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Source Analysis

Always Mostly Sometimes Rarely

Criteria 4 3 2 1

Clearly reasoned, credible and structured

1 evaluation

Key criteria ' use and quality of evidence' is clearly

2 identified

Evidence is used from the source to support 'use

3 and quality of evidence'

Justification is provided whether ' use and quality

4 of evidence' is a strength or a weakness

5 Key criteria ' potential bias' is clearly identified

Evidence is used from the source to support

6 'potential bias'

Justification is provided whether ' potential bias' is

7 a strength or a weakness

8 Key criteria ' use of logic' is clearly identified

Evidence is used from the source to support 'use

9 of logic'

Justification is provided whether 'use of logic' is a

10 strength or a weakness

11 Key criteria ' use of structure' is clearly identified

Evidence is used from the source to support 'use

12 of structure'

Justification is provided whether 'use of structure'

13 is a strength or a weakness

14 Key criteria ' use of language' is clearly identified

Evidence is used from the source to support 'use
15 Justification
of language' is provided whether 'use of language'
16 is
Keya strength
criteria ' or a weakness
type of information' is clearly
17 identified
Evidence is used from the source to support 'type
18 of information'
Justification is provided whether 'use of
19 Conclusion
information' isis provided
a strength or a how
about weakness
well the
20 argument supports the claim

Total points possible 80

Points Earned

For middle grades
Gr6 term2, 5 and
start term 1 Gr6,
introducing continuecriteria
the smaller using origin and
of using purpose
types as a criteriaquality of
of information,
evidence used and bias
For Gr7, complete smaller criteria first
Criteria for
Is the evidence relevant andquality of evidence
complete to the topic being Criteria for potential bias
discussed Is there any potential Author bias. explain why

Is there any potential Publisher bias ( newspap

Is the evidence selectively provided or is it significant and magazine/letter/speech/blog/website etc)? ex
include counter perspectives also why?
Is the evidence updated or outdated about the topic being Are multiple perspectives consedered or is it b
discussed favor of someone or against someone?

Is the evidence research based or opinion based Identify the type of bias accurately

Criteria for use of logic Criteria for use of structure

Does the argument have a clear introduction a
Is the argument relevant to the topic conclusion
Does the argument have seamless flow from causes to Does it have multiple arguments to support its
consequences without skipping any step conclusion
Are all the arguments used to support the conc
Are there unsupported claims relevant to the topic

Are there logical fallacies

Criteria for use of language Criteria for use of type of informatio

Is it emotive and exaggerative making it difficult to believe? Are facts used to support claims?
Is it emotive but uses some facts to support the argument,
making the emotional appeal to audience a strength? Are opinions used without any evidence?

Is it persuasive? Are value judgements used?

Is it precise, factual and easy to follow and believe?

Is it precise but lacks convincing and appeal for audience?
ria for potential bias
l Author bias. explain why?

l Publisher bias ( newspapaer/

ech/blog/website etc)? explain

tives consedered or is it biased in

against someone?

bias accurately

ia for use of structure

have a clear introduction and

e arguments to support its

s used to support the conclusion

use of type of information

port claims?

thout any evidence?

s used?

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