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Every day, we will experience things that need us to make a choice. Some decisions
will be easier to make than others and you won’t even realise you are making them.
Others you may spend a long time thinking about, weighing up the pros and cons
before you come to a decision. Some decisions you will make on impulse, possibly
when you are feeling angry or upset.

Looking back at a situation and wishing you’d done, or said, something differently
is natural – this is called regret. It can feel uncomfortable or upsetting to remember
something you wish you had done differently. It may feel a bit like carrying a heavy
bag on your back. However, you can use can use these experiences to reflect on your
choices and let go of your feelings of regret.

Use the space on the next page to reflect on situations or decisions that you regret.
You can decide whether there is anything you can do to repair the situation and your
next steps. An example has been done for you.

Something I regret:
Laughing at my friend when they answered a question wrong.

Who does it affect?

My friend, my classmates, my teacher

It made me feel:

It made them feel:


Can I do anything to repair the situation?

Yes No

Next steps:
I need to apologise to my friend and ask them to forgive me. I

could also apologise to my teacher for disrupting the class.

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Dealing With Regret

Something I regret:

Who does it affect?

It made me feel:

It made them feel:

Can I do anything to repair the situation?

Yes No

Next steps:

Something I regret:

Who does it affect?

It made me feel:

It made them feel:

Can I do anything to repair the situation?

Yes No

Next steps:

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Dealing With Regret

Something I regret:

Who does it affect?

It made me feel:

It made them feel:

Can I do anything to repair the situation?

Yes No

Next steps:

Something I regret:

Who does it affect?

It made me feel:

It made them feel:

Can I do anything to repair the situation?

Yes No

Next steps:

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Dealing With Regret

Something I regret:

Who does it affect?

It made me feel:

It made them feel:

Can I do anything to repair the situation?

Yes No

Next steps:

Something I regret:

Who does it affect?

It made me feel:

It made them feel:

Can I do anything to repair the situation?

Yes No

Next steps:

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