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Date: June 2, 2023

To: Mr. Toshiba

From: Andrew Sugishita

Subject: Usability Testing

Reference: “How to write Andrew in Japanese”

Required Action: Minor formatting changes to improve readability

Distribution: Japan_Guide Support staff

Three “Usability experiences” were conducted each with successful completion of task from these
randomly selected individuals. All individuals found instructions easy to follow according to self-reports.
Through observation, slight edits may improve the documents overall usability.


Three different usability experiences were conducted with three different randomly selected individuals.
All successfully completed the task within two minutes. Still, there was some slight confusion including
distinguishing colors used in the keys that indicated stroke order as well as slight misunderstandings with
the definition of characters. These issues should be repaired, and a new usability test should be
conducted post editing. All users stated satisfaction with the instructions and this could indicate that it is
not 100 percent necessary to make any edits.


Two issues were brought up by users. Contrast between colors and the definition of character.


These should be resolved with a tweak in colors on the key to higher contrasting colors and an addition
of a parenthetical definition of character placed in the background section.


Tests were an overall success and with minor improvements a new round of testing we should be in the
clear for full scale release of this new manual.

Recommendations The team should consider a color revision. A simple color change for our key should
make the directions much easier for our clients to decipher. I would recommend using opposing colors
on the color wheel to gain maximum contrast.

Also for consideration; replacing the top to bottom direction structure for a left to right set up. This will
avoid having clients do steps out of order. Although all testers were capable of figuring this out, it would
be much more efficient for them to get the steps done the first time.

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