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Children’s Ideals

The ideals that children hold have important implications for their school experiences. Children
who __(1)__ the value of hard work and responsibility and who attach importance to education
are likely to have higher academic achievement and fewer __(2)__ problems than those who do
not have these ideals. They are also less likely to drop out school. Such children are more likely
to use their out-of-school time in ways that reinforce learning. __(3)__ high school students who
believe in hard work, responsibility and the value of __(4)__ spend about three more hours a
week on homework than do other students. This is a __(5)__ difference since the average student
spends only about five hours a week doing homework.

1. a. Believe in
b. Agree with
c. Practice in
d. Trust in
e. Comply with

2. a. Discipline
b. Disciplinal
c. Disciplinarian
d. Disciplinable
e. Disciplinary

3. a. Such as
b. For example
c. Therefore
d. Consequently
e. Eventually

4. a. Entertainment
b. Exercises
c. Experiment
d. Education
e. Economy

5. a. Signify
b. Significance
c. Significant
d. Signification
e. Signified

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