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To-Do List:

Venue Confirmation: Confirm the availability of the Grand City Hotel for May 29th, 2023, at 7:00 PM.
Ensure that all necessary arrangements, including seating, AV equipment, and decorations, are made.

Guest Invitations: Create a guest list comprising trade delegation members, local business owners,
government officials, industry leaders, and relevant stakeholders. Send out formal invitations via email or
physical mail, including RSVP requests and event details.

Keynote Speaker and Panelists: Identify and invite a renowned keynote speaker and panelists who
possess expertise in international trade, business collaborations, and economic development.
Coordinate their travel arrangements and presentation requirements.

Menu Planning and Catering: Collaborate with the hotel's culinary team to design a menu that
showcases local specialties while incorporating Seattle-inspired flavors. Consider dietary restrictions and
preferences of the attendees.

Event Logistics: Arrange for necessary audiovisual equipment, stage setup, seating arrangements, and
event signage. Ensure smooth transitions between program segments and provide a comfortable and
professional environment.

Program Coordination: Develop a detailed event program with allocated time slots for each segment,
including speeches, discussions, and networking breaks. Share the program with speakers, panelists, and
the event team to ensure coordination.

Networking Facilitation: Assign event staff or volunteers to actively facilitate networking opportunities
during the reception and dinner. Encourage attendees to engage in conversations, exchange contact
information, and explore potential collaborations.

Promotion and Publicity: Develop a marketing strategy to promote the event, including social media
campaigns, press releases, and targeted outreach to local businesses and media outlets.

Registration and RSVP Management: Set up a registration system or online platform to manage guest
RSVPs, track attendance, and communicate event updates to the attendees.

Event Décor and Ambience: Work with a professional decorator to create an elegant and welcoming
atmosphere that aligns with the theme of the event.

Event Budgeting and Financial Management: Develop a comprehensive budget for the event, including
expenses for venue rental, catering, speakers, marketing, and other logistics. Regularly monitor and
manage the budget to ensure financial viability.

On-site Event Coordination: Prepare a detailed timeline for the event day, including setup, registration,
program flow, and breakdown. Assign dedicated staff or volunteers to oversee different aspects of the
event and ensure smooth execution.

Evaluation and Feedback: Implement a post-event evaluation process to gather feedback from
attendees, speakers, and stakeholders. Use this feedback to identify areas of improvement and measure
the success of the event in achieving its objectives.

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