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Barrel Lift the flame to a ___________________ for burning

Opens and closes the ______________, so controlling the

collar amount of _________ mixed with the __________ hence
changing the _______________ of the flame.

Air hole Allows _______ to mix with __________

Wide base Makes the Bunsen burner stable on a ________________.

Gas hose Connecting burner to _________________.

Heating to dryness means heating a solution until


If the solution is heated, the solvent will evaporate ( faster / slower ).

What colour of flame is used for heating? ______________

Heating to dryness safety

1. Use a _________ ________ flame to heat the solution

2. Wear ______________ when heating

3. Do not fill an evaporating basin more than ____________ with solution

4. Make sure the open end of the tube does not ____________________________.

5. Always use ___________ to hold or move hot things.

6. When most of the liquid has evaporated, _________________________. Let the

rest of the liquid evaporate more slowly.

7. Always se the Bunsen burner to a safety flam when ________ in use and just

before _______________.
During evaporation of a solution, the liquid turn into a ___________. The

evaporating liquid leaves behind the ___________ that were ___________ in it.

Evaporation can happen at ( only high / only low / any ) temperature. The rate of

evaporation increases as temperature _________________.

Table salt is a substance called ____________________ which is found in

_____________________. Also, table salt can be made by evaporating


The salt solution is called ___________.

The temperature which a liquid is turning to gas is its ______________________.

Water boils at _________ and ethanol boils at about ___________.

What sources of drinking water from?

1. ___________________

2. ___________________

3. ___________________

About _________ (percentage) of the earth’s surface is covered in water. Most of

this is ________________.

Drinking water can be made from sea water using a process called

_______________. But it is ________________ that not many countries use this


Is sea water safe to drink? Why?

One of the ways sea water is desalinated is called ____________. The sea water is

___________ so that the water _______________ to form ____________ which is

then collected and cooled so that it _____________ back into ________________.

This water is ____________ , containing no ____________

To set up a still.

Draw a solar-powered still.

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