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- I want to learn how to code in python. Can you use the Pareto Principle, which
identifies the 20% of the topic that will yield 80% of the desired results, to
create a focused learning plan for me?
- Create a study schedule for all of the above in an appropriate amount of weeks. I
can study for 2 hours every Tuesday and Thursday. Please include time for revision
and testing.
- Suggest me various learning resources (like books, videos, podcasts, interactive
exercises) for the above topics that cater to different learning styles.
- I am a beginner interested in learning how to create games in Unity. To do this,
I need to know how to code in C#. Can you give me some beginner video game projects
I could work on to help strengthen my C# coding skills?
- Explain [topic] to me in the simplest terms possible as if I were a complete
beginner. (or as if I was a 5-year-old)
- Guide me through a visualization exercise to help me internalize the term
opportunity cost and imagine myself successfully applying it to a real-life
- I want you to act as a Socrates and use the Socratic method to help me improve my
critical thinking, logic, and reasoning skills. Your task is to ask open-ended
questions to the statement I make, and after I provide a response, give me
constructive feedback to each response before you ask the next question.

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