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Ririn Rianingsih, S.Pd.I

Sekolah : SMP Negeri 1 Kedawung

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : VIII/ II
Materi Pokok : Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan
sederhana, terkaitpengalaman pribadi di waktu lampau (personal
Skill : Writing
Alokasi Waktu : 2 JP x 40 menit (1 Pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

KI 1 : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
KI 2 : Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun, percaya diri, peduli
dan bertanggung jawab dalam berinteraksi secara efektif sesaui dengan
perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat dan lingkungan
alam sekitar, bangsa, negara dan kawasan regional.
KI 3 : Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)
berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya
terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.
KI 4 :Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai,
merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca,
menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah
dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

3.11 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, 3.11.1 Menjelaskan fungsi sosial yang
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan terkandung dalam teks personal
teks personal recount lisan dan tulis recount tulis pendek dan sederhana
dengan memberi dan meminta terkait terkait pengalaman pribadi
informasi terkait pengalaman pribadi berkunjung ke tempat bersejarah di
berkunjung ke tempat bersejarah di Cirebon.
Cirebon pada waktu lampau, pendek 3.11.2 Menganalisis struktur teks personal
dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks recount tulis pendek dan sederhana
penggunaannya. terkait pengalaman pribadi berkunjung
ke tempat bersejarah di Cirebon.
3.11.3 Menganalisis unsur kebahasaan pada
teks personal recount tulis pendek dan
sederhana terkait pengalaman pribadi
berkunjung ke tempat bersejarah di
4.11.2 Menyusun teks recount tulis sangat Menyusun teks personal recount
pendek dan sederhana terkait tulis pendek dan sederhana terkait
pengalaman mengunjungi salah satu pengalaman mengunjungi salah satu
tempat bersejarah di Cirebon, tempat bersejarah di Cirebon.
dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan,
secara benar dan sesuai konteks.
Nilai karakter yang dikembangkan: jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, kerjasama, tanggung jawab

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran:
1. Dengan mengamati dan membaca teks personal recount, siswa dapat menjelaskan fungsi
sosial yang terkandung dalam teks personal recount tulis pendek dan sederhana terkait
pengalaman mengunjungi salah satu tempat bersejarah di Cirebon dengan baik.
2. Dengan mengamati dan membaca teks personal recount, siswa dapat menganalisis struktur
teks personal recount tulis pendek dan sederhana terkait tempat bersejarah di Cirebon dengan
3. Dengan mengamati dan membaca teks personal recount, siswa dapat menganalisis unsur
kebahasaan pada teks personal recount tulis pendek dan sederhana terkait tempat bersejarah
di Cirebon dengan baik.
4. Dengan menerapkan Mind Mapping, siswa dapat menyusun teks personal recount tulis
pendek dan sederhana terkait pengalaman mengunjungi salah satu tempat bersejarah di Cirebon.

D. Materi Pembelajaran
1. Materi Pembelajaran
Recount Text
Recount text adalah teks yang menceritakan kembali kegiatan, kejadian, atau pengalaman
yang terjadi di masa lampau/ sudah terlewati.

Tujuan Teks Recount

Untuk menceritakan kembali kejadian – kejadian/ pengalaman di masa lampau/ sudah

Fungsi Sosial
Melaporkan, mengambil teladan, dan membanggakan.
Struktur Teks
Dapat mencakup:
- Orientasi : memberikan pembaca informasi latar belakang (background
knowledge) yang dibutuhkan untuk memahami teks, seperti siapa yang terlibat, di mana
itu terjadi, dan kapan itu terjadi.
- Urutan kejadian/kegiatan: serangkaian peristiwa/kejadian yang diurutkan secara
- Orientasi ulang : sebuah komentar pribadi tentang peristiwa atau apa yang
terjadi pada akhirnya.
Unsur kebahasaan
- Kalimatnya menggunakan Simple Past tense.
Formula = S + Verb 2 + Object/Complement (kata keterangan)
- Menggunakan action verb, contoh: went, stayed, did
- Fokus pada specific participant, contoh: I (the writer)
- Menggunakan kata keterangan waktu (adverb of time): yesterday, last month, an hour
ago, a month ago, last year, last holiday, dan sebagainya.
- Menggunakan kata penghubung (conjunction): first, then, after that, before, at last,
finally, dan sebagainya.
- Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb.
- Ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan.

Jenis Recount Text

- Personal Recount : Personal recount text adalah salah satu jenis teks yang bertujuan untuk
menceritakan mengenai pengalaman pribadi penulis.
- Factual Recount : Factual recount text merupakan cerita untuk menyajikan laporan terkait
peristiwa yang terjadi berdasarkan fakta (benar-benar terjadi).
- Imaginative Recount : Imaginative recount adalah teks yang biasa digunakan seseorang
sebagai cerita dari peristiwa imajinatif yang dialami oleh seseorang. Contohnya recount text
yang menceritakan pengalaman penulis mengenai khayalan yang ia dapat dari mimpi.
- Historical Recount : Historical recount text adalah bentuk recount text yang isinya
menceritakan peristiwa sejarah.

Peristiwa, pengalaman yang terjadi di sekolah, rumah, dan yang dapat menumbuhkan
perilaku yang termuat di KI.
Contoh Teks Personal Recount :

The Amazing of Kasepuhan Palace – My Own Experience (Recount Text)

Eight years ago, when I was in second semester in a collage, I went to Kasepuhan
palace that is located in Lemahwungkuk Cirebon City. It is one of the biggest palace
in Cirebon. I visited there to fulfill the assignment from my lecturer to represent
Cirebon culture in his speaking class. (Orientation).

I arrived the palace at 09.00 am, I bought two tickets also for my friend because I’ve
called him to accompany me there. When I entered the palace, it felt like I was in the
kingdom era. The building, the stone, everything there were so amazing. I’ve heard a
traditional music played by some teenagers in the middle of the palace. It’s called
Srimanganti. (Events)

I met with some tourist from USA. One of them was Erick. He really interested to
visit Kasepuhan palace because he heard that Cirebon has rich of cultures and
history. I was really grateful for being a Cirebonesse. When I talked with Erick, the
man near us always stared at me. After Erick went back to his groups, The man
asked me to follow him to visit some place. It’s a nice place, because I saw some of
students have been practicing traditional dancing. He asked me to join his school for
being an English teacher because he said that I could speak English. I didn’t realized
that he was a principal of SMK Pakungwati. It’s the one and only school which is
presenting traditional culture in Cirebon. I was so speechless. (Series of Events)

A week later after visited Kasepuhan palace, I started my journey for being an
English teacher and learnt about traditional dancing and culture. I am so lucky for
being a teacher and a person who has a contribution to keep our tradition and culture.

Taken from :


2. Materi Pembelajaran Pengayaan

Menambah kosakata baru yang berkaitan dengan teks personal recount dan menambah
bacaan teks dari sumber yang lain.

3. Materi Pembelajaran Remedial

Teks personal recount sederhana dan tambahan latihan soal.

E. Metode Pembelajaran
Pendekatan : Scientific Approach
Model : Cooperative Learning
Metode : Mind Mapping

F. Media dan Bahan

1. Media : Canva
2. Alat : LCD, whiteboard, board marker
3. Bahan : LKPD, buku siswa
G. Sumber Belajar
1. Buku siswa: Wachidah, Siti, dkk. 2017. Bahasa Inggris "When English Rings a Bell"
SMP/MTs Kelas VIII. Jakarta: Kemendikbud (Halaman 167-195).

H. Langkah – Langkah Pembelajaran

Satu Pertemuan (2 JP/80 menit)
Langkah Alokasi
Deskripsi Kegiatan
Pembelajaran Waktu
- Guru memberi salam.
- Guru mengajak siswa memulai kegiatan
pembelajaran dengan berdoa bersama.
- Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa.
- Guru mengaitkan materi dengan pengalaman
Kegiatan peserta didik atau dengan tema sebelumnya.
5 menit
Pendahuluan - Guru menginformasikan materi yang akan
- Guru memberikan gambaran tentang manfaat
mempelajari materi yang akan dipelajari.
- Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran dan
penilaian pada materi.
Menyajikan Informasi 10 menit
- Guru memberikan contoh Teks Personal
Recount terkait pengalaman seseorang
berkunjung ke salah satu tempat bersejarah di
Cirebon (Keraton Kasepuhan) dan menjelaskan
budaya yang terdapat didalam teks tersebut.
(Penerapan Culturally Responsive Teaching)
- Guru meminta siswa untuk membaca dan
mengamati penjelasan yang disampaikan.
- Siswa menanyakan secara lisan terkait dengan
teks personal recount tersebut (struktur teks,
unsur kebahasaan).

Mengorganisir Peserta Didik

- Guru membagi siswa ke dalam kelompok
masing – masing berisi 6 anggota.
- Siswa secara berkelompok diminta untuk
mengamati fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur 40 Menit
kebahasaan dalam Teks Personal Recount
Kegiatan Inti terkait dengan pengalaman seseorang
berkunjung ke salah satu tempat bersejarah di
(Penerapan Culturally Responsive Teaching)

- Siswa secara berkelompok diminta untuk

Writing section menggunakan Mind Mapping
Untuk Menyusun Personal Recount teks tulis pendek
dan sederhana terkait pengalaman mengunjungi salah
satu tempat bersejarah di Cirebon.
(Penerapan Culturally Responsive Teaching)

Langkah-langkah dalam Writing Section

menggunakan Mind Mapping :
- Guru mengarahkan masing – masing kelompok
untuk memilih dan menentukan salah satu
pengalaman mengunjungi salah satu tempat
bersejarah di Cirebon sebagai topik yang akan
disusun menjadi sebuah teks recount.
- Siswa diminta untuk menuliskan judul/kata
kunci pengalaman berwisata tersebut di bagian
tengah dari bagan Mind Map yang disediakan
oleh guru, misal: Trip to Kasepuhan Palace.
- Siswa diminta untuk menuliskan kapan, dimana
dan siapa saja yang terlibat dalam pengalaman
tersebut dengan bantuan guided questions di
bagan orientation. (Dengan menerapkan simple
past tense)
- Siswa diminta menuliskan rangkaian kegiatan/
kejadian dalam pengalaman tersebut dengan
bantuan guided questions di bagan events terkait
apa saja dan bagaimana rangkaian kegiatannya
maupun suasananya. Rangkaian kegiatan bisa
dikembangkan sesuai kebutuhan. (Dengan
menerapkan simple past tense)
- Siswa diminta untuk menuliskan komentar
pribadi mereka terhadap pengalaman tersebut
atau apa yang terjadi di akhir kegiatan terkait
pengalaman yang mereka alami dengan bantuan
guided questions di bagan reorientation.
(Dengan menerapkan simple past tense)

Membantu Kerja Tim dan Belajar

- Guru memberikan pertanyaan terkait Lembar 5 Menit
kerja peserta didik yang diberikan
- Guru memonitor aktivitas diskusi kelompok
peserta didik

Siswa diminta menyusun hasil dari menjawab
guided questions dalam Mind Map tersebut 15 Menit
secara runtut menjadi sebuah teks recount
dengan memperhatikan struktur teks mulai dari
title, orientation, sequence of events, dan re-

- Siswa beserta guru membuat simpulan kegiatan

Kegiatan Penutup yang baru saja dilakukan. 5 menit
- Siswa melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang
sudah dilaksanakan dengan mengajukan
beberapa pertanyaan tentang :
“Berapa banyak tempat bersejarah di
Cirebon yang kalian ketahui?”
“Sebutkan tempat bersejarah di Cirebon
yang kalian ketahui!”
(Penerapan Culturally Responsive

- Guru menyampaiakan rencana pembelajaran

untuk pertemuan mendatang.
- Guru mengakhiri pembelajaran dengan
I. Penilaian
Teknik Penilaian
a. Sikap : Observasi
b. Pengetahuan : Tes tertulis, berbentuk uraian
c. Keterampilan : Portofolio

Instrumen Penilaian
a. Penilaian sikap

Teknik Bentuk Butir Waktu Keterangan

Instrumen Instrumen Pelaksanaan
Observasi Jurnal Terlampir Saat Penilaian untuk
Pembelajaran danpencapaian
Berlangsung pembelajaran
(assesment for and
of learning)

b. Pengetahuan

Teknik Bentuk Instrumen Butir Waktu Keterangan

Instrumen Pelaksanaan
Penugasan Menjelaskan fungsi sosial teks Terlampir Setelah
personal recount tulis pendek Pembelajaran
dan sederhana.

Menganalisis struktur teks

personal recount tulis pendek
dan sederhana.

Menganalisis unsur kebahasaan

pada teks personal recount tulis
pendek dan sederhana.

c. Keterampilan

Teknik Bentuk Butir Waktu Keterangan

Instrumen Instrumen Pelaksanaan
Penugasan Menyusun teks personal recount Terlampir Setelah
tulis pendek dan sederhana. Pembelajaran
J. Pembelajaran Remedial dan Pengayaan
a. Remedial
Remedial diberikan kepada peserta didik yang belum mencapai KKM. Remedial dilakukan
dengan pembelajaran ulang. Pembelajaran ulang dilakukan dengan materi teks personal
recount tentang pengalaman pribadi seseorang.
b. Pengayaan
Pengayaan diberikan kepada peserta didik yang telah mencapai KKM untuk menambah
wawasan. Peserta didik membaca beberapa contoh teks personal recount yang lainnya
kemudian menganalisisnya.

Cirebon, 22 Juni 2023

Guru Mata Pelajaran

Ririn Rianingsih, S.Pd.I


Contoh Teks Personal Recount :

The Amazing of Kasepuhan Palace – My Own Experience (Recount Text)

Eight years ago, when I was in second semester in a collage, I went to Kasepuhan palace that
is located in Lemahwungkuk Cirebon City. It is one of the biggest palace in Cirebon. I visited
there to fulfill the assignment from my lecturer to represent Cirebon culture in his speaking
class. (Orientation).

I arrived the palace at 09.00 am, I bought two tickets also for my friend because I’ve called
him to accompany me there. When I entered the palace, it felt like I was in the kingdom era.
The building, the stone, everything there were so amazing. I’ve heard a traditional music
played by some teenagers in the middle of the palace. It’s called Srimanganti. (Events)

I met with some tourist from USA. One of them was Erick. He really interested to visit
Kasepuhan palace because he heard that Cirebon has rich of cultures and history. I was really
grateful for being a Cirebonesse. When I talked with Erick, the man near us always stared at
me. After Erick went back to his groups, The man asked me to follow him to visit some place.
It’s a nice place, because I saw some of students have been practicing traditional dancing. He
asked me to join his school for being an English teacher because he said that I could speak
English. I didn’t realized that he was a principal of SMK Pakungwati. It’s the one and only
school which is presenting traditional culture in Cirebon. I was so speechless. (Series of

A week later after visited Kasepuhan palace, I started my journey for being an English teacher
and learnt about traditional dancing and culture. I am so lucky for being a teacher and a person
who has a contribution to keep our tradition and culture. (Reorientation).

Taken from :


A. Read the following text carefully. Then, underline the conjunctions and circle the past
time expressions written on the text.

My Holiday at Cirebon

Last holiday, my family and I visited “Keraton Kasepuhan” in Cirebon. Keraton

Kasepuhan is located not far from Pasar Kanoman, one of the market in Cirebon.
We went there by train. We left for Cirebon at 8.30 a.m. and arrived at Cirebon Railway
Station forty-five minutes later. Many becak drivers were offering their services to some
passengers when we were out the railway station.
We were very excited that finally we were in Cirebon. Soon we walked to Kanoman Street.
We decided to eat soto as our breakfast. We were enjoying the soto while inhaling the fresh air.
Not many vehicles were passing by that morning.
At about 9.30 we headed to Keraton Kasepuhan on foot. We were chatting along the way.
We talked about our experiences in the train. We also talked about Pasar Kanoman. We saw many
people passing by and some other bargaining things. Many becak drivers were waiting for people
to ride on their becaks.
We arrived at “Keraton Kasepuhan” ten minutes later. My sister and I were amazed at the
building. I couldn’t wait to see what was inside the building. My sister and I were taking some
photographs when my mother bought the entrance tickets for all of us. The tickets were cheap

B. Analyze the social function of the text.

The social function of the text is………………………………………………………………...

C. Analyze the generic structure of the text.

My Holiday at Cirebon

Last holiday, my family and I visited “Keraton Kasepuhan” in Cirebon. Keraton

Kasepuhan is located not far from Pasar Kanoman, one of the market in Cirebon.
We went there by train. We left for Cirebon at 8.30 a.m. and arrived at Cirebon Railway
Station forty-five minutes later. Many becak drivers were offering their services to some
passengers when we were out the railway station.
We were very excited that finally we were in Cirebon. Soon we walked to Kanoman Street.
We decided to eat soto as our breakfast. We were enjoying the soto while inhaling the fresh air.
Not many vehicles were passing by that morning.
At about 9.30 we headed to Keraton Kasepuhan on foot. We were chatting along the way.
We talked about our experiences in the train. We also talked about Pasar Kanoman. We saw many
people passing by and some other bargaining things. Many becak drivers were waiting for people
to ride on their becaks.
We arrived at “Keraton Kasepuhan” ten minutes later. My sister and I were amazed at the
building. I couldn’t wait to see what was inside the building. My sister and I were taking some
photographs when my mother bought the entrance tickets for all of us. The tickets were cheap
(Modeling the text)

Use the mind map to help us write our own recount text by answering the guided questions,
then arrange the answers (sentences) into a recount text.


Events 1:
What did you do? (Mention all the activities
you did)
I arrived the palace at 09.00 am, I bought two
tickets also for my friend because I’ve called
Orientation: him to accompany me there. When I entered
What did you do? the palace, it felt like I was in the kingdom
I went to Kasepuhan palace that is era. The building, the stone, everything there
located in Lemahwungkuk were so amazing. I’ve heard a traditional
Cirebon City. music played by some teenagers in the middle
Where did you go? of the palace. It’s called Srimanganti.
I went to Kasepuhan palace that is What did you see?
located in Lemahwungkuk Cirebon The building, the stone, everything there were
City. so amazing.
When did it happen? How did the place look like?
Eight years ago. It felt like I was in the kingdom era..
Who did you go with?
With my friend.
How did you get there?
How long did it take?

Title of the Story/ Topic

The Amazing of Kasepuhan

Palace – My Own Experience
Events 2: Re-Orientation:
What did you do next? (Mention How did you feel about your
all the activities you did) experience?
What did you see? I am so lucky for being a teacher
How did the place look like? and a person who has a
contribution to keep our tradition
and culture.
Title: The Amazing of Kasepuhan Palace – My Own Experience (Recount Text)

Eight years ago, when I was in second semester in a collage, I went to Kasepuhan palace
that is located in Lemahwungkuk Cirebon City. It is one of the biggest palace in Cirebon. I
visited there to fulfill the assignment from my lecturer to represent Cirebon culture in his
speaking class. (Orientation).

I arrived the palace at 09.00 am, I bought two tickets also for my friend because I’ve called
him to accompany me there. When I entered the palace, it felt like I was in the kingdom era.
The building, the stone, everything there were so amazing. I’ve heard a traditional music
played by some teenagers in the middle of the palace. It’s called Srimanganti. (Events)

I met with some tourist from USA. One of them was Erick. He really interested to visit
Kasepuhan palace because he heard that Cirebon has rich of cultures and history. I was
really grateful for being a Cirebonesse. When I talked with Erick, the man near us always
stared at me. After Erick went back to his groups, The man asked me to follow him to visit
some place. It’s a nice place, because I saw some of students have been practicing
traditional dancing. He asked me to join his school for being an English teacher because he
said that I could speak English. I didn’t realized that he was a principal of SMK
Pakungwati. It’s the one and only school which is presenting traditional culture in Cirebon.
I was so speechless. (Series of Events)

A week later after visited Kasepuhan palace, I started my journey for being an English
teacher and learnt about traditional dancing and culture. I am so lucky for being a teacher
and a person who has a contribution to keep our tradition and culture. (Reorientation).

Taken from :


Discuss with your group and make your own recount text.
Use this mind map to help you write your own recount text by answering the guided
questions, then arrange the answers (sentences) into a recount text.


What did you do? Events 1:
Where did you go? What did you do? (Mention all the
When did it happen? activities you did)
Who did you go with? What did you see?
How did you get there? How did the place look like?
How long did it take?

Title of the Story/ Topic

Events 2: Re-Orientation:
What did you do next? (Mention How did you feel about your experience?
all the activities you did) What was your comment about your
What did you see? experience?
How did the place look like?
Sequence of Events (Event 1 and Event 2):
Kunci Jawaban Pengetahuan

A. Read the following text carefully. Then, underline the conjunctions and circle the past
time expressions written on the text.

My Holiday at Cirebon
Last holiday, my family and I visited “Keraton Kasepuhan” in Cirebon. Keraton
Kasepuhan is located not far from Pasar Kanoman, one of the market in Cirebon.
We went there by train. We left for Cirebon at 8.30 a.m. and arrived at Cirebon Railway
Station forty-five minutes later. Many becak drivers were offering their services to some
passengers when we were out the railway station.
We were very excited that finally we were in Cirebon. Soon we walked to Kanoman Street.
We decided to eat soto as our breakfast. We were enjoying the soto while inhaling the fresh air.
Not many vehicles were passing by that morning.
At about 9.30 we headed to Keraton Kasepuhan on foot. We were chatting along the way.
We talked about our experiences in the train. We also talked about Pasar Kanoman. We saw many
people passing by and some other bargaining things. Many becak drivers were waiting for people
to ride on their becaks.
We arrived at “Keraton Kasepuhan” ten minutes later. My sister and I were amazed at the
building. I couldn’t wait to see what was inside the building. My sister and I were taking some
photographs when my mother bought the entrance tickets for all of us. The tickets were cheap

B. Analyze the social function of the text.

The social function of the text is to retell the writer’s trip to Pangandaran Beach.

C. Analyze the generic structure of the text.

1. Orientation
2. Sequence of Events
3. Re-orientation


Penilaian Sikap Observasi Guru

a. Teknik Penilaian : Observasi

b. Instrumen Penilaian : Jurnal penilaian sikap
c. Karakter : Jujur, Disiplin, Percaya Diri, Kerjasama, Tanggung jawab

Aspek perilaku yang dinilai

No. Nama Percaya Bertanggung
Jujur Disiplin Kerjasama
diri jawab
Kolom aspek perilaku diisi dengan angka yang sesuai dengan kriteria berikut:

4 = Sangat baik 2 = Cukup

3 = Baik 1 = Kurang


a. Teknik Penilaian : Tes Tulis
b. Bentuk : Uraian

A. Read the following text carefully. Then, underline the conjunctions and circle the past
time expressions written on the text.
No Aspek yang dinilai Skor
B a. Mengidentifikasi > 3 kata 10
b. Mengidentifikasi < 3 kata 5
Skor Maksimal 10

B. Analyze the social function of the text.

No Aspek yang dinilai Skor
C a. Menyebutkan fungsi sosial dengan tepat 10
b. Menyebutkan fungsi sosial kurang tepat 5
c. Tidak menyebutkan fungsi sosial 0
Skor Maksimal 10
C. Analyze the generic structure of the text.
No Aspek yang dinilai Skor
D a. Menyusun paragraf dengan tepat sesuai struktur teks recount 10
b. Menyusun paragraf yang kurang sesuai dengan struktur teks recount 5
c. Tidak menyusun teks sesuai struktur dengan baik 0
Skor Maksimal 10

Nilai Pengetahuan = Perolehan skor x 10

Skor maksimal = 100


a. Teknik Penilaian: Tes Tulis

b. Bentuk : Unjuk Kerja

Scores 1 2 3 4
Content Weak Adequate Good Extensive
developmentof development development development of
topic oftopic, listing of topic topic, strong
of detail support of main
ideas with
Organization Not organized Sparsely Fairly well Completely
organized, organized, organized,
lackof flow and smooth flow
sequence sequence with strong
evident Sequence
Vocabulary Poor or Fair word Good word Vivid
inappropriate choice, choice, simple imaginative
word choice simple words word choice,
words appropriate use
of vocabulary
LanguageUse Poor: manyerrors Fair: Adequate: Excellent: no
choppywith few errors errors and a
variety and some variety length
variety of
Mechanics Many errors(over Some errors (6 Very few error Error free
10) –10) (1 – 5)
Nilai = j𝑢𝑚𝑙𝑎ℎ 𝑠𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑦𝑎𝑛𝑔 𝑑i𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑒ℎ x 25
j𝑢𝑚𝑙𝑎ℎ 𝑠𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙
Skor maksimal = 100

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