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Muscle Action

All Fibers
Abduct the shoulder (glenohumeral joint)

Anterior Fibers
Flex the shoulder (G/H joint)
Medially rotate the shoulder (G/H joint)
Deltoid Horizontally adduct the shoulder (G/H joint)

Posterior Fibers
Extend the shoulder (G/H joint)
Laterally rotate the shoulder (G/H joint)
Horizontally abduct the shoulder (G/H joint)

Upper Fibers
Extend the head and neck
Laterally flex the head and neck to the same side
Rotate the head and neck to the opposite side
Elevate the scapula (scapulothoracic joint)
Upwardly rotate the scapula (S/T joint)
Middle Fibers
Adduct the scapula (S/T joint)
Stabilize the scapula (S/T joint)

Lower Fibers
Depress the scapula (S/T joint)
Upwardly rotate the scapula (S/T joint)
Extend the shoulder (glenohumeral joint)
Latissimus Dorsi Adduct the shoulder (G/H joint)
Medially rotate the shoulder (G/H joint)

Extend the shoulder (glenohumeral joint)

Teres Major Adduct the shoulder (G/H joint)
Medially rotate the shoulder (G/H joint)
Laterally rotate the shoulder (glenohumeral joint)
Adduct the shoulder (G/H joint)
Infraspinatus Stabilize the head of humerus in glenoid cavity

Medially rotate the shoulder (glenohumeral joint)

Subscapularis Stabilize the head of humerus in glenoid cavity
Abduct the shoulder (glenohumeral joint)
Stabilize the head of humerus in glenoid cavity

Laterally rotate the shoulder (glenohumeral joint)

Adduct the shoulder (G/H joint)
Teres Minor Stabilize the head of humerus in glenoid cavity
Rhomboid Major and Adduct the scapula (scapulothoracic joint)
Elevate the scapula (S/T joint)
Minor Downwardly rotate the scapula (S/T joint)

Elevate the scapula (scapulothoracic joint)
Downwardly rotate the scapula (S/T joint)
Laterally flex the head and neck
Rotate the head and neck to the same side
Levator Scapula
Extend the head and neck
With the Origin Fixed
Abduct the scapula (scapulothoracic joint)
Upwardly rotate the scapula (S/T joint)
Depress the scapula (S/T joint)
Serratus Anterior Hold the medial border of the scapula against the rib cage

With the Scapula Fixed

May act to elevate the thorax during forced inhalation

Present in roughly 5% of the population, the sternalis is a thin,

superficial muscle lying on the sternum. Its vertical fibers run
Sternalis from the manubrium down to the level of the seventh costal
cartilage. The function of the sternalis is unknown. Palpate the
surface of your partner’s sternum and explore for a sternalis.
All Fibers
Adduct the shoulder (glenohumeral joint)
Medially rotate the shoulder (G/H joint)
Assist to elevate the thorax during forced inhalation (with the
arm fixed)

Upper Fibers
Pectoralis Major Flex the shoulder (G/H joint)
Horizontally adduct the shoulder (G/H joint)

Lower Fibers
Extend the shoulder (G/H joint)

Depress the scapula (scapulothoracic joint)

Abduct the scapula (S/T joint)
Downwardly rotate the scapula (S/T joint)
Pectoralis Minor
With Scapula Fixed
Assist to elevate the thorax during forced inhalation
Depress the clavicle and draw it anteriorly
Subclavius Elevate the first rib (to assist during inhalation)
Stabilize the sternoclavicular joint

Flex the elbow (humeroulnar joint)

Biceps Brachii Supinate the forearm (radioulnar joints)
Flex the shoulder (glenohumeral joint)
All Heads
Extend the elbow (humeroulnar joint)
Long Head
Triceps Brachii Extend the shoulder (glenohumeral joint)
Adduct the shoulder (G/H joint)

Flex the shoulder (glenohumeral joint)

Coracobrachialis Adduct the shoulder (G/H joint)
Flex the elbow (humeroulnar joint)

Flex the elbow (humeroulnar joint)

Brachioradialis Assist to pronate and supinate the forearm when these
movements are resisted
Extensor Carpi Extend the wrist (radiocarpal joint)
Radialis Longus and Abduct the wrist (radiocarpal joint)
Assist to flex the elbow (humeroulnar joint)

Extend the wrist (radiocarpal joint)

Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Adduct the wrist (radiocarpal joint)
Extend the second through fifth fingers (metacarpophalangeal
Extensor Digitorum and interphalangeal joints)
Assist to extend the wrist (radiocarpal joint)

Anconeus Extend the elbow (humeroulnar joint)

Extend the second finger (metacarpophalangeal joint)
Extensor Indicis Adduct the second finger
May assist to extend the wrist (radiocarpal joint)

Flex the wrist (radiocarpal joint)

Flexor Carpi Radialis Abduct the wrist (radiocarpal joint)
May assist to flex the elbow (humeroulnar joint)
Tense the palmar fascia
Palmaris Longus Flex the wrist (radiocarpal joint)
May assist to flex the elbow (humeroulnar joint)

Flex the wrist (radiocarpal joint)

Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Adduct the wrist (radiocarpal joint)
Assist to flex the elbow (humeroulnar joint)
Flexor Digitorum Flex the second through fifth fingers
(metacarpophalangeal and distal interphalangeal joints)
Profundus Assist to flex the wrist (radiocarpal joint)

Flexor Digitorum Flex the second through fifth fingers (metacarpophalangeal

and proximal interphalangeal joints)
Superficialis Flex the wrist (radiocarpal joint)
Pronate the forearm (radioulnar joints)
Pronator Teres Assist to flex the elbow (humeroulnar joint)

Pronator Quadratus Pronate the forearm (radioulnar joints)

Supinate the forearm (radioulnar joints)

Abductor Pollicis Abduct the thumb (carpometacarpal joint)

Extend the thumb (carpometacarpal joint)
Longus Abduct the wrist (radiocarpal joint)
Extend the thumb (interphalangeal joint), EPL only
Extensor Pollicis Extend the thumb (metacarpophalangeal and carpometacarpal
Longus and Brevis joints)
Abduct the wrist (radiocarpal joint)

Flex the thumb (interphalangeal joint)

Flex the thumb (metacarpophalangeal and carpometacarpal
Flexor Pollicis Longus joints)
Assist to flex the wrist (radiocarpal joint)
Abductor Pollicis Abduct the thumb (carpometacarpal and metacarpophalangeal
Brevis Assist in the opposition of the thumb

Flex the thumb (carpometacarpal and metacarpophalangeal

Flexor Pollicis Brevis joints)
Assist in opposition of the thumb
Adduct the thumb (carpometacarpal and metacarpophalangeal
Adductor Pollicis joints)
Assist to flex the thumb (metacarpophalangeal joint)

Opposition of the thumb at the carpometacarpal joint (bringing

Opponens Pollicis the pads of the thumb and fifth finger together)
Abduct the second, third and fourth fingers at the
metacarpophalangeal joints
Assist to flex the second, third and fourth fingers at the
Dorsal Interossei metacarpophalangeal joints
Assist to extend the second, third and fourth fingers at the
interphalangeal joints

Extend the second through fifth fingers at the interphalangeal

Lumbricals of the joints
Hand Flex the second through fifth fingers at the
metacarpophalangeal joints
Adduct the thumb, second, fourth and fifth fingers toward the
third finger
Assist to flex the thumb, second, fourth and fifth fingers at the
Palmar Interossei metacarpophalangeal joints
Assist to extend the thumb, second, fourth and fifth fingers at
the interphalangeal joints

Abductor Digiti Abduct the fifth finger (metacarpophalangeal joint)

Assist in opposition of the fifth finger toward the thumb
Minimi (metacarpophalangeal joint)
Flexor Digiti Minimi Flex the fifth finger (metacarpophalangeal joint)
Brevis Assist in opposition of the fifth finger toward the thumb

Opponens Digiti Opposition of the fifth finger at the carpometacarpal joint

Erector Spinae Group Unilaterally
Spinalis Laterally flex vertebral column to the same side
Longissimus Bilaterally
Iliocostalis Extend the vertebral column

Laterally flex vertebral column to the same side
Extend the vertebral column
Laterally flex vertebral column to the same side
Extend the vertebral column

Laterally flex vertebral column to the same side
Extend the vertebral column
Multifidi and Rotate the vertebral column to the opposite side
Rotatores Bilaterally
Extend the vertebral column

Semispinalis Capitis Extend the vertebral column and head

Rotate the head and neck to the same side
Splenius Capitis and Laterally flex the head and neck to the same side
Cervicis Bilaterally
Extend the head and neck

Oblique Capitis Rotate the head to the same side

Oblique Capitis Rock and tilt the head back into extension
Superior Laterally flex the head to the same side

Rectus Capitis Rock and tilt the head back into extension
Posterior Major Rotate the head to the same side
Rectus Capitis Rock and tilt the head back into extension
Posterior Minor

Laterally tilt (elevate) the pelvis
Laterally flex the vertebral column to the same side
Quadratus Lumborum Assist to extend the vertebral column
Fix the last rib during forced inhalation and exhalation
Laterally flex vertebral column to the same side
Rotate vertebral column to the opposite side
External Oblique
Flex the vertebral column
Compress abdominal contents

Flex the vertebral column

Rectus Abdominis Tilt pelvis posteriorly
Laterally flex vertebral column to the same side
Rotate vertebral column to the same side
Internal Oblique
Flex the vertebral column
Compress abdominal contents

Transverse Compress abdominal contents

Draw down the central tendon of the diaphragm
Diaphragm Increase the volume of the thoracic cavity during inhalation

External Intercostals
Draw the ribs superiorly (increasing the space of the
thoracic cavity) to assist with inhalation
Internal Intercostals
Draw the ribs inferiorly (decreasing the space of the
thoracic cavity) to assist with exhalation
Serratus Posterior Depress the ribs during exhalation

Serratus Posterior Elevate the ribs during inhalation

Interspinalis Extend the vertebral column

Laterally flex the vertebral column to the same side
Extend the vertebral column
Laterally flex the head and neck to the same side
Rotate the head and neck to the opposite side
Flex the neck
Assist to elevate the rib cage during inhalation

With the ribs fixed, laterally flex the head and neck to the
Anterior Scalene same side
Rotate head and neck to the opposite side
Elevate the ribs during inhalation
Flex the head and neck
With the ribs fixed, laterally flex the head and neck to the
Middle Scalene same side
Rotate head and neck to the opposite side
Elevate the ribs during inhalation

With the ribs fixed, laterally flex the head and neck to the
Posterior Scalene same side
Rotate head and neck to the opposite side
Elevate the ribs during inhalation
Elevate the mandible (temporomandibular joint)
Masseter May assist to protract the mandible (TM joint)

Elevate the mandible (temporomandibular joint)

Temporalis Retract the mandible (TM joint)
With hyoid bone fixed, depress the mandible
(temporomandibular joint)
Digastric With mandible fixed, elevate the hyoid bone
Retract the mandible (TM joint)

Elevate hyoid and tongue

Suprahyoids Depress mandible (temporomandibular joint)
Infrahyoids Depress the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage

Assist to depress the mandible (temporomandibular joint)

Platysma Tighten the fascia of the neck
Draw down corner of the mouth
Raise the eyebrows and wrinkle the forehead
Anchor and retract the galea posteriorly

Laterally deviate the mandible to the opposite side
Lateral Pterygoid Bilaterally
Protract the mandible
Laterally deviate the mandible to the opposite side
Medial Pterygoid Bilaterally
Elevate the mandible
Protract the mandible

Laterally flex the head and neck to the same side
Rotate the head and neck to the same side
Longus Capitis
Flex the head and neck
Laterally flex the head and neck to the same side
Rotate the head and neck to the same side
Longus Colli
Flex the head and neck

Quadriceps Femoris
Group All
Rectus Femoris Extend the knee (tibiofemoral joint)
Vastus Medialis Rectus Femoris
Vastus Lateralis Flex the hip (coxal joint)
Vastus Intermedius
Flex the knee (tibiofemoral joint)
Laterally rotate the flexed knee (T/F joint)
Tilt the pelvis posteriorly
Biceps Femoris
Long Head
Extend the hip (coxal joint)
Assist to laterally rotate the hip (coxal joint)

Flex the knee (tibiofemoral joint)

Medially rotate the flexed knee (T/F joint)
Semimembranosus Extend the hip (coxal joint)
Assist to medially rotate the hip (coxal joint)
Tilt the pelvis posteriorly
Flex the knee (tibiofemoral joint)
Medially rotate the flexed knee (T/F joint)
Semitendinosus Extend the hip (coxal joint)
Assist to medially rotate the hip (coxal joint)
Tilt the pelvis posteriorly

All Fibers
Extend the hip (coxal joint)
Laterally rotate the hip (coxal joint)
Gluteus Maximus Abduct the hip (coxal joint)
Lower Fibers
Adduct the hip (coxal joint)
All Fibers
Abduct the hip (coxal joint)
Anterior Fibers
Flex the hip (coxal joint)
Gluteus Medius Medially rotate the hip (coxal joint)
Posterior Fibers
Extend the hip (coxal joint)
Laterally rotate the hip (coxal joint)

Abduct the hip (coxal joint)

Gluteus Minimus Medially rotate the hip (coxal joint)
Flex the hip (coxal joint)
Adduct the hip (coxal joint)
Adductor Brevis Medially rotate the hip (coxal joint)
Assist to flex the hip (coxal joint)

Adduct the hip (coxal joint)

Adductor Longus Medially rotate the hip (coxal joint)
Assist to flex the hip (coxal joint)
Adduct the hip (coxal joint)
Medially rotate the hip (coxal joint)
Assist to flex the hip (coxal joint)
Adductor Magnus
Posterior Fibers
Extend the hip (coxal joint)

Adduct the hip (coxal joint)

Medially rotate the hip (coxal joint)
Gracilis Flex the knee (tibiofemoral joint)
Medially rotate the flexed knee (T/F joint)
Adduct the hip (coxal joint)
Pectineus Medially rotate the hip (coxal joint)
Assist to flex the hip (coxal joint)

Tensor Fasciae Latae Flex the hip (coxal joint)

Medially rotate the hip (coxal joint)
and Iliotibial Tract Abduct the hip (coxal joint)
Flex the hip (coxal joint)
Laterally rotate the hip (coxal joint)
Sartorius Abduct the hip (coxal joint)
Flex the knee (tibiofemoral joint)
Medially rotate the flexed knee (T/F joint)

Obturator Internus Laterally rotate the hip (coxal joint)

Laterally rotate the hip (coxal joint)
Piriformis Abduct the hip when the hip is flexed

Quadratus Femoris Laterally rotate the hip (coxal joint)

Gemellus Inferior Laterally rotate the hip (coxal joint)

Gemellus Superior Laterally rotate the hip (coxal joint)

Obturator Externus Laterally rotate the hip (coxal joint)

With the Origin Fixed

Flex the hip (coxal joint)
May laterally rotate the hip (coxal joint)
With the Insertion Fixed
Flex the trunk toward the thigh
Tilt pelvis anteriorly
With the Origin Fixed
Flex the hip (coxal joint)
May laterally rotate the hip (coxal joint)
With the Insertion Fixed
Psoas Major Flex the trunk toward the thigh
Tilt pelvis anteriorly
Assist to laterally flex the lumbar spine

Flex the knee (tibiofemoral joint)

Gastrocnemius Plantar flex the ankle (talocrural joint)
Soleus Plantar flex the ankle (talocrural joint)

Weak plantar flexion of the ankle (talocrural joint)

Plantaris Weak flexion of the knee (tibiofemoral joint)
Medially rotate the flexed knee (tibiofemoral joint)
Popliteus Flex the knee (T/F joint)

Evert the foot

Peroneus Brevis Assist to plantar flex the ankle (talocrural joint)
Evert the foot
Peroneus Longus Assist to plantar flex the ankle (talocrural joint)

Extend the second through fifth toes (metatarsophalangeal

Extensor Digitorum and interphalangeal joints)
Longus Dorsiflex the ankle (talocrural joint)
Evert the foot
Extend the first toe (metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal
Extensor Hallucis joints)
Longus Dorsiflex the ankle (talocrural joint)
Invert the foot

Invert the foot

Tibialis Anterior Dorsiflex the ankle (talocrural joint)
Flex the second through fifth toes (metatarsophalangeal and
Flexor Digitorum interphalangeal joints)
Longus Weak plantar flexion of ankle (talocrural joint)
Invert the foot

Flex the first toe (metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal

Flexor Hallucis Longus joints)
Weak plantar flexion of ankle (talocrural joint)
Invert the foot
Invert the foot
Tibialis Posterior Plantar flex the ankle (talocrural joint)

Extensor Digitorum Extend the second through fourth toes (metatarsophalangeal

Brevis and interphalangeal joints)
Abductor Digiti Flex the fifth toe
Minimi Assist to abduct the fifth toe (metatarsophalangeal joint)

Abduct the first toe (metatarsophalangeal joint)

Abductor Hallucis Assist to flex the first toe (metatarsophalangeal joint)
Flexor Digitorum Flex middle phalanges of the second through fifth toes
Brevis (proximal interphalangeal joints)

Adduct the first toe

Adductor Hallucis Assist to maintain transverse arch of foot
Assist to flex the first toe
Extensor Hallucis Extend the first toe (metatarsophalangeal joint)

Flexor Digiti Minimi Flex the fifth toe (metatarsophalangeal joint)

Flexor Hallucis Brevis Flex the first toe (metatarsophalangeal joint)

Abduct 2nd-4th toes (metatarsophalangeal joints)

Dorsal Interossei Flex 2nd-4th toes (metatarsophalangeal joints)
Flex the proximal phalanges of the 2nd-5th toes at the
Lumbricals of the metatarsophalangeal joints
Foot Extend the middle and distal phalanges of the 2nd-5th toes at
the interphalangeal joints

Adduct 3rd-5th toes (metatarsophalangeal joints)

Plantar Interossei Flex 3rd-5th toes (metatarsophalangeal joints)
Quadratus Plantae Assist flexor digitorum longus to flex 2nd-5th toes

Lateral one-third of clavicle

Spine of scapula

External occipital protuberance

Medial portion of superior nuchal line of the occiput
Ligamentum nuchae
Spinous processes of C-7 through T-12
Inferior angle of scapula
Spinous processes of last six thoracic vertebrae
Last three or four ribs
Thoracolumbar aponeurosis
Posterior iliac crest

Inferior angle and lower one-third of lateral border of the scapula

Infraspinous fossa of the scapula

Subscapular fossa of the scapula

Supraspinous fossa of the scapula

Upper two-thirds of lateral border of the scapula

Spinous processes of T-2 to T-5

Spinous processes of C-7 and T-1

Transverse processes of first through fourth cervical vertebrae

External surfaces of upper eight or nine ribs
Medial half of clavicle, sternum and cartilage of first through sixth

Third, fourth and fifth ribs

First rib and cartilage

Short Head
Coracoid process of scapula
Long Head
Supraglenoid tubercle of scapula
Long Head
Infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula

Lateral Head
Posterior surface of proximal half of the humerus

Medial Head
Posterior surface of distal half of the humerus

Coracoid process of the scapula

Distal half of anterior sufrace of humerus

Proximal two-thirds of the lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus

Distal one-third of the lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
Common extensor tendon from the lateral epicondyle of

Common extensor tendon from the lateral epicondyle of humerus

Common extensor tendon from the lateral epicondyle of humerus

Lateral epicondyle of the humerus

Posterior surface of distal shaft of ulna and interosseous

Common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle of humerus

Common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle of humerus

Humeral Head
Common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle of humerus

Ulnar Head
Posterior surface of proximal two-thirds of ulna
Anterior and medial surfaces of proximal three-quarters of ulna

Common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle of humerus

Ulnar collateral ligament
Coronoid process of ulna
Interosseous membrane
Proximal shaft of radius
Common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle of humerus
Coronoid process of the ulna

Medial, anterior surface of distal ulna

Lateral epicondyle of the humerus
Radial collateral ligament
Annular ligament
Supinator crest of the ulna

Posterior surface of radius and ulna

Interosseous membrane
Posterior surface of ulna
Interosseous membrane
Posterior surface of radius
Interosseous membrane

Anterior surface of radius and interosseous membrane

Flexor retinaculum
Scaphoid tubercles

Superficial Head
Flexor retinaculum
Deep Head
Second and third metacarpals

Flexor retinaculum
Tubercle of the trapezium
Adjacent sides of all metacarpals

Surfaces of the flexor digitorum profundus tendons

Base of first, second, fourth and fifth metacarpals

Tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris
Hook of hamate
Flexor retinaculum

Hook of hamate
Flexor retinaculum
Common tendon (thoracolumbar aponeurosis) that attaches to
the posterior surface of sacrum
Iliac crest
Spinous processes of the lumbar
Last two thoracic vertebrae

Spinous processes of the upper lumbar and lower thoracic

vertebrae (thoracis)
Ligamentum nuchae
Spinous process of C-7 (cervicis)
Common tendon (lumborum)
Posterior surface of ribs 1-12 (thoracis and cervicis)

Common tendon (thoracis)

Transverse processes of upper five thoracic vertebrae (cervicis
and capitis)
Sacrum and transverse processes of lumbar through cervical
Transverse processes of lumbar through cervical vertebrae

Transverse processes of C-4 to T-5

Inferior one-half of ligamentum nuchae and spinous processes
of C-7 to T-4
Spinous processes of T-3 to T-6

Spinous process of the axis (C-2)

Transverse process of the atlas (C-1)

Spinous process of the axis (C-2)

Tubercle of the posterior arch of the atlas (C-1)

Posterior iliac crest

External surfaces of fifth to twelfth ribs

Pubic crest
Pubic symphysis
Lateral inguinal ligament
Iliac crest
Thoracolumbar fascia

Lateral inguinal ligament

Iliac crest
Thoracolumbar fascia
Internal surface of lower six ribs
Costal Attachment
Inner surface of lower six ribs
Lumbar Attachment
Upper two or three lumbar vertebrae
Sternal Attachment
Inner part of xiphoid process

Inferior border of the rib above

Spinous processes of T-12 to L-3

Spinous processes of C-7 to T-3

Spanning the spinous processes of C-2 to T-3

Spanning the spinous processes of T-12 to L-5

Spanning the transverse processes of vertebrae C-2 to C-7
Spanning the transverse processes of vertebrae L-1 to L-5
Sternal Head
Top of manubrium
Clavicular Head
Medial one-third of the clavicle

Transverse processes of third through sixth cervical vertebrae

(anterior tubercles)
Transverse processes of second through seventh cervical
vertebrae (posterior tubercles)

Transverse processes of sixth and seventh cervical vertebrae

(posterior tubercles)
Zygomatic arch

Temporal fossa and fascia

Mastoid process (deep to sternocleidomastoid and splenius

Geniohyoid, Mylohyoid
Underside of mandible
Styloid process
Sternohyoid and Sternothyroid
Top of manubrium
Thyroid cartilage
Superior border of the scapula

Fascia covering superior part of pectoralis major

Both: Galea aponeurotica

Superior Head
Infratemporal surface and crest of greater wing of sphenoid
Inferior Head
Lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone
Medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone
Tuberosity of maxilla

Transverse processes of C-3 through C-6

Bodies of C-5 through T-3
Transverse processes of C-3 through C-5

Rectus Femoris
Anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS)
Vastus Medialis
Medial lip of linea aspera
Vastus Lateralis
Lateral lip of linea aspera
Gluteal tuberosity
Greater trochanter
Vastus Intermedius
Anterior and lateral shaft of the femur
Long Head
Ischial tuberosity

Short Head
Lateral lip of linea aspera

Ischial tuberosity
Ischial tuberosity

Edge of sacrum
Posterior iliac crest
Sacrotuberous and sacroiliac ligaments
Gluteal surface of ilium between posterior and anterior gluteal
lines, just below the iliac crest

Gluteal surface of the ilium between the anterior and inferior

gluteal lines
Inferior ramus of pubis

Pubic tubercle
Inferior ramus of the pubis
Ramus of ischium
Ischial tuberosity

Inferior ramus of pubis

Superior ramus of pubis

Iliac crest, posterior to the ASIS

Anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)

Obturator membrane
Inferior surface of obturator foramen
Anterior surface of sacrum

Lateral border of ischial tuberosity

Ischial tuberosity

Ischial spine
Rami of pubis and ischium
Obturator membrane

Iliac fossa
Bodies and transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae

Condyles of the femur, posterior surfaces

Soleal line
Proximal, posterior surface of tibia
Posterior aspect of head of fibula

Lateral supracondylar line of femur

Lateral condyle of the femur

Distal two-thirds of lateral fibula

Head of fibula
Proximal two-thirds of lateral fibula

Lateral condyle of tibia

Proximal, anterior shaft of fibula
Interosseous membrane
Middle, anterior surface of fibula
Interosseous membrane

Lateral condyle of tibia

Proximal, lateral surface of tibia
Interosseous membrane
Middle, posterior surface of tibia

Middle half of posterior fibula

Proximal, posterior shafts of tibia and fibula
Interosseous membrane

Dorsal surface of calcaneus

Lateral process of calcaneus
Plantar aponeurosis

Medial process of calcaneus

Plantar aponeurosis
Medial process of calcaneus
Plantar aponeurosis

Oblique Head
Bases of second through fourth metatarsals

Transverse Head
Plantar ligament of third through fifth metatarsophalangeal joints
Dorsal surface of calcaneus

Base of fifth metatarsal

Plantar surfaces of cuboid and lateral cuneiform

Adjacent surfaces of all metatarsals

Tendons of flexor digitorum longus

Medial surfaces of 3rd-5th metatarsals

Medial and lateral sides of plantar surface of calcaneus
Insertion Nerve Innervation

Deltoid tuberosity Axillary C5, 6

Lateral one-third of clavicle Spinal portion of cranial nerve XI

Acromion (accessory)
Spine of scapula Ventral ramus C2, 3, 4
Intertubercular groove of the humerus Thoracodorsal C6, 7, 8

Crest of the lesser tubercle of the humerus Lower subscapular C5, 6, 7

Greater tubercle of the humerus Suprascapular C(4), 5, 6

Lesser tubercle of the humerus Upper and lower subscapular C5, 6, 7

Greater tubercle of the humerus Suprascapular C4, 5, 6

Greater tubercle of the humerus Axillary C5, 6

Medial border of the scapula between the spine of the
scapula and inferior angle

Minor Dorsal scapular C4, 5

Upper portion of medial border of the scapula, across
from spine of the scapula

Medial border of scapula, between superior angle and

superior portion of spine of scapula Cervical 3, 4, and dorsal scapular C4, 5
Anterior surface of medial border of the scapula Long thoracic C5, 6 , 7, 8
Upper Fibers
Lateral pectoral C5, 6, 7
Crest of greater tubercle of humerus
Lower Fibers
Lateral and medial pectoral C6, 7, 8, T1

Medial pectoral, with fibers from a

Medial surface of coracoid process of the scapula communicating branch of the lateral
pectoral C(6), 7, 8, T1
Inferior surface of middle one-third of clavicle Subclavian C5, 6

Tuberosity of the radius

Aponeurosis of the biceps brachii Musculocutaneous C5, 6
Olecranon process of the ulna Radial C6, 7, 8, T1

Medial surface of mid-humeral shaft Musculocutaneous C6, 7

Tuberosity and coronoid process of ulna Musculocutaneous, small branch from
radial C5, 6

Styloid process of radius Radial C5, 6

Longus Longus
Base of second metacarpal Radial C5, 6, 7, 8

Brevis Brevis
Base of third metacarpal Radial C6, 7, 8

Base of fifth metacarpal Radial C6, 7, 8

Bases of middle and distal phalanges of second through
fifth fingers Radial C6, 7, 8

Olecranon process
Posterior, proximal surface of ulna Radial C7, 8
Tendon of the extensor digitorum at the level of the
second metacarpal Radial C6, 7, 8

Bases of second and third metacarpals Median C6, 7, 8

Flexor retinaculum and palmar aponeurosis Median C(6), 7, 8, T1

Hook of the hamate Ulnar C7, 8, T1
Base of fifth metacarpal
Second and Third Fingers
Median C7, 8, T1
Bases of distal phalanges, palmar surface of second
through fifth fingers
Fourth and Fifth Fingers
Ulnar C7, 8, T1

Sides of middle phalanges of second through fifth fingers Median C7, 8, T1

Middle of lateral surface of the radius Median C6, 7

Lateral, anterior surface of distal radius Median C7, 8 T1

Anterior, lateral surface of proximal one-third of radial
shaft Radial C5, 6, (7)

Base of first metacarpal Radial C6, 7, 8

Base of distal phalanx of thumb
Radial C6, 7, 8
Base of proximal phalanx of thumb

Base of distal phalanx of thumb Median C(6), 7, 8, T1

Base of proximal phalanx of thumb Median C6, 7, 8, T1

Superficial Head
Median C6, 7, 8, T1
Base of proximal phalanx of thumb
Deep Head
Ulnar C8, T1
Base of proximal phalanx of thumb Ulnar C8, T1

Entire length of first metacarpal bone, radial surface Median C6, 7, 8, T1

Base of the proximal phalanx of the second, third and
fourth fingers Ulnar C8, T1
The extensor aponeurosis

Second and Third Fingers

Median C(6), 7, 8, T1
Extensor aponeurosis on dorsal surface of phalanges
Fourth and Fifth Fingers
Ulnar C(7), 8, T1
Base of the proximal phalanx of the related finger
The extensor aponeurosis Ulnar C8, T1

Base of proximal phalanx of fifth finger, ulnar surface Ulnar C(7), 8, T1

Base of proximal phalanx of fifth finger, palmar surface Ulnar C(7), 8, T1

Shaft of fifth metacarpal, ulnar surface Ulnar C(7), 8, T1

Various attachments at the posterior ribs
Spinous and transverse processes of thoracic and cervical
Mastoid process of the temporal bone

Spinous processes of upper thoracic (thoracis)

Spinous processes of cervicals, except C-1 (cervicis)
Transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae 1-3
Posterior surface of ribs 6-12 (lumborum)
Posterior surface of ribs 1-6 (thoracis)
Transverse processes of lower cervicals (cervicis)

Lower nine ribs and transverse processes of thoracic

vertebrae (thoracis)
Transverse processes of cervical vertebrae (cervicis)
Mastoid process of temporal bone (capitis)
Spinous processes of lumbar vertebrae through second
cervical vertebra
(Multifidi span two to four vertebrae)
(Rotatores span one to two vertebrae)

Between the superior and inferior nuchal lines of the

Mastoid process and lateral portion of superior nuchal
Transverse processes of C-1 to C-3

Transverse process of the atlas (C-1) Suboccipital

Between the nuchal lines of the occiput Suboccipital

Inferior nuchal line of the occiput Suboccipital

Inferior nuchal line of the occiput Suboccipital

Last rib
Transverse processes of first through fourth lumbar Lumbar plexus T12, L1, 2, 3
Anterior part of the iliac crest
Abdominal aponeurosis to linea alba (T5, 6), T7-11, T12

Cartilage of fifth, sixth and seventh ribs

Xiphoid process T5, 6, T7-11, T12, ventral rami
Internal surface of lower three ribs T7, 8, T9-12, L1
Abdominal aponeurosis to linea alba Iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal
Ventral rami

T7-12, L1
Abdominal aponeurosis to linea alba Iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal
Ventral divisions
Central tendon Phrenic C3, 4, 5

Superior border of the rib below Thoracic

Posterior surface of ninth through twelfth ribs T9, 10, 11, (12)

Posterior surface of second through fifth ribs T1, 2, 3, 4

Spanning the spinous processes of C-2 to T-3
Spanning the spinous processes of T-12 to L-5

Spanning the transverse processes of vertebrae C-2 to C-
Spanning the transverse processes of vertebrae L1 to L-5
Mastoid process of temporal bone
The lateral portion of superior nuchal line of occiput Spinal accessory (XI) nerve, C2, 3

First rib C(3), 4-8

First rib C(3), 4-8

Second rib C(3), 4-8

Angle and ramus of mandible Trigeminal (V) nerve (mandibular division)

Coronoid process
Trigeminal (V) nerve (mandibular division)
Anterior edge of ramus of the mandible
Anterior Belly
Trigeminal (V) (mandibular division)
Inferior border of the mandible
Posterior Belly
Facial (VII)

C1, 2
Hyoid bone
Trigeminal (V)
Facial (VII)
Sternohyoid, Sternothyroid and
Sternohyoid, Thyrohyoid and Omohyoid
Hyoid bone
C1, 2, 3
Thyroid cartilage
C1, 2

Base of mandible
Facial (VII)
Skin of lower part of face
Skin superior to eyebrows
Facial (VII)
Superior nuchal line of the occiput

Articular disc and capsule of temporomandibular joint

Trigeminal (V)
Neck of mandible
Medial surface of ramus of the mandible Trigeminal (V)

Inferior surface of occiput C1, 2, 3, (4)

Tubercle on anterior arch of the atlas
Bodies of the axis, C-3 and C-4 C2-6, (7)
Transverse processes of C-5 and C-6

Tibial tuberosity (via the patella and patellar ligament) Femoral L2, 3, 4
Long Head
Sciatic (tibial branch) L5, S1, 2, 3
Head of the fibula
Short Head
Sciatic (peroneal branch) L5, S1, 2

Posterior aspect of medial condyle of tibia Sciatic (tibial branch) L4, 5, S1, 2
Proximal, medial shaft of the tibia at pes anserinus
tendon Sciatic (tibial branch) L4, 5, S1, 2

Iliotibial tract (upper fibers)

Gluteal tuberosity (lower fibers) Inferior gluteal L5, S1, 2
Lateral aspect of greater trochanter Superior gluteal L4, 5, S1

Anterior aspect of greater trochanter Superior gluteal L4, 5, S1

Pectineal line
Medial lip of linea aspera Obturator L2, 3, 4

Medial lip of linea aspera Obturator L2, 3, 4

Medial lip of linea aspera Obturator L2, 3, 4
Adductor tubercle Sciatic L4, 5, S1

Proximal, medial shaft of the tibia at pes anserinus

tendon Obturator L2, 3, 4
Pectineal line of femur
Obturator L2, 3, 4

Iliotibial tract Superior gluteal L4, 5, S1

Proximal, medial shaft of the tibia at pes anserinus
tendon Femoral L2, 3, (4)

Medial surface of greater trochanter Sacral plexus L5, S1, 2

Superior aspect of greater trochanter Sacral plexus L(5), S1, 2

Intertrochanteric crest, between the greater and lesser

trochanters Sacral plexus L4, 5, S1, (2)
Medial surface of greater trochanter Sacral plexus L4, 5, S1, (2)

Medial surface of greater trochanter Sacral plexus L5, S1, 2

Trochanteric fossa of femur Obturator L3, 4

Lesser trochanter Femoral L(1), 2, 3, 4

Lesser trochanter Lumbar plexus L1, 2, 3, 4

Calcaneus via calcaneal tendon Tibial S1, 2

Calcaneus via calcaneal tendon Tibial L5, S1, 2

Calcaneus via calcaneal tendon Tibial L4, 5, S1, (2)

Proximal, posterior aspect of tibia Tibial L4, 5, S1

Tuberosity of fifth metatarsal Superficial peroneal L4, 5, S1

Base of the first metatarsal
Medial cuneiform Superficial peroneal L4, 5, S1

Middle and distal phalanges of second through fifth toes Peroneal L4, 5, S1
Distal phalanx of first toe Deep peroneal L4, 5, S1

Medial cuneiform
Base of the first metatarsal Deep peroneal L4, 5, S1
Distal phalanges of second through fifth toes Tibial L5, S1, (2)

Distal phalanx of first toe Tibial L5, S1, 2

All five tarsal bones
Bases of second through fourth metatarsals Tibial L(4), 5, S1

Second through fourth toes via the extensor digitorum

longus tendons Deep peroneal L4, 5, S1
Proximal phalanx of fifth toe (lateral surface) Tibial S1, 2

Proximal phalanx of first toe (medial surface)

Medial sesamoid bone Tibial L4, 5, S1
Middle phalanges of second through fifth toes Tibial L4, 5, S1

Lateral surface of base of proximal phalanx of first toe Tibial S1, 2

Proximal phalanx of first toe Deep peroneal L4, 5, S1

Base of proximal phalanx of fifth toe Tibial S1, 2

Medial and lateral surfaces of base of proximal phalanx
of first toe Tibial L4, 5, S1

Medial surface of proximal phalanx of 2nd toe
Tibial S1, 2
Second through fourth
Lateral surfaces of proximal phalanges of 2nd-4th toes
Bases of proximal phalanges of 2nd-5th toes Tibial L4, 5, S1
Extensor digitorum longus tendons (on dorsal surfaces of
toes) Second through Fourth
Tibial L(4), (5), S1, 2

Medial surfaces of proximal phalanges of 3rd-5th toes Tibial S1, 2

Posterior, lateral aspect of flexor digitorum longus
tendon Tibial S1, 2
Chapter Page

2 67-68

2 68-70
2 71-73

2 71-73
2 74-81

2 74-81
2 74-81

2 74-81
2 82-83

2 83-85
2 86-88

2 88
2 89-91

2 92-93
2 94

2 95-96
2 97-98

2 99
3 132

3 133
3 135-138

3 135-138
3 135-138

3 139
3 139

3 140-145
3 140-145

3 140-145
3 140-145

3 140-145
3 146

3 147
3 147-148

3 151-153
3 151-153

3 151-153
3 154-156

3 154-156
3 154-156

3 154-156
3 157-158

3 157-158
3 157-158

3 159
3 159

3 159
4 196-199

4 196-199
4 196-199

4 196-199
4 200-202

4 200-202
4 203-204

4 205-206
4 205-206

4 205-206
4 205-206

4 207-208
4 209-212

4 209-212
4 209-212

4 209-212
4 213-214

4 215
4 216

4 216
4 217

4 217
5 244-245

5 246-249
5 246-249

5 246-249
5 250-251

5 251-252
5 253-254

5 253-254
5 255-256

5 257
5 258

5 259
5 259

5 260
5 260

6 306-310
6 311-314

6 311-314
6 311-314

6 315-318
6 315-318

6 315-318
6 319-323

6 319-323
6 319-323

6 319-323
6 319-323

6 324-325
6 326

6 328-331
6 328-331

6 328-331
6 328-331

6 328-331
6 328-331

6 332-335
6 332-335

7 371-373
7 371-373

7 374
7 375

7 376-377
7 376-377

7 378-380
7 378-380

7 378-380
7 381-383

7 381-383
7 381-383

7 387-389
7 387-389

7 387-389
7 387-389

7 390
7 390

7 390
7 390

7 391
7 391

7 391
7 391

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