the
main causes includes the individualism, more mobility, and the impact of

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