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Hi [name of manager], this is [name], and I am leaving this quick message for you to update you

on where I am with my current project as well as ask for your help in time planning and time
boxing for me so that I can attend an event coming up later this week that is important to me.

We have our deadline coming up on Friday for the forecasting model I have been building, and I
am definitely on track and on schedule to be able to finish that in time for the team meeting on
Friday so I can present it and we can all discuss it. On Thursday afternoon, the service
organization I volunteer with is having an important organizational meeting and since I am a
team leader in that group and they count on my help, I’d really like to be there at that meeting.

Can we work together to make sure we get everything we need to get done for Friday and also
time box some time Thursday afternoon for my volunteer meeting? I appreciate your thoughts
on this and your help, and if you have any questions on the forecasting model between now and
Thursday, or if there is anything else we need to plan to get done by Friday, please let me know.
Thank you!

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