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Transfer call: handling message:

Greeting greeting

Caller’s name caller’s name

Guest name & room number guest name & room number

Call the guest message

Connect the call contact

Last greeting repeat

Last greeting

Phone Ring, have to be answered within 3 times ring,

(Transfer Call)

TO : Good morning thank you for calling BBPLK Bekasi Hotel, this is Cantika, how may I assist you?

G: Halo Cantika, I will transfer my call to miss Norma

TO: Certainly Madam, May I have your name please?

G: Oke, my name is Dea

TO: Alright Miss. Dea may I have your guest name and also the room number?

G: The guest name is Norma Widya Sari, her room number is 105

TO: Alright Miss. Dea, allow me to connect your call to your collect room, (connecting to miss Norma)

TO: Good morning miss Norma this is Cantika from operator, I would like to inform there is your friend
Miss. Dea on the line want to speak with you, would you consider to take the calls now.

Norma: Oke sure

TO: Certainly Madam, allow me to connect your call

TO: Miss. Dea, now you are connected to miss Norma have a good day and have a pleasant day.

G : Thank you

(Conference call)
(Handling message)

TO : Good morning thank you for calling BBPLK Bekasi Hotel, this is arifin, how may I assist you?

TO : Selamat pagi, terima kasih telah menghubungi BBPLK Bekasi Hotel, dengan arifin, ada yang bisa saya

G: Halo arifin, I would like to leave a message to Mr. nathan

G: Halo arifin, saya mau meninggalkan pesan untuk Mr. nathan

TO: Alright mister, may I know who am I speaking with ?

TO: Baik bapak, boleh saya tau dengan siapa saya berbicara?

G: My Name is Samuel

G: nama saya samuel

TO: Alright Mister Samuel, may I have your guest name and also the room number?

TO: Baik bapak samuel, boleh saya tau nama dan nomor kamar tamu tersebut?

G: Mr. Samuel roviyedo, the room number is 105

G: Bapak Samuel roviyedo, kamar nomor 105

TO: Certainly Mister, could you spell your guest name please?

TO: Baik bapak, boleh dieja untuk nama tamunya?

G: Ofcourse, His first name is samuel and his last name is roviyedo

G: Tentu, nama pertamanya samuel dan nama belakangnya roviyedo

TO: Alright Mister, May I have the note you want to leave for Mr. Samuel roviyedo?

TO: Baik Ibu, Boleh saya tau pesan apa yang akan disampaikan untuk Bapak Samuel roviyedo?

G: Ok, please meet me at the airport at 3 pm, in front of the Gate 7

G: Ok, temui saya di airport jam 15.00, di depan Gate 7

TO: Alright mister, may I have your contact number?

TO: Baik bapak, boleh saya tau untuk nomor kontak bapak?

G: ok, my phone number is 081396927867

G: Ok, nomor telepon saya 081396927867

TO: Certainly mister, may I repeat your message to Mr. samuel?

TO: Baik bapak, boleh saya bacakan pesan Ibu untuk Bapak samuel?

G: OK you may repeat

G: Ok

TO: Certainly, this is your message Mister, Mr. nathan want to meet Mr. samuel at the airport in front of
Gate 7 at 3 pm, and for your phone number 081396927867, is it correct Mister?

TO: Baik, berikut adalah pesan bapak, bapak nathan ingin bertemu Bapak samuel di Bandara, di depan
Fate 7 jam 15.00, dan untuk nomor telepon Ibu 081396927867, apakah sudah benar bapak?

G : Yes, exactly

G : Ya

TO: Alright Mister, Is there anything else that I can assist with?

TO: Baik bapak, ada hal lain yang bisa saya bantu?

G: No, thank you

G: tidak, terima kasih

TO: Alright Mister thank you for calling, have a nice day.

TO: Baik bapak, terimakasih sudah menghubungi kami, semoga hari bapak menyenangkan.

G: Thank you.

G: Terima kasih

(Handling Complaint)

TO : Good morning Operator, this is Cantika, how may I assist you?

G: Halo Cantika, why my room is so hot. Maybe the aircon is broke

TO: I do apologized for the inconvenience, we do understand that its not part of our standard, at the
moment allow me to send engineering team to your room, is that alright for you Madam?

G: Alright

TO: Certainly Madam, Our team will right away to your room.

(After the Engineering was confirm has fixed the room, we have to make sure again by call the room)

TO : Madam, previously we do received the information regarding the air conditioner did not working
properly in your room, please be inform that at the moment our engineering team has fixed the issues,
kindly advise us is the issue has alright now ?

G : Yes, Everything is okay now, thank you

TO: Certainly sir, once again we do apologized for the inconvenience, should you need for further
assistance please do not hesitate to contact us, and have a pleasant stay with us.
(Wake Up Call)

TO : Good morning Mr. Ibnu this is your wake up call at 05:30, would you like to have second wake up
call ?

TO : Good morning Mr. Ibnu this is your wake up call at 05:30 weather forecast for today is sunny in the
morning and cloudy in the afternoon , would you like to have second wake up call ?

G : No need.

TO : (For VIP guest) Certainly Sir, would you like to have coffee or tea to start your day ?

(Kalau guest nya perlu second wake up call)

G : Yes, please call me again at 06.00 am

TO : Certainly sir, we will call you back at 06:00 , (Kalo guest nya perlu wake up call ke 2 jam 06:00)

TO : Good morning Mr. Ibnu this is your second wake up call at 06:00, have a good day.

G : Thank you.

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