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Nama: Muhammad Hutaraya Dewa

Kelas: TE-1A
a. Introducing

Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

Good Morning everyone.
I will present with my topic today is talking about Laptops, but first let me introduce myself
My name is Muhammad Hutaraya Dewa, number 16
This time, I will explain 5 part about laptops :
First is about part
Second is materials and properties
Third is about size
four is function
five is Instructions on how to use it
and six is summary and conclusion

b. Body

1. first I will explain about part of laptops?

- What is the laptop? Latops is a personal computer that is relatively small and light in
size, so that it is portable

- Next the laptop has a rectangular shape.

- Connection between part is Monitor, keyboard, and, other peripheral in laptops
connect with wirelessly or cable

2. Second part, I will explain about material and properties of laptop

Many laptop made of aluminium. And there are supporting components made of steel,
iron, and nikel. Like a screw and usb ports

3. Third part, I will expalain about size of laptops

the most common laptop size are 13.3 inc, 15.4 inc, and 15.6 inc. 15.4 inc and 15.6
inc have the highets variation

4. Next is the function part of the Laptops

• Base panel
The bas panel mounting places the laptops parts with include the motherboard,
RAM, Cooling fan, CD Drive, battery, etc
• Top panel
The top Panel provide a place to mount the screen and webcam
• Palm rest Assembly
The palm rest is the top cover for the laptop which is responsible for holding
the laptop's touch pad.
• Keyboard
serves as a tool to input data in the form of letters, numbers and symbols.
• Touchpad
navigation tool that allows us to move the cursor on the laptop

5. Last part explain how to use the Laptops.

1. first, open your laptop

2. then press the power button
3. Then wait until the process is complete
4. Lastly, your laptop is on and can be used.
c. Sumarry and conclusion

Laptops have been evolving rapidly and constantly as our life styles have changed
where people do not stay behind desks anymore. As a result, we needed devices to suit our
fast-paced and mobile lives. Laptops have never been more attractive

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