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First aid is an immediate and temporary care given to a person who suddenly gets ill
or injured. As the rescuer, we must know the limitations of first aid we give, for the
reason that the situation is between life or death. We are putting the victim’s life at
risk if ever we performed CPR the wrong way.
Having the knowledge to this matter could actually save people who’s having a hard
time saving themselves or others having no idea on how to save someone who’s at risk.
We have this so called “bystander effect” wherein people witnessing certain situations
that needs help, and would actually wait for others to rescue before and rather doing it
by themselves first. We don’t want to be one of the bystanders.
Also, when doing an outdoor recreational activity, we must learn the basic hazards in
order for us to not be the one who’s going to be rescued. There are many ways to make
sure your experience is fun and safe, and that includes getting prepared for your trip,
not only your back pack but also be prepared physically and mentally.


Camping comes in many different forms. Some consider camping an activity that
involves hiking into the middle of nowhere and sleeping under the stars. Some
consider their backyard as camping sites where great outdoors can be made a little
smaller for a close-to home adventure, but personally, I define camping as one of your
greatest escape from the real world full of stress. However, we still need to be aware on
what we could possibly encounter in the middle of our trip. There are varieties of
camping you can choose, if you are more of an adventurous person, you can do bike
camping, but if you are more of a luxurious person who doesn’t want to give up the
comfort, you can do glamping and car camping. Along with this, as I have mentioned
that camping can serve as stress reliever, there are more other benefits such as
healthy ambiance, being able to socialize and of course, exercise.
Camping improves our muscular strength and endurance because of hours and hours
of walking, sometimes jogging and climbing. Still, everything is worth it at the end of
the day.
Personally, I highly recommend camping especially with your family and friends,
however we don’t want to force some of our family members to join due to their joint
and muscle pain because of aging. Nonetheless, these are only some of your rewards
after fulfilling a whole camping trip. There’s more to come and we don’t want to forget
being safe and prepared for the possible danger.

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