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Topic 5: Natural wonders of Vietnam

Sơ đồ tư duy 1: Things in nature

Thiết kế theo sơ đồ tư duy, trung tâm sơ đồ là chữ things in nature. Minh họa bằng hình
khu rừng
- desert (hình sa mạc)
- island (hình hòn đảo)
- mountain (hình núi)
- mountain range (hình dãy núi)
- rock (hình hòn đá)
- waterfall (hình thác nước)
- bay (hình đảo)
- beach (hình bãi biền)
- valley (hình thung lũng)
- pond (hình cái hồ)
- volcano (hình núi lửa)
- seashell (hình vỏ sò)

desert island mountain mountain rock waterfall

/ˈdez.ɚt/ /ˈaɪ.lənd/ /ˈmaʊn.tən/ range /rɑːk/ /
Sa mạc hòn đảo ngọn núi  /ˈmaʊn.tən hòn đá ˈwɑː.t̬ ɚ.fɑːl/
ˌreɪndʒ/ thác nước
dãy núi

bay beach valley pond volcano seashell

 /beɪ/ /biːtʃ/  /ˈvæl.i/ /pɑːnd/ /vɑːl /ˈsiː.ʃel/
đảo bãi biển thung lũng cái hồ ˈkeɪ.noʊ/ vỏ sò
núi lửa

Sơ đồ tư duy 2: Travel items

Thiết kế theo sơ đồ tư duy, trung tâm sơ đồ là chữ Travel items. Minh hoạ bằng hình balo,
gậy, đồ leo núi
- compass (hình la bàn)
- backpack (hình ba lô)
- plaster (hình băng gạc)
- suncream (hình kem chống nắng)
- sleeping bag (hình túi ngủ)
- passport (hình hộ chiếu)
- sunglasses (hình kính râm)
- map (hình bản đồ)
- travel (hình du lịch)
- camera (hình máy ảnh)

compass backpack plaster suncream sleeping bag

/ˈkʌm.pəs/ /ˈbæk.pæk/ /ˈplæs.tɚ/ /ˈsʌn ˌkriːm/ /ˈsliː.pɪŋ ˌbæɡ/
la bàn ba lô băng gạc y tế kem chồng túi ngủ
passport sunglasses map travel camera
/ˈpæs.pɔːrt/ /ˈsʌnˌɡlæs.ɪz/ /mæp/ /ˈtræv.əl/ /ˈkæm.rə/
hộ chiếu kính râm bản đồ du lịch máy ảnh
Sơ đồ tư duy 3: Descriptive Adjectives
- stunning (hình lấp lánh)
- mountainous (hình dãy núi)
- coastal (hình bờ biển)
- blooming (hình bông hoa)
- breathtaking (hình người đang sững sờ)
- endangered (hình con hổ)
- necessary (hình đồ dùng)
- compact (hình máy ảnh nhỏ)
- breezy (hình gió thổi)
- outstanding (hình sao lấp lánh)

stunning mountainous coastal blooming breathtaking

/ˈstʌn.ɪŋ/ /ˈmaʊn.tən.əs/ /ˈkoʊ.stəl/ /ˈbluː.mɪŋ/ /ˈbreθˌteɪ.kɪŋ/
đẹp sững sờ thuộc vùng núi thuộc vùng biển nở rộ đẹp khó thở
endangered necessary compact breezy outstanding
/ɪnˈdeɪn.dʒɚd/ /ˈnes.ə.ser.i/ /kəmˈpækt/ /ˈbriː.zi/ /ˌaʊtˈstæn.dɪŋ/
quý hiếm cần thiết nhỏ gọn nhiều gió nổi bật

Extra-Reading: Explore Halong Bay

Ha Long Bay is not just a beautiful natural wonder but it’s also rich in cultural history. The
bay and its surrounding islands have been home to indigenous fishing communities for
centuries. UNESCO even recognized their historical significance, naming the area a World
Heritage Site. Exploring Ha Long Bay is an opportunity not only to marvel at the impressive
scenery but also to gain insight into its inhabitants’ unique heritage and traditions. In addition
to its cultural significance, Ha Long Bay is a haven for outdoor activities. Kayaking through
the bay’s towering karst islands is a thrilling and unforgettable experience, offering up-close
views of the dramatic landscape.
Source: Adapted from

Exercise 2: Fill in the missing blanks with provided words.

limestone mountainous paradise endangered

ethnic opportunity diverse and stunning diversity

Located in the (1)________north of Vietnam, Ba Be National Park offers some of the

country’s most (2)_______ scenery. The park is home to dramatic (3)_______ cliffs, lush
jungle, and several breathtaking lakes, including Ba Be Lake — Vietnam’s largest natural

Ba Be National Park is a (4)_______for hikers and nature lovers, with numerous trails
winding through dense jungle and offering spectacular views of the park’s lakes and cliffs.
The park also boasts a rich (5)_______ of flora and fauna, including several
(6)_______species, such as the Asian black bear, clouded leopard, short-tailed pangolin,
and golden-headed langur.

Ba Be National Park is also home to several (7)________ minority communities, offering

visitors a unique (8)_______to experience traditional Vietnamese culture and customs. You
can stay in homestays with local families, enjoy traditional meals, and participate in cultural

Exercise 3: Choose the correct answer to describe the picture.

1. Hình vali
A. suitcase B. backpack C. sleeping bag D. tent
2. Hình hộp thuốc y tế
A. money belt B. first aid kit C. guidebook D. luggage allowance
3. Hình túi ngủ
A. sleeping bag B. sunglasses C. map D. camera case
4. Hình thuốc xịt côn trùng
A. guidebook B. tent C. sunglasses D. insect repellent
5. Hình cái lều
A. tent B. toiletries C. passport D. luggage allowance
6. Hình kính râm
A. scope B. money belt C. sunglasses D. first aid kit

Exercise 4: Choose the most suitable option to complete each sentence.

1. Where is the check-in counter for British Airways? - It’s in the other _____ over the road.
A. terminal B. station C. post D. hall
2. All the flights to and from Hawaii are subject to _________due to the storm.
A. cancel B. cancelled C. cancels D. cancellation
4. Ninh Binh is often referred to as the Halong Bay of the land, because of the _________
that sit on the banks of the lush green river
A. limestone formations B. mountain C. water D. waterfall
5. Fly to Phu Quoc Island, off the coast of southern Vietnam, and see some of Vietnam’s
prettiest _______.
A. beach B. beaches C. coast D. ocean
6. Ha Long Bay has thousands of big and small ______.
A. islands B. island C. rock D. stone
7. There are many natural and man-made __________ in Viet Nam
A. wonders B. beauties C. sights D. positions
8. You ______bring jacket when you go trekking
A. must B. musn’t C. can’t D. need
9. Oh, I forgot to bring the ________, the information can’t be checked
A. passport B. suitcase C. camera D. tent
10. The weather today is so good, we should go _____.
A. ride B. bicycle C. hike D. hiking
1 mountainous
2 diverse and stunning
3 limestone
4 paradise
5 diversity
6 endangered
7 ethnic
8 opportunity

1A 2B 3A 4D 5A 6C

1A 2D 3A 4A 5B 6A 7A 8A 9A 10D

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