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Z's sound ends when the move actually ends

Made X's hitbox smaller on the X axis
X's endlag now stays until the animation is actually completed
X now has an indicator
C's hitbox is correctly synced up with the animation

Quincy changes:
Increased base max health by 100
increased base max reiatsu by 75
Increased saber range
Normal arrows now have sound when u hit something
Triple shot no longer flings enemies
Last shot on any ranged weapon has the animation sped up so you won't suffer so
much end lag
Death dealing and Bombe can now use saber drain

Bombe Changes:
Can now use saber drain
X's mines don't appear until the animation is actually finished
C can only hit onces now
C now has less stun, but ragdolls furthur
C now ragdolls and knocks enmies up
B now only takes 50 reiatsu
Fixed glitch b not registering the correct amount of reiatsu
Increased X's radius

Flugel Changes:
Z base damage 80 > 72
X base damage 10 > 8
C start up time is 60% faster now
C's spear width(the hitbox increased

m1 Animation speed sped up by 20%

Fear no longer stuns for 3 seconds
Fear passive damage lowered to 2 instead of 5
Z cooldown reduced from 31 > 25
Z base duration lowered to .8 (upgraded duration is 1.2)
X now has a litle bit of end lag making it harder to combo extend off of
X base damage 17.5 > 35
X can no longer flashstep followup
C now knocks enemies back
C's cooldown is now only 15 from 40
C has increased endlag
C now always inflicts fear
B cooldown decreased 45 > 25
Grotesque's m2 no longer fling
Grotesque m1 range increased
Grotesque now has much faster passive healing
Grotesque now activates at under 100 health
Grotesque only gives back .15% of ur max health back
Grotsque's walkspeed is now 20% faster
Grotesque has longer iframes on the transformation so u can't get damaged right
Grotesque's duration is increased
Upon transforming Grotesque will knock back enemies and apply fear on them
added new "soul collector" move for when in grotesque.. Press Z
Increased cooldown for grotesque's m2 so its not as spammable

Death dealing:
Z is now blockable
Z also inflicts stun as well as a slow
X's slow duration from 4s to 2s
X's cooldown from 12s to 20
After X is stationary it will start absorbing nearby enemies for .5 seconds before
Reiatsu cost increased from 15 > 40
Defense/Attack bonus hard cap lowered: 24% -> 10%
Can no longer stack barriers
C's cooldown decreased from 75s to 35s
Fixed C nerfing the user instead of buffing them...

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