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TASK 3 : Tell a short story about your first job

Hi teacher, my name is Henjy, today let me tell you about my experience

working in an accessory store at Aeon mall Binh Tan.
At that time, I was a student and my first job was as a salesperson.
Initially, I thought this job would be all about sales, but this position actually
gave me a lot more experience, especially in business and academic life.
During this job, I developed my creativity and meticulousness by decorating
my products beautifully and attracting customers. Knowing what we had in
stock was crucial for selling because it kept us ready when an order came in
and pushed our memory.
Here we had a Japanese term called KAIZEN. As a business principle,
KAIZEN means continuous improvement for every employee's work. This
was applied to the shop, where everyone was always motivated to remain
creative and develop their strengths.
In my opinion, consulting customers, selling up, and setting sales goals are
still the most important aspects of sales. When you set a number for yourself,
you will know what you need to do to achieve it.
To achieve those goals, I had to develop better-consulting skills, hone my
sales skills and optimize my store management. In our store, most of the staff
was female, and we referred to each other as princesses because we were
kind, respectful, saw each other as talented and beautiful girls.
Owners of the shop treated us like princesses, like partners rather than just
employees. They always gave us a gift for our birthdays or holidays. Gifts
and rewards were always valuable, both spiritually and materially.
Each member here loves reading books. Therefore they always shared their
knowledge in the field of sales to improve together and even shared helpful
things in books about how to treat people in life, efficient time management,
scheduling and more.
Among my duties were preparing reports, calculating sales, performance,
calculating sales goals,, income and so forth.
This job was very suitable for me because my major is economics.
For personal reasons I took a break from this job, this is the first job that suits
me best and had brought me many memories as well as work experience.

TASK 3 : Tell a short story about your first job

Hi teacher, my name is Henjy , today let me tell you about my

experience working in an accessory store at Aeon mall Binh Tan.
At that time, I was a student and my first job was as a salesperson.
At first I thought I would just stand in sales but no, this job gave me a
lot more, especially in the field of business and academic life. In this
job, I learned how to decorate my products beautifully and attract
customers, thereby training my creativity and meticulousness.
Organizing stock, knowing what products were in stock was an
important part of selling because it kept us ready when an order came
in and exercises our memory.
Here we had a Japanese term called kaizen, In business, kaizen was
understood as continuous improvement activities for every employee's
work, and this term had been applied in the shop so that everyone was
always creative and constantly developing their strengths.

And in my opinion, the most important sale is still consulting

customers, selling up and setting sales goals. When you set a goal
number for yourself, you know what you need to do to reach that goal.
To do that I had honed my consulting better, honed my up sale skills,
good product presentation and good store management. The staff at
our store were mostly female and we always calld each other
princesses, simply because we respect each other and see each other
as beautiful and talented girls.
Shop owners treated us like princesses, like collaborators, not just
Every holiday or birthday, we got a gift from the shop owner. Business
gifts and rewards had great spiritual and material value.
Everyone here loves to read books, so they always share their
knowledge in the field of sales to become better together, even sharing
useful things in books about how to treat people in life, how to
effective time management ,scheduling and more.
My job has things like making reports, calculating store sales,
calculating sales goals, performance, income and you name it.
These jobs are very suitable for me because my major is economics.
Because I was busy studying for exams, I postponed my work, but I will
come back soon because I love this job.

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