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“ the modal auxiliaries reques, ability, obligation and advice ”

Dosen Pengampu :
Heri Syafrizal

Disusun Oleh Kelompok 3 :

1. Dsvita Sartini (2111140140)
2. Egge Jumzen (2111140134)
3. Sonia Dk (2111140135)



‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Segala puji bagi Allah SWT yang telah memberikan kami kemudahan sehingga
kami dapat menyelesaikan makalah ini dengan tepat waktu. Tanpa pertolongan-
Nya tentunya kami tidak akan sanggup untuk menyelesaikan makalah ini dengan
baik. Shalawat serta salam semoga terlimpah curahkan kepada baginda tercinta
kita yaitu Nabi Muhammad SAW yang kita nanti-natikan syafa’atnya di akhirat

Penulis mengucapkan syukur kepada Allah SWT atas limpahan nikmat sehat-Nya,
baik itu berupa sehat fisik maupun akal pikiran, sehingga penulis mampu untuk
menyelesaikan pembuatan makalah ini.

Penulis tentu menyadari bahwa makalah ini masih jauh dari kata sempurna dan
masih banyak terdapat kesalahan serta kekurangan di dalamnya. Untuk itu,
penulis mengharapkan kritik serta saran dari pembaca untuk makalah ini, supaya
makalah ini nantinya dapat menjadi makalah yang lebih baik lagi. Kemudian
apabila terdapat banyak kesalahan pada makalah ini penulis mohon maaf yang
sebesar-besarnya. Penulis juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak.
yang telah membimbing dalam menulis makalah ini. Demikian, semoga makalah
ini dapat bermanfaat. Terima kasih. Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi

Bengkulu, 19 Mei 2023

KATA PENGANTAR............................................................................................ii
DAFTAR ISI..........................................................................................................iii
BAB 1........................................................................................................................
A. Latar Belakang.............................................................................................1
BAB 2........................................................................................................................
A. The modal auxiliaries...................................................................................2
B. the modal ability ..........................................................................................7
C. obligation.....................................................................................................2
D. Advice ........................................................................................................2
BAB 3 .......................................................................................................................
A. Kesimpulan................................................................................................16
DAFTAR PUSTAKA............................................................................................17

A. Background (Latar Belakang)

With English we can add to our insights and knowledge for the
betterment of our nation and country, because we will be able to read English
literature, listen to foreign radio broadcasts, and watch other scientific films.
Modals In English phrases or sentences, Modals are also known. Modals here
are not company capital, but capital in the predicate of an English sentence.

Language is not only used as a tool to exchange information by

conveying a statement or question. Sometimes we also need to express a
request, offer, suggestion, advice, intention, or convey wishes, abilities and so
on. We can also express something politely, firmly or definitely.

To express the things above, we use modal auxiliary verbs or also

called modal auxiliaries or modals which means auxiliary verbs.

A. The modal auxiliaries

Modal auxiliaries are used to express a wide variety of meanings in

English. For example, they can be used to defend arguments and explain

 Example Modal Auxiliaries.

1. The modal Can:
Expresses physical or mental ability to do an action in the
present or future.
Example : I can 8 kilometers per hour.
He can play the piano very well.

2. The modal Could:

Expresses physical or mental ability to do an action in the past.
Examples: I could speak French when I was five years old.
It could run very fast when it was a baby.

3. The modal Will:

It is used to express future.
Examples: I’ll go to the movies next week.
She’ll dance with him tomorrow.

4. The modal Would:

The modal auxiliary would is used to make a polite request, a
wish and also expresses a habit in the past.
Examples: Would you serve me some water, please?
I would like to travel to Paris.
5. The modal May:
Expresses permission or possibility in a polite style, the modal
may is used only with the pronoun “I” at the moment we make a
Examples: May I go to the movies?
It may rain today.

6. The modal Might:

Might has almost the same meaning that may, except that might
expresses less possibility than may. We can say that might gives
like the 15% of possibility.
Examples: He might go to the theater.
I told him that he might watch a movie only if the finished his

7. The modal Should:

Expresses obligation to do an action. (Ought to/ Ought not to):
Should and ought to have the same meaning.
Examples: She should wash her car because is very dirty.
You should study for the exam if you want to win.
She ought to wash her car because is very dirty.
You ought to study for the exam if you want to win.

8. The modal Must:

Expresses strong obligation to do an action.
Examples: A soldier must always follow orders.
I must go to the supermarket today because we don’t have food.1

H. E. Von Wittgenstein, ‘Modal Auxiliaries’, The Canadian Modern Language Review, 1961, 28–
29 <>.
B. the modal ability

Ability can be interpreted as ability in written Englishin the form of

models namely Can, could, and be ableto, these three models have the
same meaning, namely can, can, or could.

1. Examples of Ability Sentence

a. I Can : saya bisa

b. I am able to : saya mampu
c. I feel capable of : saya mampu untuk
d. Yes, no problem : ya, tidak masalah
e. I know how to : saya tau bagaiman
f. I might be able to : saya dapat untuk
g. I know something about : saya tau sesuatu tentang
h. I Have experience : saya punya pengalaman
i. I am pretty good at the job : saya paham pekerjaan tsb.

2. Example Dialogue

A= How are you

B= I'm fine, thank you

A= May I borrow your book

B = of course you can, but can you bring the book tomorrow

A= sorry I can bring the book tomorrow

B = when can you bring the book

A= can I can the day after tomorrow

B= yes no problem
A= Bye, thank you

B= You're welcome.2

C. obligation

“Obligations is the state of being forced to do something because

it is your duty or because of a law to, etc. or something which you must do
because you have promised, because of a law, etc.”

Obligations talk about the statement of the obligation to do

something that is in accordance with one's duties. Use Obligations to state
the obligation to do something according to applicable regulations or laws

The form of Obligations is also used to express the obligation to do

something that has been previously promised.The use of Modals in the
form of the words "Must" and "Have to". While Modals itself is a form of
word that supports the verb (Auxiliary Verb).

The obligation structure is in the form of a MUST

Formula :

- Subject + MUST + Verb + Object

- Subject + MUST BE + Adjective/Noun/Adverb

Bond Sentence Structure Using the HAVE TO Form

Formula :

- Subject + will have to + verb.

Nurul Ichsan, ‘PENGELOLAAN LIKUIDITAS BANK SYARIAH Nurul Ichsan 1’, Dr. Hamka (Uhamka),
Jl. Limau II, 2013, 82–103.
- Subject + had to + verb.

Example :

- She had to present their credit card to buy some books. (He had
to show his credit card to buy some books).
- I will have to go to the office early tomorrow. (I have to go to
the office early tomorrow).

Examples of the use of the word MUST in English sentences

can be seen below.

- You MUST study hard for preparing next examination. (You

should study hard to prepare for the upcoming exam).
- It MUST be nice taking a holiday to Yogyakarta. (It must be
nice to have a vacation in Yogyakarta).
- My computer can't run well. It MUST be broken. (My
computer won't work. It must be broken).

Examples of using the word Have to in English sentences can be

seen in the sentences below.

- I have to get up early in the morning. I'm going away and my

bus leaves at 5.30 AM.
- You can't turn left here. You have to turn right.3

D. Advice

EnglishGrammar Perfect, ‘Modal Verbs of Obligation’, 2020, pp. 3–4 <https://www.perfect->.
a. Modal Verbs of Advice and Permission

Modal verbs can be used in + positive and - negative forms,

and also as a question. Modal verbs can be used in the place of
auxiliary verbs (helping verb) such as 'do', 'did' or 'have'.

Here are a few examples:

1. He shouldn't go outside tonight.

2. “You must do your homework every night.”
3. She said she might take more pictures.
We could choose a new color of paint for the bedroom.
You couldn’t have know about this. It was top secret!

4. I can play the piano.

She can speak English.

5. I don't like my work. I wish I could get a better job

“She knew they wouldn't make it to the show in time.”

She always hoped that her son would go to university.

6. Before you go fishing,you have got toget a licence

7. "I've revised so I should be ready for the test."
8. 'I think I will go to a movie tonight.' 4


A. Conclusion (Kesimpulan)

The conclusion from the explanation of the paper above is
A. Capital Auxiliaries:
Modal auxiliaries is used to express various meanings in English.
They can be used to defend arguments and explain preferences.

B. Capital Ability:
Ability can be interpreted as ability in written English in capital forms
such as Can, could, and be able to. The three capitals have the same
meaning, namely able or capable.

C. Obligations:
Obligation refers to the state of being forced to do something because
of an obligation or applicable rules. Modals such as "must" and "have to"
are used to express obligations. The obligation structure can use the word
"must" or the form "have to".

D. Suggestion:
Modal verbs can be used to make suggestions. They can be used in
positive, negative, and also as questions. Some examples of modal verbs
used to give suggestions are "should" and "could".
In the overall context, modal auxiliaries are used for various purposes
in English, including expressing abilities, giving suggestions, and
expressing obligations.


1’, Dr. Hamka (Uhamka), Jl. Limau II, 2013, 82–103


Perfect, EnglishGrammar, ‘Modal Verbs of Obligation’, 2020, pp. 3–4


Von Wittgenstein, H. E., ‘Modal Auxiliaries’, The Canadian Modern Language

Review, 1961, 28–29 <>

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