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1. Xoa dịu nỗi sầu: relieve/ reduce/ lessen/ soothe/ alleviate/ ease sorrow/ sadness, mollify so by
doing sth ( làm ai bớt giận)
Giải sầu bằng bia: drown his sorrow in beers/ wine
Liều thuốc chống lại điều tiêu cực: an antidote to
2. Làm tâm hồn nhẹ nhàng thanh thản: ease your mind, bring peace to your soul, bring us calm and
serenity = peace
3. Chất xúc tác màu hồng tô vẽ cảm xúc: an emotional catalyst
4. Tắm mình trong những bản Tango: immerse oneself in the beautiful melodies of the Tango/ be
absorbed in sth
5. Tiết tấu du dương: harmonious/ beautiful and soothing melodies, melodious tunes
6. Lấy lại trạng thái tinh thần sau những tổn thương: recover from your sufferings/ traumas
Be fully restored to health after emotional sufferings
7. Cảm nhận sâu sắc hơn vẻ đẹp của cuộc sống: add more color to life/ Music is balsam to the soul

1. Have you ever thought/ imagined/ wondered about how life would be without music/ what life
would be without music? Music is a way to entertain, reduce stress, and release our emotions/
music serves as a source of entertainment, stress relief therapy/ stress reliever, and a means of
sentimental self-expression. Without music, life would be monotonous and dull.
2. Music is an important part of our lives (Intrinsically linked to human life, music ...). All special
events such as birthdays, weddings, funerals, graduations, and other ceremonies need music/ As
an important part of our lives, music is indispensable to all special events such as birthdays,
weddings, funerals, graduations, and other ceremonies/ Playing an essential role in our lives,
music is used in almost all events from birthdays, weddings, funerals, to graduations and other
ceremonies/ Music, which is required in many events such as birthdays, weddings, and funerals,
or even graduations, and other ceremonies, is an important part of our lives . It is also considered/
can also act as a therapy for patients to be fully restored to health after traumas and emotional
3. Do you want to be/ stay young, have a peaceful mind, and enjoy life serene, relaxed, and
positive? Turn on the music, and be absorbed/ Just immerse yourself in the beautiful melodies
of the tango, the waltz, the rumba, ... or enjoy the quiet and relaxation with beautiful and the
soothing tunes of the ballad, the slow./ If you want to stay young, serene, and live an optimistic
life, let yourself be immersed in the beautiful melodies of the tango, the waltz, the rumba, and
many more soothing tunes of ballads and slow music./ Just immerse yourself in the beautiful
tunes of the tango, the waltz, the rumba, or the soothing melodies of the ballad, the slow is a
secret to your youth, peace of mind, serenity, and love of life./ immersing yourself in... is key to
your... ( doing sth is key to your N)
4. Thanks to "music" for always being a faithful friend that shares and makes our lives more
colorful/ helps us live more passionately. When we are in sadness, it is an antidote to ease our
sorrow, bring us calm and serenity, or add more color to life as an emotional catalyst when we
are happy. Music is truly a miracle of our life!

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