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§ I long for summer vacation on a hot,

bright day.

§ The soothing scent of the sea wind is


§ I like to gaze out over the sun-

glittered, deep-blue water.

§ The sea whispers to me, calling me to

the soft sand.

§ The waves rush to meet me from a


§ The best part of visiting the beach was

the sweet taste of the coconut.
§ It was dark and dim inside the forest,
especially at night.

§ The breeze causes the leaves to rustle.

§ The wind gushes at all directions,

making the trees dance and the birds

§ The humidness envelops me as I move

farther into the jungle.

§ The fruits tasted like the sweetness of


§ The pleasing smell of fresh soil and

cedar wood refreshes me.
§ I enter the restaurant and at once catch
a sight of people enjoying their food.

§ The clang of heavy dishes glided from

the kitchen.

§ The exquisite perfect salty flavor of

the caviar made me remember why I love
going to fancy restaurants.

§ The waiter hurriedly moves from table to

table gathering orders from eager

§ I can feel the heat from the pan as the

chef flips the food in front of me.

§ The aroma of the food being prepared

appetizes me.

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