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Essay question: All young people should be encouraged to live on their own as a part of becoming

more independent. Do you agree?

Nowadays, it is essential for young people to get experience from living alone. They not only
can learn to be independent but can also explore their interests and abilities. For this reason, I believe
that it is a good idea to do a life on their own.
Young people who live alone have to learn to be independent, with the result that they gain
extra taking care of themselves skills and be entirely responsible for the decisions they make. In
addition, they might deal with countless unexpectable situations, which they have to get used to
figuring out their problems on their own. For instance, they have to cope with feeling lonely from
time to time but this allows them to be mature and self-reliant.
Another major significant advantage of living alone is that pupils can get a chance to explore
their individual interests and abilities which helps them get to know themselves better. Furthermore,
Living alone also plays an important role to generate suitable habits and methods for pupils. Hence,
they can cultivate new valuable skills that help in their future career paths.
To sum up, I think it is crucial to build a living alone on their own as a habit. For all these
reasons, I'm strongly in favour of giving juveniles the chance to live independently. It is without a
doubt that despite a few burdensome aspects, this issue would still do more good than harm.

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