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Once upon the time, there was a couple:

the husband, named Koliyak, was

a District Chief and the wife was
named Keo Kesey. They had
a daughter named Kolkesey.
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isU\hlt'1Glt'l~t'I'I Sl(1jmstmJijlltUa~Mtlil1mBt'lSlt'lf1ru~fl~tsi
tt1miHmlfiGlt'l~aGifiltnuilitfij'l tH1m~lfinqfi1f1mGlt'lfijt'l31t'ltD

Nearby the District Chiefs house, there was a poor man with
named Kodompikoma. When he became 16,
handsome and attractive to many women. He fell in lVV'.....
Kolkesey while he was waiting to chase the sparrows off the
Since they were afraid that their p~ents on both sides
punished them, they eloped to live in a rural area named
which was a thieves' area.
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tiliiLrurulm5j~ifiBU5jreGfl,;sqfi~ii~SmntiLt1YGiuLUiimWt1jruYjfi BU
Glrufi1ffil&ltGjtiU U"I

When they arrived at that district, the thieves caught and tied up
Kodompi. Seeing that, Kolkesey gave one gold ring to the District Chief
and begged him to per suade the thieves to release herhusband. The thieves
released Kodompi since the District Chief claimed that he was a relative
of his. The couple then asked the District Chief and his wife to ·be
their god parents. The District Chief was so happy and loved
Kodompi and Kolkesey as though he and his wife were their biological
parents; he gave them properties and slaves.
~fitfiUdtsinhtlfiI3hl1~lU1iiHmtYtfiIfitil~qfi~ltltGi ~~iflmSfrlfifti1Ufifi
QtltfiI fitSlgS tlmSSlY1n ~ruG
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iii ~ruGffi::~~ifitMDttlYUYUJltilVfiflU1iiHm~ijtUtl§~siH(ljti1thltiiYUji't

They lived happily till the District Chief, their godfather, died. Kodompi then
became a prominent person in the district, and he was titled, Admirable
Tycoon Kodompi. They had a daughter named Komarey. When she reached
7 years old, there was a widow named Kaley with two daughters; the older
sister was Chanty and the younger sister was Chantea Salini and Kaley had
an older sister named Kaliniya. Since Admirable Kodompi was known for
his great wealth, she wooed him till he fell in love with her, fbrgetting about
his nice wife.
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Slllf1ru~fi~U;iUtltfi trnfUllfUGWftGfifMltItGi SlllfftfititlltfiH'ltSi

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The admirable man took Kaley as his step-wife. It
was not long after that they became poor, since Kaley
manipulated Kolkesey so Kodompi subjected her to
verbal and physical abuse every day . One day,
Kodompi took Kolkesey along with him when he
went to fish, and then he beat and pushed her into the
water and died at that time. Then, she was born as a
Damrey fish (a kind of freshwater fish).
U1mfUlUj~g1mSltl~;';11qtt~m1f1ruflruliiu;iHii1iitluGiiunUm Sltl
tGtlihnfltmUSltlt;11f1ruqpUt9itftm:ndiiihmru SltlitMntUli 1f1ru
1f1ruiUll1nmf1iitmU~SH~tujB~SM9UiU'1 Sltliiitlruiiii§iiu;i
mfi~tiiiihtltlmlii9'1 mtl~\t1l1nSmmti:ifllUlisltlt;1;.;m~;';1m'1
Arriving home and not seeing her mother, the little girl cried and ran
to the dock. She was told by an angel that her mother had been
reborn as a Damrey fish. She called out to her mother. Then, her
mother swam closer to her and told her the whole story. She sprin-
kled bran for the . From that day she was
called Moronak Meada
UI8G~ffi~Hilft~~Smfifi§ftwiutDlliiBlumfitiimlffiru'iflU'l UiltS18
mS91m9i2UUfil\:)wiHlftiSi1f3S1il Slil~lrntilUUfillflmftmfii9iHl
imm~8mStiltiiU\:)tHlfSlilUmi1uiiiuBnrni~'1 G~ffi~HilmfiiHlf
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When Kaley realized this, she asked her daughters to
use bran to trick the fish in order to catch and kill
her. At that time, a female duck carried two pieces
of scar in her beak to place it in front of the little
girl. She knew they were her mother's scars
and then she took them to bury.
grew into two eggplant bushes.
and paid respect every day.
about that and pulled
down to the

LfiltSlgmSijll!ntJmt1UfifUi1j\:)~fi&1S1U?fi.rufitGiHh rym1ms\ju
fifUHmmrn mrnihffiitiltHtriillfifmfif tmmmrnSlmffiitiltGt1Brn
" " -
tsiijlifijlihsWI ~finl1fiftSlgtt1ill3jmufi'iffimfiji~ijLuqiirn'1 SlU
n " v

At that time, a female cat carried two pieces of root in her mouth to
the little girl. She then planted those roots. Sh,e prayed to her mother
and they grew into a golden Roluos tree (a kind of thorny tree) . Then,
her mother was born as an angel to take care of that area. Moronak
Meada cleaned up the tree every day.
iiun1;1rutilgmG §~ru~~n~ i~fjifjmtUi1lii!tmt1[\ji1ji[iLilgHtlfiru1ti
ijmwiruUflfimruiUillfl!UtBlfjq]ru1;1ruij'l 1fSBtltGtlfjlfitfjm~{hsmGitm
HtltGtltmM~jjfi1PMtBlftoijijirufitsg U1gtGtlUJlUintiljuMSltl~m~
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t~fjtGiLilmfjjl mUliunrutBlflq]rutliiUlimmruifsqgi! iiitilmti1&1rufiSl tl
One day, King Preah Bat Vimul Thormareachea went walking. When it
was hot, he went to rest under the pair qf Roluos trees. Before he left, he
asked for the owner of these extraordinary trees. He was told that they
were Moronak Meada' s. He then asked for the trees from her. He
ordered the solders to dig them up, but it was impossible. When Moronak
Meada prayed, the trees soared and followed the king to the royal palace.
Arriving at the place, the trees were still soaring. The king took Moronak
Meada into the palace, and she prayed. Then, the trees came down, into a
gold storage, known as gold royal plants.
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i5~m unrulfiaru~fiijfiHltLutl~tll1ru~gihDu§UHlfirrllUiUthdhHyjID
Sl tltH 1til S~l fi gtl ~ g'lll


about her and she told him e~eryrhing. Later on, the king
went hunting for elephants. When Kaley learned that the king went
hunting for elephants, she was figuring out tricks to kill the queen
Moronak Meada, by means of gathering firewood to cook a big pan of
coconut oil and building a room and covering it with planks so that
Moronak Meada would fall through the floor and into the pan. Then,
she asked her two daughters to lie to her. that her father was getting to
his last breath and wished to sf.~ h~r.
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LmU~LngSlUUjlgtLfijuunnULMtliJI'iMS'l llfg~umruQUu§UUutlgtiLt1gSlU

The women in the palace paraded the queen Moronak Meada to her
father's home. Before meeting the father, Kaley asked the queen to take
off the outfit and get washed. When she entered the room to wash, she
trod over the planks, falling into the pan of hot oil, and she died .

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ttmruYfijSll'imi~tt1mfl1t9tl m1l'iYfitt1mflsll'it9tllJrnrunMjfi~mrutBYJ
Kaley then took the jewelries to put on her daughter named Chan tea
Saliny to replace the queen. The serving women did not take any notice
and accompanied her to the palace. The pair of royal plants withered,
and all the branches were broken. Three days later, the king returned to
the royal palace. He had doubts, and was looking for an opport ~ity to
look into the case.
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l1ltthSitillf~rujSt'ltGisiillmtiiqttijtG Ui1LmS1t'lulUilii~rul1&JiflrutGi
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runBtrJJjSmru9iHUmfitt1tl HlfiQtlmtlmrutsiQtlttlmf.liltl'l SltlM11fi1tJtl
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ii§1M1mstgumnfimtlGltlnJ1mtfiuGi1f1~qntmU\11fjStfimn~s'I if~ifi
Sarika told the king the whole story. The king loved her. He took a gold ring
to be tied to her feet and put her in a cage in the royal palace. After Sarika
prayed, the royal plants grew with leaves and fruits like before. The king
asked the executioner to kill Chantea Salini and made her into a paste with
her head in it; then, it was sent to the parents, telling them that their daughter
sent it to them. Kodompi received the paste, put his hand into it and knew
that their daughter was dead. Then, he immediately ran into the forest with
his daughter and wife and lived there.
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The king asked the nobleman to make a judgment on the case of
grandma Ork who let the queen to be cheated and killed. Grandma
Ork had a daughter named Chhantea, the lady-in-waiting of the king,
who wa~ expelled, resented that Sarika made the king kill her mother,
and she · seeking by ng
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MlfIu~c\f<t rilMiffiBMllmtmmq&iriiil Sli'lMllmnmmiigmtriiQi'l1i'l
"OlllM<t iflfB"UQIMm"Sli'ltriioi1jarilruiii~&~utlili1'im<t
Once Preah Bat Vimul Thormareachea went to crack down on the
thieves in the rural area, leaving Sarika behind in the royal palace,
Chhantea took the chance to enter the place and duped her to be
"",l1'.U by a female slave for food. The slave pulled out the feathers,

Sa,tika ran into the hole of a white rate. The white rat king
ked~ner her till her feathers grew full again.
tfRijtill!]lflj3t1l1.rnMtgi31Blt1SS~~lflijtlJtfgtQ1Utgi'l Blt1~~'iffil1f1tfRlJ
The white rat king was irritated, then, went to bite Chhantea's nose,
and she died. Sarika said goodbye to the white rat king. Then, she met
a big snake that tried to bite her. However, she met a big marabou that
bit and killed the snake.
trnbiUfiittifili~ittliUfiGMU~UffUTImUfiJ rifiJUlfI1it9itifi~ittiiUIiGM
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ittitjij~litlbtGi9umuM mUMCl1nUlijM9tfiUftS1BlHtGifiiljmsiOH

After that, the Indra opened his magic eyes and saw Sarika (a· black
bird). Then, he disguised himself as a big tiger, jumping upon a branch
of Chrey (a kind of fig tree) and ate its fruit on a branch to the West;
then , he became a bird. He jumped to eat the Chrey fruit on a branch to
the North ; then , he became a gold deer. The gold deer ate Chrey fruit on
a branch to the South; then , he became a fine person with jewelries.
Sarika sawall the stages and imitated him in all the orders; then, she
became different figures. And at last, she became a lady. She picked
Chrey fruits and packed it up. She then walked to meet a hermit. The
hermit asked her all about her story and decided to raise her .
his hermitag.e.
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U1g~UUJgUmtuUfjnS1UJmm'iffit1JJILtJg'if1mtGltfU1runf1JQUBm<t LtJg
ef a d 00 C!:J. 0 0

B1UBnijlUlGl~lmUtqftmfiijmLtJmf1G1BBulUlIUlfM9G1UtS1g LtJtfG1U
When she met her father. The father came and made a parade to
take the mother to the kingdom. The princess felt gratitude to
the duck, cat and rat king; she gave food to those
animals and donated her wealth to
the poor.
And she Ie

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