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Reviewer in Modern Biology


a. Molecular Biology and Biochemistry

 Study of biological processes at the molecular and chemical level, including interactions
among molecules such as DNA, RNA, and proteins, as well as their regulation.

b. Microbiology

 Study of microorganisms, focusing on the structure and function of single-celled


c. Neurobiology

 Study of the biology of the nervous system, investigating different functions of the
nervous system using molecular, cellular, developmental, medical, and computational

d. Paleontology

 Use of fossils to study the history of life.

e. Zoology and Botany

 Study of animals and plants.


 Application of science to answer questions related to the law.

 Involves biologists, chemists, and biochemists as forensic scientists.
 Forensic scientists provide scientific evidence for use in courts, examining trace materials
associated with crimes.
 Tasks include analyzing samples such as hair, blood, and other body fluids, processing
DNA, and analyzing other biological evidence left at crime scenes.


 Best approach to understanding the natural world and predicting natural phenomena.
 Coexists with faith, intuition, and dreams, but these cannot be accepted directly as
scientifically valid.


1. Experiments and Hypotheses

o Carefully organized procedures in which the scientist intervenes in a system to
change something and observes the result of the change.
2. Forming a Hypothesis
o Suggested explanation that is testable and falsifiable.
o Must be possible to test and prove the hypothesis true or false.
3. Experimental Design
o Plan for testing the hypothesis and finding the answer to the question or problem.
o Should include a description or information about each of the following:
4. Experimental Variables
o Identified to ensure accurate results and reproducibility.
o Three types of variables:
 Manipulated
 Responding
 Controlled
5. Interpreting Results
o Gather data and record observations.
o Quantitative data: Observations and facts that can be easily measured.
o Qualitative data: Observations that cannot be easily measured.
o Interpret data by answering the question and responding to the hypothesis,
drawing conclusions or inferences based on the experiment.


1. Inductive Reasoning
o Form of logical thinking that analyzes trends or relationships in data to arrive at a
general conclusion.
o Generalizations are derived from careful observation and the analysis of a large
amount of individual data points.
o Generalizations arrived at are not always correct.
2. Deductive Reasoning
o Begins with a general principle or law and applies it to a specific circumstance to
predict specific results.
o Starts with broad declarations like principles or laws and applies these
generalizations to make decisions about specific cases.
o Results are definitely correct.


1. Adaptation through Evolution

o All forms of life evolve and adapt to the external environment.
o Changes in heritable traits prepare future generations for more efficient life
2. Cellular Organization
o Life exhibits a cellular organization, ranging from cells to tissues, organs, and
o Cellular organization is seen in simple organisms like fungi and extends to
complex organisms like mammals.
3. Growth and Development
o Living things grow and reproduce with immature and small copies of themselves.
o Organisms gather their own resources to grow, enlarge, mature, age, and
4. Heredity
o Transfer of characteristics to offspring through DNA and RNA.
o Genetic material holds information such as eye color, skin color, and hair type.
5. Homeostasis
o Maintenance of a stable internal environment.
o Organisms, including humans, must maintain a stable internal environment.
6. Metabolism
o Chemical reactions inside cells, tissues, organs, and living beings that perform
various actions to keep the organism alive.
o Processes involve breaking down food, sending nutrients to cells, removing waste
products, transforming energy, and synthesizing new chemicals.
7. Reproduction
o Reproduction can be asexual or sexual.
o Asexual reproduction involves a single parent organism, while sexual
reproduction requires two parents.
8. Response to Stimuli
o Living organisms respond to changes in their environment.
o They show "irritability" by responding to stimuli such as heat, light, touch, or

Bacteria, Viruses, and Fungi

 Microbiology is the study of microscopic organisms, including bacteria, viruses, archaea,

fungi, and protozoa.
 This review focuses on bacteria and viruses, two common types of microorganisms.

Section 1: Bacteria

 Bacteria are single-cell organisms with diverse characteristics.

 Some bacteria require oxygen, while others do not.
 Bacteria have different temperature preferences.
 Examples of well-known bacteria include salmonella and staphylococcus bacteria.

Section 2: Types of Bacteria

1. Spherical Bacteria (Cocci)

o Streptococcus group causes strep throat.
2. Rod-shaped Bacteria (Bacilli)
o Some rod-shaped bacteria are curved and known as vibrio.
o Example: Bacillus anthracis (anthrax).
3. Spiral Bacteria (Spirilla)
o Spirochetes have a tight coil.
o Bacteria causing leptospirosis, Lyme disease, and syphilis.

Section 3: Bacteria Structure

 Pilus
 Capsule
 Cell wall
 Nucleoid(dna)
 Plasma membrane
 Cytoplasm
 Flagellum

 Bacteria feed in different ways.

 Heterotrophic bacteria consume organic carbon.
 Autotrophic bacteria make their own food through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis.
o Photoautotrophs use photosynthesis and some produce oxygen.
o Chemoautotrophs use chemosynthesis and are often found in ocean vents and
legume roots.

Section 4: Bacterial Reproduction

 Bacteria reproduce through binary fission.

 The bacterium divides into two identical daughter cells.
 Reproduction rate is influenced by factors like temperature and nutrient availability.

Section 5: Bacterial Diseases in Humans

 Airborne Bacterial Diseases (Upper Respiratory Tract):

o Streptococcal Diseases: symptoms include sore throat, fever, and swollen lymph
o Diphtheria: symptoms include sore throat and low-grade fever.
o Pertussis (Whooping Cough): symptoms include severe cough and fever.
o Bacterial Meningitis: symptoms include headache, neck stiffness, and sensitivity
to light.
 Airborne Bacterial Diseases (Lower Respiratory Tract):
o Tuberculosis (TB): symptoms include chronic cough, chest pain, and high fever.
o "Typical" Bacterial Pneumonia: symptoms include chest pain, cough, and rust-
colored sputum.
o "Atypical" Bacterial Pneumonia: symptoms include fever, dry cough, and
 Foodborne and Waterborne Bacterial Diseases:
o Botulism: symptoms include blurred vision, difficulty swallowing, and breathing.
o Salmonella Typhi: symptoms include fever, abdominal pain, and rose spots.
o Vibrio Cholerae: symptoms include watery diarrhea and vomiting.
o E. coli: various forms of gastroenteritis with diarrhea and complications.
o Helicobacter Pylori: responsible for most gastric ulcers.
 Soilborne and Arthropodborne Bacterial Diseases:
o Anthrax: symptoms vary depending on contact with spores.
o Clostridium Tetani: symptoms include muscle stiffness and convulsive
o Leptospirosis: symptoms include flu-like symptoms, systemic infection possible.
 Sexually Transmitted, Contact, and Miscellaneous Bacterial Diseases:
o Syphilis: primary, secondary, and tertiary stages with various symptoms.
o Gonorrhea: symptoms vary in males and females, can be transmitted to


 Studying viruses became easier in the 1940s with the advent of the electron microscope
and innovative cultivation methods.
 All viruses contain nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) and a protein capsid.
 Viruses can have helical, icosahedral, or complex symmetry.
 Viral replication involves the virus entering a cell, releasing its genetic code, converting
the code to proteins, assembling viral parts, and replicating. Remdesivir can block viral

Viral Infections of the Upper Respiratory Tract:

1. Influenza: Caused by different orthomyxoviruses (types A, B, and C). Influenza can be

prevented with yearly vaccination and treated with antiviral drugs.
2. SARS: An emerging viral disease caused by a coronavirus, spread through person-to-
person contact. Symptoms include fever, headache, cough, and difficulty breathing.
3. Herpes Simplex: Common viral diseases causing cold sores (HSV-1) and genital herpes
(HSV-2). Antiviral drugs are available for treatment.
4. Varicella-Zoster: Causes chickenpox (highly contagious) and shingles. Acyclovir is used
to alleviate symptoms.
5. Measles: Symptoms include cough, sneezing, fever, and rash. Koplik spots are common.
6. Mumps: Causes swollen salivary glands, and complications can include testicular
swelling (orchitis).
7. Polio: Affects the nervous tissue, leading to paralysis and muscle atrophy. Polio vaccine
has eradicated the disease in most parts of the world.


 Fungi can be single-celled or complex multicellular organisms and are commonly found
in soil or on plant material.
 Types of fungi include multicellular filamentous molds, macroscopic filamentous fungi
(mushrooms), and single-celled microscopic yeasts.

Fungal Diseases in Humans:

1. Fungal Nail Infections (onychomycosis): Common infections affecting fingernails or
toenails, causing discoloration, thickening, and fragility.
2. Ringworm (tinea): Causes a circular rash, itching, and red, scaly, cracked skin. It can
affect various parts of the body.
3. Candidiasis: Infections caused by Candida yeast. Vaginal candidiasis causes itching,
pain, and abnormal discharge. Candidiasis can also affect the mouth, throat (thrush), and


I. Host Defense Mechanism:

 The body's protective measures against pathogens.

 Consists of three lines of defense.

II. Nonspecific Host Defense Mechanisms:

 General defense mechanisms that protect against various harmful substances.

 Includes innate resistance observed in certain species and individuals.

III. First Line of Defense:

A. Skin and Mucous Membranes:

- Physical barriers that prevent pathogen entry.

- Skin has epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis layers.

- Mucous membranes serve as a mechanical barrier.

- Sticky mucus produced by goblet cells traps pathogens.

B. Chemical Defenses:

- Chemical mediators inhibit microbial invaders.

- Found in body fluids and tissues.

- Examples: sebum, oleic acid, saliva, urine acidity, lactate, cerumen.

C. Microbial Antagonism:

- Resident microbes prevent colonization by new pathogens.

- Factors: competition for sites and nutrients, production of bactericidal substances.

IV. Second Line of Defense:

A. Transferin: Sequesters iron, depriving pathogens of this essential nutrient.

B. Interferons: Antiviral proteins that inhibit viral replication in surrounding cells.

C. Fever: Systemic increase in body temperature that inhibits bacterial growth.

D. Complement System:

- Biochemical cascade that clears pathogens from the body.

- Composed of plasma proteins.

E. Cytokines: Chemical messengers within the immune system and other body systems.

F. Phagocytes: Neutrophils and macrophages eliminate microbes.

G. Inflammation:

- Localized tissue response to injury or pathogens.

- Recruits cellular defenses and initiates repair mechanisms.

- Acute inflammation and chronic inflammation.

V. Specific Defense Mechanism:

 Study of the immune system and immune responses (immunology).

 Adaptive immunity targets specific pathogens and has memory.
 Involves B cells and T cells.

VI. Two Major Arms of the Immune System:

1. Humoral Immunity:
o Involves B cells and antibody production.
o Leads to immunity against specific pathogens.
2. Cell-Mediated Immunity (CMI):
o Targets and destroys intracellular pathogens.
o Involves various cell types, including macrophages, T cells, and natural killer

VII. Antigens:

 Foreign molecules that stimulate antibody production.

 Belong to various molecular classes.
 More complex molecules are more effective antigens.

VIII. Antibodies:

 Produced by plasma cells in response to antigens.

 Glycoproteins present in blood and tissue fluids.

IX. Immunity:

 Resistance or protection against infectious diseases.

X. Classifications of Adaptive Immunity:

1. Active Immunity:
o Antibodies produced within the body.
o Natural or artificial acquisition.
2. Passive Immunity:
o Antibodies received from another person or animal.
o Natural or artificial acquisition.


Vaccination is a crucial method of preventing infectious diseases. It has evolved over time,
starting with variolation in the tenth century and later the development of vaccination by Edward

A. Variolation and Vaccination

- Variolation: Deliberate inoculation with smallpox scabs or pustules.

- Edward Jenner: Developed modern vaccination using cowpox.

B. Classes of Vaccines

1. Live Attenuated Vaccines

- Goal: Establish subclinical infection for adaptive immune response.

- Examples: Chickenpox, measles, tuberculosis.

- Advantages: Cellular and humoral immunity, long-lasting immunity.

- Disadvantages: Difficult to store/transport, risk for immunocompromised.

2. Inactivated Vaccines
- Pathogens killed/inactivated with heat, chemicals, or radiation.

- Examples: Cholera, influenza, rabies.

- Advantages: Ease of storage/transport, no risk of severe active infection.

- Disadvantages: Weaker immunity (humoral only), more doses/boosters.

3. Subunit Vaccines

- Expose patients to key antigens, not whole cells/viruses.

- Examples: Hepatitis B, influenza, meningitis.

- Advantages: Lower risk of side effects.

- Disadvantages: Multiple doses required, no protection against antigenic variation.

4. Toxoid Vaccines

- Contain inactivated bacterial toxins (toxoids).

- Examples: Diphtheria, tetanus.

- Advantages: Humoral immunity to neutralized toxin.

- Disadvantages: Does not prevent infection.

5. Conjugate Vaccines

- Consist of protein conjugated to polysaccharide capsule.

- Examples: Meningitis.

- Advantages: T-dependent response, better response in young children.

- Disadvantages: Costly to produce, no protection against antigenic variation.

6. DNA Vaccines

- Use genes to instruct cells to produce antigens.

- Potential for more effective treatments against pathogens.



 Carbohydrates
 Proteins
 Lipids
 Nucleic Acids

MONOMER – Building blocks:

 Large substances made up of smaller units called monomers.


 Stoichiometric formula (CH2O)n, where n is the number of carbons in the molecule.

 The term "carbohydrate" originates from "carbon" ("carbo") and the components of water
 Carbohydrates are the most abundant biomolecules in nature.
 They are now defined as polyhydroxy aldehydes and ketones.


o Monomers of carbohydrates.
o Monosaccharides are the base units of all carbohydrate molecules.
o They are white, crystalline solids that contain a single aldehyde or ketone
functional group.
o Subdivided into aldoses and ketoses based on whether they are aldehydes or
o Also known as "simple sugars."
o Most monosaccharide names end with the suffix "-ose."
o Aldoses have an aldehyde group (R-CHO) while ketoses have a ketone group


o Soluble in water.
o Classified as triose, tetrose, pentose, hexose, or heptose based on the number of
carbon atoms. 3-7


o Glucose: Important monosaccharide and a major source of calories. Can cross the
blood-brain barrier to nourish the brain.
o Galactose: Known as milk sugar.
o Fructose: Fruit sugar is commonly found in honey, fruits, and vegetables.


oIsomers: Compounds with the same chemical formula but different structures.
oExamples: Fructose, Glucose, Mannose, Galactose.
oEpimers: Carbohydrate isomers that differ in configuration around only one
specific carbon atom (chiral center).
o Examples: Glucose and galactose (C-4 epimer), Glucose and mannose (C-2
o Consist of two monosaccharides joined together.
o Formed when two monosaccharides undergo a dehydration reaction.


Soluble in water.
A glycosidic bond forms between any hydroxyl group on the monosaccharide.
 Sucrose: Glucose + fructose (table sugar).
 Lactose: Galactose + glucose (found in milk of mammals).
 Maltose: Glucose + glucose (malt sugar).
o Sugar polymers containing more than 20 monosaccharide units.
o Some have hundreds or thousands of units.
o Most abundant carbohydrates in food.
o Long chains of monosaccharides linked by glycosidic bonds.
o Classified as homopolysaccharides and heteropolysaccharides.


 Stored form of sugars in plants.

 Made up of a mixture of amylose and amylopectin.
 Important source of calories found in foods like rice, potatoes, wheat, and maize.
 Sugar molecules that human intestinal enzymes can break down.
 Not sweet (don't activate taste buds like simple sugars).


o Starch formed by unbranched chains of glucose monomers (𝛼 1-4 linkages).

o Poorly soluble in water and slowly digestible.


o Branched polysaccharide (𝛼 1-4 linkages and 𝛼 1-6 linkages at the branch points).
o More soluble in water and more easily digestible than amylose.

 Carbohydrates that intestinal enzymes cannot break down.

 Non-digestible.
 Have molecules that resist human enzymes.
 Critical for slowing down absorption of simple sugars and helping regulate blood glucose


 Storage form of glucose in humans and other vertebrates.

 Made up of glucose monomers.
 Glycogen is broken down into glucose through glycogenolysis when blood glucose levels
 Stored in the liver and muscle cells.


 Most abundant natural biopolymer.

 Cell wall of plants is mostly made of cellulose, providing structural support.
 Wood and paper are mostly cellulosic in nature.
 Made up of glucose monomers linked by β 1-4 glycosidic bonds.

Functions of Carbohydrates in the Body:

 Provide energy through cellular respiration and the production of ATP.

 Store energy for future use.
 Promote good digestive health and reduce the risk of digestive tract diseases.

Functions of Carbohydrates in Animals:

 Insects have an exoskeleton made of chitin, a type of polysaccharide.


General Characteristics:

 Essential components of all living organisms.

 Water-insoluble organic compounds.
 Hydrophobic or amphipathic (containing both nonpolar and polar regions).


 Cells store long-term energy in the form of fats.

 Provide insulation for plants and animals.
 Act as building blocks for hormones and cellular membranes.
Variety of Forms/Structures and Functions:

1. Fats and Oils:

 Consist of glycerol and fatty acids.

 Fatty acids have hydrocarbon chains with a carboxyl group.
 Saturated fats have no double bonds, while unsaturated fats have one or more double
 Trans fatty acids have a negative impact on cholesterol levels.

2. Waxes:

 Cover feathers of aquatic birds and leaf surfaces of some plants.

 Prevent water from sticking to surfaces due to their hydrophobic nature.

3. Triglycerides:

 Simplest lipids made from fatty acids.

 Non-polar, hydrophobic molecules.
 Provide stored energy and insulation.

4. Phospholipids:

 Major constituents of cell membranes.

 Composed of fatty acid chains attached to a glycerol or sphingosine backbone.
 Form micelles that shield hydrophobic regions.

5. Steroids:

 Lipids with a C skeleton consisting of fused rings.

 Hydrophobic and insoluble in water.

6. Pigments:

 Lipids with conjugated double bonds that absorb visible light.

 Act as light-capturing pigments in vision and photosynthesis.


Characteristics and Functions:

 Polymers of amino acids.

 Versatile macromolecules with crucial functions in biological processes.
 Act as catalysts, transporters, structural components, hormones, and more.

Common Types of Proteins:

 Enzymes: Catalyze biochemical reactions.
 Hormones: Regulate physiological processes.


 Building blocks of proteins

 Consist of a central carbon atom (α carbon) bonded to an amino group (NH2), a carboxyl
group (COOH), and a hydrogen atom
 The identity of an amino acid is determined by its R group, which is bonded to the central
 Amino acids can exist as zwitterions, molecules with both negative and positive charges
 Amino acids exhibit optical activity due to their chiral center, except for glycine which is
 Amino acids are amphoteric (can act as both acids and bases)
 There are 20 known amino acids, which naturally occur in the L form





 10 amino acids that are not synthesized by the body and must be obtained from the diet
 Arg, His, Ile, Leu, Lys, Met, Phe, Thr, Trp, and Val
 All can be found in dairy products


 Amino acids that can be synthesized in the body and are not essential in the diet


 Formed through a dehydration synthesis reaction (condensation reaction)

 Covalent bond between the amino group of one amino acid and the carboxyl group of
another amino acid
 Formation of a peptide bond releases a molecule of water
 Linked amino acids form peptides


 Peptides are named using the names of all amino acids in the peptide, with an "-yl"
ending for the name
 The full amino acid name is used for the amino acid at the terminal C
 Peptides can also be named using three-letter code abbreviations or one-letter code
 Longer peptides, such as proteins, can be named using the one-letter code



 Describes the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain

 Includes peptide bonds and any disulfide bonds


 Folding of the polypeptide backbone into periodic structures

 Stabilized by hydrogen bonding
 Two types of folding: alpha (α) helix and beta (β) pleated sheets
o Alpha helix: coiled structure with hydrogen bonds between N-H and C=O groups
o Beta pleated sheet: folded structure with hydrogen bonds between amide groups


 Overall three-dimensional structure of a polypeptide

 Stabilized by interactions between R groups (hydrophobic interactions, ionic bonding,
hydrogen bonding, disulfide linkages)


 Interactions of subunits in an oligomeric protein

 Stabilized by covalent and non-covalent bonds (interchain)
 Various interactions include hydrogen bonding, disulfide bridges, and salt bridges


 Long, rod-like proteins forming fibers

 Insoluble in water
 Examples: alpha-keratin, collagen, elastin, silk fibroin


 Spherical proteins
 Soluble in water
 Functions include enzymes, hormones, membrane transporters and receptors,
immunoglobulins, and storage proteins


 Found in high concentration in skeletal and cardiac muscles

 Responsible for the red color in muscles
 Functions as an oxygen reservoir in muscle cells



 Frederic Miesher in 1869 isolated an acidic compound from the nuclear material of
salmon sperms, named it nuclein (now nucleic acid).
 In 1953, J. D. Watson and F. H. C. Crick proposed the double helical structure of DNA
and the central dogma of molecular genetics.
 Oswald T. Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty provided evidence that DNA
carries genetic information in 1944.


 Molecules that store information for cellular growth and reproduction.

 Two types: deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA).
 DNA carries genetic information, RNA is involved in protein synthesis.
 DNA remains in the nucleus, while RNA leaves the nucleus.


 Monomers of DNA and RNA.

 Composed of a nitrogenous base, a pentose sugar, and a phosphate group.
 Nitrogenous bases: purines (adenine, guanine) and pyrimidines (cytosine, thymine,
 Nucleoside: nitrogenous base + ribose or deoxyribose sugar.
 Nucleotide: nucleoside + phosphate group.


 Ribonucleic acid (RNA) contains ribose.

 Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) contains deoxyribose.
 Sugars numbered with primes to distinguish them from nitrogen bases.


 Additional phosphate groups can be added to nucleoside monophosphates to form

diphosphates and triphosphates.
 Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a major energy source for cellular activity.


 Nucleotide sequence is the primary structure of nucleic acids.

 Nucleotides joined by phosphodiester bonds.
 Phosphate residue attached to the 5' carbon of one sugar and the 3' carbon of the next


 DNA is an antiparallel double helix with a sugar-phosphate backbone on the outside and
nitrogenous bases on the inside.
 Base pairs (A-T, G-C) held together by hydrogen bonds.
 DNA strands run in opposite directions.


1. messenger RNA (mRNA) - carries the message from DNA, which controls all of the
cellular activities in a cell.
2. ribosomal RNA (rRNA) – major constituent of ribosomes on which the mRNA binds.

3. transfer RNA (tRNA) - carries the correct amino acid to the site of protein synthesis.
4. microRNA (miRNA) – interfering with the expression of certain mRNA messages.


 More abundant than DNA.

 Involved in protein synthesis.
 Single-stranded and composed of ribonucleotides.
 Types: messenger RNA (mRNA), ribosomal RNA (rRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA),
microRNA (miRNA).


 Carries genetic information from DNA to direct cellular activities.
 Complementary to DNA coding sequence.
 Interacts with ribosomes to synthesize proteins.
 Read in sets of three bases (codons) that code for amino acids.


 Ensures proper alignment of mRNA and ribosomes.

 Catalyzes peptide bond formation during protein synthesis.


 Nucleic acids aid in gut repair, cellular growth, immune system strengthening, muscle
growth, neutralization of toxins, and regular cellular metabolism.
 They also assist antioxidants in reducing damage from oxidative stress.

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