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Maslow's Theory of Hierarchical Needs

Chaquoya Jones

The Chicago School of Professional Psychology

Ian MacLeod

EP 614

May 21, 2023



Maslow's concept of hierarchical needs is a well-known theory that proposes that human

motivation is pushed by using a hierarchy of desires, ranging from fundamental physiological

desires to higher-level self-actualization needs. Maslow's theory has notably stimulated

psychology, self-help practices, and motivational theories, presenting a framework for

information about the complexity of human motivation. This concept remains a relevant and

influential framework for communication and addressing human motivation. It gives a

complete perspective on the diverse needs that force human behavior. It offers a basis for

designing interventions, strategies, and practices that promote individuals' well-being,

achievement, and fulfillment. By recognizing and addressing these needs, individuals and

companies can harness the energy of motivation to meet their goals, satisfaction, and


Maslow's Theory of Hierarchical Needs


Motivation has been realized to be a crucial concept in human behavior. It

significantly influences individuals' behavior toward achieving their goals and success.

Motivation has been identified as essential in helping people unlock their full potential in

various areas of their life, like education, work, and personal growth. Understanding what

motivates individuals to realize their potential and success has proven crucial.

Multiple motivational theories have been used to help better comprehend the factors

influencing human motivation. Motivational theories have helped to understand human

behavior and how to help enhance their potential. The theories explain the complexity of the

psychological process, i.e., Specific individuals' actions, the sustaining efforts, and the

persistence people show in the face of various challenges that affect human motivation.

Scholars and psychologists have developed motivational theories over time and have been

borrowed across multiple fields.

One commonly referred to as motivational theory is Maslow's theory of hierarchical

needs. Abraham Maslow designed this theory to provide a psychological framework that can

be used to describe and understand human motivation. The theory suggests that human

motivation is driven by a particular arrangement of needs in a pyramid-like structure. These

levels include psychological needs at the lowest point. It explores the fundamental needs like

food, shelter, and clothing that are essential to the proper functioning of the human body. The

next level is safety (Shoib et al., 2022). People are mainly concerned with their security and

safety across various areas of life, like financial and job security and stability. Third is love

and belonging (Hopper, 2020). Individuals constantly seek intimacy, relationships, and a

sense of belonging built by the bonds established through interactions.

The next level is esteem needs which mainly focuses on the individual requirements

for recognition in one form or another. The final level is self-actualization which covers the

developmental needs that people experience (Hopper, 2020). According to Maslow, humans

are motivated to achieve their needs in order. This theory has significantly influenced

psychology, self-help, and motivational theories. This paper will delve into Maslow's theory

of hierarchical needs and explore its literature review across various scholarly articles within

the last five years.

Literature review

Scholars have done numerous studies to understand the implications of Abraham

Maslow's theory of hierarchical needs in various fields like education or working

environments. Virtual technology has played a role in individuals realizing their hierarchical

needs, especially in their online presence. Ghatak and Singh (2019) set to understand the link

between social media adaptation, Facebook, and Maslow's theory of hierarchical needs. Their

study was qualitative and descriptive, with a sample size of 287 respondents. They used

questionnaires to collect the information and responses from their participants. The

researchers ensured to cover the various levels of Maslow's theories. According to Ghatak

and Singh, the results of their research were that social media adoption is linked to and

follows Maslow's theory of hierarchical needs which can be effective for companies when

launching their marketing campaign.

Motivation has been noted to influence employees' performance and work satisfaction.

Researchers (Stefan et al., 2020) set to understand the implication of motivation on


employees" professional Performance, particularly the influence of meeting basic human

needs, especially following Maslow's theory of hierarchical needs. The study focused on

health organizations in Romania. The research data was collected from 824 employees

through a survey. The study's main findings were that employees from the Romania health

organizations were highly motivated when their higher hierarchical needs, self-actualization,

were met than their lower hierarchical needs. According to Stefan et al. (2020), the findings

provided a perfect platform for policymakers in the health sector in Romanian to design

motivational systems and strategies that would ensure an increase in professional

Performance and, consequently, an increase in job satisfaction. According to Shoib et al.

(2022), Maslow's theory of hierarchical needs provides an excellent framework that could be

used to design interventions for mental issues among healthcare employees and increase job


During the Covid-19 pandemic, people were noted to follow Maslow's theory of

hierarchal needs. According to Bozyiğit (2021), the idea has been at the end of various critics,

particularly that the order of hierarchal needs would not always be followed and that people

will sometimes perceive specific higher needs as important than lower-level needs. However,

Bozyiğit (2021) states that during the covid-19 pandemic and the disaster, people followed

this theory perfectly. During these periods, the primary individual concerns were acquiring

food; consequently, they could disregard their safety to get food. Additionally, this saw

different states' heavy investment in the food and healthcare sectors. To meet their safety

need, people interacted through online platforms such that companies would hold meeting

through the various available online platforms and channels.


Service quality has a significant influence on the Performance of individuals across

various institutions and businesses. According to Abbas (2020), meeting the hierarchal needs

of employees guarantees quality service performance. Abbas (2020) researched service

quality in higher education from the students' perspectives while using Maslow's theory of

hierarchical needs. The data was collected from 43 students through interviews and focused

sessions. The research findings generated several themes, i.e., teaching quality, staff quality,

safety, and security, that students used to define service quality in their institutions. The

themes all followed Maslow's theory of hierarchical needs. According to Abbas (2020), this

provided insight into the new service quality indicators in higher education institutions.

Implications of the Maslow's Theory

The implementation of Maslow's theory has had significant implications. According to

Lussier (2019), several American managements implemented Maslow's approach in their

management. Lussier (2019) sought to understand the implementation results by reviewing

case studies. Through the Performance of the theory, the employees could meet their

hierarchical needs, particularly self-actualization. Additionally, businesses that checked and

adjusted their strategies to Maslow's theory contributed to shaping the current working ethics

that continue to be embraced today in the professional world.

Individuals are faced with various challenges, like political problems. According to

Dutil (2022), Maslow's theory of hierarchal needs offers an opportunity for young students

and individuals to use it to handle the various political problems that they experience. The

model is intuitive and approachable, thus helping them organize and think critically as they

analyze complex political issues.


The article by Maslow and Lewis (1987) addresses Maslow's theory of human

motivation by emphasizing the importance of protection, love, and esteem needs. It offers

valuable insights into child development, the effect of a peaceful environment, the

significance of love and belongingness, and the outcomes of unmet desires. Healthy

development and psychological well-being require a vital understanding and fulfillment of

these needs. For instance, when analyzing safety and security in a family setting, the presence

of both parents is vital in meeting the protection of youngsters and making them feel secure

(Maslow & Lewis, 1987). Children choose a safe, orderly, and predictable world where they

can depend on all-effective parents to shield them from harm. It aligns with Maslow's theory,

which identifies protection as an essential requirement for human motivation (Maslow &

Lewis, 1987). Children raised in loving and secure families show fewer fear responses than

those exposed to quarreling, violence, or neglect.

Further, while addressing love and belongingness, these authors argue that the absence

of affectionate relationships and the frustration of love needs contribute to maladjustment

(Maslow & Lewis, 1987). In Maslow's theory, the preference for social connections, intimate

relationships, and a sense of belonging is vital to gain fulfillment. However, the ambivalence

and restrictions society often places on love and affection contribute to dissatisfaction with

these needs (Maslow & Lewis, 1987). They also argue that neurosis and esteem needs are

essential in adult psychopathology and children's development. People will regularly seek

appreciation, attention, and recognition, which, if not fulfilled, can lead to neurotic behavior

(Maslow & Lewis, 1987). Maslow's theory acknowledges esteemed wishes as essential

motivators, encompassing the preference for achievement, confidence, independence, and the

want for respect and recognition from others.


Further, Pregoner et al. (2020) also examined the effect of cooking as a hobby on

cooks in the context of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs. The study's findings advocate that

Maslow's theoretical framework is applicable and relevant for learning about the impact of

cooking on cooks. The studies found that cooking provides cooks with an experience of

control, social and cultural belongingness, and a connection to their family roots. It also

enhances their self-efficacy and social esteem, permitting them to showcase their creativity

and expand their tremendous self-esteem (Pregoner et al., 2020). additionally, the study

highlighted that cooking has therapeutic elements for upcoming chefs, a reduced sense of

time, intense sensory stimulation, and altered conscious states. Pregoner et al. (2020) assert

that serving the cooked product has become recognized as a therapeutic issue in cooking. The

study demonstrates how cooking aligns with the diverse desires outlined in Maslow's

Hierarchy, supplying mental and emotional advantages to cooks.

Similarly, research by Stewart et al. (2018) found that personnel within the Romanian

healthcare system are often motivated by meeting higher-level needs, particularly self-

actualization, with decreased-level desires having a lesser effect. The results provide insights

for policymakers and bosses, suggesting the significance of designing and implementing

powerful motivational strategies to enhance overall professional Performance. Companies can

tailor their strategies to create an environment that fosters satisfaction and higher Performance

by understanding the precise needs that force motivation amongst personnel. Maslow's

concept of needs may be implemented in the context of worker motivation and overall

Performance in healthcare settings.

Conclusively, the literature explored has established the relevance and implications of

Maslow's concept in regions inclusive of social media adoption, worker motivation,


Performance, mental fitness interventions, provider satisfaction in education, control

practices, and political problem-solving. The findings highlight the importance of fulfilling

basic physiological and protection wishes, fostering love and belongingness, and

acknowledging the importance of esteem and self-actualization. This theory provides relevant

insights and practical implications for diverse fields, from advertising and marketing

campaigns and motivational techniques to improving provider quality and employee job


Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs On Consumer Decision-Making

Physiological requirements, such as food, water, and shelter, are at the core of

Maslow's Hierarchy. These needs are essential for surviving, and satisfying them influences

consumers' decisions. The accessibility and price of various goods and services significantly

influence consumer choices. As one moves up the organization, safety needs become more

critical. Customers seek safety and defense against potential hazards, including physical

injury, unstable finances, and other dangers. This demand for safety influences consumer

choices about insurance, home security systems, and dependable goods that provide a sense

of security. Marketers frequently highlight their goods' safety features and warranties to meet

this demand. Consumers' focus shifts to social demands when physiological and safety needs

have been met. These requirements include the need for social connection, belonging, and

love. Customers make decisions that support the development and maintenance of their social

networks, such as choosing goods or experiences that raise their social standing, encourage

affiliation, or encourage social engagement. The effect of social demands may be observed in

consuming high-end commodities, things linked with social status, and fashion accessories.

Consumers' attention turns to esteem requirements as they go up the Hierarchy.

Esteem needs refer to the need for respect from others, self-esteem, and accomplishment

acknowledgment. Customers look for goods and services that improve their perceptions of

themselves, give them more self-assurance, and make them more appealing to others. This

demand for respect influences consumer choices for personal grooming, clothing, luxury

items, and branded goods that imply success and prestige. Self-actualization is at the very top

of Maslow's Hierarchy, according to Wang (2019). Self-actualization is the urge for personal

development, self-fulfillment, and potential realization. Self-actualization-driven consumers

place a higher value on goods and experiences consistent with their values, interests, and

objectives. They may pursue personal growth, travel, adventure, creativity, or hobbies.

For marketers, the impact of Maslow's Hierarchy of requirements on customer

decision-making is significant in several ways. To begin with, marketers must recognize the

demands of their target market and then tailor their products, services, and marketing

messages to meet those needs (Usta, 2023). Marketers may strategically position their offers

and develop enticing value propositions by understanding and appealing to the unique

demands that influence customer behavior. Second, marketers must understand that they

might differ across various demographic groups. Younger consumers could place a higher

value on social needs and self-expression, whereas elderly consumers might place a higher

value on safety and self-esteem requirements (Usta, 2023). Better outcomes may be obtained

by adjusting marketing techniques to target particular customer categories depending on their

predominant demands.

Furthermore, group dynamics and cultural influences are also impacted by Maslow's

Hierarchy, which goes beyond the level of the individual. Consumer demands and desires are

influenced by cultural, social, and environmental aspects, claim Saáry et al. (2021). Marketers

must take into account these outside factors and modify their plans accordingly. They may

use social proof, endorsements, and community-building activities to appeal to customers'

social needs and provide a sense of belonging.

Integration With Other Motivational Theories

A thorough explanation of human motivation is provided by combining Maslow's

Theory of Hierarchical Needs with other theories, offering a more comprehensive framework

for deciphering and treating motivational processes. Researchers can better understand the

complexity of human motivation and its many influencing elements by fusing Maslow's

theory with other ideas. One of the motivational theories that may be used with Maslow's

Theory of Hierarchical Needs is Self-Determination Theory (SDT). The core psychological

requirements for autonomy, competence, and relatedness are at the center of SDT (Deptola,

2021). Competence pertains to the desire to feel adequate and capable, relatedness highlights

the need for social ties and a sense of belonging, and autonomy refers to the need for self-

direction and control over one's actions. Combining Maslow's theory with SDT enables a

more complex understanding of how psychological demands are met. Maslow's theory

emphasizes the Hierarchy of wants, whereas SDT emphasizes the significance of meeting

these fundamental needs continuously and dynamically.

According to the integration of Maslow's theory and SDT, satisfying physiological

and safety requirements, which are at the bottom of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, is required

but insufficient for motivation and well-being. Additionally, people must feel competent,

linked, and autonomous to thrive and have innate drive. For instance, even if a person's

physical and safety requirements are addressed, they may still feel unsatisfied or lose

motivation if they lack autonomy or believe their work is beneath them (Mahomed &

Rothmann, 2019). Researchers and practitioners may create interventions and methods that

address the Hierarchy of needs and the satisfaction of intrinsic psychological needs by

combining Maslow's theory with SDT, hence fostering the highest levels of motivation and


Achievement Motivation Theory (AMT) is another motivational theory that may be

used with Maslow's Theory of Hierarchical Needs. The craving for success, power, and

allegiance is the emphasis of AMT. Affiliation stresses the desire for social relationships and

a sense of belonging, whereas achievement and power are related to the drive to excel and

complete complex tasks (Tantoh, 2023). By considering the Hierarchy of needs and the

particular motivations that influence behavior, the integration of Maslow's theory with AMT

offers a more thorough explanation of motivation. The combination of Maslow's theory and

AMT shows that individual disparities in Performance, power, and affiliation motives can

impact the satisfaction of higher-level wants, including esteem and self-actualization. For

example, People with a high need for success could be more driven to pursue self-

actualization and work toward personal progress. In contrast, people with a high need for

power might be more driven to seek influence and recognition in their particular industries

(Waldan, 2020). Researchers may examine the interaction between hierarchical needs and

particular motives by fusing Maslow's theory with AMT. This results in a more significant

comprehension of individual motivation and goal pursuit variances.

Maslow's theory and self-efficacy theory have been combined to show that people's

motivation to achieve self-actualization and personal progress may be significantly influenced

by their perceptions of competence and self-efficacy. For instance, people with high self-

efficacy may be more driven to take on complex tasks and work toward self-actualization. In

contrast, people with low self-efficacy may be more reluctant or disheartened about pursuing

their higher-level needs (Zainualdin et al., 2019). Practitioners and educators may develop

treatments and techniques that strengthen people's self-efficacy, fostering motivation and

wellbeing by considering how self-efficacy beliefs affect the quest for self-actualization and

personal growth.

Limitations of the Theory

Maslow's Theory of Hierarchical Needs has been frequently quoted and is influential,

yet it has certain drawbacks. Although the theory offers a valuable framework for

comprehending human motivation, it has received criticism and has several drawbacks that

need to be noted. The general application of Maslow's theory is one of its key drawbacks.

According to the idea, everyone exhibits the same pattern of wants and motives since the

Hierarchy of needs is similar across persons and cultures (Barnes, 2021). However, studies

have shown that individual and cultural variations may significantly impact how requirements

are prioritized. A person's Hierarchy of needs may vary depending on their own experiences

and ideals, and different cultures may place more emphasis on some wants than others

(Barnes, 2021). Therefore, the theory's rigid hierarchical structure may not accurately capture

the complexity of motivation in diverse populations.

The clear Hierarchy of requirements given by Maslow needs to be supported by actual

data, which is another weakness. The hypothesis has been critiqued for lacking empirical

support, even though it is intuitive and consistent with everyday experiences (Desmet &

Fokkinga, 2020). Instead of a thorough scientific analysis, Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, from

physiological to self-actualization, is based on his subjective findings. The theory needs to


outline precise standards or quantifiable metrics for identifying when a need is met and when

people move on to the next stage (Desmet & Fokkinga, 2020). It has caused some academics

to doubt the Hierarchy's validity and generalizability.

Maslow's theory also holds that needs must be addressed in a particular order, with

higher-level demands only becoming motivating after lower-level needs have been satisfied.

Real-world events, however, frequently contradict this logical trend. Depending on the

situation, people may simultaneously seek several wants or have shifting priorities (Ttefan et

al., 2020). For instance, a person with financial instability can put safety concerns ahead of

demands for social connection. The theory's linear structure needs to represent this dynamic

and situational character of requirements adequately.

The approach also downplays how social and environmental variables affect

motivation. Maslow's emphasis on meeting individual needs ignores how social, cultural, and

environmental influences affect people's behavior. Various variables influence people's

motivation and conduct, including social standards, economic situations, cultural values, and

internal demands. The theory does not consider the intricate interactions between internal and

environmental elements that influence motivation and behavior.

Another drawback is the need for more focus on self-transcendence and progress

outside of self-actualization. Maslow recognized self-transcendence as a higher-level need,

although he did not wholly include it in his theory (Mahip, 2022). The idea mostly ignores the

more expansive facets of human existence, such as spirituality, collective well-being, and the

quest for meaning and purpose beyond the self, in favor of individualistic goals and personal


In addition, the effects of setbacks, adversity, and regression on the Hierarchy of

needs need to be sufficiently addressed by Maslow's theory. The theory presupposes a

progression from lower to higher levels of wants, but in practice, people might regress to

lower levels of demands due to numerous life events (Agustina et al., 2020). For instance, a

person who has attained self-actualization can experience a significant life tragedy that forces

them to return to prioritizing safety requirements. The theory's linear growth does not

consider these intricacies and difficulties in the actual human experience.


In conclusion, Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory is still valuable and essential for

comprehending human motivation. The literature study emphasized this theory's use in

several areas, such as management techniques, political problem-solving, the use of social

media, employee motivation and Performance, and mental health interventions. The research

constantly showed how crucial it is to satisfy fundamental physiological and safety

requirements, promote love and a sense of belonging, and acknowledge esteem and self-

actualization's role in enhancing motivation and wellbeing.

Maslow's theory may be combined with other theories of motivation, such as the Self-

Determination Theory and the Achievement Motivation Theory, to provide a more thorough

framework for comprehending human motivation. It identifies the interaction between

hierarchical requirements and particular motives and highlights how dynamic and continually

satisfying psychological needs are. Regarding consumer decision-making, Maslow's

Hierarchy of requirements affects people's physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-

actualization demands. Utilizing this knowledge, marketers may modify their goods, services,

and marketing messages to suit the requirements of their target market better.


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