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This part of the research studies shows the entire process of conducting this

Research study entitled “The Feasibility of Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) Leaves, Rinds

and Rags and Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Leaves as an Alternative Plantable Paper”. This

chapter explains the various methodologies that were used in gathering data and analysis of data

that were relevant to the research. This chapter also presents the research design used in the

study, the materials, the research locale, the research instrument, the research Validity and

Reliability of the instrument, the Data gathering procedure and the Data analysis.


The research design used in this research study entitled The Feasibility of

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) Leaves, Rinds and Rags and Sweet Potato (Ipomoea

batatas) Leaves as an Alternative Plantable Paper “was Experimental research design, because it

aimed to test the potential characteristics of the product, Jackfruit leaves, rinds and rags and

sweet potato leaves as an alternative plantable paper.


This part of the research study indicates the different materials used in performing the

experiment in this research study “The materials used are as follows;

 Pot

 Jackfruit Rinds and Rags

 Sweet Potato Leaves

 Timer

 Blender

 1- liter bottle

 Strainer

 Mold and deckle

 Large basin

 Scissors

 Knife

 Chopping board

 Water

 Sunlight

D. Data Gathering Procedure

1. Cutting the Materials

First, wash all the materials and then using a knife and a chopping board, cut the

jackfruit rinds and rags and sweet potato leaves into small pieces and then set aside.
2. Boiling the Materials

In a pot, boil the small pieces of jackfruit rinds and rags and sweet potato leaves.

Boiling time may take up of 5- 10 minutes.

3. Blending Materials

After boiling, wash them until the temperature is moderate. Blend the Jackfruit

leaves, rinds and rags and sweet potato leaves in a blender until the fibers are even.

And then put your desired seeds you want to mix in it and mix thoroughly. Using tiny

seeds from plants are more efficient to make a plantable paper.

4. Straining the pulp

Put the pulp in a large basin. Using mold and deckle or picture frames with screen

attaches to it, strain the fibers.

5. Preparation of treatment

Treatment 1 (T1) is composed of 1 kg Jackfruit rinds and rags, ½ kg Sweet potato

leaves and three liters water.

Treatment 2 (T2) is composed of ½ kg Jackfruit leaves and ½ kg Sweet potato

leaves and three liters water.

Treatment 3 (T3) is a commercial paper. (Controlled)

6. Drying the pulp

Put the pulp under the sun and let it dry. Peel the paper carefully if it’s dried.
Cutting the Boiling the
Materials Materials

Straining the Blending the

pulp Materials

Preparation Drying the

of treatment pulp


This chapter presents the data gathered for the study and the discussion for each of data

as related to the problem under investigation. Treatment 1 (T 1) is made up of 1 kilogram of

Jackfruit rinds and rags and ½ kg of sweet potato leaves, Treatment 2 (T 2) is made up of ½ kg of

Jackfruit leaves and ½ kg of sweet potato leaves while Treatment 3 (T 3) is the control variable

which is a commercial paper.

Table 1: Proportion Composition of the Different Materials

Treatment Proportion Composition

1 kg Jackfruit rinds and rags, ½ kg Sweet potato

Treatment 1 leaves and three liters water

½ kg Jackfruit leaves and ½ kg Sweet potato

Treatment 2 leaves and three liters water

Treatment 3 (control) Commercial paper

As you can see at the table above, the treatments have significant difference in their

compositions. Treatment 1 contains 1 kg Jackfruit rinds and rags, ½ kg Sweet potato leaves and

three liters water and Treatment 2 contains ½ kg Jackfruit leaves and ½ kg Sweet potato leaves

and three liters water while Treatment 3 is a commercial paper made from the paper plant

Table 2: Price
Treatment Price

Treatment 1 Free

Treatment 2 Free

Treatment 3 (control) 2 pesos

As you can see on the table above, Treatment 1 and Treatment 2 can be consumed for

free because, the raw materials used here are Jackfruit leaves, rinds and rags and sweet potato

leaves which are abundant in our community and also because you are the one who will make

your own art paper. On the other hand, Treatment 3 costs approximately 2 pesos and above per

sheet, because, you will buy this one and it is made from factories so, it costs really expensive.

Table 3: Recyclability
Treatment After using

Treatment 1 Can be planted

Treatment 2 Can be planted

Treatment 3 (control) Cannot be planted

As you can see on the data above, you can plant Treatment 1 and Treatment 2 because

they were made to be plantable. After using these art papers, you can plant them if you want

instead of burning, while, the Treatment 3 cannot be planted after using it, because it is just a

simple art paper.

Table 4: Availability of Raw Materials

Treatment Materials

Treatment 1 Jackfruit rinds and rags and sweet potato leaves

Treatment 2 Jackfruit leaves and sweet potato leaves

Treatment 3 (control) Paper plant and other chemicals

As you can see on the table above, Treatment 2 has the materials which are more

available because it just requires jackfruit leaves and sweet potato leaves that are more abundant

in the locality. While Treatment 2 requires jackfruit rinds and rags and sweet potato leaves, we

can’t be sure if Jackfruit rinds and rags are available because it comes from the plant’s fruits and

it is not available all the time. While Treatment 3 uses the paper tree and also uses other

chemicals. We can’t afford to cut a tree and spend money for chemicals just to make this kind of


Table 5: Strength
Treatment Tests Results

Treatment 1 Stretching Torn

Treatment 2 Stretching Did not tear

Treatment 3 (control) Stretching Torn

Table shows that Treatment 1 is the strongest among of all examines. It has the perfect

ingredients and great quality in terms of the strength of the Jackfruit leaves and sweet potato

leaves paper that when it stretches. We used our hands as a tester and we stretch it 5 times in

determining the strength of our paper.

Table 6: Fragrance
Treatment Quality of odor

Treatment 1 Unpleasant

Treatment 2 Organic

Treatment 3 (control) Toxic

Based on the table above, you can see that Treatment 2 got the most pleasant odor among

the treatments. While Treatment 1 got an unpleasant odor because of the materials used in it and

Treatment 3 has a toxic odor that is like a drug, because, it was mixed with chemicals to make it

like that.


A. Summary

This study used Jackfruit leaves, rinds and rags and Sweet Potato leaves in making an

alternative plantable paper. We answered preapared some questions regarding the feasibility and

quality of the paper and we sought to answer it after testing if Jackfruit leaves, rinds and rags and

Sweet Potato leaves are feasible in making an alternative paper. We followed the steps in making

paper without using any hi-tech machines. We used Jackfruit rinds and rags and Sweet Potato

leaves as out Treatment 1, Jackfruit leaves and Sweet Potato leaves as our Treatment 2 and a

commercials paper as our treatment 3 (control).

We used the data we gathered in answering the questions we were ought to answer. We

found out that Treatment 1 and 2 are better than the commercials paper but Treatment 2 which is

made from Jackfruit leaves and Sweet Potato leaves got the highest result of all them.

B. Conclusion

The researchers therefore conclude that Jackfruit leaves, rinds and rags and sweet potato

leaves are feasible in making an alternative paper. The researchers also conclude that the paper

made out of Jackfruit leaves and Sweet Potato leaves are feasible in making an alternative

plantable paper. It has the preference of the consumers in terms of its price. It can also be

recyclable and can be planted after being used. The materials used are abundant in the

community and it has a great strength and its fragrance is organic and can’t harm a person.

C. Recommendations
The researchers recommends to the future researchers who also want to use the materials

used in making paper, that they should pay great attention if they will dry the pulp, because it

will fail if the pulp is exposed to too much sun. the researchers also recommend that they should

try to change the measurement of the materials and also the amount of water that they will use.

Making paper needs a lot of patience, so to the next researchers, collect a lot of patience now to

make your product have a better outcome. The researchers also recommends to use the dry

leaves instead of the fresh ones.

Here are the sites where we used as guides in performing this study:


This study was conducted to test the feasibility of Jackfruit (Artocarpus

heterophyllus) leaves, rinds and rags and Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) leaves as an

alternative plantable paper. This study is very significant because it will help us to make

an alternative paper and will lessen the activities of cutting trees just to make paper. It

also aimed to answer the given questions about its composition, price and recyclability,

availability of raw materials, strength and fragrance. We were able to conduct this study

by following the given methods. In this experiment, we used 3 (three) treatments.

Treatment 1 is composed of jackfruit rinds and rags and sweet potato leaves. Treatment 2

is composed of jackfruit leaves and sweet potato leaves. And Treatment 3 is a

commercial paper which is controlled. We gathered data in conducting this study to

specifically answer the problems. After gathering the data given, we were able to come

up with a conclusion. Jackfruit leaves, rinds and rags and sweet potato leaves are feasible

in making an alternative plantable paper. Treatment 2, which is composed of Jackfruit

leaves and sweet potato leaves, generated the best result in terms of its composition, price

and recyclability, availability of raw materials, strength and fragrance.


“If you are a team, you can make it work”, those are the words engraved in our

minds throughout conducting our study. At this young age of ours, it was really hard and

challenging to make an investigatory project. Imagine? We were required to come up

with a new and unique product and we are going to make it? But thanks to the special and

kind people around us who helped us to have a successful study.

First of all, we want to thank God, for giving us hope that we can make it work.

He was our very own inspiration. In every fail we made, we always pray to him and ask

for his guidance. We hope that you will guide us always in our everyday life.

To our adviser, ma’am, thank you for your support. Thank you for giving us

information on how to make our study better. Thank you for giving us time in making our

product. We will remember all the lessons you taught us and engrave it in our hearts.

Our greatest thanks also to Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Nolasco III for permitting us to

conduct our study in their house and letting us use the materials we need there. Thank

you for your hospitability and generosity because it helped us finish our study. We hope

that God will pay for your kindness someday.

To all our friends who we asked for some of our materials and those who came

and tagged along with us, thank you for the help you gave us. Thank you very much for

being there when we needed your help. Please do not change and continue to help those

who are in need also.

To all the members of this group, thank you for being present in all our

gatherings. Thank you for your help and patience. Thank you for contributing your time

just to finish this study. Without you, we won’t be able to make this. Thank you so much!


This study was dedicated to our mother earth. We wanted to come up with a paper

wherein it won’t involve cutting trees. We made this plantable paper so that instead of

burning it, we can earn more by planting it.

This study was also dedicated to our parents. Because of them, we won’t be here

by now. They were the ones who let us study and they permitted us to do this study. They

were our inspiration in this investigatory project.

We also want to dedicate this to our teachers. Because of them, we won’t be able

to make our product which can contribute to our future progress. They also gave us

suggestions on how to make our product better.

To the future us, this was also dedicated to you. If you are reading this right now,

we hope that you used the knowledge you learned from here. The lessons you learned,

which you could use to be successful.

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