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第 43 卷 增刊 钻 采 工 艺



龚 浩,唐 庚,张 林,陆林峰,张健涛
( 中国石油西南油气田公司工程技术研究院 )

龚 浩等. 川西地区超深高温高压气井完井试油技术研究与应用. 钻采工艺, 43( 增) : 61 - 63

摘 要: 针对川西地区超深高温高压气井完井试油面临多层试油施工周期长、压井作业次数多、小井眼环空
深井 APR 测试工艺技术、试油完井一体化技术; 配套研制了高温高压井下作业工具; 研制了 140 MPa 超高压气井地
面测试技术; 完善了完井试油作业井完整性评价体系。该系列完井试油技术在川西地区成功应用 10 余井次,应用
关键词: 川西地区; 高温高压; 完井试油一体化; 井下工具
DOI: 10. 3969 / J. ISSN. 1006 - 768X. 2020. 增. 16

近年来,四川盆地深层油气勘探继川中寒武系 、 油,因其井眼小,现有常规测试工具应用受限,同时
震旦系获重大突破后,持续向更深、更复杂的川西二 超深气井管柱受力复杂,井下工具不配套,施工安全
叠统、寒武系、川东震旦系等地层延伸,向 8 000 m 风险大,作业中相继出现了一些井下复杂,如 LT1
深层不断迈进,地层压力已高达 147 MPa,地层温度 井在 114. 3 mm 套管中射孔 - 酸化 - 测试联作时
超过 200℃ ,井深、压力、温 度 不 断 升 高,对 井 下 设 油套窜通; LG70 井茅口组射孔 - 酸化 - 测试联作后
备、工具、材料及工艺技术提出更高的要求,传统的 起出油管发现封隔器以下筛管本体断裂等 ,都一定
完井试油技术已无法满足川西地区超深高温高压气 程度上影响了资料录取效果。
井安全高效试油的需求。针对目前面临的完井试油 3. 试油效率低

难点,开始对完井试油技术开展了一系列优化 。 超深高温高压气井主要采用 APR 工具进行试

油测试,其主要工序为: 下入 APR 测试工具串、射孔
一、川西地区完井试油难点 - 酸化 - 测试联作、压井、起出测试工具、下桥塞封
1. 对设备及试油工作液耐温性能要求高
钻开桥塞,下入完井管柱进行二次完井。 该做法存
川西地区储层埋深 7 000 ~ 8 300 m、地层压力
100 ~ 147 MPa、地层温度 160℃ ~ 180℃ ,普遍具有
埋藏深、高温、高压、大产量及含 H2 S / CO2 腐蚀环
境的特点,对测试管柱及工具的安全性和可操作性 增加试油成本的关键因素之一
[1 - 2]

都提出了较高要求。 同时,由于试油工作液在超高
温下长时间测试会发生沉降堵塞井下通道 ,容易造
成井下工具操作失效而无法循环压井、封隔器解封 完井试油主体技术
困难等复杂问题。 1. 深井超深井高效试油技术
2. 易发生井下复杂 1. 1 高温高压完井试油工艺技术
目前川西地区已完成一批超深小井眼井的试 根据川西地区试油作业特点,为减少作业次数,

收稿日期: 2019 - 11 - 10
基金项目: 西南油气田分公司项目“高温高压含硫气井完井试油施工工艺技术优化研究”( 编号: 20190302 - 04)
作者简介: 龚浩( 1990 - ) ,工程师,
2012 年毕业于中国地质大学( 北京) ,现在中国石油西南油气田公司工程技术研究院从事完井试油研
究。地址: ( 610017) 四川省成都市青羊区小关庙后街 25 号工程院,电话: 028 - 86010469,E - mail: gong_hao@ petrochina. com. cn
钻 采 工 艺 2020 年 1 月

降低作业风险及成本,形成深井超深井 APR 测试工 井一体化技术系列,较好解决了高压高产气井测试

艺技术和试油完井一体化技术,根据完井试油作业 后储层易漏、压井难、卡埋管柱等难题,降低了井控
目的及要求优先采用相应的完井试油技术 ( 表 1) , 风险,缩短单层试油完井作业周期,大大提高了油气
[3 - 5]
确保了深井超深井高效、安全试油和快速投产。 其 勘探效率 。
中以试油 - 暂闭 - 完井一体化管柱为核心的试油完

表1 超深高温高压气井完井试油技术表
完井试油技术 管柱结构 工艺特点 应用推荐
APR 测试工具 + 丢手工具 + 测试封隔
射孔 - 酸化 - 测试三联作,测试周期短
器 / 完井封隔器
APR 测试 以录取资料为主要目
工艺技术 先射孔,后下酸化 - 测试联作管柱,能 的的探井或评价井
APR 测试工具 + 丢手工具 + 测试封隔
器 / 完井封隔器
APR 测试工具 + 丢手工具 + 井下关井 测试后用原管柱直接封堵产层,减少压 多层 试 油,需 要 快 速
试油完井 阀 + 液压完井封隔器 井堵漏时间,节约试油转层周期 转层试油的井
一体化技术 APR 测试工具 + 完井封隔器 + 暂堵球 单层试油取全取准地层资料后,管柱脱 勘探结束后快速投产
座 接封堵产层,回插后可直接投产 气井

1. 2 配套耐高温高压井下工具研发 压及高含硫井完整性设计准则 》为宗旨,形成涵盖

川西地区超深高温高压井况对井下工具、射孔 地层、井筒、井口 3 个方面的井完整性评价技术,并
器材都提出了更高的要求,通过工具结构、炸药性能 贯穿试油工程设计及施工全过程 ,为测试工艺优选、
的深入研究,配套研制了工作温度 177℃ 、工作压差 控制参数优化提供依据。 通过运用该程序进行设
70 MPa 系列成套全通径压控式测试工具,部分工具 计,能有效提高设计效率 30% ,大幅提高方案调整
工作温度达 200℃ 、工作压差达 105 MPa,工具外径 和修改质量,满足现场高效、安全施工。
79 mm、98 mm、127 mm,满 足 了 川 西 地 区 114. 3
mm 小井眼的试油测试作业[6]; 同时研制了 210℃ /
175 MPa /170 h 超高温超高压射孔器材,最大作业 1. 射孔 - 酸化 - 测试过程中易发生井下复杂
井深达 7 308 m,最长作业时间 108 h,最大起爆压力 川西地区超深高温高压气井主要采用 RTTS 封
173 MPa,最高地层压力 130 MPa,实现储层深穿 隔器射孔 - 酸化 - 测试联作、完井封隔器射孔 - 酸
透,有利于降低油气井地层破压,油气井筒及管柱安 化 - 测试联作、先射孔后下 RTTS 测试封隔器、先射
全高效,工艺技术优势显著。 孔后下完井封隔器 4 种试油工艺。从现场实际应用
2. 140 MPa 超高压气井地面测试技术 情况来看,RTTS 封隔器射孔 - 酸化 - 测试联作井下
针 对 川 西 地 区 储 层 地 层 压 力 高 ( 超 过 120 复杂率高于其他 3 种工艺。“三超 ”气井射孔 - 酸
MPa) ,常规 105 MPa 设备难以满足测试需求,研制 化 - 测试联作工艺井下复杂主要集中在封隔器至射
了 140 MPa 系列防硫地面测试装备、地面实时数据 孔枪之间,易出现酸化过程中油套窜通、卡枪、掉枪
采集系统、远程集中控制系统,形成高压、高产、高含 的复杂问题。分析认为,小井眼射孔产生的瞬时高
硫气井地面测试求产技术,在技术指标、自动化水 爆轰压力,使管柱或工具局部受损,而储层改造过程
平、功能上完全可以替代进口,实现多级控制、油气 中持续的高泵压,进一步扩大受损程度,造成事故频
水自动计量、H2 S 在线监测、视频监控、数据远传、高 发。同时造成 RTTS 封隔器射孔 - 酸化 - 测试联作
压区无人值守、紧急情况远程关断等功能,为安全、 井下复杂高发的原因为封隔器性能差异造成的 。
及时获得测试资料和远程决策提供了支持 。 下步建议开展爆轰效应模拟计算,优化射孔参
3. 高温高压气井试油井完整性评价技术 数及试油工艺,进一步完善射孔 - 酸化 - 测试联作
四川盆地高温高压含硫气井勘探试油面临的主 工艺在超深高温高压气井的应用 。
要风险在于油层套管难以承受改造、测试或者关井 2. 试油工作液的高温稳定性差,易沉淀
期间的高压; 大规模改造对油管的温度效应影响; 对比钻井液,试油工作液面临作业程序复杂、静
封隔器承压能力难以满足储层改造或测试需求 。在 止时间长、井底温度高的难点,高温条件下试油工作
国际通用的“井筒完整性 ”理念基础上,以《高温高 液沉降明显,导致井下事故频发。 目前川西二叠系
第 43 卷 增刊 钻 采 工 艺

次出现通井遇阻的情况,后期 ST7、ST10 和 ST8 井 ( 1) 研究形成的深井超深井 APR 测试工艺技术
采用无固相工作液试油,依然出现工作液沉淀导致 和试油完井一体化技术,有效解决了测试后堵漏压
井下堵塞的情况。 通过室内配伍性试验表明,聚磺 井困难且压井成本高的问题,节约了压井堵漏时间,
和无固相混合,在高温下黏度略有升高,产生少量絮 避免储层伤害,缩短单层试油完井作业周期,提高了
状沉淀; 聚磺和白油基混合,黏度明显升高,流动性 油气勘探效率。
变差,产生硬质沉淀。 高温条件下试油工作液性能 ( 2) 配套研发的 70 ~ 105 MPa / 177℃ 的全通径
已不能满足试油需求。 压控式测试工具、 175 MPa /210℃ /170 h 的超高温超
前期在高石梯 - 磨溪区块开展了超微重晶石试 高压射孔器材、140 MPa 的地面流程集中控制技术
油工作液的现场试验,应用效果良好,下步计划在 以及高温高压气井试油井完整性评价技术 ,保证了
“三超”气井开展中高密度超微重晶石试油工作液 超深高温高压气井的安全高效试油 。
现场试验与评价工作,以满足安全试油要求。 同时 ( 3) 该系列试油技术在川西地区成功、安全试
制定试油工作液选用原则: 原油基钻井液作业井选 油 10 余井次,效果良好,对其他区域超深高温高压
用油基钻井液试油,原水基钻井液作业井选用改性 气井试油具有良好借鉴意义。
水基钻井液试油,若老化实验不满足试油作业要求 , ( 4) 针对川西地区超深高温高压气井在试油工
优选超微重晶石工作液试油。 艺、试油工作液以及井下工具质量等方面存在的一
3. 井下工具性能难以满足安全试油要求 些问题,开展相应的试验及技术攻关研究 ,为下步超
川西地区探井试油过程中多口井出现工具失效 深高温高压大斜度井、小井眼完井试油技术攻关奠
的问题( 表 2) ,一方面是工具检测和操作不当; 另一 定了良好的技术基础。
步应持续加强工具的检测评价,制定多级检查清单 [1] 邱金平,张明友,才博,等. 超深高温高压含硫化氢气藏
制度,开展工作安全分析,保障风险最小化,同时应 高效试油技术新进展[J]. 钻采工艺, 41( 2) : 49 -
加强适用于超深高温高压气井的井下工具的研究 。
[2] 窦益华,许爱荣,张福祥,等. 高温高压深井试油完井问
表2 川西二叠系超深高温高压气井井下工具复杂统计 36( 9) : 140 - 142.
题综述[J]. 石油机械,
井号 失效工具 复杂描述 [3] 潘登,徐茂荣,黄船,等. 射孔 - 酸化 - 测试 - 封堵及完
井一体化工艺技术[J]. 钻采工艺, 37( 1) : 8 - 10.
127 mm 完井 二次完井,回插后环空憋压,完井
ST8 [4] 赵益秋. 试油完井一体化技术在“三超”气井中的应用
封隔器 封隔器提前坐封
[J]. 钻采工艺, 40( 3) : 53 - 56.
HP - RDS 下管柱 至 2 365 m,双 HP - RDS [5] 孙海芳,刘飞,王志敏. 高温高压气井试油完井一体化
循环阀 循环阀提前关闭
工艺技术[J]. 钻采工艺, 40( 4) : 36 - 39.
HP - RDS 闭合酸化作业等停期 10 min,HP [6] 贺秋云. 中石油高温高压试油测试装备研发现状[J].
循环阀 - RDS 循环阀关闭 钻采工艺, 41( 3) : 9 - 11.
( 编辑: 丁浩)

duction well. And five new underground gas reservoirs will be liquid distribution,long duration and high degree of automation,
built in Southwest Oil and Gas Field in the next decade. A gas and can reduce operation cost and increase efficiency in shale
storage group will be formed with working gas capacity of 100 × gas wells exploitation. This paper takes the field application of 7
10 8 m3 and daily peak gas production volume of 8300 × 10 4 m3 . platforms in Changning as an example to analyze the automatic
Due to the low formation pressure coefficient of depleted gas res- foam-dewatering gas production device,process characteristics,
ervoir,the well completion technology will not only give full play application effect and benefit. This process is proven to be bene-
to well capacity of injection and production wells to ensure gas ficial and profitable for shale gas development.
storage peak adjusting capacity,but also ensure injection and Keywords: shale gas,automation,foam-dewatering gas
production well to be safe,highly efficient injection and produc- production,cost reduction and efficiency increase
tion and increase gas well life. The completion string of injec-
tion-production well in underground gas storage reservoir has the NEW DEVELOPMENT OF INFINITE STAGE FULL-
characteristics of intensive injection-production and high safety BORE SLIDING SLEEVES FOR OPEN-HOLE STAGE
control requirements. The Xiang Guo Si underground gas storage FRACTURING
injection and production wells completions,tubing selection,in- YU Bing ( Engineering Technology Research Institute,
jection and BHA structure,downhole tools,wellhead equip- Southwest Oil & Gas Field Company,PetroChina,Chengdu,Si-
ment,and safety control system and other technology are ana- chuan 610031,China) ,DPT 42( supplment) , 2020: 68 - 71
lyzed herein. It can provide a reference for the new underground Abstract: As an important mean of stimulation for low per-
gas storage completion. meability reservoirs,the stage fracturing technology for horizon-
Key words: depleted gas reservoir, UGS, completion tal open-holes has obtained good application effects. The tech-
technology,intensive injection and production,injection and nology of infinite stage full-bore sliding sleeves for open-hole
production well fracturing has been widely used in foreign countries as a new de-
velopment technology. Compared with the normal domestic slid-
RESEARCH AND APPLICATION OF WELL COM- ing sleeves,the main advantages are the number of stages unlim-
PLETION AND TESTING TECHNOLOGY FOR ULTRA- ited theoretically and no drilling after fracturing needed due to
DEEP HTHP GAS WELLS IN WESTERN SICHUAN AR- full-bore size. Different kinds of full-bore and unlimited stage
EA fracturing sliding sleeves are summarized in this paper. The
GONG Hao,TANG Geng,ZHANG Lin,LU Linfeng, principles,characteristics and advantages of mechanical count-
ZHANG Jiantao ( Engineering Technology Research Institute, er,electronic counter,mechanical control,hydraulic control,
PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gas Field Company,Chengdu,Si- ball-seat catching and wireless control sleeves are analyzed. The
chuan 610000,China) ,DPT 42( supplment) , 2020: 61 - 63 technology introduction,application,research and innovation of
Abstract: The well completion and testing in ultra-deep full-bore and unlimited stage fracturing sliding sleeves need to be
HTHP gas Wells in western Sichuan area is faced with many dif- promoted to combine with the characteristics of domestic oil and
ficulties,such as long operation time in multi-layer well testing, gas fields to provide technical support for cost reduction and pro-
too many times of well killing needs,small hole annulus clear- duction improvement in unconventional oil and gas reservoir de-
ance,narrow pressure operation window,and high demands on velopment.
temperature resistance of perforating equipment,downhole tools Key words: open-hole,unlimited stage,full-bore,stage
and well test fluid and so on. The main technology of well com- fracturing
pletion and testing in western Sichuan aiming at the difficulties
of well testing have been developed,including APR test and in- DEVELOPMENT OF SELF-ROTATING JET NOZ-
tegrated testing-completion technology for deep and ultradeep ZLE FOR SCALE REMOVAL AND ITS PERFORMANCE
wells,HTHP downhole tools,140MPa ultra-high pressure sur- TEST
face testing and completion test well integrity evaluation system. LIU Hui,MA Huiyun,ZENG Lixin,HE Yiguo,LI Guo,
This series of well completion testing technology has been suc- WANG Yu ( 1. Engineering Technology Research Institute,Pet-
cessfully applied in more than 10 wells in western Sichuan area roChina Southwest Oil & Gas Field Company,Chengdu,Si-
with good results. The existing problems in well completion tes- chuan 610000,China; 2. National Energy R & D Center of
ting are also analyzed,which will lay a good technical foundation High-sulfur Gas Reservoir Exploitation,Chengdu,Sichun,Chi-
for well completion testing in ultradeep high inclination HTHP na) ,DPT 42( supplment) , 2020: 72 - 75
wells and slim holes in western Sichuan area. Abstract: Compared with the conventional method,the
Key words: western Sichuan area,HTHP,integrated tes- high pressure jet cleaning method has the characteristics of low
ting-completion,downhole tool cost,high efficiency and no pollution,and so on. It is a direct
and effective method to remove scales in tubings. Based on the
RESEARCH AND APPLICATION ON AUTOMATIC characteristics of the scales and the basic principle of jet clean-
FOAM-DEWATERING GAS PRODUCTION TECHNOL- ing,a self-rotating jet cleaning nozzle is designed. The nozzle u-
OGY FOR CHANGNING SHALE GAS DEVELOPMENT ses dampening liquid to control the rotating speed at ( 100 ~
LIN Shengmao1 ,CAI Daogang1,2 ,XIONG Jie1,2 ,CHEN 150) rpm,and the convergence angle of the jet nozzle is 20°.
Jiaxiao1,2 ,YANG Zhi1,2 ,ZHU Kun1,2 ,WEI Linsheng1,2 ,JIANG The straight length of the nozzle is 3 times the diameter of the
Zeyin3 ( 1. Engineering Technology Research Institute of Pet- nozzle,and the optimum distance of the nozzle is 4 times the di-
roChina Southwest Oil&Gas field Company,Chengdu,Sichuan, ameter of the nozzle. The injection parameters are optimized by
China; 2. Sichuan Key Laboratory of Shale Gas Evaluation and test. The injection velocity of the nozzle should not be lower than
Exploitation,Chengdu,Sichuan,China; 3. Narural Gas Re- 170m / s,the injection rate should not be lower than 70L / min,
search Institute of PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield Com- and the optimum feed velocity of the nozzle should be ( 600 ~
pany,Chengdu,Sichuan,China) ,DPT 42( supplment) , 2020: 800) mm / m. The results of indoor scale removal test show that
64 - 67 the self-rotating jet and the optimized spray parameters can effec-
Abstract: Compared with conventional natural gas reser- tively,safely and completely remove the scales in the tubing,
voirs,shale gas has the characteristics of low porosity,low per- thus to keep the drift diameter in the wellbore.
meability,high airflow resistance and low production capacity, Key words: tubing,water jet,spin,descaling,spray pa-
etc. Industrial flow rate could be obtained via large-scale volume rameters,performance test
fracturing treatment with a large amount of fracturing fluid injec-
ted into the formation. With the development of gas exploration DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION OF EXPERI-
and the decrease in formation pressure,liquid loading would in- MENT EQUIPMENT FOR PROPPANT PLACEMENT IN
creasingly affect the gas production of the Wells. Conventional COMPLEX FRACTURES OF SHALE
devices for foam-dewatering gas production technology are ap- PENG Huan1,2 , MA Huiyun, PENG Junliang, HAN
plied to each well within the shale gas platform,which will in- Huifen,SU Jun2,3 ( 1. Engineering Technology Research Institute
crease labor intensity to the operators and occupy the work-yard. of Southwest Oil & Gas field Company,PetroChina,Guanghan,
The automatic foam-dewatering gas production technology can Sichuan 618300,China; 2. Sichuan Key Laboratory of Shale
solve the problem in injecting chemical agents into multiple wells Gas Exploitation and Evaluation,Chengdu ,Sichuan 610091,
within one pad. The device has the characteristics of convenient China) ,DPT 42( supplment) , 2020: 76 - 80

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