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tllS ruF!l1f1 i'i ~tnrn fiJ run fd 1 mei tllBt bWl gm Hl V 1 t~ 1;! ru HlV fdt UHi
ij~t§~t[Uirtmunjgi'it~l:.'l ril:.'lSTIl tl:'lHjrufi9S'1) 1 ~tygj:niifhmgml:.'l
tl:'lHjrn9'1)9SQlruntmrufi '1 tLillruFi9'1)Jmmrumii ~i'i9S'1)~tLUS
fd~i'ifd~th21gtfn ritlrtggmtUmii 1 ril:.'ltblrut21g rltllS~~~l:51f1fitgjei
tbWl gHlru fi~l:.'l9~9SQltEligml:.'lt21g~tl~ tLmgmiirlU1r"t§iluUirtm illS
gi'it~l:.'lttlJl:.'l9 tl:'lHjrufi9S'1)mtUmii ttl~ 1
~.JP5""~' _'
...' There lived a wise merchant called Abu. One day, Abu decided to

travel throughout the kingdom and ware his goods. So, he went
to the city and bought a great supply of goods and loaded them
into his ox wagons. It so happened that, a stupid young merchant
named Ali was also buyi the same city. As, h.,...t""
was~olanning to go to different and sell his thirlascc-:-:;;;:'
9il:lmu Bl:lmrn mm~uuimlimru~runru1"i1 ~ mUBtmmm •ttnl:lHEl
11 '" a: 1)

mmg~Huilm1im filUlBt9 tLmgm1'i1!1'iHmihrlil:lBl:l~Ulfma~fij Bl:l91'i

CI eo. Clo. II> • .:::11 0) 0 CI

tUlm1'iHB1:fIBtryi ~ ~tyg mHBmB1"i1~ !:'iU,iim€jtUlm


Both Abu and Ali started their journey at the same time. Abu
thought, " We can~ot travel together, for the men will find it hard
to get wood and water, and there will not be enough grass for so
many oxen . Either he or I ought to go first,"

tUl~tEl8 miJfiHn~TIBtlmru tlJimBtmmm • VEl'U!fU teiVElt~~m:nmn
. tfElTItl !ItLmmTItl ?" mruhlrumg~fUj~~ BtlmITlBmmltltm8 Fmm
•§1jatlitfEl ~ §1jatlitfmBgJl'!JUlm~~HUlaru ~fttJruHmnB~fi ~ tmm
" v

Wi1§ Btlmmf)IiL~UunB ~ tmm§t1:lggitimfirufigB~ritleit1;1"§fi~UlEl

t1:lg'mjeitltl ~ ~tymliifh~mm
~ "

So Abu went to Ali and said, "Brother, will you go before or come
after me ? " The selfish and foolish Ali thought, " I shall go first. I
shall then travel on a road that is not cut up. The oxen will have
plenty of grass to eat. Also, I shall sell my goods at the price I
like"So Ali said, " I shall go first."
tmt~rumrutti']~tlliirUHlm!31mm~1i'il1mth~mi'i,!:!i'ir Btlfll£jWnmrJ
mimm mVBtulm!fH~ t1tltll •mru2tl~mtmm~t~Frutl tmmrJmei
rqt~t~mrJ 1t1wmurJgr'] 2tlrqtm~~ ~ tUii"tim: §~HBtfl1:mhm
?lm§phmi'i1rfmIlei~tY~B']h31 ttm:tmmruttlru§tmtlrugtrytl mru2tl
o • '? " I

mummYltithttfllti ~

When Ali went off gaily with his group of men and oxen,
Abu said to himself, "Ali will smoothen up the bumpy
road. His oxen will eat the old inferior grass, while
mine will eat the freshly grown green grass. Also,
I will not not have to bother about setting prices,
because by the time I reach the city he will set
the price ."

- ~-

-"~- -

. -,
u~mummH'i ~m'lhiHmi'itJrufl~lH3J1ijt;!m ~ 4t~~BtmliHi'itJrun~1H3J1ij
tmlh:OBmitJ~gi'itl1f; mm(;~
~, tmmmi'i(;~m~tB1mntl1f;HliH9g
, '1 mi
i'ibl[lrunruaJ1ijnunUlBt;!mtm HlBUfinuBiirunut;!m '1 UfinmBgt~~
tUli'imb!J1~!fi'ietluhttJruHi'itJrunruaJ1ij tmmmti~i'itmgm91tiJ m '1

to a desert. Before entering the desert, Ali

filled great water-jars with water and· loaded them onto his
wagons. Now, in the middle of this vast desert, lived a wicked
desert demon. This demon misled the travellers in the desert,
kidnapped them and made slaves of them .
v I
. d

ti12tLUUI9j11il2m rqmmpftly-li'l mUllti12


tLUtf9B'~tlUtij~mn9mi1T;fm UftJlij
ti12lt1A llAtBitrun9g ttnmmllt'!IittUB'
t9ilt1Atruftl~tm '1 tU'llmB'llnLtlruAt21
mfq~gfl S~t~~tfijB'ftlA '1

When this demon saw Ali approaching,

he disguised himself as a gentleman
and gained a wagon with magic.
demon put mud on the wagon,
and wet grass upon the oxen .
Then, he dipped his r.iolthp.,,.......,.....,.e-:
and made his hair all
uf1J1m~~mi~mnru trnru2tmruttllrurJ~9BliBm
"tfttmlfiHtmmmi run ~~
01 " 01 ' . • d + • C6

mrumJtfl trul:l mfl:il:lfimflru2JltitSg ~ tEl ! M1f1r] 2Stll:l99nttl'lfi

trnruttli:Hnl:ltl1SLUgj1iiliiimjfi ~ tfttll:lt9U t fil:il:lfi1iH;f~hmm ? "

The demon neared Ali, and said pleasantly, " Where are you
going?" Ali replied, "We are going across the desert. But friend ,
you come dripping with water and mud. Did you come through a
11fi11mB'"]gt~rum "liglruF!9mgtleiuiiFr9jt1iLei 81BLmnl:l§Gl;lrut~
.. .......
911mb] ~ tH '[jl:lmfij!tHmt9i'[jl:lunii~ijtl1flMl-'I,~ ..;.a~
mb]tjl:l! ~t~Hmilul1mm9 ~ mii911mb]~
Hflitgi t'ijHJ~'[jl:lHm tgBuuhUlBtm]B
2llil rumht1l ru 11 fi11li f1 Ul im'li Bt gi ~

The demon answered , I, Just three away, there is a big pond,

filled with water. By the way brother, it seems that you are carrying
water in those big tumblers, but there is no need of it Empty out all
that water and go on easily," Saying this, the demon disappeared on
rtHmlihl ruthH~ fIJJ'!J~trlj mHtliiHhiJm Nmfi 9fitm rut HEl ~
tLmmHfi mii Bl:lfigmtB etlliirtlliLm~gjhiLIi tli!i1fltIDru
Lliml:lttumgJm ~ tlltJftsg tt:hmfuUfigmml:ltmg!i1El
gfitlnm tlfitTIHr6fim"l:lthml:l
u ru ru
tmmN mmnlfirufiHr6

tt:hmmmflmr:tLfIJfi9fi Bl:lttnftnii ~

Foolish Ali believed the demon and threw away

the water. Then, he and his men travelled three
miles, but, there was no pond to be seen . Now,
as the men had no water to drink, hey bec:arru
very tired and went to sleep,
very thirsty and weak.
mi rHL}Jlrum Uil Hi UfU1\3UHlm~ Hn nJi tilUH:lI3l:lngmt8ruttnrtng'jYB
m\3~t8WB ~ tlfiltilHn nTItilnngmt8rumitft1t'tHlHU 2l:lft1~tmt9itl1
~tiltll:l ~ ~t~rlYBtilfimlm;itl1~tilttfftil ~

At midnight, the demon came to the spot and bound the men who
were too tired to fight. Then, he took away the rest of the men
the oxen along with him. But, he left the wagons where
t;frutBttfilliHHi H1ijtihmimH~fttJruH1ru~UU19t~eHUh ~ utUllimi
001 c! _ _tl 001 001 'U .0. "0) _ ~

9Hngfi~U9l:lH1vttJ1 ttnrutLUfiruruJij~ij~9 ~ t)"t~H1VU199tmrum

.. 01 c- Q. _ • 001 001 Ie) COl • •

trul:l9l:lH9tmru9fimftltrutltlliru ntJ~91rumtrul:lU19!iil:l1il~t~WJ1ij
c::o. .. 0) ",001 Cole,
c::. c:.c:. COol

t9:~~ftl9 ~ mru£lmum: UfiJ)ijH99tmru~t;frum~tlliru ttnrufiU1~

Lftltmrut9i ~ ~t~ fi~fiHmJH1ijEli!i1 'Btmrum •tmruql:l9fitm:t9i

ttlHJ~nl:lLfiJ)ruH9gu~ij ttJiruH1m~eUUi1U19truJ9thl:l~9!·


A mouth later, Abu followed the same route as Al i. The demon
met Abu as well, and tried the same trick on him. But Abu said ,
"We won't throwaway the water until we cross the desert." On
hearing this, the demon said nothing and went away. But Abu's
companions said, " Let us throwaway the water-jars and move
. , faster with lighter carts!"
mijUlBfiJam tii'i9ltitBml1 "~i'itltihJrutltei2tinrnm mBUti YUH11titf:li
trunrua..rtlt9?" ~i'i WiB1~t~rnm "HBttJrutltg" ~ m~fiJHgjfim "mB
BHun1f1iimBmr'i;!Mm mBaJruuiiB1rni'ith~ tfihmi'iug'Bti 2Btltit9 ?"
o CO).. " _ _ . . . C:IIo.tJ 0

l1i'iteiEllmUirnm tg tmli'i! mmg ~ mUBtinrnm tEllgt:iUfinGUlBUB

u Q; ru ....... V ru

2B tBgthi'iruru}mufIlufinG tthrJ1Uttlh:lB1~miigi'itmru ~ LUMmtJtillti

_C» """ .. '"

HfIl9i'iun rnt Ell g 11 LUl i'i tJ t11mU ~ Bt ill tit f:li til rut illti HfIl i'i ~ti rn rn i'i
I1mrntitGth91fUmnBB81B ~
u ~

Abu asked the men, " Have you ever heard anyone say that
there was a lake or pond in this desert?" "We never l1eard of a
pond or lake, " the men replied. "Does any man feel a wind laden

with dampness blowing against him?" " No, sir," the men
answered . "That was a demon in disguise," said Abu. "It was his
ploy to make us throw the water. If we had thrown away the
water, he would have captured us when we got tired and made
us his slaves." The men were surprised at the cleverness of their
leader and decided not to throwaway the water.
fiB".... fiHUtli inTIv mBfi1H'ilFit~
..., ....
ru ru
cs c! co. c::. ._. _ "'" • • d_
t Ulm fi hltLB"uTi.~B"Bmfi g fimhl2Btmru ~ mv Btlfit;lfiHUhlffleifitg
~nuir mi tj3mjei ~ tjBmrumti ~fiHiUlBB"fiUlBLUgmTIrnrtggt!3rumru
• Col t> _ . 0>,"" .::.l

UlBtUlmtltmru ~ tturnmmBg mvmrutUl~fi1HlJlLi:iUtll1tlt!3ruUlBtfiei

. mJtl ~ tmm ffl~f\~Hi tuu~!31fmggtlUyjj ~
Abu and his men drove on, and before nightfall, they came upon
the loaded wagons deserted by Ali. Seeing this, Abu understood
everything that had happened. Then, he had his wagons drawn
I""!:::",," up in a circle.
mij1:ilEl1Un1:!my;!mij~El Bl:mi1mfdmii!ijLtflntEliijnbl)Jlrud~~ rtJmfi
Bl:lmmHmgJIifi1i~Hhf blITHmH ~ ~t~U!ij1ijgElUnEltgihnElQnt1'itltim ~

Abu placed some of the men and his oxen in the middle of the
circle. And then he and the headmen stood on guard, with
swords in hands. But the demon did not bother them.

t.. -


tBimruLmlhlUUlti9 mQ Btifi1:!fiHUhlmiiijli'itg]ti tmrumlh~l:m~
~tWimn~atgj~ ~ ~i'iWif\mrumtg:ttlrum~1hummrutmmnml:Jrutlti ~
tBimru~mElu mQf\uH:l~ti~mfiH3Jlij tmruf\tOOtgitlru9mtil:Jrutgj~ ~
tBi9tm: miimElrui'i9Bt']9ltiHhlmhlmii tmru~mIlt']mElLmi'itihtltLijEl ~

At dawn, Abu and his men woke up and started their journey
again . They also took along the wagons left by Ali. That evening,
Abu crossed the desert and reached the other city. There, he
sold all the goods and reaped great profits.

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