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Hero John Carlos Fusio

1st Year Philosophy
The Contemporary World

Oras Na Reflection
Part 1
Part 1 Documentary of the Oras na, tells the environmental Crisis, which the people of
the Philippines have a problem with it, which include natural environmental calamities like
Typhoon, Earthquake, Volcanic Eruption, and all-natural calamities that occur or are experienced
by the people of the Philippines, and it is not only environmental crisis but the people also have
their act of activities that bring them to a disaster like a flood caused by their waste, deforestation
and other human activities that will cause them crisis, in this statement emphasize on how we
respond to this particular problem, that will bring to awareness, and preparedness.
Part 2
Part 2 of the documentary is about the fish crisis in which the people of the Philippines
have a lack of fish products, which the Pilipino forced to catch fish in other countries even if it is
illegal, they hunt during night time so that other countries can’t be caught them, the reason to this
problem is the overfishing. which the fisherman can’t provide for their family’s needs because of
this crisis. This part of the documentary tells us to be responsible for our sea treasures to control
and not abuse what opportunities to catch fish we have because it takes a long period of time to
produce again.
Parts 3 and 4
Part 3 and 4 documentary tells us how water important is in our daily lives which this is
the need to survive, we people in the province have a lot of water supply, but other parts of our
archipelago have a water crisis in which the water is the major problem of the family, we are
thankful and blessed that we have the source but we must also save and not waste our water.
Part 5
Part 5 of the documentary is all about Mother Nature the forest we have a source of food,
materials for building a house even furniture in the house, Tress is the one who can prevent
floods, soil erosion, and landslide these have been our help from that disaster. Deforestation is
the cause of human activities which leads to destroying the habitat of wild animals.
Part 6
Part 6 documentary is all about the energy, which we use daily with use of technology or
machinery, energy is everywhere it is a key which it can work

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