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Life Processes • Photosynthesis: Conversion of light

energy to chemical energy and Reduction

Facts of CO2 to carbohydrate,
6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2
• Stomata: tiny pores present on leaves,
Ingestion Digestion Absorption Assimilation Excretion
Gaseous exchange take place for
photosynthesis, Opening & closing of cells
is function of Guard cell.
• Virus don’t show movement until entre in • Nitrogen is essential element in synthesis
host body. of Protein & other compound.
• Characteristic of Living organism:
Reproduce, made up of cell, respond to Heterotrophic (depend on Plant for food)
environment, Grow & Develop, Obtain &
• Saprophytic: Breakdown food outside the
use energy.
body and then absorb & feed on dead and
• Nutrition: Eating food and gaining energy
decaying organic matter Ex: Fungi, yeast
• Respiration: Process of acquiring of & Mushroom
oxygen from outside and use it to • Parasitic: live on the body or in the body
breakdown food (use CO2 & O2 for energy
of a host organism and derive nutrients
directly from the body of the host Ex:
• In case of Single cellular organism Cucuta (In plant), Ticks, Lice, leech
respiration take place by Diffusion. (ectoparasite) tape-worm & Ascaris
• Excretion: Removal of waste from body (endoparasite).
• Holozoic: Take in whole material & break
it inside their body. Ex: Amoeba,
With the help of Light Paramecium (have cilia that help them to
In plant engulf the food)
Autotropic With thee help of
Chemicals in bacteria NUTRITION IN ANIMALS



Heterotropic Holozoic


Autotropic (Make food by themselves)

• Organisms produce their own food using

light energy or chemical energy through
photosynthesis or chemosynthesis
• Carbohydrates are utilised for providing
energy to plant.
• Carbohydrates are not used immediately
and stored in form of Starch (Internal
energy reserve)
• Energy derived from food we eat stored in
form of Glucose.
1. Salivary gland:
• Saliva secretes
5. Liver
• Salivary amylase breakdown starch in
• largest and major digestive gland of
simple sugar
• Salivary amylase 1st enzyme mixes with
• It secretes bile which helps in digestion.
• filters the blood coming from the digestive
2. Stomach tract before passing it to the rest of the body.
• Gastric gland secretes gastric juice (HCl, • detoxifies various metabolites and
and pepsin) antidotes.
• HCL: kill all bacteria from food & make • liver makes proteins important for blood
food acidic clotting and other functions
• • stores and releases glucose as needed.
• Pepsin: protein digestive enzyme, • conversion of harmful ammonia to urea
breakdown protein into peptones takes place in the liver.
• Lipase: breakdown of fat into glycerol & • Give clue when person is dead from poison
fatty acid
• Mucus: protect inner lining of stomach RESPIRATION
from acid
• Enamel: Hardest substance of body • Mean burning of food to generate the
energy needed for other life processes.
3. Small Intestine
• Breakdown of glucose (6-carbon molecule)
• Longest part of alimentary canal into three-carbon molecules called
• Herbivorous animal has bigger small
intestine & carnivores have short.
• The Pyruvate further converted into ethanol
• Site of complete digestion of
& CO2. (This takes place in yeast & it’s a
Carbohydrates, Protein and Fats
Anaerobic respiration)
• Receive secretion from Liver (bile Juice)
• Breakdown of Pyruvate using oxygen takes
and Pancreas (Pancreatic juice) for
place in Mitochondria.
• Breakdown of food in presence of Oxygen
• Bile Juice: Breakdown of fat molecules &
called Aerobic Respiration
make acidic food basic
• Breakdown of food in absence of Oxygen
• Pancreatic juice: contain Trypsin (digest
called Anaerobic Respiration
protein) & Lipase (breakdown of fats),
Amylase and chymotrypsin Different ways in which Glucose is Oxidised
• Wall of small intestine secret Intestinal to provide energy.
# Breakdown of Glucose to Pyruvate in
• Enzymes convert: Trypsin and
Absence of oxygen result in Ethanol + CO2 +
chymotrypsin Protein in Amino acid,
Amylases Carbohydrates in Glucose &
Lipase fats in Glycerol and fatty acid # Breakdown of Glucose to Pyruvate in lack of
• Inner lining of Intestine has finger like oxygen result in Lactic Acid + Energy
projection called Villi (Increase surface
area for absorption) # Breakdown of Glucose to Pyruvate in
Presence of oxygen result in CO2 + O2 + Energy
# Absorption of digested food take place in

4. Large Intestine
• Absorb more water from rest of food
• Alveoli provide surface area for gaseous • Amphibians or Reptiles have 3 chambered
exchange. heart
• Blood brings CO2 from rest of the body and • Fishes have 2 chambered heart
release in Alveoli and take O2 to body.
• Respiratory pigment is Haemoglobin. Lungs

Respiratory system involves the nose, nasal

cavities, pharynx, larynx, trachea/windpipe,
bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli.

a) In Human (done by the circulatory
• Circulatory system in humans mainly
consists of blood, blood vessels and the
Heart • Oxygenated blood from lung to upper
chamber of heart on left atrium.
• Deoxygenated blood from body to upper
chamber of right atrium
• Ventricles have to pump blood to various
organs that’s why they are thick than Atria.
• Pulmonary vein: Oxygenated blood from
lungs to heart
• Pulmonary artery: Deoxygenated blood
from heart to body.
• Valves: ensure blood don’t flow back

Right Atrium Left Atrium Blood Vessels

Right ventricle Left Ventricle
• Arteries carry blood away from heart to
body & have thick, elastic wall.
• Veins collect blood from body to heart

Blood Pressure
• two different variants of blood pressure;
systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
• main pumping organ of the body • pressure exerted on the walls of arteries
• divided into four chambers (to prevent when the heart is filling with blood is
mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated called diastolic pressure. It constitutes
blood) the minimum pressure on arteries.
• pressure exerted on the walls of arteries 2. Regulation of ion concentration in the
when the heart is pumping the blood is body.
called systolic pressure. It constitutes 3. Regulation of PH.
the maximum pressure applied to the
arteries. B) Excretion in Plants
b) Transportation in Plants • By transpiration (process of water
• Xylem transports water, and phloem passing out from the surface of a plant)
transports food. • Waste products stored in leaves that
• Xylem: falls off.
I. Transportation of water is
Unidirectional (From root to all part)
II. Xylem tissue is made up of tracheid,
vessels, xylem fibres and xylem
• Phloem
I. Transport of food
II. Sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem
fibres, and phloem parenchyma cells
are the components of this tissue.
III. flow of material through the phloem is

• transport of food in the plant through

phloem called Translocation
• Phloem transport Amino Acid,
translocation of food take place in sieve

• Material like sucrose is loaded from leaves

to phloem using the energy of ATP.
A) In human
• Excretory system includes kidney, Ureters,
Urinary bladder and Urethra

• Nitrogenous waste like urea or uric acid

removed from blood by Kidney.
• filtration units of the human body
• Bowman’s capsule collects filtrate.
• Each kidney is made up of many tiny
filtration units called nephrons.

1. Filtering waste materials, medications, and

toxic substances from the blood.

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