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Gan Soon Seng

Tan Yi Jing
20 March 2023

Lim Kuan
Ming & Partners
S-7-12, Wisma YNH, Kiara 153
No 8, Jalan Kiara, Mont’ Kiara
50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Dear Sirs,

Settlement Proposal for Seremban High Court Suit No. NA-22NCC-10-11/2022

Honsenz Holding Group Sdn Bhd & 3 Ors v. Tan Yi Jing and Anor
I am writing to express my sincere apologies for any inconvenience or harm that my actions may
have caused distrupted to your clients. I understand that my breach of employment contract and
copyright infringement has caused significant psychological impact to clients, and I am committed to
finding a fair and timely resolution to this dispute.

i)I will pay back the last three months of salary that I received before quitting your company as
relief for the damages caused by my actions. I am willing to make the payment in three monthly
installments as follows:

• RM 2500 on 3 May 2023

• RM 2500 on 3 June 2023
• RM 2500 on 3 July 2023

ii) I will issue a notice of apology with Mr. Gan Soon Seng in the local newspaper to express my
regret for the harm caused to your clients. The notice of apology will be published in Berita Harian,
The Star, and Sin Chew Jit Poh newspapers. The text of the notice is as follows:

a) Berita Harian
Kenyataan Pemohonan Maaf
Saya, Tan Yi Jing dan Gan Soon Seng telah memuat naik kandungan Facebook post pada 18 June
2022 & 18 June 2021 yang melibatkan kesilapan pelanggaran penganjian kontrak dan hak cipta
dengan Honsenz Holding Sdn Bhd. Kesilapan ini adalah tidak disengajakan dan kami ingin memohon
maaf kepada Honsenz Holding Sdn Bhd. Kami akan bertanggungjawab diatas kesilapan tersebut.
Dengan ini, kami menalik balik Facebook posts dan memberi jaminan bahawa kami tidak akan
mengulangi tindakan seperti ini dan yang pada masa hadapan.

b) The Star
Statement of Apology
I, Tan Yi Jing and Gan Soon Seng had uploaded Facebook posts on June 18, 2022, and June 18, 2021,
which consists of violation of employment contract and copyright infridgement statements against
Honsenz Holding Sdn Bhd. This mistake was unintentional, we jointly apologize to Honsenz Holding
Sdn Bhd for causing any inconveniece arisse for our actions. We take full responsibility for it., and we
hereby retract the Facebook posts above. We assure and promise that we will not repeat such
actions in the future.

c) Sin Chew Jit Poh

本人陈奕晶和颜顺成在 2022 年 6 月 18 日和 2021 年 6 月 18 日上传了 Facebook 帖子,其中涉
及违反 Honsenz Holding Sdn Bhd 的雇佣合同和版权问题。我们对发生的无意过失,对贵公司造
成任何不变表示歉意。我们对此争议负全责,在此撤回以上 Facebook 帖子并保证和承诺不会

I hope that this proposal demonstrates my willingness to take responsibility for my actions and to
make things right. I am open to further discussion and negotiation to resolve this matter in a way
that is fair and equitable for all parties involved.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


I hope that this proposal demonstrates my willingness to take responsibility for my actions and to
make things right. I am open to further discussion and negotiation to resolve this matter in a way
that is fair and equitable for all parties involved.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Tan Yi Jing

Gan Soon Seng

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