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NSTP-1 Midterm


Instruction: Create a short film video using any apps.

√ The expected output is individual submission.
√ Per section will be given a specific topic as content.
√ Use the assigned topic as your content
√ Your video must be maximum 3 minutes only.
√ Submit your output in our FB Group wall.
√ Please put the caption as you submit your videos (Name: Surname,
First Name, Course/Year/Section, and Date).
√ Deadline of Submission will be on October 30,2021

Creativity/Originality: 20points
Message Content: 30
points Submitted on Time:
10points Total: 60

To be included to your assign topic

Topic 1: Protocols to Prevent Spread of COVID-19
1. What is COVID-19
2. How to prevent COVID-19
3. What have you already done to help and support the community to fight against COVID-19.
4. You may add any relevant information about your topic.

Topic 2: Good Citizenship Values
1. Explain the preamble of the 1987 Philippine Constitution
2. Enumerate and discuss the good citizenship values
3. What have you already done be called as a good citizen in our Nation?
4. You may add any relevant information about your topic.

Topic 3: Drug Education
1. Briefly describe the general symptoms of drug abuse.
2. Why do young people turn to drugs?
3. What should the CWTS students do to help prevent drug abuse?
4. You may add any relevant information about your topic.

Topic 3: Disaster Risk Profile of the Philippines specifically in North Cotabato
1. What is DRRM?
2. How can DRRM helps our community?
3. Identify and make a list of hazards in your barangay and site some examples how
can you help or support to prevent such hazards.
4. You may add any relevant information about your topic.

NOTE: You may react with your classmates’ videos, but we will not accept/tolerate
negative comments, purely positive reactions only. This is to avoid any misleading
interpretation from your classmates. Failure to follow such rules will be ground for
cancellation of your membership in NSTP FB Group.

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