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Detailed Lesson Plan in Health 10

1st Quarter

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

A. Define consumer health and its importance.

B. Identify factors that influence consumer health.

C. Analyze strategies to promote consumer health.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Consumer Health

Subtopic: Introduction to Consumer Health

Code: H10CH-Ia-b-19

Reference: DepEd Health Education Curriculum Guide (Grade 10)

Instructional Materials: PowerPoint presentation, handouts, writing materials

III. Procedure

A. Daily Routine

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

• Opening Prayer

“Let us all stand for our opening prayer. In “Amen”

the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit, amen.”

• Greetings

“Good morning, everyone!” “Good morning, ma’am.”

• Checking of Attendance

“Class president, may we have the “Yes, ma'am.”

attendance, please?” (Calls the names of the students for

B. Warm-Up

For our warm-up, let's do some stretching

exercises. Stand up, and let's start with
reaching up high and touching our toes.

(Teacher guides the students in doing (Class will stand up and perform the warm
stretching exercises) up exercise)

C. Lesson Proper

1. Introduction

“Today, we will talk about consumer health.

What do you think is consumer health?” (Volunteers to answer)
“It refers to the decisions you make about
the purchase of product and use of health
information and services that will have
direct effect on your health.”

“Yes, that's right. Consumer health refers to

the decisions we make as consumers that
affect our health and well-being. It is
important because it can impact our
physical, mental, and emotional health.”

2. Factors that Influence Consumer


“What are the factors that influence (Volunteers to answer)

consumer health? “Cultural, social, peer pressure and media
factors influence consumer behavior”
“Yes, that's correct. There are several
factors that can influence consumer health,
such as advertising, peer pressure, media,
and culture.”

3. Strategies to Promote Consumer


“How can we promote consumer health?”

(Volunteers to answer)
“We can promote consumer health by being
critical consumers, reading labels and
product information, making informed
decisions, and seeking help when needed.”

“Great answer”

D. Generalization

• Recap of the Lesson

“To summarize, we learned that consumer

health refers to the decisions we make as
consumers that affect our health and well-
being. There are several factors that can
influence consumer health, such as
advertising, peer pressure, media, and
culture. And, we can promote consumer
health by being critical consumers, reading
labels and product information, making
informed decisions, and seeking help when

• Reflection

“What can you do to promote your

consumer health?” (Volunteers to answer)

“That's great. Remember to be a critical

consumer and make informed decisions.”
E. Application

“Let's have a group activity. Each group will create a poster that promotes consumer
health. Be creative and make sure to include strategies that we discussed today.”

(Teacher assigns students to groups and provides materials)

IV. Evaluation

Each group will present their poster, and we will evaluate it based on the following criteria:

a. Relevance to the topic - 30%

b. Creativity - 30%

c. Clarity of message - 30%

d. Presentation skills - 10%

V. Assignment

For your assignment, write a reflection paper on how you can promote your consumer
health. Include at least three strategies that we discussed in class. The paper should be
one-page long and typed using Arial font, size 12. Submit it on our next meeting.

Prepared by: Krisha Tenegra of BPEd 3-B

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