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Statement for: Claimant

Statement No:



I, Mrs Gillian Mackenzie ofi ....................................................C._o_.d_..e._A_................................................... iWILL SAY as follows:-

Previ fusty I made a #ate4ent on March 2OOO, which was fur*her to that of 27 Apr t 1999. I havens[,
seen/the1.~l--laslar Hospital J~e.~.l~

On 29 July 1998 my late mother, Mrs Gladys Richar~s, was admitted to "
~ ’ ~ "" ’ hav n g had a fall

i~c :~s;d~,,Li~% ;,c~ at lunchtime.

Atg.30p.m. chc w=c sent to ~ with my sister, Lesley O’Brien.

My ~ mother had received drug treatments from the previous Christmas~,with haloperidol and

trazadone. Then she was having falls which I believe to have been side effects of the medication. She

was found in the kitchen one night having fallen.

On 30 July 1998 there was a ward round with il Dr I On 31 July 1998 there was a ward round after
the operation to treat the fractured hip. The plan was~.o, return to the nursing home next week.

wanted to find somewhere else for my mother to iv ~ L _ ~ -

Dr Reid was called in because Dr Lord was away on 5 August 1998 ~d

~ said that my mother would go to the C~M"~r Memer~:~ ’. :cc;:.t:’. for ~o to four weeks. We

agreed six weeks because I was going to and from Eastbourne which is where I live.

On 8 August 1998 my mother was given ~ ~i0~t~ll.~il’t,~, ~1 1’1!~ {lu~lli)tr ~t,I "

Onll August 1998 she was transferred to ~~: M:~s;~:’. Hc:~t~ to D~edalus Ward. T~ere is

a discharg~letter fr£m ~dated 10 August 1998~which says "fully weight bearing". I went with my

’~-*~ ~~-""
s~s[~,,~,- , ..... ~m ~-;~’
.... *~’ o n 9 A ug eat 1998 to look at the hos p ta .
u~ ~;’.__. On 11 August 1998

Dr Ba~on notedi’not obviously in pain" and "transfers with a hoist". I obse~ed that ~was mobile.

Dr Barton recorded "1 am happy for nursing staff to confirm death". My mother was given oramorph as

soon as she had arrived.


~,~ ~" ^u~,~;. ~,~ Dr Barton noted, "is this lady well e~ough for another surg ca procedure_~.~.. Staff
. ~-- ~’"
_. , - _, ....... .......
NurseBrewergavehalop~ridolatl.00p.m Mymother~atl.30p.m.~ ~1 ~"’~0

I, At9.00p.m. on 13August 1998 my sister Lesley received atelephone~rom the night ~seat

~ She said that she had just undressed my mother. She saW--hat ~r,oken her

new hip. She had spoken ~o D~ Bdggs~, D~ BaKon~e~, by ~elephone. He said ~o keep
U~ ~ free overnight and there would ~n~~
~~pain be x-rays i because the ~ x-ray~~
[10~f at

~. On ]4 August ~ 998 on the mornin~ a~er th~ten6~~other ha6 an x-rag ~. kesleg

sa,6 that she wante6 her back at~r ~~~:the Acc,6~ an6 ~mer~encg ~e~a~ment
with kesleg an6 it was 6ia~nose6 that the hi~ was not broken but~was 6islocate& It coul6 be

manipulate6 back ~nto ~lace un6er ~ntravenous se6at~on. It was note6 that ~ ha6 alrea6~

become dehydrated having~been out of ~ care since 11 August 1998. There was no

record on the ~file of aRy food or fluids being giveR.

|~,., I attended~on 14 August 1998. She was on an intravenous infusion to get her fluids up. On 17 August

1998 there was a ward round by the Registrar,,,~ felt that my mother was fit for discharge. She was to

keep ~ pillow be~een her legs for ~ ~ nighL There w~s ~ follow up for complications.

She saw the ~, M=,,io,;M ;;cs~ by

~ tn the morning. She was advised to go to ~_c~ ....

~round" ih~ time of the operation She had 2.5mg of morphin On 17

August 1998 she went back to Gcc~_~.’t_ ~ ^" "^~^ " ....... :’^’ and she was readmitted to Daedalus

Ward. She had not arrived by lO.OOa.m, and I was told to come back at 12.00p.m. I got there at
12.15p.m. i~! i~01~r ~

As I got on to the ward ~ was "moaning". She was being fed by a care worker. She was lying on a

bed with a blanket over her and bent to the side with all her weight on her right hip. I asked for her to be


Nurse Crouchman, qualified nurse, came in. Lesley and Nurse Crouchman straightened up my mother.

There was a curer, Linda Balachino, who was Maltese. She had met the ambulance when it arrived.

She said that my mother did not have a canvass stretcher under her. She and the paramedic had

trouble getting her into the bed. I thought something had had happened to the hip and I asked Nurse

Crouchman who did not seem concerned.


was concerned that the hip might be dislocated again. I wanted my mother to be x-rayed. Nurse

Beade said that he would arrange it. He sent the papers down to the x-ray department that they would

not accept t~’nurse’s signature.

My mother was talking to us. She said "this is some darrltadventure". Nurse Beade said that he would

have to wait for Dr Barton to come in to get permission for my mother to go to x-ray which would be at

about 3.00p.m. Lesley went off to ’r’.::::;. ,"’~V""~I. She,~ had dealt with my mother and they sai i ,l
to send her back. Before she came back Nurse Beade came to give her an injectionI I~ Fll;~ I" I~{It~.ll~

I said~.what is it~ ll~e said " it is diamorphine". I said~ get another painkiller. You are not giving her

diamorphine until we know what is wrong with her. He went outside~l assumed~to get something else.

Lesley came back in and said, "you have been having a few words with Philip Beade - he is only doing
his job". He came in with the injectionA lle injected that was
her|leg. I assumed it not diamorph~ne ~ I
O had ~

Dr Barton came back at about 3.30p.m. She agreed that there sl~ould be an x-ray. My mother was still

conscious. The injection given by Nurse Beade was no,on the drug card.

Dr..~.~t,~ba~k into the ro~ 2.30;.,~, ~,~#~a~ ~,~ ~ ~tinq , Dr P=~- e~=m~?:d

sitting outside. We could hear her starting to "moan" again. Then there was dead silence. When she

came out of the x-ray department she was "unconscious". We said to the ~ what die you see.

Usually Lesley was shown the x-ray. The ~’~!_"!_-’o~," would not discuss with us what was found and said

we had to see the ~tbctor which was ~ Peters from Dr Barton’s surgery. He was the witness who

gave evidence at the General Medical Council~- T’,’i,.. .... u;v~.~"in camera".
D_r Barton went to see my mothe_r with Lesl,e,,y. Lesley as, ked what,~was on,,,t,he x-ray. Dr Bar~.o._n said

there was nothing untoward but we will keep her pain free overnight and discuss her case in the morning

at 9.00~.m. Lesley said that ~ wanted her back. ~D_r Barton went "ballistic". She_said

"she is my patient - I will decide what is to happen to her". She has had more than enough trauma".

She would not discuss it until the morning.


~ Nurse Beade wenl back into the room to give another injection. He said, that the hip h,ad_

0 ,v,t."i I warned him that we will not tolerate euthanasia. He gave the injection

into the thigh. It is not written up on the medical file. Before kesley came_ back from there were

no signs of any injuries. There may have been some bruising in the ambulance. We said how can that


I saw no brulsmg,,.}~ .... w,~.~ .... M,:,;-,,~&.,~ After the other injection that Nurse Beade had given Lesley

wenthome. L~.~ ~ ~1 ~ ~~ . ~ ~~~

On the next mornin~Tuesday 18 August 1998 at 9.00a.m~ I came back. Nurse ~e called ~ into the

o"ice, Hesaid"yourmotherhasamassive,haematomaa~dthereisnothing~atcanbedone". Les!ey

queried it. She asked what can be done. He said absolutely nothing -f~sumably you would wa~t

~to have a pain free death". Lesley’was upset. I said I would prefer~o go back to~nless
she is so close to death that she ~ die in the ambulance. Nurse Beade said "it is possible". ~

saw Nurse Beade set up~ syringe driver, e wer~ in the room. Lesley panicked and called her

daughter and her baby. At 11.30a.m. Dr Barton was passing. She was standing at the door talking

about the baby. She said the situation has been explained and she left.

On Wednesday 18 August 1998 my son came down from London. I Iooked~ m.y m.other’s hip. I saw

no sign of ematoma. From what I had been told I was a~ expectin a big bruise.

L~esley stayed with me at the hospital. We did not mov~m~mother’s side. I am not aware that Dr

Barton ever came near again. I was expecting ~’ to die within 24 hours, She was not on a drip. t

was on 18 August 1998 that welstarted writing ~ complaint.~I We were ~l~ought to a list of

questions. Mrs Barbara F obinson then went to, rvlax Mi,ard, Chief Executive, on our
On 20 August 1998 Dr Barton made an entry that my mother had a rattling chest.

On 21 August 1998 Staff Nurse Griffin, who raised the complaint in 1998 about opiate medication and

sedationlsaw her,~ Lesley wanted to see the body go into the mortuary. There was a trolley and two

attendants /I-=~I=~ ~,~,~,~ H~:a[,r[h{’~r ....... ;~-;.~.e ~ g"~" ~’~ ~ Then Lesley said she could not

go into the mo~u~ I went ~. I saw my mother dressed in a shroud. I had not been in a moEuary

~ ~%~,’,~ We went home

that night. ~"~ ~1 ~~~ ~ ~J~.

My mot had a cremation. ~

After,l~ death I wrote to 4i~rMillard and asked why she had not been on a drip. I wanted to know if

she had been dying from dehydration as well. A letter came back from ~ Millard dated 22

September 1998 addressed to Lesley. I got a letter on Saturday 26 September 1998. The answers

looked like a fiction. T~’"’., ~_:!~ c.F..~ :o’.2,d-%~: ~;;,.~,u,~ .~,,vul~r anae-~e{~c. ,5i,~ .... ".he hip

When I telephoned to register the death the cause was given as I~-,~pneumonia. There was no

increased temperature. There was no sign of discomfort. These answers are fiction. Lesley said she

did not want a post-mortem so~s,he accepted the Death Certific_ate. I said that was false and that I

~anted ";"o speai to"’the’ Police. "~’ ,!)t,,~t" ~" R

On Monday morning I telephoned the Coroner. He was the predecessor to Mr Horsley. He said that

because of the cremation then nothing could be done. I telephoned the Policeji I made an allegation of

unlawful killing. ~KI~ !g4~I ~I)~,!4~, it" !4 !~ll~ ~P,tll! ¯

On 2 October 1998 I had a ~lppointment with DC Maddison. By that time Social Services had done their

enquiry ~ the care home )D C Maddison said th e General Medical Council. Lesley was in

tears. We had to go back to make {;tatements~~ I~ ~ t/)l) |{ir.~

On 30 October 1998 he met me in Eastbourne. He said he was sending the file to the Crown

Prosecution Service. He said he had not got the medical file. I did not hear anything until 20

November 1998 and wrote to the Chief Constable and made a complaint~l~leMl,, ~ilA~ |1~I, IJ!,,~lZflll(~l~

I believe that the facts stated in this witness statement are true.

Signed ...........................................

Mrs Gillian Mackenzie

Dated ..........................................



Blake La pthorn

New Kings Court


Chandler’s Ford


SO53 3LG

Ref: 55820310000011JCWlRICHARD

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