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Joriz Caezar B.

Bulauitan Business Process Outsourcing 2

BSIT-SMBA May 27, 2023

Part 1: Activity Planning List

Objective: To develop an activity planning list for a project management workshop.

Activity Planning List:

 Define workshop objectives and goals

 Identify target audience and participant profile
 Determine workshop duration and schedule
 Select and secure a suitable venue
 Develop workshop content and materials
 Identify and invite guest speakers or subject matter experts
 Coordinate logistics, including accommodation and transportation for participants
 Set up registration process and manage participant registrations
 Create marketing and promotional materials for the workshop
 Plan and execute pre-workshop activities, such as participant surveys or pre-reading materials
 Arrange audiovisual and technical requirements for presentations
 Prepare workshop evaluation forms and collect feedback from participants
 Organize post-workshop activities, such as follow-up resources or networking opportunities
 Conduct post-event evaluation and analysis

Part 2: WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) Template

Objective: To create a work breakdown structure template for the project management workshop.

WBS Template:

Workshop Planning

1.1 Define objectives and goals

1.2 Identify target audience and participant profile

1.3 Determine workshop duration and schedule

1.4 Select venue

1.5 Secure venue

Workshop Content Development

2.1 Develop workshop agenda

2.2 Create presentation materials

2.3 Identify and invite guest speakers or subject matter experts

2.4 Coordinate with speakers and experts

2.5 Finalize workshop content

Logistics Coordination

3.1 Coordinate accommodation for participants

3.2 Arrange transportation for participants

3.3 Manage registration process

3.4 Create marketing and promotional materials

3.5 Plan and execute pre-workshop activities

Workshop Execution

4.1 Set up audiovisual and technical requirements

4.2 Conduct opening session

4.3 Facilitate workshop sessions

4.4 Manage participant engagement and interaction

4.5 Handle any unforeseen issues or changes

Post-Workshop Activities

5.1 Collect workshop evaluation forms

5.2 Analyze feedback and make improvements

5.3 Plan post-event activities and resources

5.4 Conduct post-event evaluation and analysis

5.5 Generate workshop report and share findings

Part 3: Gantt Chart Template

Objective: To create a Gantt chart template for the project management workshop.

Gantt Chart Template:

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