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Chelsea Doreen A.


9 – Einstein

Letter of defence

Juvenile justice was established in united states and was used for diverting
youthful offenders. On behalf of Roger, he is considered a minor and shouldn’t be
punished. His actions speaks that he is clearly having a hard time in his life.
Although his actions are not valid, but we can clearly see that his actions speak
the truth. Considering that he is a minor and he may not think that his decisions
are affecting him. His mind might also be clouded with thoughts. His behavior is
understandable in some perspective. The fact that he did that kind of action
because of his state in life. At the end of the day people will show kindness and
support like what Mrs. Jones did. Mrs. Jones proved that there is still goodness in
people’s hearts and mind. For sure, after that action Roger felt sorry for his
actions. From that perspective, we can already tell that Roger doesn’t have to be
punished but it will serve as a lesson for him in the future. For me, whatever
darkness may just be caused by our situation in life. In life we have ups and downs
that affects us for who me really are. That’s why before making a decision we
should think twice about it before doing a certain action. With the case of Roger,
his actions were considered by Mrs. Jines and showed goodness in Roger. Rogee
is a kid that still has a future waiting for him, considering his actions may change
his future and perhaps make it a good future for him. In life we should have a
stage of acceptance and learn from it especially from our mistakes. Roger is a kid
full of future that is is waiting for him. He is a kid full of determination and passion
as his life goes by. That’s why we always need to remember that there is always
goodness in peoples heart.

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