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Minorities at risk
Irfan Husain | Published December 22, 2018

AS a country, we bask in the praise of foreigners, but when they are critical — as they often
are — we bristle with indignation and go into our usual ostrich mode.

So when Pakistan was placed on the US State Department list of countries of particular concern for
engaging in or tolerating “systematic, ongoing and egregious” religious freedom violations, government
spokesmen and editorial writers went into denial. Earlier, Pakistan was on the only slightly less
humiliating ‘watch list’.
I’m not much concerned by what the Americans think of the way we treat our minorities. But as a
Pakistani, I have been deeply ashamed of how our non-Muslim citizens have been steadily marginalised
over the years.

The state has a responsibility to protect all its


With sickening regularity, human rights organisations, including the Human Rights Commission of
Pakistan, report incidents in which Christians, Hindus and Ahmadis have been targeted by extremist
groups. Shias, specially the Hazaras, have been killed in large numbers.

While the state may not have been complicit, it has created an environment of impunity by failing to
arrest, try and punish those responsible for these murderous attacks. Mullahs incite mobs at regular
intervals to torch churches and the homes of Christians. Hapless non-Muslims are regularly victimised
under the blasphemy laws.

We often complain of the growing Islamophobia in the West. But what our minorities suffer in Pakistan
on a daily basis is far worse. There is discrimination against them in jobs, schools and society as a whole.
Sanitary workers are considered sub-human, and have been unable to escape their untouchable status
despite their conversion to Islam or Christianity.

Many educated non-Muslims have emigrated to escape the discrimination they faced in Pakistan. In
secular states, they have thrived, finding opportunities denied to them in their homeland. Hazaras have
risked their lives to flee violence: in Quetta, they live as virtual prisoners in an enclave. Due to their
distinctive Central Asian features, they are easily identified as Shias by Sunni extremists. Hundreds have
been killed, but few assailants have been arrested.

A major factor driving the rise of Islamophobia in the West is the persistent threat of terror attacks
carried out by jihadist individuals and groups. The US, Britain, France and Germany, among other
countries, have suffered multiple atrocities carried out against innocent civilians. India, too, has had its
share of cross-border terror attacks carried out by extremist groups.

Imagine that a major building in, say, Lahore, had been blown up by a Christian group, and there were
hundreds of casualties. In such a scenario, people would be wading in blood in local Christian
settlements. In the immediate aftermath of prime minister Indira Gandhi’s assassination by her Sikh
bodyguards in 1984, up to 17,000 of their co-religionists were chased down and murdered (the official
figure is 2,800).

Mercifully, despite the regular terrorist attacks and uncovered plots, Muslims in the West are not
subjected to this kind of mindless backlash. And as hate speech is a crime in many countries, victims can
report incidents to the police. Here, non-Muslims stay as far away from the police as possible, knowing
they can easily be accused of blasphemy as the charge does not carry the same burden of proof as other
crimes do.
We tend to blame Gen Zia for the environment of fake piety that pervades the country. But the reality is
that when we created a state in the name of religion, it was only a matter of time when the most extreme
version of the faith dominated the public discourse. In this atmosphere of religious zeal, non-Muslims
rapidly became second-class citizens, tolerated at best, and suspected of being anti-Pakistan at worst.

Many liberal Pakistanis cling to the famous speech made by Mr Jinnah to the Constituent Assembly a few
days before the creation of Pakistan. In his eloquent enunciation of the secular principle, he declared that
non-Muslims would be guaranteed equal rights. But ask a student or a cleric what he thinks of the
speech, and you will probably draw a blank. One reply is that if Mr Jinnah wanted a secular state, why did
he insist on the partition of India? A fair point, and one difficult to refute.

So when we are accused of ‘systematic, ongoing and egregious’ religious freedom violations, on what
grounds do we protest our innocence? The state has a responsibility to protect all of its citizens, and not
just Sunni Muslims. Time after time, those responsible for attacking non-Muslims have got off scot-free,
encouraging others to pick these soft targets for persecution and mayhem. In all this, the police are
usually silent witnesses. Mullahs are hardly ever prosecuted for provoking mobs, and non-Muslim
villagers live in fear.

We need to take a hard look at our treatment of minorities, not because of American pressure, but to
become a just society.

Published in Dawn, December 22nd, 2018

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