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Essay: The Science behind Our Emotional Connection to Architecture

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2023:04 No.631

レイアウト制作 図書館の風景
安藤聡(pickles design) シルッカリーサ・イェッツォネン

顧問 ハーヴァード大学ウッドベリー詩学図書室

デザイン 51
マッシモ・ヴィネリ セイナッツァロ図書館








© 建築と都市 631 号 令和 5 年 3 月 27 日発行

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取次店 = トーハン・日販・鍬谷・西村・ 表紙:「セイナヨキのアアルト図書館」中央のブックピット。
楽天ブックスネットワーク 裏表紙:「マウント・エンジェル修道院図書館」図書館ホール平面スケッチ。
2023:04 No.631
Publisher: Alvar Aalto Library Landscapes
Nobuyuki Yoshida

Editor in Chief:
Ayako Sato

Sylvia Chen (Singapore) 7
Amena Rahman
Layout: Library Landscapes
Satoshi Ando (pickles design) Sirkkaliisa Jetsonen

Copyeditor: 17
Amy Teschner
Vyborg Library
Editorial Board:
Barry Bergdoll 39
Giovanna Borasi Woodberry Poetry Room Library, Harvard University
Andres Lepik
Yasuhiro Teramatsu Säynätsalo Library

Design: 65
Massimo Vignelli Aalto Library, University of Jyväskylä
Shinkenchiku-sha Co., Ltd. 77
Wolfsburg Cultural Center Library

Aalto library in Seinäjoki

Rovaniemi City Library

Nordic House Library
© 2023 A+U Publishing Co., Ltd.
Printed in Japan 133
Published by A+U Publishing Co., Ltd.
Kasumigaseki Building 17F, 3-2-5,
Aalto University Learning Center
Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
100-6017, Japan 151
Tel: +81-3-6205-4384 Fax: +81-3-6205-4387
Aoyama House Library at the Mount Angel Abbey
2-19-14 Minamiaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
107-0062, Japan
Tel: +81-3-6455-5597 Fax: +81-3-6455-5583

ISBN 978-4-9002-1289-3
a+u = Architecture and Urbanism is handled
by Shinkenchiku-sha Co., Ltd.:
Kasumigaseki Building 17F, 3-2-5,
Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
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Tel: +81-3-6205-4380 Fax: +81-3-6205-4386
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¥42,000 (Airmail – Asia), ¥45,000 (Airmail – Result Announcement:
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East), ¥49,000 (Airmail – South America &
Shinkenchiku Residential Design Competition 2022
US Dollars, Euro, and Sterling Pounds
equivalent to the above Japanese Yen prices
are acceptable. When you remit, please convert Front cover: Book pit in the center, Aalto Library in Seinäjoki.
to the current exchange rate. Back cover: Plan sketch of library hall, Library at the Mount Angel Abbey.
Alvar Aalto
Library Landscapes

a+u’s April issue features libraries by Finnish architect Alvar

Aalto. Vyborg Library (then Viipuri Library), which took 7 years
to complete after the project started in 1927, was designed by
Aalto during a crucial period in his career – the moment when
he broke away from classicism to pursue his own architectural
methodology. Throughout the time, Aalto referenced works
from his predecessors, and gradually developed a unique
design language that would characterize his subsequent work –
sunken spaces, use of natural materials, undulating lines, and
cylindrical skylights. After the completion of Vyborg Library,
and Paimio Sanatorium from 2 years earlier, Aalto began to
gain international recognition. Following a+u 21:03 featuring
Aalto’s residential work, this issue presents 10 public libraries
by the architect from the 1920s to 1970s, alongside photographs
by Jari Jetsonen and texts by Sirkkaliisa Jetsonen. The process
of designing Vyborg Library led Aalto to discover “fantastic
mountain landscapes” and create valley depressions as spaces
for people to gather and read, surrounded by stepped terraces
of bookshelves, with natural light filling the space, forming a
library landscape that, after various renovations, continues to
bring knowledge and people together to this day. (a+u)

『a+u 』 4 月号はアルヴァ・アアルトによる図書館を特集する。1927 年から 7 年間

して 2 年先に完成していたパイミオ・サナトリウムとともにアアルトが国際的に
認知されるきっかけとなる。本号では住宅作品を特集した 2021 年 3 月号につづき、
もに、 1920 年代から 1970 年代までにわたるアアルトによる公共図書館 10 作品を
る光、という図 書館の風景として普遍化され、様々な改修の努力を経て、知と人々
の集まる場所として現在につながっている。 (編)

Alvar Aalto in Vyborg Library (1935). Photo courtesy of Alvar Aalto Foundation.

Profiles プロフィール

Sirkkaliisa Jetsonen (1958) is an architect and educator who works in
the Finnish Heritage Agency in Helsinki, Finland, and teaches at the Aalto ランド、ヘルシンキ)の一員で、アアルト大学およびテネシー大学サマースクール(エスポー)
University and Tennessee University summer school in Espoo. Specializing in にて教鞭を執る。戦後のフィンランド建築を専門とし、 「Human
postwar Finnish architecture, she has written on this subject in a number of Rationalism – Themes in Finnish Architecture in the 1950s」
publications, including “Human Rationalism – Themes in Finnish Architecture
Architecture: Finland』、2000)、『Sacral Space – Modern Finnish Churches』
in the 1950s,” in 20th-Century Architecture: Finland (2000); Sacral Space –
Modern Finnish Churches (2003); Alvar Aalto Apartments (2004); Finnish Summer (2003)、『Alvar Aalto Apartments』
(2004)、『Finnish Summer Homes』
Homes (2008), Alvar Aalto Houses (2011); Saarinen Houses (2014); Alvar Aalto (2011)、『Saarinen Houses』
『Alvar Aalto Houses』 (2014)、『Alvar Aalto Houses』
Houses (2018); Alvar Aalto Libraries (2018); and Alvar Aalto Churches (2020). (2018) (2018)、
『Alvar Aalto Libraries』
、 (2020)など。
『Alvar Aalto Churches』

Jari Jetsonen (1958) is an architectural photographer and artisan. He has been ヤリ・イェッツォネン(1958)は建築写真家、模型職人。フィンランド建築に写真家、著述
involved with Finnish architecture as a photographer, writer, and model-builder.
His major model-building projects include Vyborg (Viipuri) Library, Paimio
Sanatorium, Villa Mairea, Säynätsalo Town Hall, and Vuoksenniska Church, ラ・マイレア、セイナッツァロ町役場、ヴォクセンニスカ教会など、アルヴァ・アアルト美
built for the Alvar Aalto Museum. Jetsonen has taught at Helsinki University of 術館展示用模型制作を担当。ヘルシンキ工科大学(1986 ∼ 1999)と日本大学(2000)に
Technology (1986–1999) and Nihon University in Tokyo (2000). He contributed 「Alvar Aalto Houses – Timeless Expressions」展(1998)と図録に写真を
photographs for the exhibition and accompanying book Alvar Aalto Houses –
提供。その写真は『Sauna – Furo – Inipi, Bathing on Three Continents』 『Little

Timeless Expressions (1998), and for the following books: Sauna – Furo – Inipi,
Bathing on Three Continents (2000); Little Big Houses: Working with Architectural (2001)、『Sacral Space – Modern
Big Houses: Working with Architectural Models』
Models (2001); Sacral Space – Modern Finnish Churches (2003); Alvar Aalto (2003)、
Finnish Churches』 (2004)
『Alvar Aalto Apartments』 『Alvar Aalto Houses』

Apartments (2004); Alvar Aalto Houses (2005); Alvar Aalto Summer Homes (2007); (2005) (2007)、
『Alvar Aalto Summer Homes』
、 (2008)
『Finnish Summer Homes』 、
Finnish Summer Homes (2008); Alvar Aalto Houses (2011); Saarinen Houses
(2011)、『Saarinen Houses』
『Alvar Aalto Houses』 (2014)、『Alvar Aalto Houses』
(2014); Alvar Aalto Houses (2018); Alvar Aalto Libraries (2018); and Alvar Aalto
Churches (2020). (2018) (2018)、
『Alvar Aalto Libraries』
、 (2020)などに掲載。
『Alvar Aalto Churches』


Photographs: Jari Jetsonen unless otherwise specified.

Project descriptions: Sirkkaliisa Jetsonen.
Drawings: Courtesy of Alvar Aalto Foundation.

Library Landscapes
Sirkkaliisa Jetsonen

Alvar Aalto delighted in designing libraries, a testament to his アアルトが図書館の設計に喜びを覚えたのも、当人の文学好き、読書好きが幸い

personal interest in literature and reading. してのことである。

Toward the end of the 1940s, Aalto wrote:

1940 年代終盤に、アルヴァ・アアルトはこのように記している。
“The sheer number of various demands and problems forms
a barrier that makes it hard for the basic architectural idea to
emerge. This is what I do – sometimes quite instinctively – in の場合に私は−−時に反射的に−−つぎのように対処する。その課題の感触とこれ
such cases. I forget the whole maze of problems for a while, に付随する数多の要件がいったん潜在意識に刷り込まれたら、ややこしい問題に
as soon as the feel of the assignment and the innumerable ついてはひとまず忘れる。そして抽象画の制作めいた作業に入る。子供のお絵か
demands it involves have sunk into my subconscious. I then
move on to a method of working that is very much like abstract
art. I simply draw by instinct, not architectural syntheses,
but what are sometimes quite childlike compositions, and in れを手がかりに数多の要素を矛盾なく調和させればよい」
this way, on an abstract basis, the main idea gradually takes
shape, a kind of universal substance that helps me to bring the 「ヴィープリ市立図書館の設計では(時間はたっぷりと、まる 5 年もあった)、その
numerous contradictory components into harmony.

When I designed the Viipuri City Library (and I had plenty of チを描き続けた。それも、幻想的な山の風景ばかりを。陽の当たり方によってさ

time, a whole 5 years), I spent long periods getting my range, まざまに表情を変える山肌を描くうちに、ようやく建物の大まかな像が見えてき

as it were, with naive drawings. I drew all kinds of fantastic た。図書館建築を閲覧エリアと貸出エリアによって構成し、両者の間に段差をつけ、
mountain landscapes, with slopes lit by many suns in different 頂上には管理業務の部署を置くことにした。私の拙いスケッチがただちに建築的
positions, which gradually gave rise to the main idea of the
building. The architectural framework of the library comprises
several reading and lending areas stepped at different levels, との交差に、ひいては水平構造と垂直構造との整合につながった 1」

with the administrative center at the peak. My childish drawings

were only indirectly linked with architectural thinking, but 以上は現ロシア領ヴィボルグ図書館(17 ∼ 38 頁)についての記述だが、アアルト
they eventually led to an interweaving of the section and はその後の図書館設計でもほぼ毎回、この時の二大テーマ、すなわち空間の「風景」
ground plan, and to a kind of unity of horizontal and vertical
The description refers to Vyborg Library (pp. 17–38), but its 集う場もあれば、引き籠もる場所もある。この図書ホールの眺めには、自然の風
2 main themes, the “landscape” quality of the spaces and the 景にも似た広がりがある。館内の空間はひとつづきだが、ただし細かく階層化され、
lighting that accentuates them in various ways, recur in almost
all of Aalto’s libraries. Their book pits and stepped spaces are
like landscape formations and valley depressions that resemble
natural ones, where people can gather or find shelter. Spacious しめるかもしれないが、図書館職員にとっては負担が増すだけであろう。そのた
views of the library halls correspond to the open expanses of a め貸出カウンターは、図書ホールの脇というか中央に島のごとく浮かべられてい
landscape. In addition to floors at different levels, the interior る。アアルトは、ある時は頭上の天窓越しに採光し、またある時はそこへ照明器
spatial series are structured by the diverse shapes and heights
of the ceilings. The various spaces provide both visual and
functional points of reference for the library user. While the
user can enjoy the variations created by the diverse heights of 小スケッチの情報量
the spaces on different levels, the multiple levels add their own ノルディック・ハウス( 119 ∼ 132 頁)を担当した建築家イロナ・レフティネンは、
challenges for the library staff. Meanwhile the lending desks are アアルト事務所の設計の進め方についてこう証言する。
like islands near to, or in the middle of, the library halls. Aalto
would sometimes bring in natural light via skylights directly
above them, while at other times highlight them with groups of 籠もり、思索に耽ります。この別室でスケッチをちまちまと手描きしながら案を

lighting fixtures. 練るのです。


The Importance of Little Drawings university libraries, and private collections. The public libraries
Ilona Lehtinen, the project architect of Nordic House (pp.119– serve different functions for different user groups. Adults and
132), has described the design process in the Aalto office: children have their own sections. Newspaper reading rooms
“Usually the process started with the Maestro [Aalto] isolating and research rooms are included in most of the libraries. Some
himself with the program documents in the privacy of his also have exhibition spaces or lecture halls. In addition to the
own thoughts. Then small drawings were born, freehand spaces for the public, a significant part of the library building
idea sketches. . . . At first glance these sketches could make is allocated to the necessary staff offices and social facilities, as
one think that they were only a rudimentary beginning that well as book storage.
would be further developed at a later stage. When the work
progressed, one was amazed to realize how much substance the In some of the libraries, Aalto structured the functional
little drawings could originally contain. They were compact, differences by using a fan shape for the library section
substantial entities that included usually everything essential for and a rectangular layout for offices. He often reserved for
solving the problem.”2 the most important spaces in his buildings – those that he
wished to emphasize – a form that differs from the more
Paths: The Drama of Arrival conventional rectangular layout. In the libraries, the fan also
Both spatially and architecturally, the central library hall serves offers a naturally open form, which serves both visibility and
as the main feature in Aalto’s libraries. The lobby and hallways monitoring. It opens the space of the largest lending hall. With
preceding it are invariably lower in height, with a less bright, their more conventional rectangular form, the smaller spaces,
more uniform light. In many of his libraries, Aalto builds a the children’s sections, reading rooms or newspaper reading
dramatic arch of arrival into the main space. In Vyborg Library, rooms, and offices all accompany the major player – the lending
after the spacious entrance hall, one passes through a low and hall. The former spaces are hierarchically more modest, but not
somewhat narrow intermediary space up toward the main inferior. Hierarchy is also emphasized in the choice of materials
library hall, which has an open, almost infinite feel. In Aalto or the types of lighting.
University Learning Center (pp. 133–150), one climbs the stairs
from the entrance hall to the upper floor, dramatically lit by Light and Shadow – the Joy of Reading
skylights. In Rovaniemi City Library (pp. 105–118), at the end of Aalto wrote in 1940 about the importance of light for reading:
a long hallway, one encounters the lending desk lit by skylights. “A library can be well constructed and can be functional in a
At both Library at the Mount Angel Abbey (pp. 151–167) and technical way even without the solving of this problem, but
Aalto Library, University of Jyväskylä (pp. 65–76), at first glance it is not humanely or architecturally complete unless it deals
one views the library space from a high vantage point, where satisfactorily with the main human function in the building,
one senses its “multilayered-ness.” However, in Mount Angel, that of reading a book. The eye is only a tiny part of the
the terraced quality of the space gradually reveals itself only human body, but it is the most sensitive and perhaps the most
to those who traverse the different floors. Meanwhile, Aalto important part. To provide a natural or an artificial light which
Library in Seinäjoki (pp. 91–104) and Wolfsburg Cultural Center destroys the human eye or which is unsuitable for its use, means
Library (pp. 77–90) create an impression of arrival from above, reactionary architecture even if the building should otherwise be
because the book pit is visible immediately after one sees the of high constructive value. . . . The problem of reading a book
lending desk, although in reality there is no difference in floor is more than a problem of the eye; a good reading light permits
level from the entrance hall. the use of many positions of the human body and every suitable
relation between book and eye. Reading a book involves both
Spaces within Spaces – Surrounded by Books culturally and physically a strange kind of concentration; the
Spaces at different levels, book pits, and stepped levels are all duty of architecture is to eliminate all disturbing elements.”3
typical of the landscape of Aalto’s libraries. They bring to the
fore the books that surround both the library staff and the Natural light and its modification perform a central role in
reader sitting in the book pit. From Vyborg Library onward, Aalto’s libraries. In Vyborg Library, the rows of skylights spread
the book pits have included reading places or book levels for out to give an even light, which is further reflected by the white
browsing along their edges. The book pit can be experienced walls and ceiling. There is a calm and balanced atmosphere in
at many levels; from above, one can observe the “valley,” and library halls.
while sitting there one can shut out the noise from the library
hall. Aalto used skylights and clerestory windows to direct the
light and dynamically accentuate different parts of the space.
In the library halls of Wolfsburg, Seinäjoki, Mount Angel Abbey, As seen in Wolfsburg’s library, natural light can outline the
and the University of Jyväskylä Aalto Library, the rows of load- form of a library hall in long strips of light, while at the same
bearing columns, in addition to their structural function, help time differentiate the book pit from the rest of the space.
demarcate the space at the edges of the book pits and the The clerestory windows, which circulate the outer walls of
differences in floor levels. They also outline the fan-shaped and Rovaniemi City Library, together with the vault-like ceilings
curved spaces. In Wolfsburg and Seinäjoki, the pillars, together reflecting the light, reveal the outline of the space. At Aalto
with the book pits and ceilings, create a separate space at the University Learning Center, the alternating skylight and roof-
very core of the library hall. In Jyväskylä, there is an open space window types form the spine of the entire spatial layout, where
between the 2 rows of columns, which, because it is lit by a differently shaped skylights and vaulted surfaces that receive
lantern-like skylight, one can experience as “a room with the light from clerestory windows indicate functionally different
sky as the ceiling.” parts of the library. In Seinäjoki’s library, the horizontal
exterior louvers filter sunrays, scattering their playful patterns
Compatibility between the Fan and the Rectangle on the interior walls. The vaulted ceiling indirectly reflects light
Among Aalto’s libraries there are public municipal libraries, and reinforces its effect in the space. The most sophisticated
p. 9: Lighting study sketch by Alvar
Aalto, 1936. This page: Mountain
sketch by Alvar Aalto. Opposite, from
top, left to right: Vyborg Library,
Aalto Library in Seinäjoki, Wolfsburg
Cultural Center Library, Nordic House

9 頁:アルヴァ・アアルトによる採光スタ

だまだ生煮えです。ところが作業が進むにつれて、この小スケッチの内容の濃さ 扇と矩形の融合
に驚かされることになります。これほど小さくても中身が詰まっており、それこ アアルトの手がけた図書館には、自治体の運営する公立図書館のほか、大学附属
そ問題解決の鍵がもれなく揃っているのです 2」 図書館と私設図書室とがある。公立図書館には幅広い利用者層向けに種々の機能
経路−−入口の演出 たいていの図書館にある。なかには展示空間や講堂を併設した図書館もある。こ
アアルト設計の一連の図書館においては、中央の図書ホールが空間的にも建築的 うした一般利用者向けのスペースに加え、図書館業務に必要なオフィスと設備と
にも最大の見せ場となっている。そのホールの手前にあるロビーおよび廊下は天 書庫もかなりの面積を占める。
がい、この主空間の入口手前にトンネル状の通路を設けて劇的効果を狙う。たと 時にアアルトは、機能の違いを構造化すべく図書館本体には扇形を、オフィスに
えばヴィボルグ図書館では、広いエントランス・ホールを抜け、天井が低く間口 は矩形平面を割り振った。そして最重要の−−自身が強調するつもりの−−空間に
のやや狭い空間を経由して中央ホールへ上がると、視界がぱっと開け、空間がど は、平凡な矩形平面を避け、とっておきの形態を用いるのだった。この扇形が館
こまでも続くかに感じられる。アアルト大学ラーニング・センター(旧ヘルシン 内に自然な広がりをもたらすと、いきおい視認性が高まり、監視が容易になる。
キ工科大学図書館、 133 ∼ 150 頁)では、エントランス・ホールから階段を上っ そして貸出カウンターのある大ホールがいよいよ開放的な空間となる。通例の矩
た 2 階に、天窓から光が降り注ぐ。またロヴァニエミ市立図書館(105 ∼ 118 頁) 形平面に収められた小空間、児童コーナー、一般閲覧室、新聞閲覧室、オフィス
では、長い廊下の先に置かれた貸出カウンターを、天窓からの光が照らす。マウ などは脇役にまわり、主役はあくまで大ホールである。前者は、ヒエラルキー上
ント・エンジェル修道院図書館(151 ∼ 167 頁)やユヴァスキュラ大学アアルト は下位にあるが、といって価値が低いわけではない。館内の材料や光の種類にも
図書館(65 ∼ 76 頁)を訪れると、最初に高みから図書館を見下ろすかたちでその はっきりとヒエラルキーがつけられている。
内を歩き回るうちにようやく全体が階層化されていることに気づく。セイナヨキ 光と影−−読書の愉しみ
(91 ∼ 104 頁)およびヴォルフスブルク(77 ∼ 90 頁)の両図書館でもやはり、最 アアルトは 1940 年に、読書にとって光がいかに重要であるかを記している。
上段からホールへ入るような印象を受ける。というのも、貸出カウンターのすぐ 「仮にこの問題を解決せずとも、図書館の施工性と機能を担保することは原理的に
背後にブックピットが迫って見えるためだ。ところが実際、ブックピットはエン は可能だろう。けれどもそれでは人道的にも建築的にも不完全である。せめて、
トランス・ホールと同一レヴェルにある。 その建物が人間にとっての主たる機能、すなわち読書機能を満たすものでなけれ
空間の中の空間−−本に囲われて ほど敏感で、おそらく重要な部位もなかろう。人間の眼を潰しかねない自然光や
空間の階層化、ブックピット、床の段差はいずれも、アアルトが図書館の「風景」 人工光、もしくは用途にそぐわない光があったら、いくら施工性に優れた建物で
に用いがちな道具立てである。これにより、本の貸し手とブックピット内に着席 あろうと、それは建築としては退行でしかない。
した読み手とを取り囲む本が前面に押しだされる。ヴィボルグ図書館以降、ブッ の影響は眼以外にも及ぶ。よく出来た読書灯は、読者の姿勢を固定せず、たとえ
クピットには閲覧の場が設けられ、その外周には開架式書架が配される。このブッ 体勢を変えても本と眼の関係を適切に保ってくれる。読書には一種独特の知性と
クピット自体にも階層があり、たとえば上の階では立ち上がれば眼下に「谷間」の 身体の集中力が要る。建築の務めは、その集中力を削ぎかねない要素をひとつひ
景色を望み、着席すれば図書ホール内の雑音が遮断される。 とつ排除してゆくことにある 3」

ヴォルフスブルク、セイナヨキ、マウント・エンジェル、ユヴァスキュラ大学ア アアルトの一連の図書館では、自然光とその加減のしかたが(内部空間の)決め手
アルト図書館それぞれの図書ホールに配された列柱は、構造として機能するほか、 となっている。ヴィボルグ図書館では、天井にトップライトの列を均等に配して
ブックピットや各階の輪郭を示すのにも役立つ。また、平面の扇形や曲線をなぞ 光をまんべんなく採り入れ、これを白塗りの壁や天井に反射させている。結果、
りもする。ヴォルフスブルクとセイナヨキでは、この柱列と沈床と天井に囲われ 図書ホールが穏やかな雰囲気に包まれる。
に挟まれたオープンスペースが越屋根風の天窓から採光される。この部分はいわ アアルトは天窓や高窓を介して光を内部へ誘導し、空間の要所要所に強弱をつけ
ば「青天井の部屋」である。 る。先のヴォルフスブルク図書館で見たように、天窓越しの自然光が細長い帯と

pp. 12–13: Aalto Library in Seinäjoki. 12 ∼ 13 頁:セイナヨキのアアルト図書館。
Opposite, left to right, top to bottom: 左頁、上から、左から右:ユヴァスキュラ
University of Jyväskylä, Aalto Library; 大学アアルト図書館、ロヴァニエミ市立図
Rovaniemi City Library; Aalto Library 書館、セイナヨキのアアルト図書館、マウ
in Seinäjoki; Library at the Mount ン ト・エンジェ ル修道 院図 書館。16 頁:
Angel Abbey. p. 16: Library at the マウント・エンジェル修道院図書館。
Mount Angel Abbey.

roofs, which cover the Wolfsburg and Seinäjoki libraries, create Library, set in the city park, and Nordic House Library, set in
a baldachin-like sheltered space. the originally barren landscape of Iceland.

During the dark autumn and winter months in northern Some Aalto libraries form part of a larger building complex.
latitudes, natural light is scarce. On the other hand, when the Woodberry Poetry Room Library, Harvard University
sun does shine, it does so at a low angle, and its rays extend (pp. 39–50) literally comprises 2 rooms in an existing library
far into the space. The amount and character of the artificial building. Viewed from the outside, there are no references to a
lighting are essential for the use of the library during these special library in the interior, or even in the internal corridors.
periods. Also typical for Aalto, in several libraries the natural Wolfsburg’s library, too, turns its back on its surroundings, with
and artificial light orient in the same direction, as seen, for the exception of the newspaper reading room. In contrast, a row
instance, by the placement of a lamp inside the skylight. Natural of windows reveals Säynätsalo Library (pp. 51–64) and Nordic
light and artificial light thus have their separate functions. House Library, the latter also indicated by a skylight rising
Skylights and clerestory windows bring natural light to the above the top of the roof line.
core of the building frame. In this way, Aalto structured and
emphasized functionally different spaces. In the public libraries, with the exception of staff offices, there
are few views out into the surrounding landscape, usually from
Natural light creates a strong positive feel in the reading and the newspaper reading room or children’s library. In Seinäjoki’s
lending halls. The table lamps by the reading desks in turn library, the office windows have vertical battens in front of
create a magic circle of light. They are closely integrated into them. From the small research rooms of Mount Angel’s library,
the polygonal, interconnectable tables in the book pits. The an open field landscape can be glimpsed between the trees.
brass rod-like lighting fixtures in the Seinäjoki and Rovaniemi
libraries spread a warm halo of light around them. Then there Gates into the World
are the spot lamps. Reading-top levels have their own spot In Finland, the library is a place familiar to everybody. The
lamps, and spot lamps on the bookshelves help the library user significance of literacy has long been recognized in our country,
to read the spines of the books on the shelves. Almost every and the opportunity for reading – and thus, for learning –
library designed by Aalto has its own version of this lighting, led at the end of the 19th century to the creation of so-called
though the basic solution is a similarly supported lamp attached folk libraries and public libraries. A national determination to
to the top of the shelf. develop municipal and school libraries made books accessible
to everyone. Encouraging people to learn and find the
In the library landscape, ground and vegetation correspond to information they need without cost is the central purpose of
the materials and details of surfaces, furniture, and lamps. A libraries, and that mission remains relevant today, even though
true sense of the materials, their tactility and warmth, comes the library’s activities have changed and indeed, continue to
across particularly strongly through Aalto’s use of wood. change: alongside books and newspapers, a whole host of other
services have become part of library operations. The operations
Libraries in the Landscape are changing, but the institution’s significance remains:
A central urban location is especially important for public libraries provide everyone with free access to information
libraries. For the library visitor, it is natural to drop in to and the sources of learning, while opening doors to a world of
read newspapers or otherwise spend time there. Many of fascinating adventures and new landscapes.
Aalto’s libraries are part of a larger building group. Cultural
and administrative buildings form a common urban space in
Seinäjoki and Rovaniemi. These libraries play an important role
in the creation of public squares and in generating scale.
1. Alvar Aalto, “Taimen ja tunturipuro” [The trout and the stream]. First
The libraries in Jyväskylä University and Aalto University form published in Italian in Domus, 1947, and then in Finnish in Arkkitehti
part of the entrance “gate” to the core of the campus. The wall- 1/1948. Reproduced in Göran Schildt, ed., Alvar Aalto in His Own Words
like frontage of Jyväskylä is transformed in Otaniemi into a (Helsinki: Otava, 1997), p. 108.
building demarcating a sweeping, lush landscape. Mount Angel’s 2. Ilona Lehtinen, “The Nordic House in Reykjavík and its Architect,” in
library, in turn, completes a row of buildings at the edge of a The Nordic House. Alvar Aalto. Iceland. (Reykjavik: Nordic House, 1999),
pp. 23–24.
hill. 3. Alvar Aalto, “The Humanizing of Architecture.” First published in English
in The Technological Review (November 1940). Reproduced in Schildt, Alvar
Standing alone in the midst of their surroundings are Vyborg Aalto in His Own Words, p. 105.

ともある。高窓に関しては、ロヴァニエミ市立図書館の例がある。そこでは扇形 エミにあるアアルト大学では建物と化し、見渡す限りの緑豊かな風景に割って入
平面の外壁に並んだ高窓から射す光がヴォールト天井にまわって空間の輪郭を浮 る。他方、マウント・エンジェル修道院図書館は、尾根沿いに並んだ建物の最後
き上がらせる。アアルト大学ラーニング・センターでは、通常の天窓と越屋根式 尾を飾る。
変え、そして高窓の光をヴォールト天井で受けている。セイナヨキの図書館では、 ヴィボルグ図書館は都市公園内に、ノルディック・ハウス図書館はアイスランド
外壁の水平ルーヴァーが陽射しを受けて館内の壁に楽しげな影模様を映ずる。そ の荒涼たる風景に、ひとりぽつねんと佇む。
スブルクの両図書館では、こうした高性能の屋根があたかも天蓋のように空間を ハーヴァード大学ウッドベリー詩学図書室(39 ∼ 50 頁)は、大学図書館内に新設
覆う。 された文字どおり 2 室のことである。屋外からはむろんのこと、廊下を歩いてい
高緯度にある北国では秋から冬にかけて日照時間が短くなり、暗い時期が続く。 また、新聞閲覧室以外はすべて周囲に背を向ける。反対にセイナッツァロ図書館
それでも日が照ると日射角度が低いために光線が部屋の奥まで届く。この時期に ( 51 ∼ 64 頁)はずらりと並んだ窓越しに内部を覗かせ、ノルディック・ハウスの
は人工照明の量と質とが図書館の使い勝手を大きく左右する。図書館では自然光 図書館では屋上にそびえるトップライトが館内の気配を伝える。
内に照明を仕込んでいる。自然光には自然光ならではの、人工光には人工光なら 公立図書館では、職員のオフィスは例外として、外の景色の見える場所は限られ
ではの機能がある。天窓と高窓を介して建物本体の中心に自然光を採り入れたア ている。せいぜい新聞閲覧室と児童書コーナーから見える程度だろう。セイナヨ
アルトはまた、この手法を用途ごとに使い分けるようにして空間を組み立てていっ キの図書館オフィスの窓には外側に縦桟が嵌められている。マウント・エンジェ
た。 ル修道院図書館の研究者用個室からは、木々越しに野原が垣間見える。

自然光のおかげで閲覧・貸出ホールはじつに快適に感じられる。そこへ卓上の読 世界への扉
書灯が神秘的な光の輪を放つ。ブックピットに置かれた多角形の連結式テーブル フィンランド人にとって図書館は身近な場所である。識字能力の重要性が認識さ
には、この読書灯が一体化している。セイナヨキとロヴァニエミの両図書館では、 れて久しい本邦では、国民に読書−−ひいては学習と教育−−の機会を与えるべく、
この棒状の真鍮製照明器具が周囲に温かみのある光輪を放つ。閲覧エリア最上階 19 世紀末にいわゆる民族図書館や公共図書館が各地に創設された。自治体と学校
には専用のスポットランプが吊られている。書架にもスポットランプをとりつけ、 が積極的に図書館を整備したおかげで誰もが本を手にとれるようになった。図書
本の背文字を見やすくしている。おおむね図書館ごとに照明のデザインは異なる 館には、人々が必要とする知識や情報を無償で提供する役目があるが、この役目
が、書架の天板に照明をとりつける方式は一貫している。 は今なお変わらない。たとえ図書館のあり方が変わり、それこそ本や新聞の閲覧
図書館風景の大地と植生に相当するのが、建物の仕上げ材とディテールならびに が変わろうと、図書館の存在意義は揺るがない。そこは、誰もが自由に知識と情
家具と照明器具である。アアルト作品では特に木部においてその質感と触感とぬ 報源を入手できる場であり、世界への扉でもある。その扉の先には、心躍る冒険と、
くもりが際立つ。 まだ見ぬ風景が待っている。


もある。ユヴァスキュラの図書館では単に壁を見せるのみだった正面が、オタニ 1 ∼ 3. 英文参照。

Vyborg Library
Vyborg, Russia (then Viipuri, Finland) 1927–1935
ロシア、ヴィボルグ(当時のフィンランド、ヴィープリ) 1927 ∼ 1935

Vyborg Library is the significant starting point for all subsequent a thoroughfare and a space where one returns to read books.
libraries designed by Alvar Aalto. Aalto won the architectural From the other side of the lending room, one descends into the
competition organized for Vyborg Library in 1927 with a reading room. These spaces – lending and reading rooms – are
proposal designed in the classical style, but over the next 7 interlinked, even though they have separate functions.
years, and through several design stages, he reshaped the The lending room continues as a gallery around the book pit,
design. This new proposal was completed in 1933, and the and a desktop-like level for reading and browsing through the
library opened to the public in the autumn of 1935.1 books on display follows the gallery rail.
From the outset of the project, there were spaces reserved for Rows of cylindrical skylights cover the entire roof and provide
reading newspapers and a library for children, in addition to even light in the library halls. Aalto often favored directing both
the actual lending and reading rooms. Subdivided in accordance daylight and artificial light from the same source. In Vyborg
with its different functions, the building has a series of library Library, lamps placed between the skylights replace the natural
departments that can be used independently of the others. light during the dark hours of the day.
Vyborg Library is thus a kind of 3-dimensional puzzle, where The children’s library consists of the entrance, lending room,
each of the spaces serves a distinct function, situated on its own and reading room. Between the entrance and reading room is
level. the lending desk, to provide the librarian a clear view into both
With actual library halls enclosed in the taller part of the main spaces. Tall clerestory windows bring an abundance of
building, and the main entrance, lecture hall, and offices in natural light into the spaces. Like the rest of the library, the
its narrower, lower portion, the building makes use of its children’s section is equipped with wooden furniture designed
placement in a park to provide entrances to the different by the Aaltos.
sections on different sides. The lecture hall is one of the most significant spaces in Vyborg
The building has a minimalist, white rendered-brick exterior. Library. Aalto justified a unique undulating wooden ceiling
Its most prominent features are the main entrance, clad in based on acoustics requirements, and the ceiling line undulates
soapstone; the large strip window of the lecture hall; and the freely behind the rectangular grid of the windows.
large glass wall of the main staircase. The building suffered damage during World War II and was
From the main entrance and lobby, one passes into the lending restored during the Soviet era, between 1955 and 1961.2
and reading hall; there is also direct access from the lobby Concern over the condition of the internationally significant
into the lecture hall and the glass-walled staircase leading to building inspired Finnish architects to raise awareness and
the first-floor offices. From a narrow, dimly lit staircase one support its renovation, which was initiated as a Russian-Finnish
moves upward, via a book pit, to the lending hall on the highest cooperation project in 1991. The multistage restoration work
level, with the lending desk at its core. The book pit is both was completed in 2013.3

1. Before World War II, Vyborg (in Finnish: Viipuri) was the most important
city in eastern Finland. The library project was initiated when the will
of a wealthy donor, Maria Lallukka, bequeathed significant funds for the
building of a library. Juho and Maria Lallukka were a wealthy shopkeeper
couple, who during their lifetimes supported the arts and civic education.
The planning period of the library was prolonged due to the global economic
recession in the early 1930s.
2. In 1944, the city of Vyborg, along with the rest of the Karelian region, was
annexed to the Soviet Union.
3. The Finnish Committee for the Restoration of Viipuri Library was
responsible for the planning, direction, and supervision of the project, with
architect Tapani Mustonen as the chief planner.

ヴィボルグ図書館は、アルヴァ・アアルト 貸出ホールに移動していくと、中心には貸 ソ ビ エ ト 連 邦 時 代 の 1955 年 か ら 1961 年
がその後設計したすべての図書館の原点と 出カウンターがある。ブックピットは主要 にかけて修繕が行われた 2。フィンランドの
なっている。アアルトは、1927 年に開催さ な通路であると同時に本を読むために戻っ 建築家たちがこの国際的に重要な建築物の
れたヴィボルグ図書館の設計競技で古典様 てくる空間でもある。貸出ホールの反対側 状態を懸念したことをきっかけにして改修
式案により勝利したが、その後 7 年間にわ からは閲覧室に降りることができる。貸出 への機運と支持が高まった。こうして 1991
たり、いくつかの設計段階を経て、図書館 エリアと閲覧室は機能的には別々の空間で 年にロシアとフィンランドの共同プロジェ
のデザインを練り直していった。新デザイ ありながら相互に接続している。 クトが開始され、複数段階による修復工事
ン は 1933 年 に 完 成 し、 図 書 館 は 1935 年 貸出エリアはブックピットを囲むギャラ は 2013 年に竣工した 3。 (松本晴子訳)
の秋に公開された 。 リーとして続く。中 2 階の手摺に沿ってデ
貸出室や閲覧室のほかに、新聞を読むため スクトップのようなフロアがあり、展示さ 原註 :
のスペースや児童向け図書室も当初から確 れている本を読んだり眺めることができる。 1. ヴィボルグ市(フィンランド語:ヴィー
保されていた。建物は機能別に細分化され 屋根全体を覆う円筒形の天窓の列は図書館 プリ)は、第二次世界大戦前までフィンラ
ており、図書館の各部門が独立して利用で ホールに均一な明るさをもたらす。アアル ンド東部における最も重要な都市であった。
きるようになっている。図書館はさながら トは太陽光と人工光を同一箇所から導くこ 図書館の建設計画は、裕福な篤志家である
立体パズルのようであり、異なる機能に供 と を 好 ん で い た。 ヴ ィ ボ ル グ 図 書 館 で は、 マリア・ラルッカが遺言により図書館建設
するスペースが各層に配置されている。 天窓の間に設置されたランプが、暗い時間 のために多額の資金を遺贈したことから始
図書館ホールは壁に囲まれ高くなった部分 帯には自然光の代わりとなる。 まった。裕福な小売商であったユホとマリ
にあり、正面玄関、講堂、事務室は狭く低 児 童 向 け 図 書 館 は、 入 口 エ リ ア・ 貸 出 室・ アのラルッカ夫妻は生涯にわたり芸術と市
くなった部分にある。公園内に建物を配置 閲覧室で構成されている。それらの間に貸 民教育を支援した。1930 年代初頭の世界的
することにより各セクションの入口を建物 出カウンターがあり、司書がいる場所から な経済不況のため、図書館の計画期間は長
の諸側面に配置できた。 両室をはっきりと見わたせる。背の高い採 引いた。
外観は白い煉瓦を用いたミニマルなデザイ 光窓はこの空間に豊かな自然光をもたらし 2. ヴィボルグ市は 1944 年にカレリア地
ンである。とりわけ目立つのは、石けん石 ている。児童用区画は他の場所と同様にア 方の他の地域とともにソビエト連邦に併合
で覆われた正面玄関、講堂の大きなストリッ アルト夫妻がデザインした木製家具が備え された。
プ・ウィンドウ、そして大階段の大きなガ つけられていた。 3. フィンランド・ヴィープリ図書館修復
ラス壁である。 講堂は、ヴィボルグ図書館で最重要空間の 委員会は、このプロジェクトの計画・指導・
正面玄関とロビーから貸出・閲覧用ホール 一つである。アアルトはユニークな起伏の 監督を担当し、建築家タパニ・ムストネン
に入り、さらにこのロビーからは講堂と 2 ある木製天井を音響の要件にもとづいて設 がチーフ・プランナーを務めた。
階の事務室に続くガラス壁に覆われた階段 計した。天井の起伏は長方形窓のグリッド
に直接アクセスできる。薄暗く狭い階段か を背景に自由に波打つ線となる。
らブックピットを経由して、最上階にある こ の 建 物 は 第 二 次 世 界 大 戦 の 際 に 被 災 し、

p. 17: Aino and Alvar Aalto with

Aarne Ervi in the lobby, 1935. Photo
courtesy of Alvar Aalto Foundation.
This page: Aerial view, 1936. Photo
courtesy of Juha Lankinen Archives.
Opposite: Lending hall and book pit
photographed during World War II,
September 1941. Photos courtesy of
Finnish Wartime Photograph Archive.

17 頁:アイノとアルヴァ・アアルト、アー
戦中、1941 年 9 月に撮影された貸出ホー

pp. 20–21: Ground-floor plan.
Opposite, top: Sunken-level plan.
Opposite, bottom: Upper-floor plan.
This page: Lending hall concept

20 ∼ 21 頁:地上階平面図。左頁、上:下

2 4
2 5
2 6
pp. 24–25: Lending hall and book pit.
Opposite: Curved handrail. This page:
Detail drawing of handrail.

24 ∼ 25 頁:貸出ホールとブックピット。

Credits and Data
Project title: Vyborg Library
Client: Vyborg City
Location: Vyborg, Russia (then Viipuri, Finland) This page, top: Longitudinal section.
Design: 1927 Opposite, bottom left: Skylights on
Completion: 1935 exterior. Opposite, bottom right:
Architect: Alvar Aalto Lighting fixtures between skylights.
Design team: Aino Marsio-Aalto, Didrick Dahlberg, Aarne Ervi, Viljo Rewell
Project team: I. J. Packalén (structural engineering), Maija Kairamo, Tapani 本頁、上:長手断面図。左頁、左下:天窓
Mustonen, Leif Englund (renovation, 1994–2014) を外から見る。左頁、右下:天窓の間に設
Project area: 3,000 m2 置された照明。

This page: Lighting fixture in the
children’s library designed by Aino
Aalto. Opposite, top: Children’s
library. Opposite, bottom: Carousel
bookshelves in the children’s library
sunken level.


This page, top: Main entrance. This
page, bottom: Main lobby overlooking
the park. Stairs lead to the upper-floor
offices. Opposite: Detail drawing of
main door.


pp. 34–35: Lecture hall. This page,
top: Lecture hall acoustic study.
This page, bottom left: Lecture hall
exterior. This page, bottom right: View
toward Torkkelipuisto park from the
lecture hall. Opposite: Detail drawing
of the wooden ceiling in the lecture

34 ∼ 35 頁:講堂。本頁、上:講堂の音響

This page: Library exterior.


Woodberry Poetry Room Library, Harvard University
Cambridge, United States 1947–1949
米国、ケンブリッジ 1947 ∼ 1949

Woodberry Poetry Room houses an audio library created in ウッドベリー詩学図書室は、ハーヴァード 設置された。テーブル・椅子・肘掛け椅子・

1931 by Harvard professor Frederick C. Packard Jr. He dreamed 大学教授であったフレデリック・パッカー ラ ン プ は ア ル テ ッ ク か ら と り 寄 せ ら れ た。

of creating a vocarium, that is, “a place where voices can ド・ジュニアが 1931 年に創設した音声図 戦後 1940 年代後半において、資材不足の

be kept and studied.” With its extensive collection of audio 書館である。教授の夢は、

「ヴォーカリウム」 ためアルテックが生産拠点をスウェーデン

recordings and publications, the space has been characterized as すなわち「声を保管し研究できる場所」をつ に移していたため、これら家具はスウェー

the home of modern poetry.1 くることであった。ウッドベリー詩学図書 デンで製造された 3。木製の格子スクリーン

Designed jointly by Alvar and Aino Aalto, Woodberry Poetry 室は現代詩を蔵する場所と位置づけられて とランプはデザインの重要なディテールと
Room comprises a reading room for the special collection and おり、録音物や出版物を集めた豊富なコレ なっている。入口脇の展示ケースは、パン
a librarian’s office. Rooms were reserved for the project on the クションをもつ 1。 チング・メタルを使った特注の球形ランプ
upper floor of Lamont Library, which is located in Harvard アルヴァ・アアルトとアイノ・アアルトが で照らされている。本棚のランプもこの空
Yard, the heart and oldest part of Harvard University. Lamont 共同で設計したウッドベリー詩学図書室 間のために特別にデザインされたものであ
Library opened in 1949 and was designed by Coolidge, Shepley, は、特別コレクションのための読書室と司 る。読書用のテーブルとレコード用のテー
Bulfinch & Abbott, Architects and Engineers.2 書室で構成されている。ウッドベリー詩学 ブルの上にはアアルトのゴールデンベル・
Most of the reading and lending room space was reserved for 4 図書室のための空間はラモント図書館の上 ランプが吊り下げられており、一方でフロ
octagonal tables intended for record players, so students could 層階に確保された。ラモント図書館は、ハー アランプは方向づけされた光で空間を照ら
sit and listen to recordings. Acoustic cladding consisting of ヴァード大学の中心であり最古の歴史を誇 す。
beech battens was placed above the shelves. The tables, chairs, るハーヴァード・ヤードにある。 1949 年に 詩の朗読を聴くために設計されたこの部屋
and armchairs, as well as the lamps, were ordered from Artek.
オープンしたラモント図書館は、クーリッ の雰囲気は木の温もり、真鍮の輝き、そし
The furniture was made in Sweden,3 where Artek moved its
ジ、シェプリー、ブルフィンチ&アボット・ て家具によってつくりだされた。この図書
production in the late 1940s, due to material shortages during
アーキテクツ・アンド・エンジニアが設計 館は現役で利用されている。最も大きな変
the postwar years. Significant design details in the room include
した 2。 化は、2000 年代に、リスニング・テーブル
a wooden grille screen and the lamps. A bespoke spherical
読書室・貸出室のスペースの大半は、レコー をリーディング・テーブルに改造したこと
perforated metal lamp illuminates the entrance, with shelf
ド・プレーヤーを置くための八角形テーブ である。 (松本晴子訳)
lamps designed for the space. Suspended above the reading
ル 4 台のために確保されており、学生たち
and record tables are Aalto’s Golden Bell lamps, while the floor
lamps offer directed light. は座ってレコードを聴くことができる。ブ 原註:

The room was designed especially for listening to poetry, and it ナ材の羽目板できた音響パネルは棚の上に 1 ∼ 3. 英文参照

draws its ambience from the warm hues of wood, the shine of
brass, and the custom furniture. The library remains in active
use; its most significant change came in the 2000s, when the
listening tables were converted to tables for reading.

1. Sophia Nguyen, “Poetry, Voiced,” Harvard Magazine, July–August 2017,
pp. 32–34.
2. Lamont Library, Harvard University,” Architectural Record, June 1949,
pp. 86–95.
3. Stanley Abercrombie, “Aalto’s 1949 Poetry Room at Harvard,” Journal of the
Society of Architectural Historians 38, no. 2 (May 1979): p. 122.

Credits and Data pp. 40–41: Library with renovated 40 ∼ 41 頁:1937 年にデザインされたペ
Project title: Woodberry Poetry Room Library, Harvard University recording tables and “Golden Bell” ンダントライト「ゴールデン・ベル」が設置
Client: Harvard University pendant lights designed in 1937. された図書室。42 ∼ 43 頁:家具配置図。
Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States pp. 42–43: Furniture layout. This 本頁、上:エントランスのスケッチ(1947)。
Design: 1947 page, top: Entrance sketch, 1947. This 本頁、左下:エントランス横のディスプレ
Completion: 1949 page, bottom left: Display shelves next イ。本頁、右下:レコード・プレーヤー・テー
Architect: Alvar Aalto to entrance. This page, bottom right: ブル使用の様子(2000)。右頁:ディスプ
Design team: Aino Marsio-Aalto Record-player table used in 2000. レイ・ケースの上に設置されたパンチング・
Project team: Artek / Maija Heikinheimo (interior), Einhorn Yaffee Prescott / Opposite: Perforated metal spot lamp メタル製スポットライト。
David Fixler (renovation, 2006) above display case.
Project area: 96 m2

4 5
Opposite: Library interior with the
tower of the Memorial Church visible
outside. This page: Specially designed
tapering bookshelf lamp.

左頁: 図書館から外には記念教会の塔が見

pp. 48–49: Interior with original
tables. This page, top: Wooden screen
with book display. This page, bottom:
Original record-player tables.

48 ∼ 49 頁:オリジナルのテーブルが置か

Säynätsalo Library
Säynätsalo, Finland 1949–1952
フィンランド、セイナッツァロ 1949 ∼ 1952

Säynätsalo Town Hall was built to serve the administrative セイナッツァロ市庁舎は、フィンランド中 を果たしている。図書館機能は 1981 年に

and cultural needs of a small municipality in central Finland. 部に位置する小さな自治体の行政や文化の 商業施設内まで拡張され、その際に、案内

In addition to the council chamber and municipal offices, the ニーズに応えるために建設された。この建 窓口と正面玄関は通りの高さに移動され、2

building also comprises a library and apartments, as well as 物は、議事堂と市役所のほか、図書館とア つのフロアをつなぐ階段がつくられた。

commercial premises on the street level. パート、そして通りに面した商業施設で構 当初図書館は、貸出カウンターを中心とし

Originally, the library was situated on the second floor above the 成されている。 た主図書室と、主図書室のホールからガラ
commercial premises, in the wing that borders the south side of もともと、中心となる中庭の南側に接する スのパーティションでつながった新聞閲覧
the central courtyard. Hence the library was an integral part of 棟に商業施設があり、図書館はその上の 2 室で構成されていた。照明器具は、本棚に
the public functions and spaces of the town hall, which encloses 階部分にあった。つまり、図書館は、通り 向けられたスポットライトと、閲覧テーブ
the courtyard, above street level. At the top of the stairs, leading よりも高い位置にある中庭を囲む公共機能・ ルの上に置かれた箱型のランプを組み合わ
up from the street level to the courtyard, a pergola connects 空間と一体化していた。通りの高さから中 せて特別にデザインされた。
2 entrances that face each other, one originally leading to the 庭 に 通 じ る 階 段 の 上 に は パ ー ゴ ラ が あ る。 図書館内部には自然光が降りそそぐ。木フ
library and the other to the town hall. このパーゴラは向かい合う 2 つの入口を接 ローリングは空間に温かみを与え、経年に
The public function of the library has been highlighted on the 続している。そのうちの一つは、もともと より黄ばんだ木製の貸出カウンターも同様
south façade by tall, stepped windows that differ from the more は図書館に通じており、もう一つは市役所 である。
conventional display windows of the ground-floor commercial に通じていた。 貸出カウンターが地上階に移動したことや、
premises. A wooden grille, fixed to the front of the frame of 南ファサードには、図書館の公共機能を強 蔵書数が増加したことなど、機能面での変
the strip window that extends the full length of the façade,
調するために段差のある背の高い窓がしつ 化により、空間の中心には本棚が追加で配
provides protection from the sun’s glare. In 1981, the library
らえられており、地上階の商業施設にある 置され、もともとは広々として均質であっ
operations were expanded into the commercial premises, with
ショーウィンドウとは異なっている。ファ た空間が埋められていった。小さな図書館
the customer service point and main entrance moved to street
サードいっぱいに広がるストリップ・ウィ は親しみやすく、当時のディテールが多く
level, and stairs were built to connect the 2 floors.
ンドウのフレームの前面には木製の柵が固 残されている。 (松本晴子訳)
The original library consisted of a main library space, with
the lending desk and newspaper reading room in the center,
connected to the main library hall via a glass partition. Specially
designed lighting fixtures combined spotlights directed toward
the bookshelves and box-like lamps above the reading tables.
The library’s interior floods with natural light, and the wooden
floor brings additional warmth to the space, along with the
wooden lending desk, which has yellowed over time.
Functional changes, such as moving the lending desk to the
ground floor and an increase in the number of books, have also
entailed placing extra shelves in the center of the space, thus
filling the originally spacious and uniform space. The small
library remains intimate, and many of its original details have
been preserved.

5 3
pp. 52–53: Aerial view of town
hall, with the library visible in the
foreground. Opposite: Library exterior.
Originally on only the upper floor, the
library now includes the lower floor.
This page, top: Site plan. This page,
bottom: Town hall floor plan.

52 ∼ 53 頁:市庁舎空撮、手前に図書館棟

This page: Library floor plan.


pp. 58–59: Bookshelves added to
central library hall. p. 60: Tall
windows behind lending desk. p. 61:
The stairs, built in 1981, lead down
to the entrance floor. Opposite: Light
fixture combining spot and general
lighting. This page, top: Detail
drawing of lighting fixture. This page,
bottom: Detail drawing of display

58 ∼ 59 頁:図書館の中央ホールに追加さ
れた本棚。60 頁:貸出机の後ろにある高窓。
61 頁:1981 年につくられた階段が地上階
へと降りる。左頁: スポット照明と一般照

This page, top: Display shelves.
This page, bottom: Furniture in the
children’s section, designed according
to child ergonomics.


Credits and Data

Project title: Säynätsalo Library
Client: Municipality of Säynätsalo
Location: Säynätsalo, Finland
Design: 1949
Completion: 1952
Architect: Alvar Aalto
Design team: Elsa Mäkiniemi
Project team: Artek / Maija Heikinheimo (interior), Magnus Malmberg
(consulting), Olavi Törmänen (structural engineering), Mikko Lintula
(renovation, 1981), Ulla Teittinen (renovation, 1995–1997)
Project area: 406 m2

Aalto Library, University of Jyväskylä
Jyväskylä, Finland 1953–1955
フィンランド、ユヴァスキュラ 1953 ∼ 1955

Jyväskylä contains some of Alvar Aalto’s early architectural ユヴァスキュラにはアルヴァ・アアルトによ 注ぐこの空間を最初に見ることができる。空

works, but in the 1950s he also received the commission to る初期の建築作品がいくつか残されている。 間中央には読書用テーブルが置かれている。

design the city’s university. An invited architectural competition アアルトは 1950 年代にこの街の大学の設計 三方を囲むのは 3 段に分かれた本棚である。

was held in 1950–1951. It sought a comprehensive plan for も依頼されていた。1950 年から 51 年にかけ メイン・ホールの中央には柱が並び、構造的
expanding and complementing the existing seminary area that て招待制設計競技が開催された。この設計競 機能だけでなく、閲覧室と書庫を分離する役
had been built at the end of the 19th century.1 Aalto’s winning 技は、19 世紀末に建設された既存の教師養 割も果たしている。このため、囲われた印象
proposal gathered the new buildings together around an open 成学校エリアを拡張・補完するための包括的 をもつ一方で、ポルティコで囲まれた広い空
sports field as a continuation of the seminary area. な計画を求めるものであった 1。アアルトの の下に空間があり、その奥には本で埋めつく
The university’s main entrance square is bordered by the red- 勝利案は、養成学校エリアに続く開かれた運 された壁があるような印象ももつ。メイン・
brick façades of the main building and library. As the library 動場を中心に、その周りに新たな建物を集め ホールの中心には三角形断面の高い天窓があ
partially projects out onto the slope between the 2 older seminary るものであった。 る。また書架には明りとりの窓から自然光が
buildings, its low and enclosed shape at the edge of the square 大学の正面玄関のある広場は、本館と図書 入る。
looks as if it forms a neutral base for the old building above. The 館の赤煉瓦ファサードに囲まれている。図 大学の拡張にともない図書館は手狭になって
canopy in front of the library, with its granite pillars, resembles 書館の一部はより古い養成学校の 2 棟の建物 いった。1974 年に建築家アルト・シピネン
a stoa from antiquity.2 Seen from other directions, the library is
間の斜面に突出しており、広場の端にある が設計した新館へと移転したため、アアルト
almost unnoticeable; from the Seminaarinmäki side, only a low
低く閉じた形態は、上部にある古い建物の の図書館は現在、閲覧室として利用されてい
wall and the skylights give any indication a building exists there.
中立的基礎を成しているかのように見える。 る。図書館のその他施設はオフィスや仕事部
One of the entrances into the L-shaped library is situated on
図 書 館 前 の 天 蓋 は 花 崗 岩 の 柱 で 支 え ら れ、 屋として利用されている。
the main square. There is also a corridor access to the library
古代の柱廊を彷彿とする 2。他の方角から見
from both the main building and the adjacent teacher seminary
building. From the entrance floor one descends a floor down to
ない。セミナーリマキ側からは低い壁と天 原註:
a tall, elongated library hall. The first view into this space, which
is flooded with natural light, is from the top of the stairs. At the 窓が見えるのみであり、そこに建物がある 1. 19 世紀末、ユヴァスキュラにフィンラン

center of the space are reading tables, as bookshelves stepped into ことだけがわかる。 ド語教師を養成するための最初の学校が設立

3 levels encircle the space on 3 sides. L 字型の図書館の入口の一つは正面広場に面 され、コンスタンティン・キセレフ設計によ

A row of columns lines the center of the main library hall, which, している。また本館と養成学校から図書館へ る赤煉瓦校舎が建設された。語学教師養成学

in addition to its structural function, separates the reading room と通じる通路がある。玄関のあるレヴェル 校は 1930 年代に教育大学となった。1967 年

from the shelving area. This design gives the impression of, on から 1 階分下がると、背が高く細長い図書館 にはユヴァスキュラ大学に改称された。

the one hand, nested spaces and, on the other hand, a space ホールにでる。階段の上から、自然光が降り 2. 英文参照。
beneath an open sky bounded by a portico, behind which are
walls covered with books. A tall skylight with a triangular cross
section dominates the core of the main library, while additional
natural light reaches the shelf area from the clerestory windows.
As the university expanded, the library became cramped, and
in 1974 it moved to a new building designed by architect Arto
Sipinen. Today, Aalto’s library is used as a reading room, and the
other original library facilities serve as offices and workrooms.
Credits and Data
Project title: Aalto Library, University of Jyväskylä
Notes: Client: University of Jyväskylä
1. The first Finnish-language teacher training seminary was founded in Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Jyväskylä at the end of the 19th century, and red-brick teaching buildings Design: 1953
designed by Constantin Kiseleff were constructed for that purpose. The Completion: 1955
teacher seminary became a college of education in the 1930s. In 1967, the Architect: Alvar Aalto
college was renamed the University of Jyväskylä. Design team: Erkki Luoma, Erkki Karvinen
2. Päivi Lukkarinen, Alvar Aallon kasvatusopillinen korkeakoulu. Menneitten Project team: Paavo Simula (structural engineering), LPV Architects / Jorma
motiivien kiteytymä [Alvar Aalto’s college of education: the encapsulation of Peltonen (renovation, 2002)
past motifs] (Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän yliopisto, 1994), p. 26. Project area: 600 m2

6 6
p. 66: Aerial view, with the library 66頁:空撮、図書館の屋根を手前に見
roof visible in the foreground. る。67 頁、上:大学の正面玄関広場、
p. 67, top: Perspective sketch of the パースペクティヴ・スケッチ。67 頁、
university’s main entrance square. 下:本頁、上:右頁、下:ユヴァスキュ
p. 67, bottom: Site plan, University ラ大学アアルト・キャンパス配置図。図
of Jyväskylä’s Aalto campus. The 書館は右に配置され、扇形の主棟に隣り
library is situated on the right, next 合う。本頁、上:図書館断面図。右頁、
to the fan-shaped main building. This 下:図書館平面図。
page, top: Library section. Opposite,
bottom: Library floor plan.

This page, top: Zone of bookshelves
and reading tables. This page, bottom:
Entrance lobby. Opposite: View of the
library hall from the upper floor.


pp. 72–73: Library hall. Opposite:
Bookshelves and workspace receive
natural light from the clerestory
windows. This page, top: Roof lantern
and skylights. This page, bottom: A
large roof lantern brings natural light
into library hall.

72 ∼ 73 頁:図書館ホール。左頁:本棚と

This page, top: The bookshelves are
stepped into 3 levels. This page,
bottom left: Reading table lamp. This
page, bottom right: Curve-profiled
shelf lamp.

本頁、上:本棚は 3 段の階段状に配置される。

Wolfsburg Cultural Center Library
Wolfsburg, Germany 1958–1962
ドイツ、ヴォルフスブルク 1958 ∼ 1962

In 1958, the City of Wolfsburg commissioned Alvar Aalto to

design a cultural center in the very heart of the city, adjacent
to the city hall.1 The building was designed to serve 3 uses:
a library, an adult education center, and a space for youth
activities. For the purposes of the latter 2, the center comprises
various halls and classrooms. At street level there are also shops.
The library is located on the ground floor, and the main route
leading to it is from the public square, via a lobby that serves
the whole building. As the lobby extends through the building it
serves as a corridor that separates the library’s spaces from the
other facilities.
Originally, the library’s public spaces were divided into sections
for adults, young people, and children, along with a newspaper
reading room and a research room. Each user group had their
own entrance and rooms, with different hours for the different
The lending desk is the service point that forms the center of
the fan-shaped lending hall. At one end of the rounded counter
is a research room and the original youth section, while the
newspaper reading room forms an extension to the research
The actual main library space is divided into 2 levels. Originally
an open space for reading, the polygonal book pit has
surrounding walls lined with bookshelves. Nowadays there are
also rows of bookshelves in the center of the space.
Around the book pit is a passageway bounded by shelves. A
row of slender load-bearing pillars structures the space. The
pillars are integrated into a worktop, where patrons can read or
browse, while the lending desk has an unobstructed view over
the main hall, and, through a glass wall, into the research room.
Each of the spaces is characterized by different types of
skylights. It was important to bring as much natural light
as possible into the core of the deep building frame, and the
skylights also have integrated lighting fixtures. In this way, the This page: Alvar Aalto in front of
lighting remains similar during the dark seasons and times of Wolfsburg Cultural Center. Photo
courtesy of Heinrich Heidersberger,
the day.
#9180_1 Portrait Alvar Aalto,
Rows of clerestory windows, placed in a curve that follows the Wolfsburg 1962.
shape of the hall, bring natural light to the bookshelf walls. A
second strip of light runs above the book pit, and light reflects 本頁:ヴォルフスブルク文化センターの前
from the curved, vault-like surfaces. A cluster of cylindrical
skylights highlight the position of the book pit, and a similar
row appears above the lending area.
Elongated skylights illuminate both the polygonal hall of the
youth section and the small research room. Today, the youth
section hall serves as a reading and lecture space.

1. The city of Wolfsburg was founded in 1938 for the Volkswagen Automobile
Factory and its employees. While the city library was founded in 1943, for a
long time after World War II it operated on temporary premises.

1958 年、ヴォルフスブルク市はアルヴァ・ 貸出カウンターと案内窓口は、扇形の貸出 用されているのが特徴である。奥行きのあ 原註:
アアルトに、市庁舎に隣接する市のまさに ホールの中心を形成している。丸みを帯び る躯体中心にできるだけ多く自然光をとり 1. ヴォルフスブルク市は 1938 年にフォルク
中心地に、文化センターを設計するよう依 たカウンターの両端には、研究員用の部屋 込むことが重要視された。また、天窓には スワーゲン自動車工場とその従業員のために
頼した 1。この建物は、図書館・成人教育セ と、青少年セクションがある。研究員室の 照 明 器 具 が 内 蔵 さ れ て い る。 こ れ に よ り、 誕生した。市立図書館は 1943 年に設立され
ンター・青少年の活動という 3 用途のために 先には新聞閲覧室がある。 薄暗い季節や時間帯でも、同様の明るさを たが、第二次世界大戦後は長い間仮設の建物
設計された。後者 2 つの目的のために、建 図書館のメイン・スペースは 2 つのレヴェル 保つことができる。 で運営されていた。
物は多様なホールと教室で構成されている。 に分けられている。多角形のブックピット ホール形状に沿ってカーヴを描くように配
通りに面した階には小売店舗が軒を連ねる。 は、当初は読書のためのオープン・スペー 置された壁上部の高窓は本棚面に自然光を
図書館は地上階にある。図書館に入るおも スとされ、周囲の壁に沿って本棚が並べら も た ら し て い る。 ブ ッ ク ピ ッ ト の 上 に は、
なルートは、公共広場から建物全体に通じ れていた。現在はフロア中央にも本棚が並 もう一本の光の帯がめぐらされている。アー
pp. 78–79: Ground-floor plan. The
るロビーを経由する。ロビーは建物全体を んでいる。 チ型曲面から光が反射する。ブックピット
library is located in the upper half.
貫く回廊として、図書館空間と他施設を分 ブックピットの周りには本棚に囲まれた通 の位置は、円筒形天窓の集合体によって強 Opposite, top: Second-floor plan.
離している。 路がある。細長い支柱が一列に並んで空間 調されている。貸出エリアの上にも同様の Opposite, middle: Transverse section
もともと、図書館の公共空間は、大人・青 が構成されている。支柱はカウンターと一 列がある。
with library on the right. This page:
Aerial view of cultural center, with
少年・児童用の各セクション、また新聞閲 体化しており、読書や閲覧ができるように 青少年コーナーの多角形ホールと小さな研
library roof visible in the foreground.
覧室、研究員室に分かれていた。それぞれ なっている。貸出カウンターからはメイン・ 究員室は細長い天窓からの光で照らされて
の利用者グループには、専用の部屋と入口 ホ ー ル を 遮 る も の な く 見 渡 す こ と が で き、 いる。青少年コーナーのホールは、現在で 78 ∼ 79 頁:地上階平面図。図書館は上半
分に位置する。左頁、上:2 階平面図。左頁、
が用意されていた。これにより、利用者グ またガラスを通して研究員室も見通すこと は読書や講演の場として利用されている。
ループごとに柔軟な開館時間を設定するこ ができる。 (松本晴子訳) 本頁:文化センター空撮、手前に図書館の
とが可能となった。 それぞれの空間に異なるタイプの天窓が採 屋根を見る。

pp. 82–83: Main entrance hall.
pp. 84–85: The library hall is divided
into 2 levels. Differents kinds of
skylights emphasize the different parts
of the space. This page: Bookshelves
on the outer wall receive natural light
from clerestory windows. Opposite:
Former youth section.

82 ∼ 83 頁:文化センター正面玄関ホール。
84 ∼ 85 頁:図書館ホールは 2 層に分かれ

Opposite, top: Detail section of
reading space. Opposite, bottom: Plan,
section, and elevation of lending desk.
This page: Ceiling of the book pit with


This page, top: Natural light and 本頁、上:自然光と人工光が同じ方向から
electric light illuminate the space from 空間を照らす。本頁、中:読書・講演スペー
the same direction. This page, middle: スに設置されたスポットライト・ランプ。
Spotlight lamp in the reading and 本頁、下:インデックス・カード入れ専用
lecture space. This page, bottom: Index のスポットライト・ランプ。
card drawer and specially designed
spotlight lamp.

Credits and Data

Project title: Wolfsburg Cultural Center Library
Client: Wolfsburg City
Location: Wolfsburg, Germany
Design: 1958
Completion: 1962
Architect: Alvar Aalto
Design team: Kaarlo Leppänen, Karl Fleig, Leif Englund, Eric Adlercreutz,
Jaak Lohk, Carmen Corneil, Jean-Pierre Cousin, Teofilo Senn
Project team: Hamilkar Aalto, Claus Holm (civil engineering)
Project area: 3,500 m2 (cultural center)

Aalto Library in Seinäjoki
Seinäjoki, Finland 1960–1965
フィンランド、セイナヨキ 1960 ∼ 1965

In 1958, an architectural competition was organized for the overhead vaulted ceiling, a row of slender concrete pillars along
design of Seinäjoki’s city hall, and the library was one part of the curved edge of the book pit creates a “space within a space.”
the competition program.1 The city’s present administrative and The play of light from the louvers in front of the clerestory
cultural Aalto Center formed over several phases.2 window enlivens the hall.
Marking the southern edge of Kansalaistori Square, the library Details and materials express the hierarchy and character of the
building has a low, rectangular, white outline that defines a library’s various functions: specially designed lamps emphasize
counterpart to the sculptural city hall. A horizontal band of the reading spots and the customer service point, while child-size
vertical louvers covers the strip windows and highlights the Artek stools and tables serve the library’s smaller users.
library’s simple appearance on the front façade, while the south- A new library building, linked to Aalto’s library via an
facing side of the library has a softly curving fan shape.3 Wide underground connecting passage, was completed in 2012. A
horizontal louvers placed in front of the windows in the upper subtle restoration was completed in 2015.4 If the library’s book
part of the façade prevent scorching sunlight from entering the pit was a place of silence and concentration in the original library,
main library hall. now the entire Aalto building, with its “architectural silence,”
The library’s main entrance opens toward the main lending forms a serene counterpart to the bustling activities of the new
desk. From there the library patrons access the adult lending building.
department, that is, the fan-shaped main library hall and
reference library (the present-day reading room). Next to the
newspaper reading room is a corridor with offices. In the opposite
direction are the rooms of the children’s library. Notes:
The small book pit provides a quiet place for reading, with a 1. There was no clear winner in the competition, but in the runoff, Alvar Aalto
emerged as the winner. Already in the 1920s, Aalto had designed a civil
curved reading table that was assembled from triangular parts. guards house for Seinäjoki, and in the 1950s he was commissioned to design
Table lamps help concentrate the light on the essential aspects the city’s main church. Jaakko Penttilä / Alvar Aalto Säätiö, Seinäjoen
of the space – the pages of the books and the act of reading. On kulttuuri- ja hallintokeskus. Rakennushistoriallinen selvitys [Seinäjoki
top of the book pit balustrade, a work top with reading lamps Cultural and Administrative Center: a building-historical report], 2004,
encourages patrons to peruse the books. pp. 26, 47.
2. The first building to be completed by the Kansalaistori [citizens’ square] was
The ceiling of the lending hall is unique in its complexity. Tall the church (1960, the parish center extension 1966), followed by the city
clerestory windows extend all the way to the curved concrete hall (1962) and then the library and civic offices (1968). A theater was added
ceiling, and the light is reflected from the vaults onto both the to the building ensemble in 1987.
bookshelf walls and the rest of the space. A second, lower vault 3. Jaakko Penttilä has characterized this as a “Bremen-type wall,” in reference
rises from the book pit toward the wall of the entrance area, to the fan-shaped form of the Aalto-designed Neue Vahr apartment block in
Bremen, Germany.
and a clerestory window above the lending desk brings natural 4. The new library building was designed by Architects JKMM, while the
light into the space from the other direction. Together with the restoration of the library was planned by Mustonen Architects.

1958 年にセイナヨキ市庁舎の設計競技が開 ルーバーが設置されており、図書館本館ホー に光を集中させる。ブックピットの手摺上 間をつくりだしている。ルーバーの光と影の
催されたが、この図書館はそのプログラム ルの日射による日焼けを防いでいる。 には読書灯を備えたカウンターがあり、こ 戯れはホールを活気づける。
に含まれていた 1。アアルト・センターは、 正面玄関はメインの貸出カウンターに向 こで利用者は読書に没頭することができる。 機能のヒエラルキーや性質はディテールと素
現在は同市の行政文化施設であり、いくつ かって開いている。図書館の利用者はこの 貸出ホールの天井は複雑にデザインされた。 材によって表現されている。特別にデザイン
かの段階を経て形成された 2。 場所から、大人用の貸出コーナーである扇 壁上部の高窓は曲面コンクリート天井まで されたランプは読書用の場所と案内カウン
図書館の建物は、カンサライストリ広場の 形の図書館本館ホールと閲覧用の図書室(現 広がり、光はヴォールト天井から本棚と空 ターを強調する。図書館を利用する小さな人
南端に位置している。長方形の低く白い外 在の読書室)へとアクセスできる。新聞閲覧 間に反射する。2 つ目の低いヴォールト天井 たちのために、アルテック社製の子供サイズ
形は彫刻的な市庁舎と対をなしている。図 室の隣は事務室と廊下で、反対側は児童用 は、ブックピットから入口エリアの壁面に向 のスツールとテーブルが製作された。
書館の正面ファサード側のシンプルな外観 図書室とされた。 かって上昇する。貸出カウンター上部には反 2012 年に完成した新しい図書館はアアル
は、帯状の窓を覆う垂直ルーバーが水平に 小さなブックピットは読書のための静かな 対方向から自然光をとりこむための高窓がつ ト図書館と地下道でつながっている。2015
並ぶことで強調されている。図書館の南側 空間をもたらす。曲線状の読書テーブルは いている。ブックピットのカーヴのついた端 年にはアアルト図書館のわずかな修復作業
に面した側面は柔らかな曲線を描く扇形に 三角形のパーツで構成される。テーブルラ 部に沿って細長いコンクリート柱が並び、頭 が完了した 4。オリジナルの図書館において
された 3。ファサード上部、窓の前には水平 ンプは、本の頁と読書という本質的な部分 上のヴォールト天井と相まって空間の中の空 ブックピットが静寂と集中の場であったと

すれば、修復後の図書館においては、「建築 区センター増築は 1966 年)、次いで市庁舎 Credits and Data
的な静寂」をもつアアルト図書館と新館のに (1962 )、図書館と市民センター(1968 )で Project title: Aalto Library in Seinäjoki
ぎやかさが対を成している。 (松本晴子訳) あった。 1987 年には劇場が加わり、施設全
Client: Seinäjoki City
Location: Seinäjoki, Finland
Design: 1960
原註: 3. ヤーッコ・ペンティラは、アアルトが Completion: 1965
1.  こ の 設 計 競 技 で は 明 確 な 勝 者 は で ず、 設計したドイツ、ブレーメンにある集合住 Architect: Alvar Aalto
その後の決選設計競技でアアルトの勝利が 宅(ノイエ・ヴァール)の扇形にちなんで、
Design team: Jaakko Suihkonen, Leif Englund
Project team: Lauri Mehto (structural engineering), Architects Mustonen Ltd.
決まった。アアルトは、1920 年代にはすで これを「ブレーメン型の壁」と表現している。
(renovation, 2015)
にセイナヨキ市の市民防衛隊の施設を設計 4. 新図書館は JKMM アルッキテヘディト Project area: 1,600 m2
しており、また 1950 年代には街の中心的な によって設計された。図書館の修復はムス
教会の設計を委託されていた。 トネン・アルッキテヘディトが計画した。
2. カンサライストーリ(市民の広場)によ
り最初に完成した建物は、教会(1960 、教

pp. 92–93: Bookshelves run along the
outer walls of the lending hall, while
freestanding bookshelves are placed
radially. pp. 94–95: Ground-floor plan.
pp. 96–97, top: Transverse section.
Opposite, bottom: Light study section.

92 ∼ 93 頁:貸出ホールの外壁に沿って本
94 ∼ 95 頁:地上階平面図。96 ∼ 97 頁、上:

This page: Exterior louvers filter the
incoming sunlight. Opposite: Book
pit in the center. Brass table lamps
between triangular tables.


Opposite: Concrete ceiling vault. This
page, top: Library sketch. This page,
bottom: Plan and section of book pit.


Opposite, top: Book pit. Opposite,
bottom left: Movable index file
cabinet. Opposite, bottom middle:
“Blueberry lamps” between the tables.
Opposite, bottom right: Reading
ledge on top of the balustrade. This
page, top: Sections and elevation of
reading tables and lamps. This page,
middle and bottom: Detail drawing of
movable file cabinet.

左頁、上:ブックピット。左頁、左下: 可

This page, top: Site plan. This page,
bottom: Aerial view of library, with
town hall and church visible in the


Rovaniemi City Library
Rovaniemi, Finland 1961–19661
フィンランド、ロヴァニエミ 1961 ∼ 19661

In the 1950s, the master plan for Rovaniemi reserved an 1950 年代、ロヴァニエミ市中心部南側の街 ビーの通路を構成する。円形の天窓は講義

entire city block south of the city center for cultural and local 区は、文化施設と地方自治体施設のための 室やクラブルームに自然光を注ぐ。貸出カ

government public buildings – the area where the library, マスタープランに確保され、アルヴァ・ア ウンター上部にはプレート状の吊り天井を

theater, and town hall designed by Alvar Aalto are located.2 A アルトの設計による図書館・劇場・市庁舎 貫く細長い天窓がある。天井上端には間接

shared entrance square was created between the town hall and が配置された 2。 3 つの建物の間には共有の 照明もあり、図書館の中央部分を明るく照

theater, in front of the library, which has a polymorphic wing 入口広場がつくられた。図書館を擁する多 らしている。
that extends out into the square. A special roof form highlights 形棟は広場に張りだし、主要空間となる図 図書館ホールでは、高窓が扇形部分のくぼ
its main space, the library hall. 書館ホールは特別な屋根形状で強調された。 み周囲を包みこみ、光の帯が空間全体のか
The library is functionally and spatially divided into 2 parts. In 図書館は機能空間的に 2 部に分かれている。 たちを浮きだす。カーブした天井は本棚や
the low rectangular wing are club rooms, a newspaper reading 低い矩形の棟には、クラブルーム・新聞閲 ブックピットに向かって自然光を間接的に
room, offices, research rooms, and an exhibition space. Flanking 覧室・事務室・研究員室・展示スペースが 反射させる。
this wing is a taller fan-shaped volume, divided radially into 5 ある。その両脇には放射状に 5 分割された背 このブックピットは読書のための静かな隠
parts, which houses the lending hall. The clerestory windows の高い扇形のヴォリュームがあり、貸出ホー れ家を提供する。本棚は手摺上端まで伸び
of the lending hall emphasize the hierarchical significance of ルが入っている。貸出ホール壁上部の高窓 ており、この空間には本が並んでいる。相
the space, and especially during the dark winter days, they はこの空間のヒエラルキーを強調しており、 互に組み合わされた三角形テーブルは真鍮
form a strip that illuminates the public square. In front of the 特に冬の暗い日には広場を照らす帯のよう のテーブル・ランプで照らされる。この図
rectangular wing a canopy extends the length of the entire になる。長方形棟の前でキャノピーが張り 書館のためのランプとしてデザインされた
façade and ends in the fan-shaped section of the building,
だし、ファサード全体が図書館の正面玄関 モデルがいくつかあったが、アルテック社
where the library’s main entrance is located. The façades of the
のある扇形部分まで拡張される。ファサー のランプや、もともとセイナヨキ図書館の
building are clad with Aalto’s rod-shaped porcelain tiles.
ドはアアルトがデザインしたロッド状磁器 ためにデザインされたランプも使用された 3。
Different functions mark the library’s internal landscape. The
タイルで覆われている。 夕刻になると、ロヴァニエミ図書館はラン
lending desk is the functional and spatial heart of the building,
図書館内部のランドスケープはそれぞれの タンのように輝く。これを学識の光と見る
the “central piazza.” From the lending counter there is an
機能に応じて構成されている。貸出カウン こともできるだろう。 (松本晴子訳)
unobstructed view of the entire library hall, which consists of
3 separate book pits. While the spaces have varying heights,
from the low lobby space and low suspended ceiling above the あり、いわば中央広場である。貸出カウン 原註:

lending desk, to the library hall where the ceiling, walls and ターからは、3 つに分かれたブックピットで 1. 1965 年に竣工し開館したが、実際に利

connecting clerestory windows seem to stretch upward, as the 構成される図書館ホールを一望できる。貸 用が開始されたのは翌年からであった。

floor level presses downward into the book pits. 出カウンター上の低いロビー空間と低い吊 2. アルヴァ・アアルトは、第二次世界大
The clerestory windows and skylights in each space convey their り天井から図書館ホールまで、空間の高さ 戦でほぼ完全に破壊しつくされたロヴァ

own character. Elongated transverse skylights help structure the は様々である。図書館ホールにおいて、天井・ ニエミの戦後復興に携わっていた。劇場と
lobby passageway, while circular skylights provide natural light 壁・接続する高窓は上方に伸びるように見 音楽院からなるラッピア・ハウスは、複数
for the lecture rooms and club rooms. Above the lending desk えるが、床面はブックピットに向かって下 段 階 に 分 け て 建 設 さ れ た( 1961 、 1972 、
is an elongated skylight that pierces the plate-like suspended 降している。 1975)。1988 年にはエリッサ・アアルトの
ceiling. At the upper edge of the ceiling is also indirect lighting, 各スペースにある壁上部の高窓と天窓はそ 監督のもとで市庁舎が竣工した。
which illuminates the central area. れぞれ独自の性質をもつ。横長の天窓はロ 3. 英文参照。
In the library hall, the clerestory windows wrap around the
indented edges of the fan-shaped section, the strip of light
revealing the shape of the entire space. The curved ceiling
indirectly reflects the natural light toward the bookshelves and
into the book pits. Notes:
1. The building was inaugurated and completed in 1965, but not open for use
As the book pits offer quiet retreats for reading, the bookshelves until the following year.
extend to the upper edge of the balustrade, so the space is lined 2. Alvar Aalto had been involved in the post–World War II reconstruction of
with books. Interconnected triangular tables are lit with brass Rovaniemi, a city that had been almost destroyed during the war. Lappia
table lamps. Several models of lamps were designed especially House, comprising a theater and music institute, was built in several stages
for the library, but Artek’s lamps and lamps originally designed (1961, 1972, and 1975). The town hall, designed under the direction of
Elissa Aalto, completed the block in 1988.
for Seinäjoki Library also were used.3 3. Päivi Lukkarinen, Aalto Lapissa: Alvar Aallon Lapin tuotanto = Aalto in
In the evening, Rovaniemi Library shines like a lantern – one Lapland: Alvar Aalto’s Work in Lapland (Jyväskylä: Atena Kustannus, 1998),
could think of it as the bright light of erudition. p. 84.

pp. 106–107: Library hall exterior.
This page, top: Ground-floor plan.
Opposite, bottom left: Aerial view of
Rovaniemi City Hall (1988) in the
foreground, Rovaniemi City Library in
the middle, and Lappia House (1975)
in the background. Opposite, bottom
right: Main entrance. Photo by Aaro
Artto. p. 110–111: Sections.

106 ∼ 107 頁:図書館ホール、外観。本頁、

110 ∼ 111 頁:断面図。

pp. 112–113: One of 3 separate book
pits, with the lending and information
desk visible in the background.
Opposite: Bookshelves extend to the
top of the parapet in the book pit.
This page: A wide work top, with
rounded edges, is placed on top of the
balustrades for reading.

112 ∼ 113 頁: 3 つに分かれたブックピッ


Credits and Data
Project title: Rovaniemi City Library
Client: Rovaniemi City
Location: Rovaniemi, Finland
Design: 1961
Completion: 1966
Architect: Alvar Aalto
Design team: Paavo Mänttäri, Matti Porkka
Project team: Magnus Malmberg (consulting)
Project area: 4,911 m2

pp. 116–117, top: Detail section of
clerestory window. p. 116, bottom:
A curved ceiling reflects natural
light into the interior. This page, top:
Entrance hall skylight. This page,
bottom: Stairs connect the main
entrance hall to the music library in
the basement.

116 ∼ 117 頁、上:天窓詳細断面図。116 頁、


Nordic House Library
Reykjavík, Iceland 1963–1968
アイスランド、レイキャビク 1963 ∼ 1968

Nordic House is located on the outskirts of Reykjavik’s city ノルディック・ハウスはレイキャヴィクの 屋根のプリズム型の天窓はブックピットの

center, near the University of Iceland and the wetland area of 中心街の外れに位置しており、近くにはア 真上にあり、その重要性を強調するととも

Vatnsmýr, from where an artificial pond was directed to the イスランド大学やヴァトンスミル湿地帯が に、空間の中心に自然光をとり込んでいる。

front of the building.1 Rising up from the white single-storey ある。湿地帯から建物の正面まで人工池の 長方形と不規則なかたちとの対話が興味深

base, the upper storey has a meandering roofline that echoes 水が引かれていた 1。白い平屋の基礎から上 い緊張感を生みだしている 2。

the undulating contour of the surrounding landscape. The upper 層階が立ちあがり、周囲の風景の起伏に呼 照明と家具はこの図書館のデザインの重要
floor, with its façades clad in Alvar Aalto’s well-known cobalt- 応するように蛇行した屋根線が聳える。ア な要素である。アアルトの白い「ハンドグレ
blue, rod-shaped tiles, highlights the heart of the building, ルヴァ・アアルトの代表作であるコバルト ネード」ペンダント・ランプがブックピット
which houses the library and event hall. ブルーのロッド型タイルで覆われた上層階 の上に浮かび、黒いペンダント・ランプは
Nordic House is a multipurpose building, with most of its floor は、建物の中心である図書館とイヴェント・ 貸出デスクを照らしている。多角形の連結
area reserved for the library. In addition, there is an events hall ホールを際立たせている。 可能な閲覧テーブルには銅製の読書灯が固
that can be combined with the library, as well as a ground-floor ノルディック・ハウスは多目的施設である 定されている。固定式の家具はノルディッ
exhibition space, restaurant, and offices. が、床面積の大半を図書館が占める。さらに、 ク・ハウスに合わせて特別にデザインされ
From the polymorphic foyer, one steps into the tall and light- 図書館と合体可能なイヴェント・ホールを た 3。多くのディテールが家具の中に巧妙に
filled space of the library. Natural light enters the space from はじめ、地上階の展示スペース・レストラン・ 組みこまれている。例えば、カード目録ボッ
tall clerestory windows along the 2 long walls and from a prism- オフィスがある。 クスは貸出カウンターの構造の一部を成し
shaped skylight. Natural light is emphasized at such northern 多面形をしたフォワイエから、背が高く光 ている。
latitudes – for most of the year, the sun shines from a low
のあふれる図書館の空間へと足を踏み入れ この図書館の目的は、北欧諸国の豊富な情
vantage point.
る。2 つの長い壁に沿って穿たれた背の高い 報や出版物を提供することである。アイス
The library space itself is essentially rectangular, and lined along
高窓とプリズム型の天窓から自然光が内部 ランドの気候や景観、周辺環境を考慮した
one of the walls are small offices, the individual oblique walls
に注ぎこむ。一年の大半を太陽が低い位置 アアルトのつくりだした統一性は、アイス
of which create an important structuring element. In the center
から照らす北部の寒冷地域において、自然 ランドの本質と関連性を見事にとらえてい
of the space, the leaf-shaped book pit consists of small, almost
光は重要である。 る。 (松本晴子訳)
symmetrical wings, the middle one reserved for the stairs to
the ground-floor book storage and archives, while the side ones
provide peaceful reading places. 一面に沿って小さなオフィスが並び、斜め 原註:

Placing the roof prism directly above the book pit emphasizes になった個々の壁が重要な構造要素を創出 1. ノルディック・ハウスは、北欧 5 カ国の

its importance and brings natural light into the center of the している。空間の中央にある葉っぱのかた 各文化省をクライアントとした北欧共同プ

space. The dialogue between rectangularity and irregularity ちをしたブックピットは、ほぼ左右対称の ロジェクトの成果であった。5 カ国のいずれ

creates an interesting tension.2 小さな羽のように構成されており、中央部 かを拠点とする文化・情報センターを設立

Lighting and furniture are an important part of the design of the 分は地上階の書庫とアーカイヴへの階段に し、国家間の協力関係を強化することを目
library. Aalto’s white “hand grenade” pendant lamps float above つながり、両脇は静かな読書スペースとなっ 的としていた。
the book pit, while black ones illuminate the lending desk. The ている。 2 ∼ 3. 英文参照。
polygonal reading tables, which can be interlinked, have fixed
copper reading lamps. All the fixed furniture was designed
specifically for Nordic House.3 Many details are ingeniously 1. Nordic House was the result of a joint Nordic project in which the ministries
integrated into the furniture. For example, the card index files of culture of the 5 Nordic nations served as the clients. Their aim for the
form part of the structure of the lending desk. project was to strengthen cooperation between the nations by establishing
The aim of the library is to provide extensive information a culture and information center that would be based in one of the 5
and publications from all the Nordic countries. Aalto superbly countries.
2. Asdis Olafsdottir, “Housing Culture: The Nordic House in the Context of
created a totality that takes into consideration Iceland’s climate Alvar Aalto’s Work,” in Nordic House. Alvar Aalto. Iceland. (Reykjavik:
and landscape, as well as its surroundings, and managed to Nordic House, 1999), pp. 43–44.
preserve both Iceland’s essence and relevance. 3. Olafsdottir, “Housing Culture,” pp. 45–47.

pp. 120–121: The roofline echoes
the undulating landscape of its
surrounding mountains. This page:
Floor plan, with the library on the left.

120 ∼ 121 頁: 屋根の描く線は周囲の山々


Opposite, top: Longitudinal section.
Opposite, bottom: Site plan. This
page, bottom: The upper volume,
clad in cobalt-blue, rod-shaped tiles,
highlights the heart of the building
which houses the library and event
hall. pp. 126–127: Bookshelves define
the form of the library’s façade.

る。126 ∼ 127 頁: 図書館のファサード形

Opposite: The leaf-shaped book pit
in the center of the space consists of
small, almost symmetrical wings.
This page: Roof prism above the book
pit. p. 130: Skylight detail section.
p. 131: In-between spaces between
bookshelves create intimate reading
places. p. 132, top: Triangular tables
for reading. p. 132, bottom: Close-up
of the brass reading lamp.

左頁: 空間中央にある葉型のブックピット
プリズム。130 頁:天窓詳細断面図。131 頁:
した読書空間をつくりだす。132 頁、上:
読書用の三角テーブル。132 頁、下: 真鍮

Credits and Data
Project title: Nordic House Library
Client: Nordic Council of Ministers
Location: Reykjavík, Iceland
Design: 1963
Completion: 1968
Architect: Alvar Aalto
Design team: Ilona Lehtinen, Elissa Aalto, Pirkko Söderman
Project team: Bragi Sigurthórsson (structural engineering)
Project area: 925 m2

Aalto University Learning Center
Espoo, Finland 1964–1970
フィンランド、エスポー 1964 ∼ 1970

The library building, recently renamed Harald Herlin Learning “strips.” On the reading room side, another elongated clerestory
Center, is in the heart of the university campus. Its elongated window brings in natural light that falls indirectly into the space
volume runs parallel to the old tree-lined axis that marks along a curved concrete surface. A row of elongated skylights
the edge of the campus’s central green area, along with the illuminates the bookshelves, as well as the area of reading
university’s former main building. These 2 red-brick buildings tables. There are no windows toward the street side, thus
are the hallmarks of the campus. eliminating any distracting views from the reading places.1
The building comprises 2 functionally different parts: the library The extensive renovation of the library building, where the
facilities and the office wing. This division can also be seen in previously closed underground book storage floors were
the exterior volume and the façades. While the library section is upgraded and brought into use, was completed in 2016.2
largely an enclosed volume, the office wing, with its horizontal Changes are visible on the lower floors of the library building,
strip windows, is comparable to the adjacent main building. while the library hall was largely preserved in the renovation.
With its modern character, the library carries references to
ancient architecture, the most visible being the marble cladding
on the façade that faces the park and the marble strips above
the main entrance, where the name of the library has been
carved in a manner reminiscent of ancient monuments.
The light-filled lobby can be accessed from both the street and
park sides, with the library’s main spaces concentrated on the
upper floor. Two staircases lead the visitor to the upper floor
along a route both intuitive and solemn.
The room heights, ceiling forms, and different lighting solutions
all play an important role in structuring the space of the
main floor. From the window wall, views open outward to the
park. Adjacent to the wall, a low ceiling has groups of lamps
suspended from it – the original location of the card index files.
In the next zone, by the circulation route, the space continues 1. Jaakko Penttilä, “Building Alma Mater. Alvar Aalto and the Otaniemi
at the same height, but now the ceiling is perforated by rows Campus,” in Alvar Aalto. Architect: Volume 13. University of Technology,
of circular skylights. Above the lending desk, in the core of the Otaniemi 1949–74, ed. Mia Hipeli Helsinki: Alvar Aalto Foundation / Alvar
library hall, a clerestory window reflects natural light downward Aalto Academy, 2008, pp, 50–51.
via a curved vault. The desk is also illuminated by a series of 2. The alterations were part of a wider reform stemming from the formation of
the new Aalto University. Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki School
suspended lamps. of Economics, and the University of Art and Design Helsinki merged to form
In the ceiling of the passageway between the lending area and Aalto University in 2010. The restoration and remodeling of the library were
the reading room, the skylights have elongated transverse designed by Arkkitehdit NRT Oy.

pp. 134–135: Aalto University 134 ∼ 135 頁:アールト大学ラーニング・
Learning Center lies at the center of センターは、オタニエミ・キャンパスの中
the Otaniemi campus. The elongated 核に位置する。細長い図書館棟は、古い並
volume of the main library runs 木道の軸と平行に走り、キャンパス中央の
parallel to the old tree-lined axis 緑地端にある。本頁:地上階平面図。
and marks the edge of the campus’s
central green area. This page: Ground-
floor plan.

This page: Second-floor plan.

本頁:2 階平面図。

This page, top: West elevation. This
page, bottom: Site plan, with the
library on the right.


図書館の建物は大学キャンパスの中心部に 照する。公園に面したファサードの大理石 によって同じ高さの空間が続くが、ここで 図書館棟の大規模改修は 2016 年に完了し、
位置しているが、最近になりハラルド・ヘ の皮膜と正面玄関上部の大理石の長細いパ は天井に穴が穿たれて円形の天窓が列をな これまで閉鎖されていた地下の書庫フロア
ルリン学習センターと改称された。細長い ネルに顕著で、ここには図書館名があたか している。貸出カウンターの上方、図書館 が刷新された 2。この改修において、図書館
ボリュームは、旧本館とともに、キャンパ も古代遺跡かのように刻まれている。 ホールの中心部には天窓があり、そこから 棟の低層階に変更が加えられた一方、建物
スの中央緑地帯の端部を示す古い並木道の 図書館の主要スペースは上層階に集中して 曲線状のヴォールト天井を介して自然光が の最上階にある図書館ホールの大部分は修
軸線と平行に走っている。これら 2 つの赤 いる。光あふれるロビーは通り側と公園側 下方へ反射する。貸出カウンターもまた吊 復保存された。 (松本晴子訳)
煉瓦建物はキャンパスのシンボルとなって の両方からアクセスできる。2 つの階段は直 り下げ式のランプによって照らされている。
いる。 感的であると同時に壮麗さをもつルートに 貸出エリアと閲覧室の間にある通路の天井 原註:
この建物は、図書館施設とオフィス棟とい 沿って訪問者を上層階へと導く。 には天窓が設けられており、細長い横長の 1. 英文参照。
う、機能的に異なる 2 部分から構成されてい メイン・フロアの空間構成では、部屋の高さ・ 「帯」となる。閲覧室側にも壁上に細長い高 2. この改修はアアルト大新設に端を発し
る。こうした区分は外部のヴォリュームと 天井の形状・多様な照明器具が重要な役割 窓があり、湾曲したコンクリート面に沿っ たより広範な改革の一環である。2010 年に、
ファサードにも表れている。図書館部門は を担っている。窓側の壁からは公園に向かっ て、空間のなかに自然光が間接的に降りそ ヘルシンキ工科大学、ヘルシンキ経済大学、
大部分が密閉されたヴォリュームとなって て視界が開けている。壁に隣接する低い天 そぐ。細長い天窓の列は書架と読書テーブ ヘルシンキ芸術デザイン大学が合併するこ
いる。オフィス棟は水平方向に横長の窓を 井にはランプが列状に吊り下げられている。 ルのエリアを照らす。通路側には窓がない とで、アアルト大学が設立された。図書館
持つ点で隣接する本館と匹敵する。図書館 この場所にはもともとカード目録ボックス ため、読書スペースからの視線が気になる の修復・改造のデザインは、 NRT アルッキ
は近代的性質をもちながらも古代建築を参 が設置されていた。隣のゾーンは循環経路 ことはない 1。 テヘディト株式会社が担当した。

pp. 142–143: Library main hall. The
elongated service desk directs the
circulation of users. This page: In the
reading hall side there is a second
elongated clerestory window, where
indirect natural light is reflected down
into the hall from the curved concrete
surface. Opposite: The west end of
the main floor has bookshelves partly
arranged in a fan formation.

142 ∼ 143 頁:図書館のメインホール。細

る。本頁: 閲覧ホール側には細長い天窓が

This page, top left: The reading room
with clerestory windows and skylights
is the tallest in the library. This page,
top right: Seating under the skylights.
This page, bottom: During the library
building renovation, previously
closed book storages were used for
the learning center and given a
contemporary look. Opposite: Library


Opposite: Section of library hall.
This page, top: Detail drawing of the
elongated skylight.


Credits and Data

Project title: Aalto University Learning Center
Client: Helsinki University of Technology
Location: Espoo, Finland
Design: 1964
Completion: 1970
Architect: Alvar Aalto
Design team: Marjatta Kivijärvi, Ilona Lehtinen, Marja-Leena Vatara
Project team: Magnus Malmberg (consulting); Olavi Pätiälä (structural
engineering); NRT Architects / Teemu Tuomi, JKMM Architects /
Päivi Meuronen (interior); Wise Groupilta, Urpo Karesniemi (structural
engineering) (renovation, 2016)
Project area: 8,942 m2

This page, top left: Index card drawer.
This page, top right: Brass lamps
above the service desk. This page,
bottom: A pair of staircases invite
visitors to ascend from the lobby to
the main hall.


Library at the Mount Angel Abbey
Saint Benedict, United States 1964–1970
米国、セント・ベネディクト 1964 ∼ 1970

Library at the Mount Angel Abbey is located on a hill The curved shape of the book pit extends almost the entire
overlooking the surrounding countryside.1 Alvar Aalto took on length of the building, with the curves repeated in the lines of
the commission of the library design for a nominal fee, citing load-bearing pillars, in the reading rails along the edges of the
his love of libraries and the impressive location of the Mount different gallery levels of the book pit, and in the rhythms of
Angel monastery.2 The library’s director, Fr. Barnabas Reasoner, the lamps on the reading rails. Here, the book pit is not a place
wrote: “He [Aalto] mentioned that libraries and the place of for reading, but rather the reading places are gathered along its
libraries in our civilization remain constant. Other activities edges.
and buildings planned for activities have a changing role, the Daylight enters from the clerestory windows in the curved
function and place of a library remains constant.”3 concrete roof vault and indirect light brightly illuminates
Located at the edge of a centrally placed park-like area, the the space. At the lower level of the book pit, the outer wall is
library is a low, wall-like yellow brick building hidden among flanked by a row of small chambers for researchers.
large trees and complements modestly the frontage of the
monastery’s older buildings. The library follows the edge of the
hill and, seen from the lower part of the slope, it looks like a
fortress wall several storeys tall.
In Mount Angel’s library, as in many of his other libraries, Aalto
combined a rectangular form with a fan form. The rectangular
part comprises the main entrance foyer, a small lecture hall,
and study rooms. While the 3-level library space, with its open
bookshelves, draws the most attention, the asymmetrical fan, Notes:
1. The monastery and priest seminary were founded by Benedictine monks in
stepped on the outer edge, dominates the floor plan. the late 19th century. In 1926, the entire monastery was destroyed in a fire.
In the main entrance hall, the library’s. multistorey interior Plans to build a new library were set in motion in the early 1960s. Mount
becomes immediately apparent. One arrives at an interior Angel Abbey, Saint Benedict, Oregon, “The Aalto Library at Mount Angel
landscape, as if on the summit of a hill, from where one Abbey,”
descends gradually downward, following the edge of the slope. 2. Mount Angel Abbey, Saint Benedict, Oregon, “The Aalto Architecture,”
Located at the center of the fan and curve, the library’s service 3. Fr. Barnabas Reasoner’s travel report was published in the Mount Angel
point is “protected” by the ceiling plane, but at the same time Abbey Library Bulletin in March 1966. “Fr. Barnabas’ Helsinki Report,”
illuminated by circular skylights.

This page: Alvar Aalto in Mount Angel

Abbey. Photo courtesy of Alvar Aalto


pp. 000–000: dummy text dummy text
dummy text dummy text dummy text
dummy text dummy text dummy text
dummy text dummy text dummy text
dummy text dummy text dummy text

000 ∼ 000 頁:ダミーダミーダミーダミー


pp. 152–153: Library as part of the hill 152 ∼ 153 頁:丘のランドスケープの一部
landscape. This page, top: Aerial view としてデザインされた図書館。本頁、上:
of the library and monastery area. 図書館と修道院、空撮。本頁、下:黄色い
This page, bottom: The low, yellow- 煉瓦でつくられた壁のような低い図書館棟
brick, wall-like shape of the library は、大きな木々の間に隠れている。修道院
hides among the large trees. Like other の他建物と同様に、図書館も中央公園広場
buildings at the monastery, the library の 端 に 位 置 し て い る。 右 頁、 上: 図 書 館
is located at the edge of a central park ス ケ ッ チ。 右 頁、 下: 図 書 館 ホ ー ル 平 面
square. Opposite, top: Library sketch. スケッチ。
Opposite, bottom: Library hall plan

This page: Entrance-level floor plan.


マウント・エンジェル修道院は周囲の田園 形と曲線の中心に位置しており、天井面に
地帯を見下ろす丘の上に立つ 1。アルヴァ・ よって「保護」されながら、同時に円形の天
アアルトは、彼自身が図書館好きであった 窓によって照らされている。
ことと、マウント・エンジェル修道院の素 ブックピットの曲線は建物のほぼ全長にわ
晴らしい敷地を理由として、わずかな報酬 たる。この曲線は、耐力柱のライン、ブッ
で図書館の設計を引き受けた 2。図書館長で クピットの様々の高さの桟敷席の縁沿いに
「彼(ア 設置された読書用手摺、そして手摺上のラ
アルト)は、我々の文明において、図書館 ンプのリズムによって反復される。ここに
とその場所は不変であると語っていた。そ おいて、ブックピットは読書のための場所
れ以外の活動や活動のために計画された建 ではなくなり、こうした端部に読書のため
物は役割を変えてしまう。それに引きかえ、 の場所が集められている。
図書館の機能と場所は不変である」と書き記 日差しは曲線状のコンクリート製ヴォール
している 3。 ト屋根の高窓から差しこみ、そうした光と
図書館は中央に配置された公園のような場 間接照明が空間を明るく照らしている。ブッ
所端部に位置する。低い壁のような黄色い クピットの下層部において、外壁の脇に小
煉 瓦 建 物 は 大 き な 木 々 の 間 に 隠 れ て お り、 さな研究室が並べて配置されている。
修道院の古い建物の前面部分を控えめに引 (松本晴子訳)
てられており、斜面の下側から見ると、数 原註:
階分の高さのある要塞の壁のように見える。 1. 19 世 紀 後 半 に ベ ネ デ ィ ク ト 派 の 修 道
マ ウ ン ト・ エ ン ジ ェ ル 図 書 館 に お い て は、 士 に よ っ て 設 立 さ れ た 修 道 院 と 司 祭 学 校。
他の多くの図書館と同様に、アアルトは長 1926 年 の 火 災 で 修 道 院 全 体 が 焼 失 し た。
方形と扇形を組みあわせている。長方形部 1960 年代前半に新しい図書館の建設計画が
分は、正面玄関のフォワイエ、小さな講堂、 動き始めた。
勉強部屋で構成されている。最も重視され 2 ∼ 3. 英文参照。
たのが開架式の書架が並ぶ 3 層分の図書館ス
This page: Longitudinal and transverse
方へと下っていく。図書館の案内窓口は扇 本頁:長手・短手断面図。

Credits and Data

Project title: Library at the Mount Angel Abbey
Client: Order of Saint Benedict
Location: Saint Benedict, Oregon, United States
Design: 1964
Completion: 1970
Architect: Alvar Aalto
Design team: Erik T. Vartiainen
Project team: De Mars and Wells (local architect), Stefan J Medwadowski
(structural engineering)
Project area: 3,995 m2

pp. 160–161: Daylight from clerestory of the book pit connect the different
windows of the curved concrete levels.
vault illuminates the book pit. pp.
162–163: The service point lit by 160 ∼ 161 頁: コ ン ク リ ー ト 製 ヴ ォ ー ル
circular skylights overlooks the fan- トの採光窓からの日差しがブックピットを
shaped library hall. Opposite: Library 照 ら す。162 ∼ 163 頁: 円 形 の 天 窓 に 照
space spread across 3 levels. This らされた案内所から扇形の図書館ホールを
page, top: Small windows between 見下ろす。左頁:図書館空間は 3 層からな
the bookshelves offer a view to the る。本頁、上:本棚の間の小窓からランド
landscape. This page, bottom left: スケープを望む。本頁、左下:斜面やその
Windows of the small research- 先のランドスケープに面した研究者用の小
study chambers overlook the slope さな勉強部屋の窓。閲覧室や他空間と同様
and beyond to the landscape. Artek にアルテックの家具が置かれる。本頁、右
furniture is used in the reading room 下:各階をつなぐブックピットの両端にあ
and other spaces of the library. This る階段。
page, bottom right: Stairs at each end

This page: Small lecture hall next to
the entrance.


Announcement of Results:
Hosts: Yoshioka-Bunko Foundation, Shinkenchiku-sha

─ Spatial design for well-being ─

Overall Review: The Potential and Challenges Around Architectural and Urban Design Using Data

For this year’s competition, we clearly stated method that is, the procedure of reading the Data that connects architecture to the city
in the application guidelines that “the logic site, developing a concept, and designing the It seems to me that this competition review
of how data analysis is incorporated into the space and asks, “what kind of data can be process from finalizing the details of the
space will be evaluated.” The reason for this collected if there is an architectural structure application guidelines, such as the theme, to
is that while the use of data has recently been with a function of 〇〇 in that space?” We creating the website and flyers, to actually
advocated in various fields, the architectural evaluated this proposal for how it connected reviewing the submitted proposals has once
and urban fields are clearly lagging behind to the potential of spatial design by imagining again revealed the potential of big data in
in this respect. While we have managed to the data that might be collected, if the architecture and urban design, as well as
analyze urban big data and extract activity function of a kitchen were to be placed in its difficulties. Coincidentally, something
patterns, there are still few examples where various locations within the city. happened during this period. A faculty
spaces are designed and proposed based The third prize was awarded to “Japan in member with a background in architectural
on the results of these analyses. In such a 2084,” a proposal that links the issue of design gave his students an assignment on
situation, this competition was not limited privacy to urban space. In urban space in the “spatial design using data.” After explaining
to evaluations of aesthetics, such as beautiful distant future, where all human behavior the outline of the large-scale data to be used
drawings and perspectives. Instead, we wanted will be predicted and regulated by data, it is in the assignment, the instructor told all the
to solicit ideas that could break through this important to create a singularity where data students to make a proposal or design. The
point, even if they were proposals that used is not taken. The experience of such non- instructor gave no further advice ─ or more
fictitious data. In other words, we did not optimization may lead to a change in people’s accurately, was unable to give any further
want the contestants to compete in terms of behavior. Although this is a dystopian advice ─ and the students, who had never
“technique,” but rather “imagination and proposal for a data surveillance society often touched or analyzed data before, were simply
creativity” towards architecture and the city, featured in science fiction, we evaluated it confused.
working on the premise of scientific analysis. highly for how it sought to improve society Roughly speaking, the architectural design
Although all of the winning proposals may through spatial design according to this process involves reading the site, developing
be inferior to the other entries in terms of worldview. a concept, and then working on a concrete
expressive techniques, I thought that the design. However, the more one stays
In contrast to these top three proposals, the
top proposal in particular fully considered inside the field, the less one realizes that a
the potential of urban big data for space. two honorable mentions lagged behind a little large part of such architectural and urban
In the case of the first prize winner, “Joy, in terms of the logic behind their use of data. design education actually depends on the
Anger, Sorrow, Pleasure, and Emotional One is “Flood Control City Planning,” architectural design literacy of the students.
Forecasting,” the simple idea of dividing a proposal on how to consider local flood For example, let’s say you read the context of
a city into 500-meter meshes succeeded in control based on image analysis of satellite a site and see that there is a need for a library
linking a proposal that would have tended to there. Students of architecture and urban
data, while the other is “@Watering City,”
remain at the abstract level of social media design have accumulated information on the
analysis to the city block level. The fact that a proposal on how to efficiently cool a city by design and historical evolution of libraries,
actual data often does not include location using contemporary data to sprinkle water whether from magazines or the internet.
information, and the fact that various over it(=”uchimizu”), a concept unique to Students who are going to become architects
data are merged within the mesh so that Japanese culture. Both proposals were highly are likely to be even more sensitive to this
individuals cannot be identified, are highly evaluated for their realism, which meant information.
commendable. On the other hand, what happens when
that they could be implemented tomorrow,
In contrast, “Putting a Kitchen in the we, who have become accustomed to such
City” takes the completely opposite approach. although the ideas were not outlandishly new methodologies, try to provide education in
It reverses the customary architectural design per se. architectural and urban design using data?

Firsat Place(¥500,000)
Joy, Anger, Sorrow, Pleasure, and Emotional Forecasting
Isao Naoi(Kajima Design,Japan)

Second Place(¥300,000)
Putting a Kitchen in the City:
What Role Can A Single Function Play in the City?
Harunori Fujii+Yumi Togashi(Marmaru architects,Japan)

Third Place(¥100,000)
Japan in 2084 Judeg: Yuji Yoshimura
Kohei Douke+Shoya Ishiguro(Nikken Sekkei)+
Born in Aichi Prefecture / 2001 Moved to Spain / Ph.D
Koki Komatsu(Nikken Ssekkei Research Institute,Japan)
in Information, Communication and Audiovisual Media
Technology, Pompeu Fabra University / Worked at
Honerable Mentions(¥50,000) Barcelona Urban Ecology Agency, Center for Innovation
@Watering City in Transport (CENIT), and researcher at Massachusetts
Institute of Technology / 2019 Project Associate
Kotono Nagata+Akiko Ishimoto+Nanako Murakami+
Professor at the Research Center for Advanced Science
Seigo Ito(Takenaka Corporation,Japan)
and Technology (RCAST) at the University of Tokyo:
Scientific Advisor, Louvre Museum, Scientific Advisor
Flood Control City Planning to The Municipal Institute of Information Technology
Yuta Matsuno(Office of Yasushi Onodera)+Mika Watanabe(Mitsubishi Jisho Design,Japan) (IMI), Barcelona City Council

Students have no knowledge of spatial design question, I was coincidentally able to catch emerged. The architects were also responsible
using data, and neither do the teachers who a glimpse of a hint during the preparation for visualizing this data (for the former, see,
teach them. As a result, as shown above, for this year’s competition. The competition for example, “A Plan for Tokyo, 1960,” and for
the same method is used as in conventional for new architectural housing has a long the latter, “Tokaido Megalopolis Concept”). In
design education, producing a situation in history, and since it fell to me, who stands other words, the seeds for many of the issues
which students come to a standstill because between architecture, urbanism, and digital I wanted to raise in the field of architecture
they do not know how to use data, and what technology, to take charge of the jury, I and urbanism in this competition, and many
to design. digitized all the winning entries and the jury’s of the things I thought should be done in the
It is not as simple as thinking that it would comments from the competition, which has future, had been planted by Tange in the 1960s.
be sufficient to present examples and case been continuously held since 1965, and made Arata Isozaki served on the jury in 1975 for
studies of spatial design using data. To begin them available online. It is a wonder that “My Superstars’ Home,” and he was dismayed
with, there is no accumulation of case studies such an archive did not exist before, and I at the difference in quality between domestic
in this field that could be used as references. think this was an important phase in terms of and foreign entries, commenting that he
If this were the case, it would be simpler to how the role played by this competition in the was put in mind of “the disastrous state of
outsource the data analysis to a data scientist, history of architecture was visualized. architectural education in Japan.” In response,
and create a spatial design based on the As part of this process, I had the opportunity Takefumi Aida wrote that “this is the end of
results of this analysis. Data is a raw input. As to reread the proposals and selected works the Shinkenchiku competition”(issue 7512).
with models and sketches, the more you touch from 1966, when Kenzo Tange was a member Nearly 50 years have passed since then, and it
the data with your own hands, the more you of the jury, as well as the architectural and may be time for us to reconsider the state of
get a feel for it, and the more you understand urban proposals made by Tange Lab during architectural and urban design education. We
its characteristics and individuality. Few that period. What I found there was a great are at a crossroads where we should seriously
people who are pursuing architectural and surprise and discovery: the fact that Tange consider how to teach spatial design using
urban design studies would outsource models Lab collected and analyzed a vast amount of data not as a “technique,” but as “imagination
and sketches. This is because they know that urban data at the time and used the results and creativity” when contemplating
if they skip this step, they would never be of that analysis in architectural design architecture and cities. (Yuji Yoshimura)
able to create a design in the first place.
There may be only one solution when data is
analyzed mathematically. However, there are COMPETITION DATA
Total number of registrations:117(45 domestic, 72 overseas )

countless ways to interpret this solution, and
Total number of applications: 37*1
the architect’s ability to design spaces based Breakdown of overseas registrations(18 countries and regions):
on these countless interpretations is called China 30, USA 8, Russia 4, Korea 4, Thailand 4, Singapore 3, Hong Kong
the architect’s imagination and creativity. 3, Malaysia 3, Italy 1, Australia 1, Austria 1, Greece 2, Spain 1, Germany 1,

This is why we architects and planners design France 1, Brazil 1, Vietnam 1, Mongolia 1
This competition was conducted by reviewing electronic submissions in PDF Competition website
spaces using data. If all we needed to do was
format. Entries were invalidated if the data was not attached, or was corrupted.
find the optimal solution, we could leave it
to mathematicians, physicists, and computer
scientists. Cultivating the ability to read and
Urban Competition is Continually Held
interpret such data and incorporate it into
spatial design will be the focus of future data The Yoshioka Bunko Ikueikai and Shinkenchiku will spin out this competition on the subject of cities
education in architecture and urban design. and big data as the “Urban Competition(tentative name),” and continue to invite proposals that
bring new possibilities to cities from the Shinkenchiku Residential Design Competition. We look
Kenzo Tange as data scientist
forward to your participation as we explore the future of the city, amid the development of digital
How can we nurture such a sensibility?
technology and shifts in social structure. Details will be announced at a later date.
While there is no clear answer to this

First Place
Isao Naoi(Kajima Design,Japan)
Joy, Anger, Sorrow, Pleasure, and Emotional Forecasting
In 2010, Johan Bollen and others published that
the ups and downs of tranquility appeared to
anticipate the fluctuations of the Dow Jones
Industrial Average, based on a study that
measured the mood of society as a whole,
judging from the vocabulary contained in Twitter
This shows that it is possible to read patterns of
desire in society as a whole, beyond the thoughts
of individuals, from the tens, hundreds of
millions, and billions of pieces of big data. In a
certain sense, the general will that Rousseau
wrote about in his book The Social Contract in
the 18th century has been made visible as
something substantive by the advanced
information society of today, rather than just the
atmosphere of society.
While this plan is based on Tokyo as an example,
it can be proposed for any city in the world. It
aims to extract emotions from the vast amount
of personal expression to be found on social
media, analyze and classify them into joy,
anger, sorrow, and pleasure, and then make
them visible in the city.
Emotions expressed by people s tweets and
performances in each area are colored on the
emotional forecasting tower, while future
transitions across emotions in the area are
predicted onscreen, which has a great influence
on people s behavior, just like a weather forecast.
For example, people can choose where to go in
the next few days based on their emotions, go to
cities of joy or pleasure when they want to
cheer up, be kind when in sorrowful areas, and
take care to stay away from angry areas.
When I see myself on the screen of my
smartphone, I realize that I have become a part
of the data. (Isao Naoi)

Isao Naoi
M.S. in Construction
Engineering, Shibaura
Institute of Technology, 1991
/ 1991 onwards: Kajima

Second Place
Harunori Fujii+Yumi Togashi(Marmaru archi,Japan)
Putting a Kitchen in the City: What Role Can A Single Function Play in the City?

When we think of how cities and architecture have

been built in the past, projects such as architecture
and urban development have been executed with a
clear vision, relying on democratic certainty as their
raison d être.
On the other hand, as the usefulness of big data lies
in visualizing needs and legitimizing judgments, it
seems possible to give meaning to something that
has been impossible to address up until now: the
accumulation of trivial things, which is something
vague and indistinct.
Therefore, in this proposal, the conventional flow of
social needs → site selection → architecture is
reversed, and the order is rather architecture → site
selection → social needs.
In this proposal, without specifying any significance
or intention, we consider what kind of data can be
used and acquired when a small building called a
kitchen that anyone can use is placed throughout
Japan as something that can be used regardless of
urban or rural, individual or group, gender, or
nationality. We will then propose what kind of society
rich in diversity can be created, beyond the mature
state of our contemporary social conditions and cities.
In today s world, where both the private and public Harunori Fujii Yumi Togashi

sectors have their own deficiencies depending on the 1988 Born in Tokyo, Japan / 1990 Born in Niigata, Japan /
2015 Graduated from Nihon 2016 Graduated from Nihon
region, one of the major factors is the lack of human
University Graduate School of University Graduate School of
resources and costs. We believe that finding a role to
Science and Technology, Science and Technology,
complement these functions will contribute to a
Department of Architecture / Department of Architecture /
diversified and affluent society.          2016 Sou Fujimoto Architects / 2018 Soma Yokoi 2016 Kei Kaihoh Architects / Currently, Marmaru
(Harunori Fujii) Architects / 2021 Establishment of Marmaru architects

Third Place
Kohei Douke+Shoya Ishiguro(Nikken Sekkei)+Koki Komatsu(Nikken Sekkei Research Institute,Japan)
Japan in 2084

As a new method of designing public spaces in the

age of big data, we propose a new way of
reclaiming deviant behavior from the norm by
setting up a digital asylum.
Today, everyone carries a smart device with them,
and a vast amount of information is being captured
by governments and corporations. It is as if we are
being watched by Little Brother. Through Little
Brother, governments and corporations know what
we are doing, what we are feeling, and can even
largely predict what we are going to do next. We
tend to blindly follow the optimized behavior that
Little Brother suggests, which means that
deviations from the norm and coincidences are lost
父さん、会社は? in the city. This means that one of the most
appealing things about cities is the ability to get
lost. I envision a future society of hyper surveillance.
While the space may be very ordered and beautiful,
we can well imagine that a sense of tolerance or
ZZZ からいく magnanimity has been lost from public space, and

Phase1 Asylum of Laziness

people, especially minorities, are unconsciously
疲労度の高い人が多く行きかう通勤・通学路沿いなどに By setting up a digital asylum where data is not
ਕ͹ླྀΗΝ ʹ ൾ࿓ౕ͹ ʹ Ի࣬য়ସ͹
とだけだらけることのできる空間を取り戻す。 taken from you, the Liberation Front creates a place
‫״‬எ ‫״‬எ ೼Ѵ
where people can spend time in accordance with
their true feelings. This digital asylum becomes
what Hannah Arendt and Judith Butler call a space
of manifestation.
The specific method is as follows. First, the
relationship between deviant behavior and
personal and environmental circumstances is
clarified through machine learning. Then, the
hidden desire for deviance is detected by
measuring personal data, weather data, and flow
data. Finally, the range and location for generating
a range that blocks data collection is determined. 
          (Kohei Douke)

Kohei Douke
1996 Born in Kanagawa, Japan /
2020 Graduated from the
University of Tokyo, Graduate
School of Frontier Sciences,
Department of Socio-Cultural
Environmental Studies / 2020- Nikken Sekkei

Shoya Ishiguro
1998 Born in Tokyo, Japan /
2022 Completed Master s
program in Architecture,
Waseda University, Faculty of
Science and Engineering,
Graduate School of Creative Science and
Engineering / 2022- Nikken Sekkei

Koki Komatsu
1996 Born in Hokkaido, Japan /
2021 Completed Master s
program in Urban Engineering,
University of Tokyo, Graduate
School of Engineering / 2021-
Nikken Sekkei Reaserch Inatitute

Honerble mention
Kotono Nagata+Akiko Ishimoto+Nanako Murakami+Seigo Ito(Takenaka Corporation,Japan)
@Watering City

Cities that once provided a vast amount of goods,

information, and opportunities and attracted us as
centers of economic activity and cultural transmission
have lost their centripetal force due to the advanced
information society and the prolonged COVID-19
pandemic. In a future where the need for real space is
becoming less and less important, we must rebuild
the relationship between people and the city, and
restore the charm of urban space filled with chance
encounters and discoveries.
Uchimizu, a historical Japanese practice of sprinkling
water, has contributed to the entire community by
sharing space with others while obtaining relief from
the heat, nurturing a rich sensibility through contact
with water, and improving community ties and
disaster prevention capabilities. We reevaluate this
cycle and propose a new mechanism that enables
men and women, young and old, to participate in the
creation of urban values through the ongoing use of Kotono Nagata(middle right)

big data in the present tense. 1993 Born in Osaka, Japan

/ 2018 Completed the
People seek out hatarakishiro(water sprinkling
graduate course at Nihon
spots)and fluctuations (relaxation spots)in urban
University / 2018 -
spaces, and participate in the creation of urban
Ta k e n a k a C o r p o r a t i o n
spaces by sprinkling water with their own hands, Design Department
making reference to the optimal spots identified by
Akiko Ishimoto(right)
the app using big data and AI. The cooling effect of
1983 Born in Mie, Japan / 2008 Graduated
sprinkling water and air currents are fed back to the
from Kyoto University Graduate School /
app through sensing media placed in the city. This
2 0 0 8 - Ta k e n a k a C o r p o r a t i o n D e s i g n
activity is not limited to the thermal environment, but Department
also nurtures various attractions such as give-and-
Nanako Murakami(left)
take communities, plant growth, children s
1991 Born in Hyogo, Japan / 2015
playgrounds, the individuality of each area, and
Completed graduate studies at University of
attachment to the urban space. These give-and-take Hyogo / 2015- Takenaka Corporation Design
communities will continue to circulate in a larger Department
cycle while remaining interconnected with each
Seigo Ito(middle left)
1995 Born in Oita, Japan / 2020 Completed
(Kotono Nagata)
graduate studies at Hiroshima University /
2 0 2 0 - Ta k e n a k a C o r p o r a t i o n D e s i g n

Honerble mention
Yuta Matsuno(Office of Yasushi Onodera)+Mika Watanabe(Mitsubishi Jisho Design,Japan)
Flood Control City Planning

 We propose a future flood control policy “Chisui-Machizukuri” integrated with town
development. Japan has experienced many disasters in recent years, compared to other
countries, it is far less safe from flooding. For this reason, there is an urgent need to realize
flood control that can cope with the increase in heavy rainfall caused by climate change.
Watershed-wide comprehensive flood control is advocated as a future flood control policy
in Japan. Watershed-wide comprehensive flood control is a policy that addresses reducing
water inflow into rivers and mitigating damage during floods, but specific methods for
achieving this have not yet been established. We propose the use of Big Data to realize
watershed-wide comprehensive flood control. Using aerial photographs, we will measure
the runoff coefficient of the entire watershed and create a basic flood control document, a
watershed-wide comprehensive flood control map, that is easy for anyone to understand
and integrate with information on reservoirs and hazard maps. The watershed-wide
comprehensive flood control map will enable the general public without specialized
knowledge to participate in flood control and town planning. This will enable a town
development that integrates flood control with everyday life. As a case study, the
Kakogawa River system was selected as the target area. We provided design plans for
representative locations of upstream, midstream, and downstream. As a result, we show
that Chisui-Machizukuri can not only increase safety against flood damage, but also create
attractive watershed.

high low
runoff coefficient
N 0m 50m 100m
0m 500m 1000m

We propose flood control city planning, a future flood control

policy that is integrated with urban development. Japan has
experienced many disasters in recent years, but compared to
other countries, it is far less safe from flooding, and there is an
urgent need to put into practice flood control measures that can
cope with the increase in heavy rainfall caused by climate
change. In Japan, watershed-based flood control has been
proposed as a future solution. While this is a policy that
addresses the reduction of water inflow into rivers and the
mitigation of damage caused by floods in a comprehensive way,
specific methods have not yet been established. We propose the
use of big data to put into practice watershed-based flood
control. We measured the runoff coefficients of an entire
watershed using aerial photographs and integrated them with
information on reservoirs and hazard maps to create a watershed
flood control map that is easy for anyone to understand and use
as a basic reference for flood control. This watershed flood
control map enables the general public to be involved in flood
control, even if they lack specialized knowledge in this domain,
enabling the creation of a flood control community that
integrates flood control with everyday life. As a case study,
design proposals were made for representative locations
upstream, midstream, and downstream of the Kakogawa River
system, showing that flood control community planning can not
only enhance safety with respect to flood damage, but also
create attractive watersheds.   ( Y u t a M a t s u n o + M i k a

Yuta Matsuno
1995 Born in Tokyo, Japan / 2018 Graduated
from University of Tokyo, Faculty of
Engineering, Department of Civil
Engineering / 2020 Graduated from
University of Tokyo Graduate School of
Engineering / 2020- Office of Yasushi Onodera

Mika Watanabe
1993 Born in Yamagata, Japan / 2016 B.S. in
Creative Science and Engineering, Waseda
University / 2018 M.S. in Social
Infrastructure, Graduate School of
Engineering, The University of Tokyo /
2018- Urban Environment Planning Department, Mitsubishi
Jisho Design

a+u Digital Issues

2023年3月号 2023年2月号 2023年1月号 2022年12月号 2022年11月号

Heatherwick Studio HARQUITECTES Becoming Frank Gehry Engineering Art Berlin
ヘザウィック・スタジオ アックアルキテクタス ビカミング・フランク・ゲーリー アーティストとエンジニア ベルリン

2022年10月号 2022年9月号 2022年8月号 2022年7月号 2022年6月号

Charles Rennie Grafton Architects 6a architects Landscape Urbanism Christian Kerez
Mackintosh グラフトン・アーキテクツ 6aアーキテクツ in France クリスチャン・ケレツ
チャールズ・レニー・マッキ フランスのランドスケープ・
ントッシュ アーバニズム

We are on Zinio!
2022年5月号 2022年4月号
Francis Kéré BRUTHER
zinio サイトでのご購入となります
フランシス・ケレ ブルーター zinio をはじめてご利用の方は、ユーザー登録が必要となります

ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM エー・アンド・ユー 〒 100-6017 東京都千代田区霞が関三丁目
2023 年 5 月号 2 番 5 号 霞が関ビルディング 17 階
Forthcoming May, 2023 発売:2023 年 4 月 27 日 TEL:03-6205-4384
No. 632 予価:2,852 円(税込) FAX:03-6205-4387
発行:(株)エー・アンド・ユー 振替:00130-5-98119
建築と都市 2023 年 5 月号予告

Ignatiou Apartment, Photo by Filip Dujardin.


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