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Assignment 1

Name: Neetu Ahuja

Registration Number: 49387

Course: Introduction to future studies

Quality Education:
Social trend:
Private institutes provide quality education through professional teachers and personalized learning.

Economical trend:
Private institute is a groundwork which boosts economy due to expensive fee plans.

Environmental trend:
Private institutes provide incredible environment.

Technological trend:
Private institutes are advanced in terms of technology and social media.

Health and Well-being:

Social trend:
Suicide Pod is decided to be used in future. It is acknowledged at social level.

Economical trend:
Suicide Pod may increase the budget of that particular country due to its high sale rate.

Environmental trend:
Suicide Pod increases level of nitrogen which in turn decreases amount of oxygen in air.

Technological trend:
Suicide Pod is becoming a major topic of discourse among people on social media.

Gender Equality:
Social trend:
Feminism promotes gender equality at social level.

Economical trend:
Feminism allows females to have more job opportunities.

Environmental trend:
Feminism allows shift in fertility changes, family structure, and gender equality.
Technological trend:
Feminism enhances awareness of gender equality through internet.

No poverty:
Social trend:
E learning must be the social trend to root out poverty.

Economical trend:
E learning increases economy by adapting workforce.

Environmental trend:
E learning abates to reduce negative impact on transportation and manufacturing.

Technological trend:
E learning allows access to training courses and communication tools.

Zero hunger:
Social trend:
Carbon finance project promote zero hunger.

Economical trend:
Carbon finance project increase agriculture productivity and rapid economic growth.

Environmental trend:
Carbon finance project help fight against the disasters are causing state of hunger.

Technological trend:
Carbon finance project is the platform to allow technological innovations in business areas.

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