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Saint Mutien College JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL

A Member of the Saint Anthony Education System

Dau, Mabalacat, Pampanga ENGL10 Page 1 of 6
English 10 Score
Fourth Quarter Examination


General Instruction: Read and follow carefully the questions and instructions .

TEST I. Identification. Determine the pattern in developing Argumentative Essay used in each sentence.
Write A, B, or C on the blank provided.

_____ A.The Benefits of Volunteering in High School

Volunteering in high school is really beneficial because it helps students grow as individuals,
improves their social skills, and makes them more responsible citizens.

Some people think that volunteering is a waste of time and that students should only focus on
their schoolwork. However, volunteering actually helps students develop important life skills and can
improve their academic performance. When students volunteer, they learn to care about others, become
more confident, and apply what they learn in school to real-life situations.

Volunteering helps students grow as individuals. When students volunteer, they learn important
skills like working with others, solving problems, and taking on leadership roles. It also opens their eyes
to different cultures, ideas, and ways of life. By volunteering, students can discover their passions and
interests, which can guide their future choices and goals.

Volunteering improves social skills and helps students connect with their community. When
students volunteer, they meet and interact with people from different backgrounds and ages. This helps
them become better at talking to others, listening actively, and understanding different perspectives.
Volunteering also helps students feel like they belong to a community and can create friendships that
last beyond their high school years.

In conclusion, volunteering in high school brings many benefits. It helps students grow as
individuals, improve their social skills, and become more responsible citizens. Instead of wasting time,
volunteering teaches students important life skills and allows them to apply what they learn in school to
real-life situations. It also helps students connect with their community and make a positive impact on the
lives of others. High schools should encourage students to volunteer because it not only benefits the
individuals but also strengthens communities and creates a sense of belonging for everyone involved.

_____ B. Physical Education

Physical education should be a required part of high school because it keeps students healthy,
helps them do better in school, and teaches important life skills.

PREPARED BY: Ms. Errold Serrano

This Major Examination is controlled by the Program Head of each respective School / College and should
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undergo the standard procedure for official communication and documentation.
Saint Mutien College JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL
A Member of the Saint Anthony Education System
Dau, Mabalacat, Pampanga ENGL10 Page 2 of 6
English 10 Score
Fourth Quarter Examination

Some people say that physical education takes away time from academics and isn't important.
But research shows that regular exercise actually helps students do better in school. Physical education
classes help reduce stress, improve focus, and make students smarter. Taking a break from studying to
be active gives students more energy and helps them concentrate better when they return to their other

Another concern is that physical education is only for athletic students and can make others feel
left out or embarrassed. However, physical education classes are for everyone, regardless of their
athletic abilities. These classes offer a variety of activities, so students can find something they enjoy

feel comfortable doing. Physical education teaches teamwork, boosts self-confidence, and creates a
supportive environment where everyone can improve at their own pace.

Some argue that students can just exercise outside of school, so physical education isn't
necessary. But physical education classes provide structured and supervised exercise, ensuring that
students get proper guidance and learn the right techniques. These classes also introduce students to
different sports and activities they might not have tried on their own. By trying new things, students can
discover new interests and maybe even find a lifelong hobby or career related to fitness.

In conclusion, physical education should be a required part of high school because it keeps students
healthy, helps them do better in school, and teaches important life skills. Despite concerns about time
and inclusivity, physical education offers many benefits. It keeps students active and improves their
focus and academic performance. Physical education classes are for everyone, regardless of their
athletic abilities, and provide a supportive environment for learning and personal growth. By making
physical education a requirement, we ensure that all students have the opportunity to lead healthy lives
and develop essential skills that will benefit them beyond high school.

_____ C. Social Media

Social media has been a good thing for society because it helps us communicate better,
encourages us to stand up for important causes, and provides new ways to start businesses.

Some people say that social media makes our conversations shallow and fake. But actually,
social media lets us talk to more people and stay connected with friends and family, even if they're far
away. We can have meaningful conversations, share ideas, and show support for each other. While
there can be some shallow interactions, social media also allows for deep and meaningful connections.

PREPARED BY: Ms. Errold Serrano

This Major Examination is controlled by the Program Head of each respective School / College and should
Control No.
undergo the standard procedure for official communication and documentation.
Saint Mutien College JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL
A Member of the Saint Anthony Education System
Dau, Mabalacat, Pampanga ENGL10 Page 3 of 6
English 10 Score
Fourth Quarter Examination

Another concern is that social media spreads a lot of fake news and wrong information. It's true
that sometimes wrong things get shared, but social media platforms are trying to fix that. They have tools
to check if something is true or false, and they are working to show more reliable information. Social
media also gives us access to different viewpoints, so we can have better discussions and learn more.

Some people worry that social media makes us waste time and feel bad about ourselves. While
spending too much time on social media can be a problem, it's not all bad. Social media can help us
make new friends, be creative, and learn new things. It can also be a way to start our own businesses
and find opportunities. Social media platforms are also adding features to help us manage our time and
feel better while using them.

In conclusion, social media has been a good thing for society. It helps us communicate better,
stand up for important causes, and start businesses. Even though there are concerns about shallow
conversations, fake news, and negative effects on our well-being, we can overcome these challenges by
using social media responsibly and by the platforms taking steps to make improvements. Overall, social
media has brought us closer together, allowed us to make a difference, and provided new opportunities
for success.

_____ D. Legalization of Marijuana

Making marijuana legal has many advantages, such as bringing in more tax money, reducing
crime, and helping people with medical needs.

When marijuana is legal, the government can collect taxes from its sales. This extra money can
be used to improve things like schools, hospitals, and roads. It helps the community as a whole by
providing funds for important services.

Legalizing marijuana can lower crime rates. When marijuana is illegal, criminals can take over the
market and use violence to control it. But if it's legal, the government can regulate it and keep things
safe. Police can focus on more serious crimes, making neighborhoods safer for everyone.

Some worry that legalizing marijuana will make more young people use it. However, regulations
can be put in place to keep it away from those who are too young. Also, by legalizing it, we can educate
people better about its effects and help them make responsible choices.

In conclusion, legalizing marijuana has many benefits. It brings in extra money for important
things, lowers crime rates, and provides relief for people who need it medically. While we should be
cautious about youth use, regulations and education can help address this concern. Overall, making
marijuana legal can bring positive changes to our communities and improve the lives of many people.

PREPARED BY: Ms. Errold Serrano

This Major Examination is controlled by the Program Head of each respective School / College and should
Control No.
undergo the standard procedure for official communication and documentation.
Saint Mutien College JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL
A Member of the Saint Anthony Education System
Dau, Mabalacat, Pampanga ENGL10 Page 4 of 6
English 10 Score
Fourth Quarter Examination


_____ E. Animal Testing

Testing products on animals is important because it helps ensure that things we use, like
medicines and cosmetics, are safe for us, and it also helps scientists find treatments for human

Some people think testing on animals is cruel and wrong. While we should be concerned about
animal welfare, there are strict rules in place to make sure animals are treated as ethically as possible.
Researchers have to follow guidelines and use the least harmful methods. Plus, there are ethical review
boards that make sure animals are protected during testing.

Testing on animals is necessary to make sure the things we use every day won't harm us. Before
products like medicines or cleaning supplies can be sold, they have to be tested on animals to check if
they are safe for humans. This helps us avoid using things that could have bad side effects or make us

Animal testing is crucial for finding new treatments and cures for diseases. Scientists use animals
like mice and monkeys to study diseases and try out new medicines. This research helps us understand
how diseases work and find better ways to treat them. Without animal testing, it would be much harder to
develop new medicines and save lives.

In conclusion, testing on animals, although it raises ethical concerns, is important for our safety
and medical progress. Rules are in place to protect animals during testing, and alternatives are being
researched. Animal testing ensures that the things we use are safe and helps us find better treatments
for diseases. While we should continue to explore alternative methods, animal testing remains an
essential tool for scientific advancements and improving human health.

_____ F. Renewable Energy

Using renewable energy sources like solar and wind power is good for the environment, reduces
our reliance on fossil fuels, and helps create a sustainable future.

Some people say that renewable energy isn't reliable because it depends on the weather. While
it's true that solar and wind power rely on the sun and wind, technology has improved a lot. We now

PREPARED BY: Ms. Errold Serrano

This Major Examination is controlled by the Program Head of each respective School / College and should
Control No.
undergo the standard procedure for official communication and documentation.
Saint Mutien College JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL
A Member of the Saint Anthony Education System
Dau, Mabalacat, Pampanga ENGL10 Page 5 of 6
English 10 Score
Fourth Quarter Examination

have better ways to capture and store energy, so we can use renewable energy even when the sun isn't
shining or the wind isn't blowing.

Others worry that renewable energy is too expensive to set up. It's true that building renewable
energy systems can cost a lot at first. But over time, the cost has been going down, and it's becoming
more affordable. Plus, there are government incentives and help available to make it easier for people to
switch to renewable energy.

Some people are concerned that renewable energy projects take up too much space and harm
the environment. While it's true that solar panels and wind turbines need some space, we can be careful
about where we put them. By planning well, we can avoid harming important habitats and ecosystems.
Plus, the benefits of using renewable energy, like reducing pollution and fighting climate change,
outweigh the small amount of space they need.

In conclusion, using renewable energy is a great idea. It helps protect the environment, reduces
our dependence on fossil fuels, and ensures a better future for all of us. While there are concerns about
reliability, cost, and space, we have solutions to address these issues. Investing in renewable energy is
a smart choice that benefits both us and the planet we live on.

_____ G. Use of Smartphones

The use of smartphones in classrooms enhances learning opportunities, improves

communication, and prepares students for the digital age.

Some argue that smartphones in classrooms are distracting and hinder student focus. While it's
true that smartphones can be distracting, proper guidelines and rules can be established to minimize
distractions. Additionally, smartphones can be used as educational tools, allowing students to access
relevant educational apps, online resources, and interactive learning materials that enhance their
engagement and understanding of the subject matter.

Another concern is that smartphones may lead to cheating or academic dishonesty. While this is
a valid concern, the focus should be on promoting ethical use of technology rather than eliminating its
presence. Educators can implement strategies to prevent cheating, such as monitoring software,
proctored assessments, and emphasizing the importance of academic integrity. Additionally,
smartphones can also be used for collaborative learning, fostering teamwork and knowledge sharing
among students.

PREPARED BY: Ms. Errold Serrano

This Major Examination is controlled by the Program Head of each respective School / College and should
Control No.
undergo the standard procedure for official communication and documentation.
Saint Mutien College JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL
A Member of the Saint Anthony Education System
Dau, Mabalacat, Pampanga ENGL10 Page 6 of 6
English 10 Score
Fourth Quarter Examination

Critics argue that smartphones in classrooms may exacerbate inequalities among students who
do not have access to them. While it's true that there might be disparities in smartphone ownership,
schools can address this issue by providing access to devices for students who don't have their own.

Additionally, smartphone usage can be integrated with other teaching methods, ensuring a balanced
approach that accommodates different learning preferences and resources.

In conclusion, the inclusion of smartphones in classrooms can bring numerous benefits to

students. While concerns about distractions, cheating, and access inequalities exist, appropriate
guidelines and strategies can address these issues effectively. By leveraging smartphones as
educational tools, students can have enhanced learning opportunities, improved communication, and
better preparedness for the digital age. As technology continues to advance, embracing smartphones in
classrooms can play a vital role in fostering an engaging and effective learning environment.

Test II. Write one argumentative essay following your chosen pattern.

PREPARED BY: Ms. Errold Serrano

This Major Examination is controlled by the Program Head of each respective School / College and should
Control No.
undergo the standard procedure for official communication and documentation.

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