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Nucleus :Store Genetic Information

The Structural features of the nucleus include the


Chromatin染色质 DNA and proteins,when cells

divide chromatin will become thiker
and shorter,eventually they become

(DNA is the genetic material)

Nucleolus核仁 synthesize components of ribosomes

Nucleus is the largest Nuclear envelope核 Double membrane with pores

organelle inside the animal cell! 膜
Do both animal cells and plant cells have nuclei?

Describe the relationship amoung nucleus ,DNA and
Nucleus (prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells)

• Plant and animal cells have a cell membrane ,cytoplasm and

genetic material enclosed in the nucleus. —— eukaryotic cells.

• Bacteria’s genetic material is not enclosed in the nucleus. It is a

single loop of DNA(Nucleoid) and there may be one or more
small rings of DNA called plasmids. —— prokaryotic cells.
Humman Mature Red Blood Cells do
not have nucleus

Im m at ure h um ma n re d b l ood
c el ls ac t u all y d o ha ve a n uc le u s
bu t w he n t he y d if fe ren t ia te to
be c om e t h e m at u re re d b loo d
c el ls t he nu c leu s is ac t ual ly
ej ec te d , so t h e y h ave no
nu c le us an d no D N A.

Plant cells have ver y large
vacuoles containing cell sap.

Animal cells have much smaller
membrane bound spaces (also
called vesicles) .
Vacuoles are single, membrane-bound structure that store substances for the cell.

big central

food vacuole

Do both animal cells and plant cells have vacuoles?

Cell Wall
Plant cells have a cell
wall made of cellulose.
Paper are made from cell
walls , which are also
Cell Wall Function
• Protect the plant cells
and strengthen the cells.

• Fully permeable
Do both animal cells and plant cells have cell wall?


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