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Summer Scott

Project Narrative

KINS 4306

July 17, 2023

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Safety Program

One of the roles I took on while being the Environmental Health and Safety Intern here at

Berry was to transition the current safety program into GDC (Global Data Center) for electronic

training and C-Pro (Compliant Pro) for document control. These are programs that allow

employee access to files and trainings to all Berry employees. I began this project by transferring

important safety files into C-Pro. My boss is the Environmental Heath and Safety Manager at

Berry and he has worked there since 1999 so there were over 20 years’ worth of files to sort

through. In C-Pro there are different sections of document control for different parts of the plant.

I worked specifically out of the safety program section. Within the safety program, each

document entered is labeled with an identifier so it is easier for people to find something they are

searching for (Programs, Trainings, JSA, SWP, Emergency Stop Checks, and EHS were the

identifiers I used). Each document that was put in had to be edited and labeled with a specific

number (ex. WAS SPG-00219) in order to be considered a controlled document. This means that

the document is complete and accurate and it cannot be changed unless the manager changes and

replaces it. It is, however, accessible for every employee in the plant.

In order to transition the current safety program into GDC, I first had to update all of the

trainings and programs. The best way for me to do this was to update the New Hire Orientation

PowerPoint because majority of the trainings were already there. When employees are hired,

they have to sit through this orientation which is a very extensive training class that takes about 2

days and presents over 20 trainings. When I first started on the PowerPoint, it was over 300

slides and I was able to get it down to 230 slides. I took each slide and updated the fonts,

wording, pictures, information, and anything else that was out of date. This was to make it

neater, easier to understand, and to be visually more appealing. I took each training and made
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them into their own section so it would be easier for the trainer to find what they’re looking for.

After I finished creating each section, I made them into their own PowerPoints and saved them

as such with their quiz and answer sheets. I sent the training, quiz and answers to another intern

at the corporate level so they could be submitted into GDC. I was not given the access to

complete this task so I was not able to enter them myself. Once each training was in GDC, they

were organized by their departments (maintenance, production, quality, etc.) and I assigned each

training a date to be taken. The fiscal year at Berry starts in October so I assigned each person

three trainings a month according to the schedule my boss had in place already. This will make it

easier on my boss because they will reoccur on the same day every year. After I finished the

New Hire Orientation PowerPoint, my other supervisor wanted me to make a PowerPoint for her

trainings as well. She is the Human Resources manager so her training is basically all the

information you receive as a newly hired employee. I put the information she’d give me into a

PowerPoint and I made a third presentation that combined the New Hire Safety Orientation and

the HR Orientation. I ended up making three separate PowerPoints to be used as training tools.

Safety Training Manual

Once I finished the New Hire Orientation PowerPoint, I made a Safety Training Manual.

I couldn’t find an official safety manual for this facility so I created an unofficial one using the

trainings that I had previously updated. I wanted it to look clean and professional so I created it

with the format of an actual safety manual. This made it easier to read and take information from

when needed. It has sections such as a table of contents, 23 different trainings, and an appendix. I

converted all of the information from the trainings and added the appropriate pictures to the

appendix (ex. Certification sheet for forklift training or types of gloves that should be used for

hand safety). I printed the manual and made it into a binder with tabs for easy access. I thought
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this manual would be beneficial for my boss in case of computer malfunction or if he ever

needed to print hard copies of his trainings.

Organizing Safety Files

I mentioned previously how my boss has worked at Berry since 1999 and has

accumulated EHS files during this time. One of the biggest projects I worked on during my

internship was organizing these files into a system that would be easier for employees and other

managers to find the files that they were looking for. When I first began, the files were extremely

unorganized. There were multiple files in many different places so this project took me nearly

half the semester to complete. I started by creating a new folder and named it “2023 Safety.” I

added five sections to it that would be used as the general categories for all of the files I was

going to put in (Environmental, General, OSHA, Safety, and Training). Each of those sections

have folders within them that are labeled and all of the files fit into one of these folders. I am

very pleased with how the safety files are arranged now. To go along with that, I created a Site

File Index for my boss and anyone else who needs access to a certain file and can’t find what

they’re looking for. The Site File Index has the original five categories and two sub sections

within each category. I made it this way so no matter what you were looking for, you would be

able to find it easily by knowing what each folder had in it. After I finished organizing the files

and creating the Site File Index, my boss and I went through every folder together and

determined what needed to stay and what needed to be deleted since I wasn’t entirely sure what

all the files were about.

Promotional Materials

The last thing I did for my internship project was create promotional materials. Every

Summer, Berry has a Summer Safety Program that encourages employees to practice safety
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while on the job. They encourage this with incentives such as prizes, games, and lunches. My

boss tasked me with creating posters for each topic during the Summer. Each month had four

sub-topics that were highlighted. For example, June was all about heat safety so for week one I

made a poster highlighting heat stress, week two was about the signs and symptoms of heat

stress, and week three was about the response to those symptoms. I made these posters big and

colorful to get the employees attention and I displayed them every week. I also made

promotional materials on various topics such as Lockout Tagout and Berry Absolutes to be

displayed as a refresher for employees who haven’t seen the material in a while. Visual aids are

very helpful for me when learning so I made these in hopes that they would help someone else

too. If I were to do it differently, I would begin making the posters earlier so they could be

displayed for longer. This would’ve also allowed me more time to create posters for different

topics rather than just for the Summer Safety Program.

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