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The Environment

To preserve the future of humanity, it has become essential

to take care to protect our environment, because first of all
the environment is our source of food and drinking water,
but it is also our source of air, oxygen , biodiversity is used to
manufacture many medicines…

To be eco-responsible, I sort my waste, I buy second-hand

clothes, I turn off the light when I leave a room, I make sure
not to waste food, i don't buy geniune lether.

save : économiser
wardrobe : dressing
throw : jeter
eneble : permettre
recycle : recycler
bartering : troc
sustainable : durabilité
bargain : affaire
renewwable energy :
greenhouse : gaz a effet
renergie renouvable
de serre
swap : échanger ( troquer )
global warming :
to be green : être écolo
rechauffement climatique
cabron footprint :
waste : déchet
empreinte carbonne
garments : vêtement
geniune lether : cuire
dying methods : teinture

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