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SCHOOL: Școala Gimnazială „Ion Țuculescu„ Craiova


TEACHER’S NAME: Popescu Ioana Mădălina

DATE: 3rd of February 2022

Lesson plan





TIME ALLOTED: 50 minutes

LEVEL: Intermediate

LESSON: Third Conditional Clause

TYPE OF THE LESSON: Introducing a new grammatical point

Main aim of the lesson:

- to introduce and practice the third conditional clause
Subsidiary aims:
- to improve speaking skills using the third conditional clause
- to improve writing skills using the third conditional clause
- to improve pair work


1.2. Identificarea semnificaţiei dintr-o conversaţie obișnuită de zi cu zi atunci când interlocutorii

reformulează sau repetă la cerere anumite cuvinte/ expresii.

2.2. Participarea la scurte conversaţii în contexte obișnuite, asupra unor subiecte generale

3.1. Deducerea din context a semnificaţiei cuvintelor necunoscut

Skills: listening, reading, speaking, writing

Methods: explanation, individual work, pair work, exercise solving

Aids: worksheets, board, notebooks

Type of interaction: teacher-students, student-teacher, student-student

Class organization: group work, whole class, individual work

Stages of the lesson

1. Organizing the class

Aim: -to create a proper atmosphere for teaching the new lesson

Time: 1’

Class organization: whole class

Interactions: teacher-student; student-teacher

Method: conversation


Teacher’s activity: The teacher greets the students; she asks them questions like: ‘How are you today?”
etc. The teacher checks the attendance and prepares for the lesson.

Student’s activity: Students greet the teacher. They answer the teacher’s questions.

2. Warm up

Aim: - to check previous knowledge

Time: 4’

Class organization: whole class

Interactions: teacher-student; student-teacher

Method: conversation


Teacher’s activity: The teacher announces the lesson and points out that the students have already
studied and practiced the first and second conditional clause; talking about the third conditional is the
next step in the teaching-learning process. The teacher asks the students to tell the form of the perfect
tense and past participle form of irregular verbs.
Student’s activity: The students already have knowledge about past perfect tense and the past participle
form of irregular verbs. Some of the students might not remember the past participle form of some
irregular verbs, but they will be allowed to ask the teacher or their partner.

3. Lead in

Aim: - to arouse student’s interest in the topic

Time: 6’

Class organization: pair work

Interactions: teacher-student; student-teacher

Method: game


Teacher’s activity: The teacher uses board pictures to build a situation of two friends, Jo and Tony, who
can’t decide what to do. There is a party tonight and a good program on TV. The teacher establishes that
Jo decides to go to the party while Tony chooses to stay at home.

It is two hours later. The teacher draws Jo looking miserable at the party - and Tony looking miserable
watching TV. The teacher checks that students are clear what they chose and that they regret their
choices. The teacher elicits what they are feeling and thinking (If I’d stayed at home, I could have
watched Squid game. If I’d gone to the party, I could have met some nice girls).

Student’s activity: The students work in pair and make sentences about what they are feeling and
thinking related to the given situation.

Activity 1: Introducing new knowledge

Aim: to focus on form, meaning and use of the third conditional

Time: 10’

Class organization: individual work

Interactions: teacher-students, student-teacher

Methods: reading and writing


Teacher’s activity: The teacher explains the use of the third conditional clause and the grammatical
structures used to build up this type of “if clause”.

Student’s activity: The students copy the information in their notebooks.


Activity 2: Rewriting history

Aim: to consolidate the third conditional

Time: 15’

Class organization: Whole class

Interactions: teacher-students, student-teachers

Methods: speaking, writing


Teacher’s activity: The teacher asks students to think of some historical situations that might have
changed the world if they had been different. The teacher could offer the sentence starters and get
students to suggest endings {If electricity had never been discovered. . . If dinosaurs hadn’t died out. . . If
Obama hadn’t been elected President. . . If Columbus had never discovered America . . .). The teacher
can include local events to make it more relevant.

Student’s activity: Students write down the endings of the phrases or create new ones, then they will
answer and the will check them with the whole class.

Activity 3: Fill in the gaps

Aim: to practice the third conditional

Time: 10’

Class organization: Individual work

Interactions: teacher-students, student-teachers

Methods: speaking, writing


Teacher’s activity: The teacher hands out a worksheet containing and a set of sentences. The teacher
asks the students to fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets using the grammatical
structures of third conditionals.

Student’s activity: Students fill in the verbs in brackets using the grammatical structures of third
conditionals. They answer.
Activity 4: Homework

Aim: further practice

Time: 3’

Class organization: individual work

Interactions: teacher-students

Methods: writing


Teacher’s activity: Teacher asks the students to finish home the exercise from the previous worksheet.

Student’s activity: Students do their chores at home.

Dismissing students

Time: 1’


Teacher’s activity: The teacher explains that during the lesson the students received a smiley face for
each correct answer. At the end of the lessons those who get two or more smiley faces get a 10(ten).

Student’s activity: Some students are graded. Students greet the teacher.

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