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Developmental Orthopedic
Disease and Lameness
surrounded by extracellular matrix that gradually becomes
Chapter mineralized in the zone of provisional calcification. The
chondrocyte columns are then invaded by metaphyseal

Pathogenesis of
blood vessels, and bone forms on the residual columns of
calcified cartilage. This mixture of calcified cartilage and
immature bone (primary spongiosa) is then gradually
Osteochondrosis remodeled to produce the mature bone of the metaphysis.7
Endochondral ossification, which continues throughout
Janet Douglas the period of growth, also occurs in the AECC at the ends
of long bones (Figure 54-4).8 The chondrocytes of the
AECC that are closest to the articular surface produce
articular cartilage, whereas those cells closer to the epiphy-
sis participate in endochondral ossification in the same
AND TERMINOLOGY manner as occurs in the physis. It is generally accepted that
Equine osteochondrosis (OC) is characterized by focal the growth cartilages of both the physis and the AECC are
failures of endochondral ossification that typically occur susceptible to OC.1,3,8-11
in well-defined predilection sites. Lesions that result from
external trauma or infection are not generally regarded
References as OC.1,2 The thickened, retained growth cartilage that CHARACTERISTICS OF OSTEOCHONDROSIS
on page
1295 characterizes typical lesions (Figure 54-1) in the articular- Equine OC characteristically manifests as one or two lesions
epiphyseal cartilage complex (AECC) may be complicated that occur in known predilection sites. In this so-called
by development of fissures that extend from the deepest “typical pattern” of the disease, lesions are often bilaterally
layers of the lesion to the articular surface. Cartilaginous symmetrical, although only one lesion may cause clinical
or osteochondral fragments may then detach from the signs.12 The femoropatellar (lateral and medial femoral
parent bone, forming intraarticular fragments.3 Once trochlear ridges, lateral facet of patella), tarsocrural (cranial
lesions extend to the articular surface, thereby causing aspect of the intermediate ridge and medial malleolus of
inflammation of the joint, the condition may be referred the distal aspect of the tibia, lateral and medial trochlear
to as osteochondritis.4,5 The term osteochondritis dissecans ridges of the talus), scapulohumeral (glenoid fossa and
(OCD) is usually reserved for lesions in which a dissecting humeral head), and metacarpophalangeal and metatarso-
flap of tissue is present (Figure 54-2).3 Although it has been phalangeal joints (midsagittal ridge and condyles of the
proposed that the term dyschondroplasia should be used in third metacarpal or metatarsal bone) are affected most com-
place of OC,3,6 the term OC remains in widespread use and monly. OC of the elbow, hip, and cervical vertebral joints
is used in this chapter to refer to the primary lesion. Dys- has also been described,12,13 but lesions in these sites are less
chondroplasia is used only when referring to work by authors common and the etiology is more controversial.12 This
who prefer this term. A condition similar to equine OC typical pattern of OC contrasts with that of the atypical
occurs in a number of other animal species, as well as in pattern in which animals show numerous articular (and
people.1 sometimes physeal) lesions.12,14 Predilection and nonpredi-
lection sites may be affected in these horses, and bilaterally
symmetrical lesions are absent or infrequent. A third pattern
ENDOCHONDRAL OSSIFICATION of lesion distribution, the mixed pattern, describes horses
Endochondral ossification is the process by which growing in which both typical and atypical lesions are present.14
cartilage is systematically replaced by bone to form the OC may manifest very early in life. For example, lesions
growing skeleton.7 This process occurs at three main sites: of the cranial aspect of the intermediate ridge of the tibia
the physis, the epiphysis, and the cuboidal bones of the have been identified in foals that are less than 1 month
carpus and tarsus. Chondrocytes in the physis can be old.15-17 Lesions of the lateral trochlear ridge of the femur
divided into a series of layers or zones (Figure 54-3). The may appear later (3 to 4 months of age),17 but lesions at
zone farthest from the metaphysis is the resting or reserve this site, on the medial femoral condyle, and in the tarso-
zone. Adjacent to this is the proliferative zone, in which crural and fetlock joints all develop before approximately
chondrocytes divide. These cells progress to the hyper­ 7 or 8 months of age.18,19 The studies from which these
trophic zone, in which they enlarge and form ordered conclusions were drawn were conducted in a range of
columns. During this stage the chondrocytes become breeds. In contrast, recent radiological data suggest that the
618 PART VI  Developmental Orthopedic Disease and Lameness




Fig. 54-1  •  Section through the articular-epiphyseal cartilage complex

and epiphysis showing thickened retained cartilage (arrows). (Courtesy Hypertrophic
Gustavo Hernández-Vidal, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universidad zone
Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, Mexico.)


Fig. 54-3  •  Sagittal section of the epiphysis, metaphysis, and diaphysis of

growing bone, with sequential histological sections showing the different
zones of the physis (metaphyseal growth cartilage). 1, Articular-epiphyseal
growth cartilage complex; 2, secondary ossification center in the epiphysis;
3, metaphyseal growth cartilage; 4, primary ossification center in the
diaphysis. Toluidine blue stain. (Courtesy Gustavo Hernández-Vidal, Faculty
of Veterinary Medicine, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey,

prevalence of OC may increase substantially after approxi-

mately 1 year of age in South German Coldbloods.20 Further
work is necessary to establish whether there are breed dif-
ferences in the timing of lesion development.
It is important to realize that most osteochondral
lesions identified radiologically in young horses heal
without intervention17,21-23 and that lesions that lead to
clinical signs represent only a small fraction of the total.
Thus many of the lesions identified in postmortem studies
would never have become clinically relevant and may not
even be evident radiologically. The age at which lesions
are capable of repair appears to depend on the joint
involved. A longitudinal study involving Dutch Warm-
bloods determined that OC lesions of the hock (the cranial
aspect of the intermediate ridge of the tibia and the lateral
trochlear ridge of the talus) that were still present at 5
months of age never regressed.17 Five months was thus
Fig. 54-2  •  Dissecting flap of articular cartilage (osteochondritis dissecans designated as the “age of no return” for tarsocrural lesions.
lesion) on the lateral trochlear ridge of the femur. (Courtesy Gustavo In contrast, lesions of the lateral trochlear ridge of the
Hernández-Vidal, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universidad Autónoma femur did not become permanent until the animal was 8
de Nuevo León, Monterrey, Mexico.) months of age.17
Chapter 54  Pathogenesis of Osteochondrosis 619




Fig. 54-5  •  Chondrocyte clusters (arrows) surrounding an area of necrotic

cartilage. Toluidine blue stain. (Courtesy Frances Henson, Department 
of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United
Late Kingdom.)

group B lesions showed alteration in the staining pattern

of mineralized cartilage and adjacent subchondral bone
and complete absence of invading capillaries into newly
Hypertrophic formed bone.24,25 Differentiation of lesions into subcatego-
zone ries was not reported in a recent histological study in
which necrosis of growth cartilage was described as a
common feature of OC lesions.15 This study was carried out
using material from the distal tibiae of foals that were all
Calcified 5 months old or younger (the age range during which the
zone disease is initiated at this site).17 The results suggested that
chondrocyte necrosis precedes matrix change (identified
Fig. 54-4  •  Sagittal section of the epiphysis with sequential histological
histologically as relative eosinophilia and pallor in hema-
sections showing the different zones of the articular-epiphyseal cartilage
toxylin-eosin–stained sections and as pallor in toluidine
complex. Toluidine blue stain. (Courtesy Gustavo Hernández-Vidal, Faculty
of Veterinary Medicine, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, blue–stained sections), delayed ossification, and fissure for-
Mexico.) mation. Moreover, these authors considered chondrocyte
clusters to be a sign of attempted repair rather than a
primary change.15
It is obvious from this short summary that histological
The features of equine OC lesions were reported as early definitions and descriptions of OC vary, making accurate
as 1947.9 Since then the gross and histological characteris- identification of lesions difficult.24 Even chondrocyte clus-
tics of the condition have been described and defined by ters (Figure 54-5), considered by many to be one of the
numerous authors. Early descriptions characterized OC as most consistent findings in OC lesions,24,26 are not pathog-
a lack of chondrocyte differentiation that prevented provi- nomonic for the disease,15,24 and, unless used to define
sional calcification of the matrix and invasion of the car- the condition, necrosis is not a universal finding.25,27 It
tilage by blood vessels.3 Necrosis was described as a is thus not surprising that the relevance to OC of some of
secondary change.3 A more recent histological study that the lesions studied has been questioned.28 The matter is
examined AECC samples from the lateral trochlear ridge of complicated further by the limited repertoire of responses
the femur of horses ranging in age from 270 days’ gestation that bone and cartilage can mount to injury and develop-
to 4 years defined OC (“dyschondroplasia”) as the presence mental abnormalities12 and by the fact that many lesions
of cartilage cores (i.e., cartilage extending into subchondral are not identified until they have reached the chronic
bone).24 This study identified two types of lesion that could stage. The features of such chronic lesions may represent
be differentiated on the basis of type VI collagen immuno- the results of secondary change and attempted repair,
reactivity. However, both types showed evidence of chon- rather than primary osteochondrotic change. The results
drocyte clusters and chondronecrosis. Lesions of one type of studies based on such lesions may thus be misleading.
(group A) showed disruption of the normal sequential tran- This situation has resulted in a wide-ranging, heteroge-
sition of chondrocytes through the stages of proliferation neous, and somewhat confusing body of literature, in
and maturation and were characterized by accumulation which equine OC has been ascribed to genetic, dietary,
of large numbers of small, rounded chondrocytes, appar- endocrine, biomechanical, traumatic, ischemic, and toxic
ently arrested at the prehypertrophic stage. In contrast, causes.12,18,26,29-33
620 PART VI  Developmental Orthopedic Disease and Lameness

are introduced by the presence of interrelationships among

RELATIONSHIP AMONG PHYSEAL DYSPLASIA a number of proposed causative factors. For example, a
horse’s growth rate may be affected by its genetic back-
ground,46 its plane of nutrition,47 and possibly also by its
AND OSTEOCHONDROSIS hormonal response to carbohydrate intake,48 all factors that
The relationship between OC and physeal dysplasia (phy- have been implicated in the pathogenesis of OC.
sitis or epiphysitis) is poorly defined. Retained cartilage has Another topic that requires clarification is the balance
long been regarded as a possible cause of physeal dyspla- between generalized or systemic and local factors. OC has
sia,16,34 and OC lesions of the physis have been described in historically been described as a generalized failure of endo-
clinically affected horses (thickened and irregular metaphy- chondral ossification.16 However, the propensity for lesions
seal growth cartilage)5,10 and in foals with experimentally to occur in a small number of bilaterally symmetrical pre-
induced dyschondroplasia (retained cartilage cores).26,35 If dilection sites argues strongly that local factors are impor-
OC truly is a generalized or multifocal disturbance of endo- tant in the cause. It remains to be determined whether
chondral ossification, it would seem logical that metaphy- lesions can be induced solely by these local factors or
seal growth cartilage has the potential for involvement. whether the presence of an underlying generalized disorder
However, some have questioned whether articular and (e.g., biomechanically or biochemically inferior tissue) is a
physeal lesions have the same cause and have proposed that prerequisite for lesion development. The following discus-
physitis be regarded as a manifestation of developmental sion summarizes major findings relating to the pathogen-
orthopedic disease but not of OC.12 Moreover, the results esis of equine OC.
of a recent study suggest that many enlargements of the
distal aspect of the third metacarpal and metatarsal bones, Involvement of Cartilage Canals
including those with evidence of increased metaphyseal There has been much interest recently in the role of carti-
cartilage thickness, represent physiological remodeling lage canals in the pathogenesis of equine OC. Cartilage
rather than a pathological process.36 The role of OC in the canals are channels that invade the epiphyseal growth car-
pathogenesis of equine physeal dysplasia thus remains tilage from the surrounding perichondrial plexus.49 The
unclear. However, it should be noted that a similar patho- arterioles, venules, and capillaries that they contain assist
genic mechanism (failure of blood supply to growth carti- in the nutrition of epiphyseal cartilage, much of which is
lage) has been proposed for both articular OC and physeal too far from synovial fluid to obtain nutrients by diffu-
lesions in pigs.1 Physitis is covered in more detail in Chapter sion.1 Under normal circumstances the cartilage canals
57 and is not discussed further here. become obliterated in a regionally staggered sequence29,49
The relationship among OC, subchondral bone cysts, as endochondral ossification (and therefore growth) ceases.
and osseous cystlike lesions is also controversial. In con- Studies performed to date have found no evidence of car-
trast to OCD lesions, which are most commonly found on tilage canals in foals after approximately 6 or 7 months of
the nonloaded margins of high-motion joints, bone cysts age.18,27,50 There is an apparent anatomical association
typically occur in the central, loaded areas of joints.2 Origi- between prolonged dependence of cartilage on a vascular
nally interpreted as a manifestation of retained cartilage of supply and predisposition to OC.29
the AECC,10,37-39 many cysts are now thought to be trau- A number of investigations have highlighted an
matic in origin.40,41 This proposed cause was demonstrated association between the presence of cartilage canals and
experimentally by the successful induction of cysts in the development of OC. However, the proposed pathogenic
medial femoral condyle (a predilection site) after creation mechanism differs among studies. A report published in
of a linear slit in the articular cartilage followed by normal 1995 that involved examination of tissue from 35 horses
weight bearing.42 OC may thus be only one of several pos- younger than 18 months of age found that cartilage canals
sible causative mechanisms,12,40,43 and cysts may result containing patent blood vessels were present in all samples
from a number of nonspecific articular injuries sustained taken from OC predilection and nonpredilection sites in
at a load-bearing site.12 foals younger than 3 weeks of age.18 Overall, 34% of the
horses had lesions of OC in the medial femoral condyle,
lateral femoral trochlear ridge, and/or distal aspect of
PROPOSED CAUSATIVE FACTORS the tibia, and the prevalence rose to 56% in horses 3
Numerous studies aimed at determining the cause and weeks to 5 months of age. All the lesions seen in this age
pathogenesis of equine OC have been performed, and group (3 weeks to 5 months) were associated with necrotic
many of the factors investigated have been shown to influ- cartilage canal blood vessels. Lesions found in horses
ence the incidence of osteochondral lesions. However, 7 months of age and older had extensive involvement
because OC cannot yet be diagnosed on anything other of subchondral bone and bone marrow and were con­
than morphological grounds, it is unclear whether the sidered to be chronic. The authors concluded that OC
lesions induced by some of these potential causative factors lesions develop before 7 months of age and that ischemic
are the same as those that occur under “natural” condi- necrosis of cartilage is involved in the pathogenesis of the
tions. A pertinent example is low copper intake, which has condition.18
been shown to induce osteochondral lesions44 but which This conclusion is supported by the results of more
is not believed to be a causative factor in most horses with recent work conducted using tissue from the distal tibiae
naturally occurring OC.1,45 and tarsi of foals 5 months of age or younger.15,29,51 From
It is generally accepted that equine OC has a multifacto- the results of a histopathological study, it was concluded
rial cause.1,25,45 This renders more difficult the task of unrav- that early OC lesions manifest as areas of cartilage canal
eling the pathogenesis of the disease. Further complications and chondrocyte necrosis within the proliferative zone.15
Chapter 54  Pathogenesis of Osteochondrosis 621

1 mm
Body Size and Growth Rate
The widespread anecdotal belief that OC is more prevalent
in large horses and those with a rapid growth rate gained
support from the results of a Swedish survey involving 77
Standardbred (STB) foals.53 This study reported a positive
relationship between radiologically evident OC of the tar-
socrural joint and body weight at birth, body weight during
the growth period, average daily weight gain, and skeletal
frame size. Seven of the eight foals that developed tarso-
crural OC were sired by the same stallion, but the relation-
ship among OC, body measurements, and growth rate was
still present when affected and unaffected foals by this sire
were considered in isolation.
In postmortem studies, positive associations were
reported between various measures of body size and
number and severity of OC or OC-like lesions in the limbs
Fig. 54-6  •  Histological section from the intermediate ridge of the tibia of and cervical vertebrae of 12-month-old animals of various
a 3-week-old foal showing an area of chondrocyte necrosis within the breeds47 and between recent average daily weight gain
proliferative zone (stippled outline) and a band of chondronecrosis within and tarsocrural osteochondral lesions in 5-month-old
the ossification front (between arrows). Both are associated with necrotic Thoroughbred (TB) foals.54 However, this latter study found
cartilage canals (arrowheads). Toluidine blue stain. (Courtesy Osteochon- no significant association between body weight and the
drosis Research Group at the Equine Clinic, Norwegian School of Veterinary frequency or severity of lesions, a finding that was echoed
Science, Oslo, Norway.) in a recent study involving Hanoverian foals.55
Further evidence for a relationship among OC, body
size, and growth rate comes from a study performed in
As the ossification front advances, these lesions become Warmbloods.56 Weight and height were measured from
incorporated in the chondro-osseous junction where the birth to 5 or 11 months of age in 43 foals with a presumed
necrotic chondrocytes and altered matrix are believed to genetic predisposition to OC of the femoropatellar or tar-
represent conditions unfavorable for vascular invasion and socrural joints. The foals’ stifle and hock joints were evalu-
replacement by bone (Figure 54-6). Vascular perfusion ated radiologically, macroscopically, and histologically.
techniques were used to show that as foals grow the mid- Development of femoropatellar OC was associated with a
portion of each cartilage canal becomes incorporated into higher overall rate of weight gain and greater final body
the ossification front.29 Anastomoses then form between weight and height. Moreover, the period during which
canal vessels and subchondral vessels at this point.29 As a weight gain of the OC-positive foals was significantly
result, tissue that is nourished by the vessels in the end of higher than that of the OC-negative foals coincided with
the cartilage canal farthest from the perichondrium comes the period during which femoropatellar joint lesions
to be nourished by subchondral vessels. The histological become visible radiologically.17 In contrast to the previ-
lesions identified were consistently characterized by the ously described findings in STBs,53 no relationship existed
presence of necrotic growth cartilage in association with between tarsocrural OC and body size or growth rate in
necrotic cartilage canal vessels located at the point where this population of Dutch Warmbloods.56 A similar lack of
the vessels cross the ossification front, suggesting that the correlation between surgical OC lesions and body weight
vessels are prone to failure at this point.29 These results are has been reported in TBs.57
supported by the results of micro–computed tomography
analysis.51 Nutrition
An earlier study proposed a different mechanism for A number of dietary factors have been implicated in the
involvement of cartilage canals in the pathogenesis of OC. pathogenesis of OC. These include digestible energy, phos-
In this investigation, which involved horses that were in phorus, and copper.
some cases considerably older than those in the previous
study (≤15 months), nonnecrotic dyschondroplastic lesions Digestible Energy and Protein
were associated with cartilage canals containing patent The results of a French study have suggested that a high
vessels.27 This finding led the investigators to propose that plane of nutrition does not in itself predispose to develop-
in some circumstances the presence of cartilage canals may ment of OC, as long as the ration is balanced.47 However,
be associated with failure of chondrocytes to hypertrophy a high nutrient intake was implicated in the pathogenesis
and that this may be the initiating lesion. It was suggested of OC for many years10 and the topic has been explored in
that blood vessels within cartilage canals may expose local a number of studies. One landmark trial investigated the
growth cartilage to any imbalance of systemic hormones effects on skeletal development of feeding 129% of National
(such as that induced by a high-energy diet) and that Research Council (NRC, 1989)58 recommendations for
chronicity of lesions accounted for the difference between digestible energy or 126% of NRC recommendations for
these findings27 and those of studies in which necrosis is a crude protein to foals approximately 5 months of age.26 A
dominant feature. It should be noted that proximity of control group received 100% of NRC recommendations for
osteochondral lesions to the remnants of cartilage canals energy and protein. After 12 to 16 weeks on the experi-
has been reported in many studies, but is not a universal mental diets, all foals were euthanized, growth plates and
finding.52 the growth cartilage of the AECC were examined, and a
622 PART VI  Developmental Orthopedic Disease and Lameness

definitive diagnosis of dyschondroplasia was made only a study in which OC-positive foals were found to have
when a retained core of cartilage was identified histologi- significantly lower IGF-I activity than those without the
cally. Dyschondroplasia occurred in two of 12 control foals disease.69 The significance of the IGF-I pathway in the
(17%), four of six foals on the high-protein diet (67%), and pathogenesis of OC thus remains unclear.
all 12 foals on the high-energy diet. The lesions in the foals
in the high-protein group were minor and were mainly Calcium and Phosphorus
single lesions of the growth plates, with no AECC involve- The effects of overfeeding phosphorus (388% of NRC
ment. No significant difference in incidence occurred [1989] recommendations), calcium (342%), and both
between the control and high-protein groups. In contrast, calcium and digestible energy (342% and 129%, respec-
many of the foals in the high-energy group had lesions of tively) for 16 to 18 weeks was assessed in foals aged 2 1 2 to
the AECC and the growth plates, and the difference in 6 1 2 months at the start of the study.35 The diets containing
incidence between the control and high-energy groups was excessive phosphorus and calcium provided 100% of NRC
significant. recommendations for digestible energy. Histologically con-
The effects of overfeeding on endochondral ossification firmed dyschondroplastic lesions were found in numerous
within the growth plate have been described. Twelve TB joints and growth plates in two control foals (17%), five
weanlings aged 6 to 8 months were randomly assigned foals fed excess phosphorus (83%), two foals fed excess
to receive diets containing 70%, 100%, or 130% of the calcium (33%), and six foals fed excess digestible energy
National Research Council recommendations (1978)59 for and calcium (100%). The lesions were more numerous and
digestible energy and protein.60 All diets contained 100% severe in the foals fed high-phosphorus or high–digestible
of the recommended levels of calcium and phosphorus. energy and high-calcium diets than in the control foals or
Biopsies of the distal radial physis obtained after 8 months those fed high-calcium diets only. Dyschondroplasia is
showed that physeal thickness was directly proportional to thus not induced by diets high in calcium and is not allevi-
digestible energy level. Moreover, the physes of the overfed ated by excessive calcium in foals fed excessive energy. The
horses showed many features similar to those of OC: the apparent association between excessive dietary phosphorus
reserve and hypertrophic zones were enlarged, the hyper- and abnormal endochondral ossification may be mediated
trophic cartilage had lost its normal columnar organization, by acidosis35 or by osteoporosis-induced weakening of the
and metaphyseal capillaries appeared unable to penetrate subchondral bone plate.45
this abnormal hypertrophic cartilage. It was concluded that
the lesions associated with overfeeding were similar to those Copper
caused by hypothyroidism and that the link between Copper is a necessary cofactor of lysyl oxidase, the enzyme
dietary excess and OC is mediated by endocrine factors.60 that catalyzes the oxidative deamination of lysine and
Subsequent work showed that ingestion of a high- hydroxylysine residues to their corresponding aldehydes.
energy meal is associated with accelerated insulin secre- This is a necessary step in the formation of pyridinoline
tion, decreased thyroxine (T4) secretion, and accelerated cross-links in collagen and elastin. Low-copper diets have
conversion of T4 to triiodothyronine (T3).61 Insulin, T3, and been associated with an increase in the soluble fraction of
T4 play a role in controlling the terminal differentiation of articular collagen, reduced collagen cross-linking of carti-
chondrocytes,62,63 and it is possible that the transient post- lage and bone, and an increased incidence of osteochon-
prandial hypothyroxemia induced by diets high in energy dral lesions in growing foals.44,70 A plausible mechanistic
could adversely affect osteochondral development. More- link thus exists between low copper levels and the develop-
over, studies conducted on equine tissue suggest that ment of OC, via the formation of biomechanically weak
insulin may promote the survival or depress the differentia- cartilage and bone. However, the clinical significance of
tion of chondrocytes in growth cartilage, potentially reduc- this proposed pathogenic mechanism in the cause of natu-
ing the rate at which cells enter the terminal phases of rally occurring OC remains unclear.
hypertrophy and leading to accumulation of prehypertro- Several early studies showed an association between
phic chondrocytes.64 primary or secondary copper deficiency and equine osteo-
The possibility of a relationship between abnormal chondral lesions.70-72 However, the lesions reported—which
insulin levels and osteochondral lesions is supported by the included intrachondral splitting through the hypertrophic
finding that postprandial plasma glucose and insulin levels zone and denudation of subchondral bone—were generally
are significantly higher in young horses with OC than in much more widespread and severe than typically occur
unaffected animals,57,65 an association that may be medi- under field conditions.70-72 Moreover, retention of cartilage
ated, at least in part, by the glycemic index of the feed.57 was not a major pathological feature.70 This link between
An association between feeds with a high glycemic index copper deficiency and development of osteochondral
and increased plasma levels of insulin-like growth factor I lesions prompted investigations into the effects on equine
(IGF-I) has been observed during periods of rapid growth.66 skeletal development of copper supplementation during
IGF-I, which is structurally similar to insulin, is primarily late gestation and the early growing period. In one such
involved in the control of growth and differentiation,67 study, 21 pregnant mares were assigned to a control group
including regulation of chondrocyte growth and endo- (13 ppm dietary copper) or a supplemented group (32 ppm)
chondral ossification.64,68 However, recent data show that during the last 3 to 6 months of pregnancy and the first 3
there is cross-talk between the insulin and IGF-I pathways, months of lactation.32 The foals were subsequently fed diets
and that IGF-I participates in metabolic activities such as containing 15 ppm (control) or 55 ppm (supplemented)
promotion of glucose uptake.67 The suggestion that a high copper for up to 6 months. The copper content of the
glycemic index feeding regimen and osteochondrotic risk control foals’ diet was close to NRC recommendations. OC
may be linked via increased IGF-I levels is contradicted by was defined as thickening of cartilage within the physis or
Chapter 54  Pathogenesis of Osteochondrosis 623

AECC. Compared with the supplemented foals, 6-month- in incidence attributed to genetic factors is expressed as the
old control foals had nearly twice as many lesions in the heritability coefficient, and values of up to 0.52 have been
physes and more than five times as many in the AECC. The reported for OC of the hock (Table 54-1).33,74-77 Although
most notable lesions in the control group were cartilage the standard errors are in some studies substantial and the
thickening and separation of the cranial aspect of the inter- range of heritability coefficients reported is quite wide (a
mediate ridge of the tibia.32 factor that may be attributed, in part, to variation in the
A separate study investigated the effects of feeding diets mathematical approaches used),75,77 these findings suggest
containing 8 and 25 ppm copper to 3-month-old foals for that at least some manifestations of OC have a genetic
6 months.44 Cartilage and bone lesions were rare in the component.
foals fed 25 ppm copper. In contrast, the majority of the Recent genome-wide searches for markers associated
foals fed 8 ppm copper were severely affected with numer- with OC have identified significant quantitative trait loci
ous lesions. Cartilaginous flaps and cartilage thinning, on a number of equine chromosomes in Hanoverians and
erosion, and eburnation comprised the majority of the South German Coldbloods.78,79 Further study has revealed
lesions, many of which were associated with microfractures a significant association between a single nucleotide poly-
within the physes and primary spongiosa of the long bones morphism in the AOAH gene and fetlock OC in South
and cervical vertebrae. Biochemical analysis of tissues from German Coldbloods,80 but a role in osteochondral develop-
four low-copper–diet foals with OCD-like lesions revealed ment or repair for the protein encoded by this gene (acyl-
significantly fewer pyridinoline cross-links in articular car- oxyacyl hydrolase) has not been identified.
tilage, physeal cartilage, and bone than in tissues from a In spite of the success of these early genomic studies,
group of six foals (four supplemented, two on low-copper it remains likely that OC is a polygenic disorder81 that
diets) with no lesions. This study thus demonstrated a link develops from the superimposition of environmental
among low dietary copper, inferior collagen quality, and factors on a susceptible genetic background. Moreover,
OCD-like lesions.44 genetic factors may influence the development of disease
The pathological condition induced in these two studies either directly or via influences on other factors that appear
by dietary copper levels of 8 and 15 ppm appeared similar to be associated with OC such as conformation, growth
to naturally occurring OC grossly, radiologically, and in rate, and the hormonal response to ingestion of food.53,56,57,65
many cases histologically.32,44 However, the relevance to Analysis of large numbers of genotypes will therefore be
the field situation of the lesions recorded remains unknown. required for successful identification of the genes involved,82
Foals fed the lower amount of dietary copper in these and identification of a simple set of genetic markers is a
studies typically had numerous lesions, many of which goal that may well prove elusive.
were present in the cervical vertebrae.32,44 This lesion dis- An alternative strategy for reducing the incidence of
tribution would thus be described as atypical.12,14 More- OC is to exclude affected mares and stallions from breeding
over, it is evident that relatively high levels of dietary programs. The results of genomic and heritability studies
copper (25 and 55 ppm) do not completely prevent osteo- suggest that OC lesions at different anatomical sites may
chondral lesions,32,44 and that relatively low levels (4 to be genetically related,75,78 and this raises the possibility that
11 ppm) do not always result in foals with numerous osteo- it may be possible to reduce the overall incidence of the
chondral abnormalities.26,52,73 Supplementation of foals’ disease by such a strategy of selective breeding. The results
diets with copper is thus not a panacea, nor is it always of mathematical modeling suggest that the incidence of
effective.73 Provision of copper supplements to pregnant OC in Maremmano horses could be reduced from 16%
mares has also generally been unsuccessful in reducing the to 2% over five generations by active selection of both
incidence of osteochondral lesions at 5 to 6 months of stallions and mares free of the disease.77 Researchers who
age,52,54 although one study did show a positive effect.73 simulated the effects of various selection strategies in
Dutch Warmbloods came to a similar conclusion,83 esti-
Heredity mating that the incidence of OC would decrease from 25%
Heritability studies of equine OC have been completed in to 13% over 50 years (2.4% reduction per generation) as a
a number of breeds. The proportion of the total variation result of two alternative strategies: (1) active selection for

TABLE 54-1 
Incidence and Heritability of Osteochondrosis Lesions
Hock Standardbred 3.4 to 30 0.26 ± 0.14 Schougaard et al, 199074
Hock Standardbred 0 to 24 0.24 ± 0.19 to 0.27 ± 0.08 Philipsson et al, 199333
Hock South German Coldblood — 0.04 ± 0.07 Wittwer et al, 200775
Hock Standardbred 0 to 69 0.52 Grøndahl and Dolvik, 199376
Fetlock South German Coldblood — 0.16 ± 0.16 Wittwer et al, 200775
Stifle, hock, and fetlock Maremmano — 0.09 ± 0.24 to 0.14 ± 0.22 Pieramati et al, 200377
SE, Standard error.
*The heritability coefficient may overestimate the true heritability if there is a high incidence of lesions in one progeny group (as occurred in the study of Grøndahl and Dolvik, 199376).
624 PART VI  Developmental Orthopedic Disease and Lameness

OC-negative mares and stallions, and (2) progeny testing femur). This difference suggests an effect of mechanical
of stallions. The model output concluded that these strate- loading on lesion development because the lateral troch-
gies were more effective than selection of OC-negative stal- lear ridge is loaded by the patella during exercise,12 and
lions only (17% incidence at 50 years) and no active subchondral bone cysts tend to develop at the point of
selection (21%). maximum load bearing during the support phase of the
stride.23,40,43 It was concluded that exercise has no role in
Gender the pathogenesis of OC, although it may alter the appear-
Early reports suggested that the incidence of equine OC ance and distribution of lesions.23 It should be noted that
was substantially higher in males than females.9,10 Nonsig- other studies conducted on tissues from these foals sug-
nificant relationships between male gender and OC were gested that a regimen of box rest supplemented with short
reported in epidemiological studies in which male/female bouts of high-intensity exercise (gallop sprints) had delete-
incidence ratios of 1.6 : 1 and 1.4 : 1 were found.84,85 However, rious long-term effects on chondrocyte metabolism and
a controlled study involving Warmbloods reported no viability88,89 and cannot be recommended for optimal mus-
gender predisposition for OC of the tarsocrural or femoro- culoskeletal development.
patellar joints,56 and similar findings were reported in TBs.54
In contrast, a study involving South German Coldbloods Trauma and Biomechanical Force
found a twofold higher risk for OC of the hock and fetlock The roles of trauma and biomechanical force in the patho-
joints in female horses,20 and a study involving feral horses genesis of osteochondral lesions are not well established.
found typical OC lesions only in fillies.86 It is generally agreed that biomechanical forces are respon-
sible for converting an OC lesion into a dissecting OCD
Exercise lesion,5,10,16 although little solid evidence exists to support
The role of exercise in the pathogenesis of OC has been this assertion. More pertinent is establishment of the roles
investigated experimentally, with conflicting results. In one of trauma and biomechanical force as primary causative
study the incidence of OC was compared in foals subjected factors. The consistent location of typical OC lesions
to low- and high-exercise regimens from ages 3 to 24 within joints does suggest involvement of physical factors
months.87 All foals were housed in groups or kept in boxes in the pathogenesis.90 It has been proposed that physeal
and allowed paddock exercise for 2 to 4 hours per day. In dysplasia could result from excessive force on normal
addition, the low-exercise group received 15 to 45 minutes tissues or from the superimposition of normal force on
of walking exercise per day. The high-exercise group structurally deficient tissues,34 and a similar hypothesis has
received 15 to 45 minutes of walking and trotting, plus been suggested for the development of articular OC.14,28
eight to 20 gallop sprints of short duration (10 to 15 Many of the factors discussed previously could lead to
seconds). At the end of the study, hock and stifle joints were generation of abnormal skeletal tissues, and abnormally
examined clinically and radiologically. OC was detected high forces could result from excessive or inappropriate
in only three (6%) of the 50 foals in the high-exercise exercise, excessive body weight, or poor conformation.34 A
group, but in 13 (20%) of the 66 foals in the low-exercise possible relationship between severe outward rotation of
group, demonstrating a significant protective effect of high- the hindlimb and tarsocrural OC was noted in a study of
intensity, short-duration exercise on the incidence of OC. growing STB foals,53 but proof of a causative effect requires
These findings were not supported by the results of a further research.
subsequent extensive investigation into the effects of exer-
cise on musculoskeletal development. Forty-three foals The Role of Enzymes and Signaling Peptides
with a presumed genetic predisposition to OC of the femo- There is evidence that disturbances in the expression or
ropatellar or tarsocrural joints were subjected to one of function of a number of enzymes and/or signaling peptides
three exercise regimens: pasture exercise only, confine- may be involved in the pathogenesis of OC. Cathepsins
ment to a box stall, and confinement to a box stall with and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are proteases that
an increasing number of gallop sprints.23 These exercise are involved in the degradation of collagen and other
regimens were imposed from 1 week of age to 5 months, extracellular matrix components. Cathepsin B is present in
and the incidence of OC, including subchondral bone the AECC of normal growing horses, particularly in the
cysts, was determined at postmortem examination in a hypertrophic zone,52,91,92 and is abundant in the chondro-
subset of the foals at 5 months of age (eight per group). cyte clusters that are commonly found in OC lesions.52,91,93
The remaining foals were subjected to the same light exer- Increased MMP activity was identified in OC lesions, par-
cise regimen for an additional 6 months before euthanasia ticularly in the deep zone adjacent to subchondral bone,
at 11 months of age. Lesions were found in all 5-month-old around chondrocyte clusters, and in lines that radiate from
foals.23 Frequency was highest in the tarsocrural joints (1.9 the deep zone toward the articular surface.94 Other altera-
lesions per foal), with a lower incidence in the femoropatel- tions in collagen metabolism that have been identified in
lar or femorotibial (1.0), cervical intervertebral (1.0), and association with the presence or severity of OC include
metatarsophalangeal joints (0.6). Exercise did not influ- changes in serum levels of biomarkers of collagen degrada-
ence the number of lesions, although there was a tendency tion and synthesis, reduced hydroxylysyl pyridinoline
for lesions to be more severe in the box-rested foals. Exer- cross-linking (unassociated with copper deficiency), and
cise also appeared to influence the type and distribution of reduced total collagen content of cartilage.95-97
lesions within the stifle joint: the foals subjected to box The potential roles of parathyroid hormone–related
rest were more likely to develop subchondral bone cysts protein (PTHrP) and Indian hedgehog (Ihh) in the patho-
(femoral condyles), whereas the trained foals tended to genesis of OC have been evaluated. These signaling mol-
develop OC or OCD lesions (lateral trochlear ridge of the ecules, which regulate chondrocyte differentiation and
Chapter 55  The Role of Nutrition in Developmental Orthopedic Disease 625

hypertrophy in growth cartilage via a negative feedback generalized, severe osteochondral lesions.31,106-108 The gross
loop,98 are expressed at significantly higher levels in osteo- lesions described in these reports were characterized by
chondrotic cartilage than in control tissue, and it has been separation of articular cartilage from subchondral bone.
proposed that this may result in retention of prehypertro- The role of cadmium in the pathogenesis of these lesions
phic cartilage and delayed endochondral ossification.99,100 is unclear.31,106,108 However, the effect of excessive dietary
However, identification of reduced levels of Gli1 (the zinc is likely to be mediated by secondary copper defi-
primary transcription factor for Ihh) in diseased cartilage ciency.109 These environmental contaminants are clearly
suggests that further work in this area is necessary.100 toxic causes of osteochondral lesions and are not con­
Another peptide that may be involved in the patho­ sidered to be factors in the pathogenesis of naturally occur-
genesis of OC is transforming growth factor–β1 (TGF-β1), ring OC.
a signaling peptide that is particularly important in con­
trolling mammalian endochondral ossification101,102 and
that has been shown to stimulate PTHrP expression.103,104
Reduced TGF-β1 expression has been identified in the SUMMARY
AECC of the lateral trochlear ridge of the femur in horses A range of conditions results in failure of endochondral
with dyschondroplasia at this site, and it was suggested that ossification and retention of cartilage cores at the cartilage-
this may result in cessation of chondrocyte hypertrophy bone interface. However, opinions regarding pathogenesis
and an accumulation of prehypertrophic chondrocytes.105 of OC still differ widely on the major factors involved in
However, the clinical significance of these findings has not the cause of the naturally occurring condition. The situa-
been established. In this work, as in all other investigations tion is complicated by the apparently multifactorial nature
into the pathogenesis of OC, it is important that distinc- of the condition,1,5,8,25,45 by the fact that environmental
tions be made between primary and secondary change influences and genetic susceptibility apparently combine
whenever possible. to determine the final outcome,53 and by the superimposi-
tion of secondary changes on primary lesions. However, it
Toxic Causes of Osteochondral Lesions is hoped that a renewed focus on the examination of early
Foals exposed to excessive amounts of zinc and zinc and lesions may allow development of a unified theory on the
cadmium in combination have been found to develop pathogenesis of the disease.

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