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Globalization is the process by with businesses or other organizations develop international

influence or start operating on an international scale. It is the integration of national
economies into the international economy but this term can also be used to refer to cultural
globalization because many people believe that globalization is driven by the worldwide export
of western culture through the new mass media.

Globalization is a very hot topic because it has a lot of advantages but with these advantages
comes some consequences. Some of these advantages are the fact that it is easier to
communicate with anyone anywhere across the globe and also easier and cheaper to travel. A
lot of products and services become cheaper because of the international exchange of
information, technology and faster speed of transportation of people and goods. There is also
a lot of more competition in consumer markets which leads for a better experience for the

But as said before, globalization comes attached with some consequences, like the free
circulation of money non-controlled, the employment of workers in underdeveloped countries,
the smaller companies go out of business because they can´t compete with multinationals, the
gap between the poor and the rich becomes bigger. In terms of the environment, big
corporations take advantage of in developing countries weak regulatory rules about pollution
and CO2 emissions.

Multiculturalism is the coexistence of two or more cultures in the same region. It has a lot of
benefits, the main one is that it encourages open-mindedness among different groups of
people and it dispels negative stereotypes. This is extremely important because 1/3 of the
word´s major conflicts have a cultural dimension to them.

Multiculturalism can provide economic growth among businesses since the interaction with
people from different cultural jurisdictions can bring some new skills to the business which a
lot of times leads to economic growth. The cultural diversity also helps us understanding other
cultures and lets us know how to get along or interact with people from different cultures, and
gives you the opportunity to know other countries by interacting with the people from that
country. It will as well provide you an unmatched experience from a multinational society
because you will get different opinions, solutions and persons from different cultures to
interact with.

But multiculturalism can also have some negative aspects like the language barrier that is
created between people who speak different languages and affects communication, for some
people it is additionally difficult to interact with different cultures and understand their beliefs
and norms. A social conflict may occur due to differences in beliefs, practices, and ethnic
rituals. With multiculturalism some regions may lose their cultural identity and some cultures
may go extinct on account of local people emigration and being influenced by bigger cultures.

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