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Students in school sometimes experience different problems which affects their
performance and might affect their Mental health, one of the researchers observe on the pupils of
Grade 9 Students of St. Elizabeth is that some of them are unmotivated, or no energy in classes
which the researcher’s thought that there is something wrong with the students, that’s why the
researcher’s would like to explore and propose a solution by using dance as a tool if dancing
might help lessen and raise up the students self esteem.
Dancing or dance is a kind of physical activity that functions the entire body including
also the mind, there many deferent kinds or types of dance in different culture to learn. Dance is
a fully-fledged art form, belonging to the ‘performing arts’, a goal in itself and a means of
allowing a human being to express his inner feelings, thoughts and experiences. Dancing
provides many different benefits in our physical factors, Dancing involves concentration, and
stamina, meaning when you dance, you switch off from the stresses of everyday life. Hence
dancing lowers stress and anxiety. Dancing exercises the heart, lungs, muscles, joints, and
ligaments, and in doing so it tests your balance, muscle strength, and coordination
Dance have been used in any kind of ways including education it is very important for
students to learn this kind of physical activity, to learn new talents, discovering yourself to be
capable of dancing so as your body, dancing has been included in education system in terms of
physical and health subject that’s been instructed to the students from Elementary, High School,
until college, to be more active, not just in health but dancing also provides benefits in Social
life. Which means Dancing is a great form of exercise, and a love of dance from an early age can
help motivate kids to stay active as they grow into adults.
Dance has also been argued to benefit social and personal development . Individuals who
engage in the practice of dance have reported that involvement helped with psychological health.
For instance, individuals who reported increased durations or frequencies of dance had better
scores on measures of psychological well-being, Participation in dance provides social
interaction, skill development as well as psychological and physiological health benefits.
Teachers, governing bodies, and policy makers should consider the implementation/addition of
dance activities for all pupils during physical education curriculum development (Laird et al.
Benefits of Dance
Learning Advantages – Advantages of learning Because the brain is powered by
electricity, it need oxygen and water to function properly. One of these two elements, oxygen, is
made available by movement (dancing). Movement also causes another amazing thing to occur.
Endorphins are a type of neurochemical that the brain makes. This substance gives off a feeling
of vitality and improves learning conditions in the brain.
Behavioral Benefits – Children with hyperactivity issues and those who engage in self-
destructive conduct can find relief via dance. These troubled adolescent minds appear to become
more calm and focused when they dance.
Physical Benefits – Dance promotes greater flexibility while also toning the body,
enhancing posture, balance, and coordination. Although it is frequently disregarded as a positive,
flexibility can significantly lower the risk of injury, particularly in an active child. Dance
improves one’s capacity to execute other physical activities by keeping the body and mind in
shape and concentrated.
Mental benefits -Children that participate in dancing will do well in school and have a
greater capacity for creativity. A youngster can learn focus, inventiveness, and discipline via
dance, all of which are essential skills in education.
Social Benefits – Dance fosters greater empathy, tolerance, respect, and awareness of
others’ similarities and differences. By introducing your child to new people, dance can extend
their horizons and improve their ability to relate to people later in life, both in their personal lives
and in their future employment.
Aesthetic Benefits: Dance gives movement and form new meaning and helps people
become more mindful of beauty.
Emotional Advantages – In a dynamic setting, dance fosters the growth of self-esteem
and confidence. “The benefit of the arts (music and dance) is that they connect intellectual
development with social and emotional growth. Students are more invested in what They learn
from one another, study, see connections between subjects and their life, develop their thinking
skills, and work harder. Source: Washington Post
Coordination Benefits -Benefits of coordination include better fine motor abilities and
improved hand-eye coordination. Students who can execute intricate rhythms may also repair
errors in a variety of academic and physical contexts more quickly and accurately. Timing,
coordination, and Motor Skills Center.
The CDC advises kids and teenagers to engage in at least 60 minutes (or more) of physical
activity each day. This can be accomplished by including dance lessons in your weekly schedule.
There are numerous advantages to increasing your daily exercise, in addition to this one. Like
meeting new people, taking part in a creative, lovely, and distinctive art form, learning dance
steps, expressing feelings, and cooperating with others. Future professional prospects can also be
expanded by dance. Dance encompasses a wide range of occupations, including choreography,
teaching, and dancing. The dance industry also employs people as community dancers,
promoters, producers, designers, publicists, technologists, physiotherapists, alternative medicine
practitioners, therapists, authors, and academics. Dancing also develops skills that can translate
to many non-dance career paths. The confidence gained through achievements in dance builds
social skills, increases self esteem and the ability to communicate well in a group dance.
Statement of the Problem
The study aims to determine using Dance as Fostering in positive behavior for physical
education students in Grade 8 St. Elizabeth
1.What are the manifestation of the students behavior in terms of
a. creative expression
b. effective communication
c. self regulation
d. acceptance of others
e. self-confidence
2.How does dance foster the positive behavior of Grade 8 St.Elizabeth in Physical Education
3.What is the effect of Dance in fostering positive behavior for Grade 8 St.Elizabeth in Physical
Education in terms of:
a. creative expression
b. effective communication
c. self regulation
d. acceptance of others
e. self-confidence

Research Question
The following questions that the researcher’s formulated will help the study accomplished it’s
1. What are the benefits of dancing on the behavior of Grade 8 St. Elizabeth ?

2. Does dancing helps improve students self confidence ?

3. Is dancing helps promote healthy mental health ?

Research Hypothesis
The research objective is to identify if fostering dance on Grade 8 Elizabeth makes
positive behavior, the researchers provide 2 hypothesis null and alternative that will serve as a
prediction on what are research will find.
Ho – There is no significant relationship between Dancing which fostering on Students Positive
behavior .
Ha- Dance helps fostering Students Positive behavior in physical education
Significance of the Study
The following results of the study will be significant to the following
School Administration- Result might provide an information on the school staff on discovering
way’s such as dancing that contribute to the behavior of the students, in case they may
implement and prioritize and motivate every Students to engage on dancing as physical activity,
which contributes on Students health and performance.
Students- They will learn new things especially those who don’t dance might discover it as a
new hobby, talent, and not just it, but also dancing improves self confidence, lessen anxiety, any
mental disorders and more importantly exercising their body to be healthy and learning to dance
while early.
Teachers- Teachers such as adviser may help their students to engage in dancing and promote it
as an exercise to maintain students participation, cooperation on engaging their performance and
daily mood .
Parents – Parents will be more happy In case dancing helps one develop their self confidence,
raising talent’s , becoming active, healthy and happy.
Conceptual framework.


demographic Profile.

Name, Age, Gender

2.What is the effect of

Dance in fostering Analysis of Data through
positive behavior for A. Administering
Grade 8 St.Elizabeth in Questionnaires Dance as a means of
Physical Education in fostering positive
terms of: B. Organization of behavior for physical
Respondents education students in
Creative expression answers Grade 8 St.Elizabeth
effective communication
C. Statistical
self regulation Analysis of Data

acceptance of others


Figure 1. Conceptual framework

The conceptual framework of this research has the input in which the content are the
respondents profile and research question based on our Statement of the problem. It has also a
process which contains the process of collecting data by the use of Survey questionnaires and
lastly it has the output which will be dance as Fostering positive behavior for physical education
Students in Grade 8 Elizabeth.
Review of Related Literature and studies
Related Literature
( Jensen, 2018) There are multiple benefits to the art of dance; these benefits are
commonly categorized into two realms of wellness: physical and mental. According to her
dancing Provide benefits for our health and emotional expression may enhance cognition,
positive attitudes, and confidence. Ultimately dance as a kinesthetic art contributes to the
development and enhancement of critical neurobiological systems, including cognition,
emotions, immune, circulatory, and perceptual- motor
Physical Benefits of Dance
While the physical benefits are not the core focus of this study, it is important to call
attention to them, as dance is such a physical art form, connecting, and even transcending, the
body and mind. Some of the physical benefits of dance include, but are not limited to, improved
cardiovascular health, balance, strength, flexibility, coordination and spatial awareness, Just as
dancing challenges the physical body, increasing the heart rate, burning calories, with an ever-
changing center of gravity, dance also challenges the brain (Lindberg, 2016)
Mental Benefits of Dance
( Rojhan and Kael, 2017) clearly identifies the effects of dance on improved cognitive
development, creativity, concept of self improved learning and competencies, vestibular action,
ability to follow direction and instruction, timing and memory, and emotional expression and
control . He mentions “most of the brain is active during physical activity…When athletes
achieve excellence in a sport, they are probably using close to 100% of their brain” . Most of the
brain is working while dancers execute their complex movements, fast decision making, keen
attention, monitored emotions, accessing the past alertness and recognition of surrounding
potential problems, creation of immediate solutions, maintaining balance, monitoring facial
expression, moving with grace, agility, and coordination, and remember sequencing. In short,
while dancing, the brain is processing extreme multitasking and acting like a flight simulaton.
Emotional benefits of dance
( Vincent, 2017) Research argues that emotions, thinking, and learning are all connected.
The classroom and the school provide opportunities for endless emotional experiences, and
Students brains will be altered by those experiences. Emotions drive attention, create meaning,
and have memory pathways. This strong, productive combination leads to learning and the brain
is far more active and chemically stimulated when emotions are involved. The more intense the
emotional state, the more learning will take place. He believes that teenagers are different and
are predisposed to the seek out novelty behaviors. Teens should seek out activities with smaller;
more immediate rewards versus activities with larger, deep meaning. Though dance
choreography can be deep in meaning, movement does offer instant gratification that elicits
positive feelings and emotions.
Confidence and Self Steem.
(Judith Hanna, 2015 ) states that the success and sense of achievement students feel as a
result of creating dance gives them self- confidence and motivation to master other challenges in
school . First, self- confidence comes from knowledge, skill, and practice. “The more experience
you have, the more confident you will become”. Self-confidence also deals with intrinsic trust
and the ability to succeed in new challenges, tasks, and opportunities. Someone can be confident
in various skills, such as dancing, cooking painting, but still have low self-esteem. Self-esteem
has a great bearing on the quality of life and practicing dance can greatly affect that. Dance
practice is proven to be a powerful method to enhance the tendency to be conscious and present
in everyday life and therefore, participants are mindfully centered, emotionally regulated, and
cognitively balanced . This directly relates to self-esteem, as Muro states, “women who practice
dance can improve their attitude toward the self” and This is self-worth. Hanna continues to
support dance’s impact on self-esteem. Individuals can improve their self-esteem through dance
by feeling the kinesthetic joy of movement, making physical fitness a part of their lives, and
feeling a sense of self-empowerment. The achievement comes through the mind-body integration
that is dancemaking the body respond to the mind’s dictate while being aware of bodily
messages. Teachers work toward promoting student self-esteem by focusing on the whole
person, not just the dance.
Related Studies
(Amber, Salo 2016) conducted a study about the benefits of dancing on mental and
emotional health including also one’s self- confidence, on young adults the research aims to
investigate of Dancing has a positive effects mental and emotional health in a method of doing
and offering to the participants a one day dance workshop, which have an amount of 63
participants of students from high school to college, by gathering data through interview and
questionnaire with pre and post method to illustrate the benefits in mental and emotional the
researchers conclude that by joining the workshop, the participants benefitted in several ways
that included: increased mental stamina and memory, increased self-confidence, joyful self-
expression, emotional exploration, setting and attaining goals, and taking on new challenges.
(Rashida, et al., 2017) conducted a research using a Participatory Action Research Model
in evaluating the impact of dance on health ( PAR), The purpose of this PAR study was to assess
the impact of an urban, intergenerational dance and physical activity program by identifying
community-preferred measurable outcomes that promote program participation and
sustainability. By using descriptive qualitative design with interview in facilitating discussion by
using two groups adult and young, the results were analyze , transcribed using directed content
analyze, the research found out that dance benefits in the following. ( 1) Enhancing the
psychological and emotional well-being of the individual, (2). Enhancement of social well-being
and management of interpersonal relationships and responsibilities (3). Enhancing and
promoting physiologic well-being (4). Changes in health promoting behaviors and skill
acquisition, and (5). Concerns about accessibility of dance for health and other physical activity
programs in the community.
(Simpson, 2017) with the study of The impact of dance/movement classes on adolescent
behavior in an urban high school setting the purpose of the study Educational programs that
include the arts can also serve as a therapeutic tool used to assist at-risks students with academic
achievement as well as disruptive behavior, the relationship between dance and behavior has
been analyze with a 45 risk students, The findings (a) dance classes can be utilized as an
intervention to reduce stress and (b) students who participate in dance programs in public school
settings will develop self-control, self-regulation and exhibit less disruptive behavior.
( Fegly., 2017) Conducted a research about the impact of dance on students learning the
purpose of the study was to examine if dancing has an impact on students learning within the
classroom and across the curriculum, A critical review of the literature has brought forward four
themes in efforts to understand how dance supports student learning, to include: student
engagement, critical and creative thinking, self-concept, and dance as part of a more holistic
method.Student engagement and critical and creative thinking in dance are most often found
through constructivist methods of learning. Dance education can affect self-concept both
positively and negatively based on experience level, competitiveness, and teacher feedback.
Utilizing dance as part of a more holistic approach to teaching can create increased motivation
and engagement for students. Awareness and use of the findings imply that teachers can be
successful in supporting student learning.
(Grayling., et al 2016) conducted a study about The impact of dance activities on the
health of persons with parkinson’s disease, the purpose of the study was use dance as alternative
method such as dance might be beneficial and how dance programs emotional physical and
Mental, A qualitative method with semi-structured interviews and content analysis was used, and
10 participants with variations in age, gender, and how long they had been diagnosed with the
disease were interviewed. The results showed that dancing was experienced as improving health,
which implied feeling both calmed and excited, getting better sleep, and being able to move with
more focus and freedom. The dance program was experienced as a social context through the
importance of community, feelings of togetherness, and being able to compare oneself with
others. Experiences of self-support included experiencing increased self-esteem and joy, but also
a sense of being confirmed and having structure, which gave meaning to everyday life

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